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Aurora Lights

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(OOC: Let the shipping begin!)


After a tickle, Thunder Dash embraced Rainbow Dash. His sister, his loyal companion ever since he was born. His two changelings came in for the hug as well. Thunder Dash hadn't felt this close to Rainbow Dash before. In fact, it was the closest he felt to her. There was no words to describe how deep the love was between them. 

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((OOC: it had begun before this moment >=3))

Aurora blushed lightly and kept kissing her,it almost baffled him that nopony cared they had left the party,oh well,he didnt care,he had Spark,and thats all he ever needed or wanted. He kept kissing her deeply and lovingly,smiling wide.

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At that moment, Thunder Dash felt it. A soft wingboner. Thunder Dash curled his large pegasus wings around Rainbow Dash. A younger sister under his wings. Rainbow Dash burrowed herself even further in as the warmth settled in. Thunder's changelings were curled up on their own hugging each other.


(OOC: A soft wingboner is a slow one, usually from romantic situations such as this.) 

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Aurora blinked and sighed softly,feeling they needed to get back to the party before things got out of hoof. Aurora blinked and slowly walked out,seeing Thunder's soft wing boner and then Dashie in his arms,he blinked and narrowed his eyes and walked over,putting his hoof on Thunder's shoulder "hop up...we still got work to do..."he says,thinking about what they could do next.

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(OOC: Oh we wouldn't have gone farther than that.)


Thunder Dash felt the pat on his shoulder. He immidiately uncoiled and let out a sigh. Rainbow Dash did the same. "Now, shall we head back to the party?" Thunder Dash asked looking at Aurora. His two changelings were still cuddling around. He gently picked them up. 

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((OOC: I know,I ave a plan.))


Aurora blinked and nodded,something was on his mind...he wouldnt tell it,of course...but he had gears in his head turning that hadnt turned in ages... Aurora's Changeling was gobbling up a pie,he blinked and stared at her "she really likes pie...hm...pie...suites her..."he murmurs,tapping his hoof to his chin "Hey,changeling,come here."he says,his changeling looking up and galloping over,she then tackles him "ok,sweety,your name is Pie."he smiled,Pie blinked and looked at him for a moment before squeeing and burying her face into him.

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Thunder Dash noticed his two changelings going for a delicious cake. However, instead of fighting, they actually talked about how to split it. "Wow, that's pretty sweet!" Thunder Dash said. The two finally came to an agreement and they split the cake in half. They then began to gobble it down. But they weren't finished yet. They looked for more cakes. 



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Aurora smiled at the changelings and Pie went to go eat some more pies. Aurora sighed and sat,sitting beside Thunder "hey..you ever thought...about what Chrysalis woulld say if she saw how happy these two are?...we have to go see her some more...I know she loves company." he says and looks at him.

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"Yeah, she would be filled with so much joy. I just wish ponies could understand that changelings have the same emotions and live just like us regular ponies. But it's just the prejudice that occurred during the Royal Wedding." Thunder Dash replied. Suddenly, one of Thunder Dash's changelings crawled on Thunder Dash's lap with a round belly full of cake. It then squeed. Thunder Dash gave it a nice belly rub. Soon, the second of Thunder Dash's changelings waddled with a belly full of cake. 

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Aurora laughed and softly pat it's head "aww little thing gotta tummy ache?"he asked and smiled,soon Pie waddled over and layed on her back,Aurora laughed softly and rubbed her belly too,he smiled as she fell asleep and snored softly,she was much smaller than the other two changelings.

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Soon, Thunder's two changelings fell asleep. Rainbow Dash had stuffed herself with delicious deserts. Thunder Dash only ate a little bit. Thunder Dash cuddled his two changelings as they were curled up sleeping. Rainbow Dash got tired and fell asleep on the floor.



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Aurora sighed and yawned,looking to the sleeping changelings and Dashie,he shakes his head as the party guests leave and hugs him,smiling wide,they hugged Thunder as well before they left,Aurora picked up his now heavier little Pie and slept with her cuddled into him.

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"Well, that was an awesome party. I wonder what will be in store for us tomorrow?" Thunder Dash asked Aurora as his two changelings were sleeping. "Let's head to our room and get some shuteye for tomorrow." Thunder Dash suggested as he got up and gently picked up his two changelings. 

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Aurora yawned and nodded,following his friend quietly to not wake the sleeping little ones. Pie dreamed of kissing Aurora,for some odd reason,it was her goal,to kiss him...she just wanted to know why he and Spark did it so much,and why they liked it so much.

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Spark went up to them "Night guard training that's what's in store for you tomorrow. be sure to get plenty of rest because we wake at dusk." She briefly wondered whether or not Aurora would notice the magical dreamcatcher. She kind of hopesd he would and ask her about it, he hadn't noticed the necklace either.

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Aurora sighed and remember to ask her,but he was just too tired,he fell asleep as he snuggled his little changeling,he didnt drema of anything that night...nothing at all...besides the evil laughs of Discord...he felt an eerie chill within himself...he knew he had to get this looked at by Luna...

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Thunder Dash went to his bed with Dashie and his changelings by his side. For some reason his mind was blank. He felt that same eerie chill that Aurora had. Something was indeed not right. He decided to get up and search for Luna, leaving Rainbow Dash and his two changelings sleeping.


He flew out of the RGAF base and into the Everfree Forest, which was where Luna was. He soon found her lying in a patch of tall grass. He bowed to her and explained that he felt some sort of evil spirit of chaos looming around. Luna stated that Discord had already been redeemed by Fluttershy and of course, the changelings had just been converted. "I really hope those dang Griffons are not going into any sorcery..." Thunder Dash said. He then flew back to the RGAF base where he fell back asleep.


(OOC: Keep Calm and Flutter On reference)  

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((OOC: I know....hmmm lets make it even more intersting...THEY have to reform Discord...))

Aurora tossed slightly in his sleep,he woke early early in the morning and looked around,he yawned and looked at Dashie,he needed and wanted to spend more time with her,he loved to play with her.

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(OOC: That'll just make it Keep Calm and Flutter On all over again. I think putting the Griffons in is an idea.)


Thunder Dash woke early to find a scroll right next to him. It was from Luna. "Hey Aurora. Come over here." Thunder Dash said. "It's a note from Luna." He added. The note read:


"Dear Thunder Dash,


Last night I sent some of my top spies to the Griffon Kingdom and sure enough, some of the griffons are in fact practicing sorcery, preferably dark magic. They spies stated that they plan to attack YOUR RGAF base, take it for themselves, which is only a few steps from their goal: to overthrow Princess Celestia and rule all over Equestria. Please be warned. You must tell the top General at once.


Your faithful Princess of the Night,




"This is not good. Those stupid Griffons are at it again. We've got to end this ONCE and for all!" Thunder Dash said hitting his hoof on the bed, which startled one of his changelings. "Sorry." Thunder Dash said looking at the changeling in the eyes. 

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Aurora yawned and nodded,he sighed and brushed is teeth "stupid griffons...we'll show'em what for."he says and spits out the toothpaste before rinseing out his mouth and walking over "looks like we need to suit up and tell the Guard to be in top shape."he syas and softly snuggles Pie again,she giggles and pushes him away softly.

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"Those Griffons won't know what hit them, once we shut them down for good. They'll think twice before messing with us again." Thunder Dash said as his currents built up. Rainbow Dash suddenly woke. "Huh? Is it morning yet?" Rainbow asked. "Yup, it's time to get up Rainbow." Thunder Dash said picking up Rainbow Dash and tickling her. Rainbow Dash giggled trying to get away. Suddenly, Thunder Dash heard hissing. His two changelings had just woke. 


(OOC: Changelings hiss when they wake.)

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Aurora smiled and when Pie truly woke,she hissed a cute little hiss and yawned,shaking her head to get the sleepiness away,she then stands and jumps on Aurora's back playfully,he smiles and plays with her "ok Pie,I gotta go do some stuff,you have to stay here,and promise to be good."he says,Pie nods and smiles.

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Thunder's two changelings stuck around with Pie. Two girls and a boy.


Meanwhile Thunder Dash went to talk to the General who was furious that the Griffons had started to learn dark magic. "I am sending you, Aurora, Rainbow Dash and a few others to shut those Griffons down!" The General barked. "Boy, he's mad. We'd better take care of those Griffons ASAP." Thunder Dash thought to himself.  

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Aurora nodded and looked around,he put on a Ghillie suit and took a huge sniper rifle,a Barret M99 .50 cal,he got as mush ammo for it as he could hold,and a Micro Uzi SMG as a side arm,he sighed and nodded to Thunder,putting his ear piece in "can you hear me?"he asked into the ear piece.

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"Yeah, good. It's working. Now, let us head to the Griffon Kingdom. They're probably about to strike us. Let's give them a little "surprise"." Thunder Dash said with a little sneer. Thunder Dash then rose into the air. "The Griffon Kingdom is just beyond the east Macintosh Mountains." Rainbow Dash said. "How'd you know?" Thunder Dash asked. "That's where that false friend of mine Gilda is." She said a little annoyed that they had to go there.  

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