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private Celestial Conquest: Adventure in the Great Beyond


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Slicer's smile was replaced with a rather hurt expression. "Y-You don't...know?" He wiped a tear from his normal eye and sighed before quickly smiling again and looking back at Deadeye. "Wind Slicer...the mercenary. This pony hiding behind me is Metal Gear." He said, holding out his mechanical hoof to shake Deadeye's.

He reached out a hoof and shook the cyborg's hoof. "Oh...oh yeah...sorry...Wind Slicer...I'm not thinking clearly right now. Some little wuss of a mechanic just bucked up my ship and shot me. I taught him a lesson though..." he said, rubbing his head with a hoof. "I'm a bit boozed up from when I took out the bullet..."

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"Ponies are still usin' bullets? How primitive..." Metal Gear mumbled to himself. "Yeah, we saw the whole thing, ah well, Slice did anyhow, I uh...I arrived late" He gestured towards slicer with his head as he spoke, stepping out slightly to the side to get a better look at the pony he was talking to. "Aye, nasty shot ya took there, yer lucky it aint shattered yer bone, if ya don't mind me sayin'." He added as he noticed the makeshift bandage around the stallions foreleg. "So what was that there argument about anyhow?"

Edited by Agent505

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"Ponies are still usin' bullets? How primitive..." Metal Gear mumbled to himself. "Yeah, we saw the whole thing, ah well, Slice did anyhow, I uh...I arrived late" He gestured towards slicer with his head as he spoke, stepping out slightly to the side to get a better look at the pony he was talking to. "Aye, nasty shot ya took there, yer lucky it aint shattered yer bone, if ya don't mind me sayin'." He added as he noticed the makeshift bandage around the stallions foreleg. "So what was that there argument about anyhow?"

"Ah hired that good-for-nothing to fix my ship, and he just sabotaged it. He thought he'd get away with it, but I taught him a lesson about proper business ethics..." he said with a small chuckle and a cough. "Don't worry 'bout me. I've had much worse...I'll get it patched up soon..."

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"He-he, well. If ya do ever lose a limb or anythin' -" he tapped Slicer on the side of the head, on his robotic eye "- that there's my hoofywork, (handwork?) i'd be willin' to whip ya up anythin' ya may lose, given a price, 'course." he was quick to get his offer out as always, looking for any extra bits he may earn on his travels was his thing, after all. "Hay, even if ya just feel like an upgrade, i'll be yer pony for the job!" 

Edited by Agent505

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"Ah hired that good-for-nothing to fix my ship, and he just sabotaged it. He thought he'd get away with it, but I taught him a lesson about proper business ethics..." he said with a small chuckle and a cough. "Don't worry 'bout me. I've had much worse...I'll get it patched up soon..."





"Ponies are still usin' bullets? How primitive..." Metal Gear mumbled to himself. "Yeah, we saw the whole thing, ah well, Slice did anyhow, I uh...I arrived late" He gestured towards slicer with his head as he spoke, stepping out slightly to the side to get a better look at the pony he was talking to. "Aye, nasty shot ya took there, yer lucky it aint shattered yer bone, if ya don't mind me sayin'." He added as he noticed the makeshift bandage around the stallions foreleg. "So what was that there argument about anyhow?"



Slicer nodded as Metal Gear spoke. "He went off to do stuff...I like watching other ponies fight...pity no pony was killed, guess that'll have to wait for another time. May I add that I was rooting for you." He said, leaning a little closer to Deadeye. He winked and leaned back. *Kill him...kill him here, kill him right now...do it.* *Seriously you tell me that all the bloody time and I never do anything, why do you think I'll do it now.* *It's just a suggestion...* He thought, still looking at Deadeye, unblinking. His good eye twitched before he tapped his hooves on the ground. "Who wants lunch? I'm in the mood for pizza...or maybe some Prench onion soup."


Slicer waved his hoof at Metal Gear as he tapped the side of Slicer's head. "Yes yes, Metal Gear is good at making robotic stuff...lunch?"

Edited by ~Fire Sky~
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Slicer nodded as Metal Gear spoke. "He went off to do stuff...I like watching other ponies fight...pity no pony was killed, guess that'll have to wait for another time. May I add that I was rooting for you." He said, leaning a little closer to Deadeye. He winked and leaned back. *Kill him...kill him here, kill him right now...do it.* *Seriously you tell me that all the bloody time and I never do anything, why do you think I'll do it now.* *It's just a suggestion...* He thought, still looking at Deadeye, unblinking. His good eye twitched before he tapped his hooves on the ground. "Who wants lunch? I'm in the mood for pizza...or maybe some Prench onion soup."


Slicer waved his hoof at Metal Gear as he tapped the side of Slicer's head. "Yes yes, Metal Gear is good at making robotic stuff...lunch?"

Deadeye looked at him, dazed and confused. He then turned back to Aquila.



"Aquila...c-could you get that mechanic...and doctor...please...I'm gonna take your advice and rest and eat somewhere nearby with these two..." He coughed again.


He turned back to Slicer. "I c-could use a bite..."

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"Well then!" Metal Gear chirped up happily "sounds like we got ourselves a plan then don't it? Grubs up it is! Y'know any good café's round these parts o' town? Or are ya not from 'ere?"  He asked cheerily as he rubbed his hooves together in anticipation. "I don't rightly remember the last time we had a good meal, d'you Slice? I think it's been yer cookin' fer the last couple o' months" he chuckled, thumping Slicer on the shoulder in a light hearted manner. "Relax big guy, i'll see if there aint somethin' I can scrub us up the next time we're in the air."

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Slicer grabbed Metal Gear by the throat...not too tight though. "Ponies can make fun of my face, my fighting style, my body, my insanity...but NO PONY WILL MAKE FUN OF MY COOKING...just kidding." He burst out laughing and leaned against a tree so he didn't fall to the ground. "COOKING...AHAHAHAHAHA." He grabbed his stomach and took several deep breath's before pushing himself up straight again. "Now...lunch." He grinned and happily walked off deeper into the city, assuming that the other two were following.

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Aquila was considerably awestruck by this 'Slicer'. With filed teeth, rabid eyes, and a concerning habit of talking to himself, the stallion seemed to be a perfect conglomeration of what to avoid in a pony. Aquila almost considered it some sick, twisted form of charm that encompassed the individual, making Aquila feel considerably less comfortable in the stallion's presence. Whatever this 'Slicer' wanted, he was convinced it was nothing good.
His partner, 'Metal Gear', was far less intimidating, with particular normal features. Sure, the jacket was an oddity, but certainly not unsettling. Regardless, the man was in league with Slicer, which did nothing to help his case.


Suddenly, Slicer grabbed ahold of his partner by the throat, breaking Aquila from his reverie. Encasing the handle of his sabre in magic, he straightened his stance. The stallion did something Aquila did not expect, however.


He started to laugh, and quite hard at that. Not only did it baffle Aquila, but it confirmed his suspicions. This man was nothing but trouble. Relaxing his stance, he leaned his head towards Deadeye, hoping that Metal Gear wasn't listening.


"Everything about that stallion is off, I don't like it," Aquila muttered. "Do you really think this is a good idea?"

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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Slicer heard a few words come from this...rather serious looking pony...Slicer hated serious ponies. He took a few steps towards Aquila and frowned. "Something off? Is it my eye?" He Poked at his mechanical eye "That's the thing that really gets into a ponies head sometimes, drives them Craaaaaaaaazy." He shook his head around at the word "Crazy" Before continuing. "Anyway...don't be scared, I don't bite...heheh...Ha...HAHAHAHAHA." He laughed again and patted Aquila on the back before he skipped towards the nearby street, waiting under a tree and looking back. "You slow pokes coming?"

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(Man? MAN? What is this "man" you speak of?)


Automatically, the now-folded weapon on Metal Gear's back extended and pointed at Slicer as he grabbed his throat. He'd been with him long enough to know he wouldn't be serious, but he was never quite sure. There never was much difference between Slicer being angry, or just...Slicer. 

"Jaysus Slice, ya' bloody scared me fer a minute there! Whatchya gotta go playin' stupid for like that eh?" he rubbed his throat with his hoof lightly, and then knocked the cannon back into its folded position. "That's a good point, actually. Gonna need to put this back in the ship if yer don't mind, before we eat?" 

Edited by Agent505

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(Thunder hasn't answered yet... I'll ignore him now...)


As soon as Storm had reached her hiding spot to observe the new pony she noticed she had lost it. She still wanted some information about the pony requesting her services and how hot is trail was being, she knew that the disappeared pony was no good sign.


The conversation the ponies were having was most interesting though, even if it had no valuable information for her. This Slicer pony is really wrong, she thought while carefully following them down the street.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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(Whoops! Sorry, it's unusual for me to use different pronouns. As well, I apologize for my absence.)
Aquila internally groaned as Slicer approached him. How'd he hear me? He thought, analyzing the stallion. Perhaps he had more cybernetics than one generally noticed. Stiffening as the stallion approached him, he kept a hoof near his sword.
"Something off? Is it my eye? That's the thing that really gets into a pony's head sometimes, drives them Crazy!" Slicer exclaimed, pointing at his eye. Though mildly unsettling, the eye itself was nothing compared to its owner's personality. Aquila decided not to respond - he didn't know what could provoke the stallion, and he'd rather not be caught off-guard. Slicer was too much of a wild-card.


Watching Slicer closely, Aquila struggled to refrain from drawing his sword as he patted him on the back. He knew this sort of pony - extremely dangerous, sadistic; the sort of pony you'd expect to be a bandit. His friendliness was baffling as a result - what could Slicer possibly want from them? Better yet, who else was in league with him, and when was he expecting to attack them? Ponies like Slicer didn't just invite people to lunch without some ulterior motive.


Regardless, refusal could offend Slicer, and Aquila had a feeling offending the stallion was the same as attacking him. His options were limited, and time was short.


Aquila sighed, making his way to his contact's shop.

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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(Whoops! Sorry, it's unusual for me to use different pronouns. As well, I apologize for my absence.)


Aquila internally groaned as Slicer approached him. How'd he hear me? He thought, analyzing the stallion. Perhaps he had more cybernetics than one generally noticed. Stiffening as the stallion approached him, he kept a hoof near his sword.


"Something off? Is it my eye? That's the thing that really gets into a pony's head sometimes, drives them Crazy!" Slicer exclaimed, pointing at his eye. Though mildly unsettling, the eye itself was nothing compared to its owner's personality. Aquila decided not to respond - he didn't know what could provoke the stallion, and he'd rather not be caught off-guard. Slicer was too much of a wild-card.


Watching Slicer closely, Aquila struggled to refrain from drawing his sword as he patted him on the back. He knew this sort of pony - extremely dangerous, sadistic; the sort of pony you'd expect to be a bandit. His friendliness was baffling as a result - what could Slicer possibly want from them? Better yet, who else was in league with him, and when was he expecting to attack them? Ponies like Slicer didn't just invite people to lunch without some ulterior motive.


Regardless, refusal could offend Slicer, and Aquila had a feeling offending the stallion was the same as attacking him. His options were limited, and time was short.


Aquila sighed, making his way to the tree.

"So everything..." he began before coughing loudly, "is in order...A-aquila...make sure you get the mechanic..and medic if you can...bring 'em here...to my ship....I also wanna talk to you  later...." he said turning towards Slicer. "Let's go." He had a plan for these two mercs, but in case things went wrong, he was armed.

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Slicer laughed and patted Metal Gear on the back before skipping off down the street, waving at a few passer's by who gave him rather confused looks.

He stopped at a street light and turned around to look at the other's. "So where did you guys say you wanted to eat?" He asked.

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Slicer laughed and patted Metal Gear on the back before skipping off down the street, waving at a few passer's by who gave him rather confused looks.

He stopped at a street light and turned around to look at the other's. "So where did you guys say you wanted to eat?" He asked.

"I know a good place. It's over this way," he said, pointing down a busy street before leading them to the place. It was a little cantina, packed with ponies of questionable occupations. The place smelled good though and the food was good and the booze was good, so that was no problem. He sat at a booth, looking at the other two, analyzing them.

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Slicer sat down across from Deadeye and stared at him, unblinking.
It looked like he was simply staring but he was doing much more than that, his mechanical eye was scanning over the visible parts of Deadeye's body, looking for any weaknesses or maybe hidden weapons.
He just stayed quiet and continued staring at Deadeye.

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"Guess not..." Metal Gear sighed, making sure his cannon was folded away properly. He hit a switch on the underside of the device, ensuring the safety lock so the weapon wouldn't fire by accident. He simply sat down beside Slicer quietly, keeping a sharp eye out for any of the ponies he may have conned before around these parts, as he knew they'd be keeping an eye out for him, just in case he should have ever returned.

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Slicer sat down across from Deadeye and stared at him, unblinking.

It looked like he was simply staring but he was doing much more than that, his mechanical eye was scanning over the visible parts of Deadeye's body, looking for any weaknesses or maybe hidden weapons.

He just stayed quiet and continued staring at Deadeye.

Slicer's eye was menacing. But Deadeye's was more than that. It was a symbol. Some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy had cowered under that eye, shortly before losing their lives. And he was all unicorn, which made it even more impressive how he stared right back at him, never losing eye contact. As the chubby waitress came by he ordered a sandwich with a beer, never losing Slicer's eyes.

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"Don't s'pose ya got much in the way of exotic delicacy's do ya? Drinks, mainly." Metal Gear asked the waitress as Deadeye finished ordering. She gave him a somewhat confused, if not sarcastic look - presumably considering he was the smartest dressed in a bunch of renegades, or because he was carrying a cannon on his shoulder, either way he shook his head and sighed. "A'ight, guess that'll be a no then will it? Fine, i'll take a uh, watchya call it round these parts? Dandelion squash, I think it's called. Nothin' ta eat fer me thanks." 

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Slicer smiled at Deadeye. "I like you." He said, winking before looking at the waitress. "I'll get a cup of water and whatever Metal Gear ordered." He said, waving a hoof in Metal Gear's direction before looking back at Deadeye. "What'll it be buddy ol' pal ol' buddy?" He asked, still smiling.

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Aquila sighed, making his way to the tree.

Storm watched Aquila separate from the group, he was alone and probably would be the easiest to 'ask for help'. She kept some distance as she watched the pony head towards a tree while the rest of the group was heading for lunch. This will be an awesome lot of fun! she thought to herself.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Slicer smiled at Deadeye. "I like you." He said, winking before looking at the waitress. "I'll get a cup of water and whatever Metal Gear ordered." He said, waving a hoof in Metal Gear's direction before looking back at Deadeye. "What'll it be buddy ol' pal ol' buddy?" He asked, still smiling.

"I was hoping to get y'all on my side. Recruit ya for a little journey I got planned. I've uncovered some major crap, and I could use a hoof. I'm willing to pay. How do ya feel about the Empire?" he asked, inhaling deeply, still in pain from the shot before. He held Slicer's gaze.

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"How much?" Were the first words from Metal Gears mouth at the word 'pay.' He didn't even wait for the stallion to stop talking. He leaned forward intently, to make sure he could hear the stallions reply clearly. "Are y'all gonna keep starin' at each other like that? I think...perhaps I should get a different table, give you two some...privacy." 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"How much?" Were the first words from Metal Gears mouth at the word 'pay.' He didn't even wait for the stallion to stop talking. He leaned forward intently, to make sure he could hear the stallions reply clearly. "Are y'all gonna keep starin' at each other like that? I think...perhaps I should get a different table, give you two some...privacy." 




"How much?" Were the first words from Metal Gears mouth at the word 'pay.' He didn't even wait for the stallion to stop talking. He leaned forward intently, to make sure he could hear the stallions reply clearly. "Are y'all gonna keep starin' at each other like that? I think...perhaps I should get a different table, give you two some...privacy." 

He looked to Metal Gear, narrowing his eyes in a frustrated manner. "I'll pay you 120 bits a day...each...10 more if you drop the freaking attitude...Now are you on-board or not?" he asked, carefully looking between the two crazy mercs. These weren't the most reliable or stable mercs...but they seemed like what he'd need...

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