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private The Equestrian Secret Pony Agency: Case of the Stolen Crystal Heart (FULL)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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"I don't mind. No I can't see light and the way I tell day and night is through the noises. I listened to audios of research books so that I would be able to tell. In the morning, the birds are chirping, but that's kind of a given. It's a little harder for times like noon, cuz you have to listen to the mood that people are in. Night is easy, it gets colder and it's silent. A perk about being blind is that It's always relaxing when it's silent cuz you can't see anything else. It's like your in a pit of relaxation. That's why I love the night, it's so relaxing. It makes me feel... better." He twitched his ears and looked at Midnight. "Sorry, that was kind of a long reply for such a straight forward question." He glanced at the sky. "Sometimes I wish I could see what a star looks like. It gets a little frustrating hearing people talk about how beautiful the stars are, and I'm not allowed to see them." The unicorn sighed. and lied down

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Agent Thunder quickly lied down. "Alright everypony, get as much sleep as you can. We'll be up early. We'll spy on the base without interfering it's magic barrier." Agent Thunder said as fell asleep. That night, Agent Thunder had many thoughts, thoughts about what the culprits are using the Crystal Heart for. 

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(OOC: Sorry guys!  I had two dinner dances and I am wiped out)


Midnight lied down next to Agent Echo.  "Oh.  Okay.  I would ask a million questions about what it is like, but I think we should start falling asleep or at least quiet down.  Are you nervous about going in the headquarters alone?" She asked him, yawning.

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"Well considering we're supposed to be on the night watch, you can ask any questions you'd like." He smiled to himself and looked at the tired mare. "Oh, I'm extremely nervous. If you'd like to sleep you can. I'll take the first watch. I need to think over my plan for tomorrow."

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"Bah," grumbled Moon Crypt. He had stayed behind for another few hours trying to collect more information, but for all that time wasted, he got nothing that he didn't already know. Hmph. He sighed and activated one of his devices, teleporting him to Agent Thunder. He was asleep, but the others were awake. "Oh! Hello there, Agents Echo and Midnight. How art thou?"

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Agent Echo perked up at the sound of Moon Crypt. He twitched his ears and turned towards the changeling. "Oh hello Agent Moon. Agent Midnight and I were going to take the first night watch, but it seems that she might go to sleep. " He gave a grin to the mare next to him. "Anyways, did you find any info back at the library?"

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He shook his head. "No, it was an all in all waste of time." He sighed. "Well... what did you guys deduce/discover? And did anything important happen during that time period?" He stretched and settled down on a blanket nearby, though staying wide awake.


((It's good to be back. I feel good! derpy_emoticon1.png :muffins: :muffins: :muffins:))

Edited by Thunder Knight
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"Nothing new to report. We're gonna think of a plan tomorrow." Echo realized he still didn't have the colors of the uniform right. "Um, Agent Moon could you tell me what colors the uniform was?"


((Good to have you back :) You dont actually have to make up the colors, you could just write that you told me.))

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((You could have made them up if you wanted :P))


"I'm doing..." Not very good "...ok." He didn't want the changeling to think that he was nervous. "I'm doing ok. Anyway thanks for telling me the colors." Echo used his magic to correct the guise. "Does that look good?" The colors were wrong but Echo didn't know because he can't actually see color.

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((You could have made them up if you wanted tongue.png))


"I'm doing..." Not very good "...ok." He didn't want the changeling to think that he was nervous. "I'm doing ok. Anyway thanks for telling me the colors." Echo used his magic to correct the guise. "Does that look good?" The colors were wrong but Echo didn't know because he can't actually see color.


He looked at him, thinking about saying yes, then changing his mind. "No, they aren't." He grabbed the disguise kit off of Echo and typed a few things in before correcting the color scheme. "You know, if you are going to infiltrate the base, I could come with you. Me being a changeling and all of that is sure to come in handy."

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Echo tried not to rush when he answered. "Uh, yea. That'd probably be a good idea. I'll admit i'm a bit nervous but if I have someone with me, it won't be so bad." He smiled at Agent Moon. Echo hadn't realized how nervous he was until Agent Moon came along. "Thank you, by the way." He tried not to seem too relieved.

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"You're welcome. I need to get going again. I've been sitting behind a desk too long." He stretched. "So, do we know anything about this base, other than it's crawling with mafia? I think that may be important. Knowledge is power!" He smiled and started humming to himself underneath his breath, waiting for a response.

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(%$#@!@#!@?! The one time I'm not on the computer for a job and everyone else is!  I'm cool now.  I find that so strange O.o)


Agent Midnight started yawning more frequently.  "Okay.  Wake me up when you are ready for me to take the next post" She said starting to drift off into sleep.  She laid her head down and closed her eyes.

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Echo looked at Midnight a little longer than he should have. "Will do Agent Midnight." The blind unicorn looked back at Agent Moon. "I used my acute hearing to listen for heartbeats, and frankly there aren't a lot of them. Only a few inside. It could be some kind of trap and most of them are in some type of sound proof room." Echo had been joking, but now he thought about what he had just said. "Actually that might be it..."

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"No need to become paranoid about it, Echo," Moon said, sighing. "I'll go in real quick and have a nip around to see that your theory is correct. But it probably isn't. It's probably just another mafia that just took it way too far and are about to get the... well, you get it."

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Morning soon came and Agent Thunder was the first one up. "Alright everypony, morning's here, time to wake up." He said as he stretched out and when about getting his communicator from his bag. He then checked in with Cadence to see how she held up for the night. She still had much strength. 

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Agent Moon nodded, having stayed up through the night. "Morning, Agent Thunder. How was yesterday for you?" He stretched and stood up straight. "I trust it went well?" He checked his equipment. Check, check and check. He had it all, alright. "So... what's the plan?"



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"We'll take this day to spy on the base. Both in the day and night, the security will be very tight, plus at night, they strengthen the magic sensors. So, we can either, interfere the magic sensor's power source, or use no magic at all. But we can't go without magic." Agent Thunder explained. 

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Echo woke up to the sound of Agent Thunder and Agent Moon talking. He hadn't even realized that he had fallen asleep. He rubbed his  eyes and stood up. He used his sonar to find where the two agents were and he walked over to them. "Oh well good morning comrades. What have you guys been talking about?"

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"Wait, who says we need magic? I know I don't." Curious said cheekily as he woke up.


"So, perhaps I can make it my mission to interrupt their magic sensor's power source." Curious started to readjust his scarf. "though, I would have to leave this behind to do it, it's the only magical thing I keep on me. But, I can easily enough do without it for a while."

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"Well, since we've got a changeling in the group, let's let him disable the sensors, but he must look EXACTLY like the enemy, or else they would know that something's up. Another thing to consider is that the enemy may think that one of their own is betraying them, so Agent Moon, you've gotta make this quick as possible." Agent Thunder explained. 

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"Alright... As quick as possible? I'll be back in a few hours. Just show me the base." He said, shrugging. "And, Curious... could you do me a favor by perhaps creating a quick escape, just in case? The first times are always the hardest." He then looked at the pictures and transformed using every detail he could obtain from the partially blurred picture. "This might get me in, but I'm not sure if it'll keep me in."

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Agent Midnight yawned and looked around.  Echo wasn't next to her.  She stretched and got up, walking over by the others. She heard what they were talking about.  "Wait.  What if you can't escape?" She asked them.  She have done robbery cases before, but they were not a group of bandits.

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