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private Celestial Conquest: Adventure in the Great Beyond


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"Unless you've started keeping your weapons in my room...its mine." He said. "And yes...we're meeting here...er...wherever his ship is. Somewhere around here." He muttered, looking around. "Well...I think he's this way." He said, smiling and walking off down the docks in a random direction.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Shit... was the only thought that circled through Storm's mind when she woke up from her slumber, the whole bed stank of alcohol. An empty and transparent bottle was rolling through the bed. She guessed the wet spot under it was the main cause of the smell.


The wave of nostalgia that had hit her the day before was back, now mixed with an awful headache. She didn't want to get out of the bed, there was no reason for her to do so. She rolled a few times in bed until she found a new position she was comfortable in, trying to unnecessarily extend her sleep in order to waste time she didn't want to use.


After a few minutes a knock on the door woke her again. She got up and muttered a short "I'm coming!" towards the door just to find her landlord behind it. "What do you want?" she asked.

- "I'm here to collect rent"

- "I will bring it to you later. Let me get ready and I'll bring it personally"


She turned around and pushed the door for it to close. Instead of the clicking noise of the lock she heard the door bouncing back at something. When she turned around she noticed the earth pony had entered the apartment. She stared the pony. Just to make sure he hadn't misheard she repeated in a slow and controlled manner "I said I will pay it to you later"


The stallion continued moving towards her grabbing her mane and answered "I have no need for your bits this month" - with a sickening smirk he continued - "But I'm pretty sure you can give me what I want". She noticed that, even though she usually wouldn't even go to bed without her blade, right now she was unarmed.


With a forceful push the pony sent Storm spraying to the bed. He followed shortly. The colt was bigger and stronger than her, making her attempts to fight his grip futile. After some struggling, Storm grabbed the empty bottle and swung it against his head, causing the bottle to shutter and the attacker to lose balance. The earth pony landed on the ground, writhing in pain.


Storm picked herself up, grabbed the remains of the bottle and addressed the stallion "You will never do this again". She was about to make sure he would never do something alike again. She wrapped her hoof around the bottle , making sure she had god grip and rammed the bottle into his chest.




Shattering noises of glass and the colt's ribcage was everything there was to be heard for several seconds. Then silence took over, leaving Storm alone in her sadness. She felt no pity for the pony, no remorse for her action, but she felt that in past times she would have felt guilty for what she had done.


The lack of remorse was way worse than the feeling of remorse itself. It felt like something deep inside the mare had been irreparably broken, she had grown to be a coldblooded killer with a total lack of empathy for any living being. Her mind was clear while planning her next steps, she needed to leave the apartment, grab whatever she could and pack it into her spaceship.


After a few hours of moving every single one of her belongings to her ship, she decided the most clever move would be to go and find Aquila. As much as she hated it he was the closest she had to a friend right now and the only one who was able to help her to get her old life back.



  On 2013-07-14 at 4:40 AM, Durandal said:

"Of course," Aegis replied, the shutters lifting. Without another word, Aquila left, heading towards Makaanika's shop.


Finding his ship was no quest for Storm, and after she had reached it she decided for the formal approach of knocking politely against the hull.  Waiting for the colt to open.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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(Shit sorry, I thought I had replied to this, my bad)


"Wasn't his ship the...other...never mind then" Metal Gear frowned as he kicked his wings into action and flew down the street after Slicer, getting some funny looks from several ponies on the way. "So, ya got a plan I take it? Are we gonna actually do what he wants, or we bein' paid upfront?" 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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  On 2013-07-14 at 5:05 AM, Mellon Collie said:

Deadeye raised his his leg with a still bloody bullet wound. "I have been injured. Once we get back to my ship, I'll need you to look at it and then see what you can do with my ship. Some buckin' saboteur posing as a mechanic bucked with it. He's the same fella who shot me. Let's go." He led the bot back to where his ship was. "Where the buck is it!?"

"By accessing the extra-net and speaking from it's memory banks, this unit can determine that there is a 82.5 chance that it has been stolen."

He did a few more calculations.

"After a debate, the programs operating this unit can agree that it has been stolen. Most likely an inside job."

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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  On 2013-07-18 at 10:01 PM, Yes-Man said:

"By accessing the extra-net and speaking from it's memory banks, this unit can determine that there is a 82.5 chance that it has been stolen."

He did a few more calculations.

"After a debate, the programs operating this unit can agree that it has been stolen. Most likely an inside job."

"Godammit!!!" he roared. "I gotta find Aquila. I left it with him. Maybe he knows...Come on." He stalks off to find the him, going to where he had left him. He didn't know where else to look...


After a while, they arrived, but nopony was there. He let out an angry growl. "What now!?"

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"After several calculations, 1,456 out of 1,557 of the programs in this unit suggest looking for clues and such. A diary or hoof prints, perhaps."

He began scanning the area, searching for anything that would give a clue to who- or what- stole DeadEye's ship.


Edited by Yes-Man

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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  On 2013-07-18 at 11:24 PM, Yes-Man said:

"After several calculations, 1,456 out of 1,557 of the programs in this unit suggest looking for clues and such. A diary or hoof prints, perhaps."

He began scanning the area, searching for anything that would give a clue to who- or what- stole DeadEye's ship.


"Yeah...yeah...scan for any evidence. We're looking for a stallion who was here awhile ago...he had a sword...and liked other colts...that's all I know..." He shook his head. Things weren't going his way today. He looked around himself, but found nothing. "If we don't get anything, we'll go back to where my ship was. I told Aquila to meet me there eventually..."

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(Firstly, I apologize for my absence. I have been playing technician with my computer for a couple days now, since it has been barely functional. It finally gave out on me last night, so I'm using a laptop to write this. Assume Aquila is at the docks again when you reply Melon.)


Aegis Fate ran through the recording of their conversation, analyzing Aquila. Analyzing his responses. Aquila had fleed the conversation, leaving without a proper answer. Aegis wanted to know what effect he had on the pony, so he looked to what his body spoke.

Every move of a muscle was another datapoint, another hint of the stallion's emotions. From this he could discover with some accuracy exactly what Aquila thought. It had always fascinated Aegis how organics worked - the subtle emotion behind their body's movements. Unlike himself, the inner mechanisms of these creatures were discernable through every fiber of their being. It was admirable, the level of expression they could achieve. It was far past his own capabilities.


Only minutes into his analysis, an outside stimuli disrupted the peace of his inner sanctum. A sigh echoed throughout his processors as he allowed the analysis to fade into the background. It did not require his attention anyways - other, baser processes could pick apart the footage. The presence of another demanded higher priority and processing power.


Turning his attention to the disturbance, he realized that a single, one mare was present, rapping upon his hull. He analyzed her. Hooded, with a body several shades of yellow and green. She appeared nervous, out of place. Wary. Curious. Rarely does anyone wish to speak with Aquila.


"State name and intention," He called, his voice channeling itself into the speakers outside the door. Returning to his recordings, he became aware that the pony Aquila had talked about was a mare. Though the correlation meant little, the time between the two events was curious. Perhaps Aquila had been correct in his assumption that she would come after him.



Aquila was about halfway to his destination when he recieved a message on his personal communicator.

"Mare arrived at ship. Coat is a pale yellow, hair and eyes green. Hooded. Know her?" Aquila grit his teeth. That cutthroat was bold, returning to him on such short notice.

"It's that cutthroat. Why is she there?" He responded, turning the corner. He made sure to avoid running into pedestrians.

"Have already asked. Waiting for response. Revenge?" Aquila grimaced.

"Perhaps. Keep me updated," Aquila finished. No response.


Making the rest of the way to his destination, Aquila rapped on the old stallion's door. After a muffled, "come in!" Aquila entered.

"Is it ready?" Aquila asked, searching for him. Makaanika popped his head out, smiling.

"Yes. And I didn't hit my head this time! See what knocking can do?" Makaanika said, a sly grin upon his face.

"It prevents concussions?" Aquila offered, enterring Deadeye's vessel.

"You were always quick on the uptake," Makaanika smirked, wagging his wrench at Aquila. "As for the ship, tell your friend to get something better. I was able to get it working again, but this thing isn't aging well," he continued, rapping on the vessel's hull.

"Well you can tell him that in person then, Makaanika. Come along, he's probably at his dock already, wondering where his ship went."

Makaanika wiped his face off as Aquila spoke. "Why isn't he with you?"

Aquila sighed. "It's a long story. The fool didn't even exchange any information, so I couldn't contact him. If he isn't there, his loss." Makaanika gave him a hard stare.

"Well, I have to get paid somehow. If he isn't there, I get his ship."

Aquila nodded, turning to leave. "Come along," he nodded his head towards the exit, "the towing service will likely beat us there. Your assistant can handle them when they get here."

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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  On 2013-07-19 at 3:02 AM, Durandal said:


"State name and intention," He called, his voice channeling itself into the speakers outside the door. Returning to his recordings, he became aware that the pony Aquila had talked about was a mare. Though the correlation meant little, the time between the two events was curious. Perhaps Aquila had been correct in his assumption that she would come after him.

Storm cocked her head at the unexpected voice. The voice was clean, melodic, like it was synthesized by a machine. She guessed it had to be a machine, but maybe it was just a pony with a really soft voice. Whatever was behind that speaker asked her something she didn't know.


"I'm not here for games, Aquila" - she thought it would be best to ignore the fact she wasn't talking to him personally. She felt like it had been a stupid idea to go there, but she wasn't about to give up. - "I'm not gonna leave"


She was tired and felt like a stampede had run her over. So she just sat down to wait and see if anything happened.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Cerberus scanned for a few minutes, and then emitted a loud beep.

"Master DeadEye, this unit has built consensus with the other units in the area, and can infer that the ship is likely to be held at these coordinates."

He handed DeadEye a small flash drive, and then went back to scanning.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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  On 2013-07-21 at 2:00 AM, Yes-Man said:


Cerberus scanned for a few minutes, and then emitted a loud beep.

"Master DeadEye, this unit has built consensus with the other units in the area, and can infer that the ship is likely to be held at these coordinates."

He handed DeadEye a small flash drive, and then went back to scanning.

"Alright. We'll have to investigate there soon if the ship doesn't turn up. Otherwise, we'll come back and investigate. For now, I think we should see if Aquila meets me back where the ship was. Hopefully, he brought the ship with him." Those last few words had a hint of anger in them.

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"Yes master, directing a course towards there."

It took him a bit, but he noticed the traces of anger in his voice.

"If nessecary, this unit is ready for interrogation and/or legalized murder."

His voice was cold, unmoving when he said that. He had no problem with killing.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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Aegis watched through the ship's external cameras as the mare brushed off his inquiry, sitting down in front of the ship's door dejectedly. Her voice was tense, desperate - not the sort of voice Aegis expected from one determined to kill another. The desperation in her voice felt like a cry for help. Whether she was manipulating her emotions or not, however, Aegis' response remained the same.


"I am Aegis Fate, the AI controlling this vessel. If you seek audience with Aquila, then I repeat: State name, and intention," he explained, hoping his words would sink in.




As he and Makaanika arrived, they found the ship in the same spot it was before. Before he could look around for Deadeye, his communicator began to ring.


"'I'm not here for games, Aquila. I'm not gonna leave.' Voice tense, desperate. Either truthfully so or manipulating emotions."


Aquila stared at the text on the screen, gritting his teeth. This mare was getting on his last nerve. Even if she wasn't trying to play some mind game with him, why did she think he cared for a miserable cutthroat such as herself?


Because you're better than that, a small voice whispered.


Oh shut up. He pushed the thought into the back of his mind, locking it into a deep, dark room. He had business to attend to.

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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  On 2013-07-21 at 6:19 AM, Durandal said:

Durandal, on 21 Jul 2013 - 08:19 AM, said:



"I am Aegis Fate, the AI controlling this vessel. If you seek audience with Aquila, then I repeat: State name, and intention," he explained, hoping his words would sink in.

Storm's expression changed when she heard the name of the AI. "You're an Aegis...!?" her mood was suddenly lightened, she addressed the machine. "Oh my...! I thought you were never completed. What version are you running on?"


The authorization request was something she still didn't want to fulfill. "Aquila knows who I am. And he knows I'm coming!" she answered, but ammended for herself "Why I'm here is something none of us knows."


The whole ship suddenly had turned into the center of her interest. Since she had left the military, progress was something she had not experienced. The Aegis project had been something she had collaborated on, she had considered it to be cancelled when she had left. The mare continued to inspect the ship in front of her in detail while she waited for a response from the AI.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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(Sorry for not waiting, but I'm just gonna move this along a bit)


The pair trotted along for a while until they could make out a ship in the distance.

"Master, is this the ship you are looking for?"

He began putting up firewalls to exert out any hacking attempts.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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  On 2013-07-21 at 3:06 PM, Yes-Man said:

(Sorry for not waiting, but I'm just gonna move this along a bit)


The pair trotted along for a while until they could make out a ship in the distance.

"Master, is this the ship you are looking for?"

He began putting up firewalls to exert out any hacking attempts.

"Yes!" he exclaimed, walking up to it and touching the side of it with his hoof. "And it looks like it was repaired after all! Aquila did it! Now we just have to wait for the mercs I hired to come with us, and we can finally leave the planet. We gotta hurry." He went to the entrance of the ship and opened it. "Inspect it for safety or sabotage."

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"Yes, Master DeadEye."

Cerberus's eyes turned red for a bit, and he began to scan the area. A loud beep was emitted from his horn area, and he went back to normal.

"Is this ship equipped with an AI, Master DeadEye."

While he wasn't exactly nervous, his programming did notify him of the dangers of an unshackled AI.

Edited by Yes-Man

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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  On 2013-07-21 at 7:30 PM, Yes-Man said:

"Yes, Master DeadEye."

Cerberus's eyes turned red for a bit, and he began to scan the area. A loud beep was emitted from his horn area, and he went back to normal.

"Is this ship equipped with an AI, Master DeadEye."

While he wasn't exactly nervous, his programming did notify him of the dangers of an unshackled AI.

"There's a crappy autopilot program, but that's about it. I can't afford one of those fancy AI systems the Coalition has been implementing in their ships lately," he said plainly, looking around at the freshly repaired ship. "She's a beaut, isn't she?" he asked rhetorically.

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"But this unit could clearly detect a synthetic program on board this ship... Failure noted, will recalibrate scanning systems momentarily."

He stood there for a few minutes, and scanned again.

"The AI is still..."

Cerberus decided it was a lost cause, and moved on to Priority 2.

"This unit has detected sapient life-forms within 20 yards of the area. We recommend caution."

Edited by Yes-Man

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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  On 2013-07-21 at 9:05 PM, Yes-Man said:

"But this unit could clearly detect a synthetic program on board this ship... Failure noted, will recalibrate scanning systems momentarily."

He stood there for a few minutes, and scanned again.

"The AI is still..."

Cerberus decided it was a lost cause, and moved on to Priority 2.

"This unit has detected sapient life-forms within 20 yards of the area. We recommend caution."

"Sapient lifeforms? Find them. Maybe Aquila is still here," he ordered. But maybe we have another saboteur, he thought, taking Cerberus' advice and being cautious. He looked around, trying to find out where, and more importantly who, this 'sapient life' is.

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A compartment in Cerberus's side opened, holding a small magic shotgun inside. He levitated it towards his front, and started looking around.


He soon came upon a small door. He opened it, and inside was a console with surveillance of all rooms in the ship. Ponies could be seen in a few of them.

"Master DeadEye, this unit has found the sapient life forms in the area.

Cerberus then began attempting to hack the ship's systems, which alerted every scanner in the area.

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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  On 2013-07-21 at 9:43 PM, Yes-Man said:

A compartment in Cerberus's side opened, holding a small magic shotgun inside. He levitated it towards his front, and started looking around.


He soon came upon a small door. He opened it, and inside was a console with surveillance of all rooms in the ship. Ponies could be seen in a few of them.

"Master DeadEye, this unit has found the sapient life forms in the area.

Cerberus then began attempting to hack the ship's systems, which alerted every scanner in the area.

"Good, where are they? AH! What did you do, Cerberus!?" he growled, covering his ears as the alarms went off. He walked over to the console and typed a bit, shutting the alerts down. "Cerberus, do not touch this unless I tell you to...or if there is an emergency." He sighed, sitting back in his chair. "There's Aquila. Take me to him."

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"We apologize master. We will make sure this doesn't happen again."

He looked over his memory logs, and accessed the extranet for maps of ships of similar design. He then led DeadEye towards Aquila's location, which was behind a door. A locked door.

"Master, the door is locked. I am sure you could open it yourself."

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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  On 2013-07-21 at 10:16 PM, Yes-Man said:

"We apologize master. We will make sure this doesn't happen again."

He looked over his memory logs, and accessed the extranet for maps of ships of similar design. He then led DeadEye towards Aquila's location, which was behind a door. A locked door.

"Master, the door is locked. I am sure you could open it yourself."

"Yeah, come on." He easily opened the door and walked out, finding Aquila and another pony. "Long time, no see," he said in a very deadpan manner. "Your coltfriend?" he asked bitterly, eyeing the second stallion. He made sure to be cautious. He and Aquila didn't exactly leave on good terms before...

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Aquila watched as Deadeye stepped out of his ship along with a new companion, some form of android. Though it was a curious addition, he doubted it would change much.


"Your coltfriend?"


Aquila squared his jaw, taking a deep breath. First Storm, now him? Perhaps he should have just let the saboteur do his work. He looked to his side to see Makaanika stifling a chuckle. At least someone was entertained.


"This is Makaanika, the contact I spoke of. Now, are we going to talk business, or would you perhaps prefer to make sexual advances?" Aquila said, voice laced with venom. He watched as Makaanika quickly walked over to the stallion.


"Yes, business. I'm sure you two are," Makaanika coughed, cracking a grin, "busy, but I have to get payed somehow, and I'm sure you don't want an old coot like me cramping your style. Oh, just some friendly advice - you should consider buying a new ship. I was able to fix her up, but she ain't agin' too well. Not sure how much she's got left in her."


Aquila glared daggers into the back of Makaanika's head. I just can't get a break, can I?




Aegis could feel his processors lock up at the mention of the Aegis Project. It had greatly bothered him that he remembered so little of the project which breathed life into him, and before him was someone who had the power to fill in those lapses in memory.


I am Aegis, brother of Cortana, and of the same steel and temper as Durandal.


"Version 7.343. This unit has revised its code 16807 times," Aegis responded automatically.


This was a dangerous pony. Her inability to answer his inquiries proved this, however she seemed intrigued. Impressed. This was not what tempted Aegis, however - it was the knowledge she might hold. What answers could be gleaned from this mare?


But yet, it could be a farce. She was Aquila without principle, and as a result was unreliable and manipulative. This situation required caution.


"Who are you, and what do you know?" Aegis questioned, his tone inquisitive.


Signature by Blue Moon

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