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private The Equestrian Secret Pony Agency: Case of the Stolen Crystal Heart (FULL)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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Agent Thunder then realized they left Agent Curious behind. He then got out his communicator. "Hey Agent Curious, you can tag along with us. We're just heading over to the market to chat with the townsponies there to see if there's any evidence of the enemy trespassing the area." Agent Thunder said. 

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"Really, sir. It's fine. It's fine. I'll stick around this little base just in case of, you know, whatever." Curious quickly said before abruptly shutting off his communicator.


Curious never did like working with others. For several years he did everything solo. It was nice to take a break from his fellow agents for a while. "Though... I really have to admit to myself, don't much want to just stay put. I know Agent Thunder said we should stick away from their base, but... no, I really shouldn't."

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"Alright, that's fine. I'll send over the evidence we find directly to your communicator's email box." Agent Thunder said as he put the communicator back in his bag and kept up with the others. 


Soon, they arrived at the market. There were many ponies walking around and exchanging goods for bits. Surprisingly, the Saddle Arabian ponies used the same bits as in Ponyville. 

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Echo "looked" around. Since the image on the bits was slightly three-dimensional, he also could tell they used the same bits. "Same type of bits. That could be helpful." He turned towards the nearest pony. "Excuse me sir do you know anything about the crime organization that has a base near here?"


((Thunder Dash I'll let you control the pony. Don't want to seem like I'm godmodding...))

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(OOC: Yes, as I mentioned earlier, as DM, I have full control over outside ponies, guards, Royal associates and enemy ponies)


"I'm afraid not. But there's a certain pony who could help you with all of the news and everything that is going on around here. I don't know his name, but his cutie mark is a scroll with writing on it. He has a semi-dark brown coat and a mane a little lighter than his coat." The pony replied. 

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"Thank you kindly sir." He gave the pony twenty bits and went back to Thunder and Midnight. "Somepony just told me there's a guy we can go see that knows the happenings around here. He said he didn't know a name, but the pony has a brown coat and a lighter brown mane. Oh and his cutie mark is a scroll. I guess I won't be much help since I can't see colors or cutie marks."

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"Alright, we'll just have to scout out and try to find him." Agent Thunder said. "Augh! Now's the time I wish Agent Curious was here. We could've split into two groups of two, which would make things go a lot faster." Thunder Dash said to himself with a facehoof. "Alright then, all three of us will have to stick together in this one." Agent Thunder said rather disappointed that Agent Curious was not there. 

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Curious was sitting bored with his right fore hoof making circles in the water of the oasis. "I said I would stay behind, but really  just wanted some time alone." he got up, and looked in the direction the others had walked in. "Well, it's not like they'll be checking up on me anytime soon, hopefully." He checked his communicator, a single email had been sent, "brown coat, lighter mane, scroll cutie mark. Should be easy enough to find."


He left his communicator behind, as he began to fly, low to the ground, in the direction of the Saddle Arabian village. "Just need to make sure to avoid the others while I am at it."

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Midnight started looking around. "Alright. Brown coat, lighter mane" she said to herself. She walked around the market, looking at every corner of the market. Midnight continues as she saw what the description was. He looked like a rather young stallion, with a dark brown coat and lighter brown mane. His scroll cutie mark was shining in his coat. He was sitting in a corner, wearing glasses and reading a newspaper. She turned to Thunder. "Is this him? I'll go up and ask him if you'd like" she asked him.

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(OOC: Hey guys, not to double post or anything, but I'll be off completely for a week until the 6th of July.  I will be on a missions trip and there will be no wi-fi. :(  Try not to get too far ahead!  I'll be on early tomorrow to see if anyone posted.  If no one posts before then, see ya in a week ;) )

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(OOC: You know, you could've just posted that in the OOC topic. Anyway)


Agent Thunder nodded. "That's him." Agent Thunder said as he waited for Agent Midnight to go and adress the stallion whom they needed to talk with. He hoped that the stallion had the news that they needed. 

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(OOC: OMG I totally forgot about that! Sorry! And as you can see I'm back)


Agent Midnight grabbed the picture of one of the bandits from the pegasus and started walking towards the pony with the brown coat, lighter brown mane, and scroll cutie mark.  As she got closer, the stallion noticed her as she was almost to a stop at him.  She coughed and got his attention.  "Excuse me, sir.  I was told you are the pony to look for for information around Saddle Arabia.  Do you know, by any chance, of a crime organization located in this area?" She questioned him.

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The pony examined the picture. "Hmmm, it looks kind of familiar. But...I don't quite recall seeing that pony around...wait a sec, I've seen that mark before! This mark is from a super secret gang that is trying to do something, but I just can't figure out what that something is..." The pony said trying to think. 

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Midnight wondered if she should say if she knew that the secret gang has the Crystal Heart.  He doesn't  seem to know what they plan on doing. She looked at the picture and noticed the blurred image of the Crystal Heart on the thief's back.  "That seems to look like the Crystal Heart.  Do you have any ideas of what they could plan on doing with the heart?" She asked the stallion.

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The pony looked at the image. "Ah! The crystal heart! There are so many things the Crystal Heart can be used for. You see, I'm actually an undercover agent, but...I don't work for ESPA. Instead, I work alongside the Saddle Arabian News Press, spying on evil gangs for intel." The pony explained. 

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Agent Midnight sighed of a little relief.  "I guess you figured out that I'm an agent.  I guess it was actually kind of obvious.  I'm new to these major missions.  Thank you for the information and if you have anything new, please contact me or the unicorn and pegasus over  there" She replied.  She started walking towards the stallions.


"So he figured out I was an agent.  Don't get on your high-horse please.  He is an undercover agent as well, but for spying on villains for information in Saddle Arabia.  He told me that he recognized the gang in the picture and they are located in Saddle Arabia.  I asked him to get to me if he has anything vital about the gang" She explained to the Agents.

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Echo, with his superior hearing, laughed a little. "I heard what he said. I don't think he knew you were an agent. ESPA is pretty well known so I think he just wanted to tell the questioning mare what association he was a part of. But yes, having another pony to help is great." 

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Agent Midnight gave a little smile. "Yeah. I guess so. He would make a good help. So, Agent Thunder, where to next? Should we try to infiltrate the headquarters or wait to see what else happens?" She asked the stallion as she padded the ground with her hoof. She thought of something. What if the stallion is actually part of the gang? Midnight! What are you thinking! He's obviously going to help us. Yeah. You have a point. She shook off the thought.

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"Well, before we do that, let's head back to the oasis with this guy and see if he could give us some intel on what these so-called mafia ponies plan to do with the Crystal Heart." Agent Thunder said. "An oasis, that sounds lovely." The pony said as he followed behind Agent Thunder. "Hopefully Agent Moon hasn't gotten into any trouble..." Agent Thunder thought to himself. 

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Agent Midnight walked behind the pony. "So, I never asked what your name is. My name is Midnight Glow. How did you end up working for a part of the press?" She asked as they walked out of the market. She was a little suspicious of the pony. Hmmm... He must have at least one person with the enemies in order to get information. But, he is a spy

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"Huh oh, well, my name...is Brown Scrolls. I originally was a historian who discovered some ancient scrolls, back even before Ponyville was founded." Brown Scrolls said. "You know about Ponyville?" Agent Thunder asked surprised. "Yes, I've had to go there for a couple of duties." Brown Scrolls said. 


Soon they arrived at the Oasis, they saw Agent Curious sitting. "Hey Agent Curious, there's somepony I want you to meet." Agent Thunder siad as he pointed to Brown Scrolls. "This is Brown Scrolls. He'll he with us for some time." Agent Thunder said. 

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(OOC: Where are the others?  I mean in real life. They haven't posted in a while)


Agent Midnight sat near the oasis, listening to the Agent Thunder introducing Brown Scrolls to the others.  She kept thinking about the Crystal Heart and what Brown Scrolls will have to say to the others and how they will infiltrate the headquarters.

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(OOC: Where are the others?  I mean in real life. They haven't posted in a while)


Agent Midnight sat near the oasis, listening to the Agent Thunder introducing Brown Scrolls to the others.  She kept thinking about the Crystal Heart and what Brown Scrolls will have to say to the others and how they will infiltrate the headquarters.

Echo couldn't see facial expressions. But he learned how to read body language. Midnight was staying very still. Echo presumed she was lost in thought. "Hey, you're thinking about something. What's up?"


((I never left. Just haven't found a place to reply)) blerp

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Midnight jerked her head, hearing Echo's voice.  "Oh hey! Yeah I was actually thinking about quite a couple things.  I just want to get into the headquarters and retrieve the Crystal Heart, but I know it doesn't come that easy.  Also, I feel a little suspicious about Brown Scrolls.  Just something about him rubs my coat the wrong way" She explained to the unicorn.

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Agent Thunder kept thinking and Brown Scrolls busy reading an article about the Crystal Empire. "What's that you got there?" Agent Thunder asked coming a bit closer to Brown Scrolls. "Oh it's just an article I managed to pick up before I journeyed back here." Brown Scrolls replied. 

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