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private Celestial Conquest: Adventure in the Great Beyond


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He looked to Metal Gear, narrowing his eyes in a frustrated manner. "I'll pay you 120 bits a day...each...10 more if you drop the freaking attitude...Now are you on-board or not?" he asked, carefully looking between the two crazy mercs. These weren't the most reliable or stable mercs...but they seemed like what he'd need...





"How much?" Were the first words from Metal Gears mouth at the word 'pay.' He didn't even wait for the stallion to stop talking. He leaned forward intently, to make sure he could hear the stallions reply clearly. "Are y'all gonna keep starin' at each other like that? I think...perhaps I should get a different table, give you two some...privacy." 


Slicer sighed as Metal Gear spoke. "You know Metal Gear...not everything is about bits...heheh..ha...Ha...AHAHAHAHA." He fell into another one of his laughing fits and hammered a hoof on the table.

When he calmed down a bit he sat up straight, still grinning. "One hundred and twenty bits you say? Make it one hundred and thirty and you got yourself a deal." He said.

Something something something something


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"Not everythin' is abou-pff!" He muttered under his breath. "Y'know Slice, it was bits that paid fer all those fancy dandy gadgets y'all go flashin' 'round. It's bits that put food in yer stomach after ya been out robbin' and hustlin' folk of their bits! Not every-tch! May as well make the world go 'round I say". He veered off at the end of his sentence, he went from talking to Slicer to talking to himself practically indistinctly. He leaned back in his chair and turned his attention back to the stallion they where with while he waited for their orders to arrive. "I aint got no damn attitude boy, just a businesspony tryin' a make a livin' that's all."

Edited by Agent505

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Slicer looked at Metal gear and raised an eyebrow, but kept that creepy grin on his face. "You did hear me laugh didn't you? I was being sarcastic my friend." He patted Metal Gear on the back before looking back at Deadeye. "That sound like a good deal to ya?"

Something something something something


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(Ack! You people are a lot faster than my usual fare. Also, due to being confused as to what was desired of Aquila, I edited my post so that Aquila goes off to his contact's shop instead of a tree, as I was under the assumption that Aquila would be tagging along with Slicer for some reason.)


Stopping by one of the exits on his way out, he watched as Deadeye and Slicer made their way to lunch. Though wary of Slicer, Deadeye appeared to know how to handle himself, so Aquila would have to make do with that.


Aquila stopped by his registered parking space for his ship to check if it was there. The contact had promised that the ship would be there by the time he had gotten back from Luna's speech, however as he approached his space he realized it was not present. Huffing, Aquila made his way to his contact's shop, hoping it was simply delayed instead of stolen.


Eventually making it to the street the shop was located on, Aquila took a quick glance around before approaching the shop. The owner, a zebra named Makaanika, was hard it work on another ship when he entered. Clearing his throat, Aquila snickered as the zebra jumped, making himself hit the bottom of the ship he was at work on. The zebra rubbed his head, looking towards the disturbance.


"Aquila, I know we've known eachother for a while now but we need to stop making a habit of this. I'm not sure how much longer my head can take it," Makaanika said as he made his way out from underneath the vessel, rising to meet Aquila.


The zebra was older than Aquila himself, age graying his once brown and gray coat. Aquila often joked that if he were any grayer people would mistake him for a pony. Makaanika's eyes never seemed to lose their lustre, however, keeping that same old vibrant yellow that Aquila remembers from their time in service. Time could dull one's coat or energy, but some things time just couldn't change.


"Now if it's your ship you're askin' about, I was just about to call for someone to tow it back to your space, but a client forced me to be some other place. If you want I can do it now," Makaanika explained, rubbing his hands. Aquila nodded, holding out his hoof for the keys to his ship. Makaanika tossed the keys, chuckling as Aquila scrambled to catch them.


"That'd be great, but that's not why I'm here. I met someone today who's ship was sabotaged, and I offered you as a trustworthy mechanic. He had to go take care of some business, so I'd like you to take a look at his ship. Up to it, old stallion?" Aquila asked, walking over to his ship to unlock it. Makaanika laughed.


"And here I thought those values your mother taught you had finally faded away!" He exclaimed, much to Aquila's chagrin. "Yeah I'm up to it, Aquila. One issue though - I can't really work on it there, I'll need it brought here. If he wants me to fix it he'll have to have it towed. Think he'll have a problem with that?"


Aquila shook his head, retreating into his ship to set down his purchases. Returning, he locked the door and walked over to Makaanika, who was busy making the call for the tow-truck. As he finished, the two walked out.


"I've made the call, the truck should arrive shortly. He'll bring your ship to your space, and then head out to pick up your friend's ship. In the meantime I'd like to look at it myself, see what I'm dealing with y'know?" Aquila nodded, looking around for any suspicious persons. These streets weren't as safe as they used to be, and thugs had little mercy for the elderly.


"I can understand, though you'll be dealing with me mostly. The stallion who owns the ship got shot, and is currently out for lunch. I still need to get him to a doctor, so don't expect him to come around until it's time to pay." Makaanika was visibly shocked, giving Aquila a baffled stare.


"Just who am I dealing with, kid? He gets shot and goes out for lunch. Does this man get shot on a daily basis or is there some miracle treatment for gun-wounds I haven't heard about?" he responded, obviously wary of the new client. Aquila could understand - normally when one was shot, they received professional aid. Not for Deadeye, apparently.


"Some mercenary named Deadeye. He looks like he's seen his fair share of battle, but he thinks he's invincible. Took me some convincing to get him to a doctor, but at least he agreed. Now come on, I'll lead you to his ship, but once you get there I'll have to find him. Don't worry, I'll bring him back. If he ends up dead, consider his ship a gift." Makaanika nodded as the two headed towards Deadeye's ship.




Some chit chat later, the two arrived at Deadeye's ship. Makaanika immediately walked up to the ship's maintenance port. Plugging a device into the ship much like the mare did, Makaanika ran a diagnostic. Analyzing the results, Makaanika return to Aquila.


"The ship is barely functional. Had your friend tried to turn this thing on I'm pretty sure it'd have blown out its engine. Funny though, this 'saboteur' sounds every bit like the fool you described him as. Most sabotage has obvious indicators - something off here and there, but enough done right that only another mechanic would see a problem. This one is obvious, yes, but it's sloppy. Anyone who knew anything about a ship would have realized something was off with a simple ship diagnostic." Makaanika explained, chuckling.


"Doesn't surprise me. Now, I'm off to retrieve Deadeye," Aquila replied, nodding his head towards the direction the Deadeye and the two mercs went. "Fix his ship, and I'll return with him. If he doesn't show up with me, then happy birthday. Oh, and thanks old friend."


Makaanika nodded, returning to the ship's diagnostic. With Deadeye's ship handled, Aquila made his way towards the street he last saw them on. Hopefully he'd be able to find them without too much hassle, though Aquila lamented that he had forgotten to ask where they were going. You're getting sloppy, Aquila. You're 34, not 54. He thought, searching the streets for any sign of the mercs.


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[...] searching the streets for any sign of the mercs.

Storm had been following the pony around town, after he left his Zebra friend with the ship running diagnostics she watched him head into the crowded street the rest of the group had gone down. She followed him, approaching him from behind. As soon as she was close enough behind the stallion reach for him she summoned the hidden blade.


She wrapped her front hooves around the stallions head, the left one covering his eyes while the right one with the hidden blade attached to it disappeared inside his mane, she wanted to make sure he could feel the steel on his neck.


"Who am I?" she said in the loudest and most excited tone she could muster. After all, nobody would look at a couple playing silly games in a crowd. "How about a little walk around town? I bet you'd love to make some sightseeing! Actually you're probably dying to do so..."

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Very. Sloppy. Aquila thought, feeling the blade against his neck. The voice was familiar, reminding him of a certain green mare with a hood. He wasn't surprised - unlike her partner, the mare seemed to understand how to remain inconspicuous. She knew Aquila was a threat to continued business, which put him in a tight spot. Hopefully, she was one for negotiation, or at the very least frivolous monologues.


"You never did fool me with that innocent amateur act," Aquila said, struggling against the blade. "But surely you wouldn't kill an old officer on a street, would you? Perhaps I can be silenced for a certain... Fee. Less bloody, less of a trail. Don't you think?"


He wasn't hopeful that he'd escape alive, but it was certainly better than silence.


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"You never did fool me with that innocent amateur act," Aquila said, struggling against the blade.

"He he" Storm Cloud chuckled. "You're probably right, I should have come out and asked you to be enough of a stallion to take me right there," - She said sarcastically - "It would have been way less suspicious".


[...] wasn't hopeful that he'd escape alive, but it was certainly better than silence.

"You wouldn't expect me to run around following you for the sake of killing you, do I look so stupid to you?" was the blunt answer he received. Storm dragged Aquila into a dark alley, once they were away from the crowd she lowered the blade. She started walking away, breaking the silence with a simple "Follow".

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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(So if it's all the same to you, i'll just move things along a little)


Metal Gear didn't say anything to the crazy cyborg, he just shook his head with closed eyes and tapped his hoof patiently on the ground waiting for deadeye to reply. 

As he settled down, the waitress returned with their ordered drinks and food, and placed them in the center of the table.

"He's payin', aintchya?" Metal Gear nodded curtly in Deadeye's direction.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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(So if it's all the same to you, i'll just move things along a little)


Metal Gear didn't say anything to the crazy cyborg, he just shook his head with closed eyes and tapped his hoof patiently on the ground waiting for deadeye to reply. 

As he settled down, the waitress returned with their ordered drinks and food, and placed them in the center of the table.

"He's payin', aintchya?" Metal Gear nodded curtly in Deadeye's direction.

"Don't worry. I'm payin'." As the waitress deliver their food, he dropped some bits on the table before taking his sandwich and drink and getting up. "Meet me at docking bay 94. I'm gonna go attend to my little accident," he said, raising his injured hoof. "I'm gonna eat on the go." He left to go search for Aquila.

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Foolish. Aquila thought, drawing his pistol as soon as she turned her back. He wasn't going anywhere with the mare - he operated on his own terms. It was safer that way.


"At this moment, you do. You hold a knife to me on a street and then expect me to follow you down a dark alley?" Aquila took a step backwards, inching his way back towards the street. He had the advantage in this confrontation now, and he was going to keep it.


"How is it in my favor to follow? Speak quickly," Aquila ordered, taking another step towards the street. She should be grateful Aquila was so merciful - most would have shot her on the spot.


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Storm didn't avoid to show the pony a smirk that covered her face as she turned around to look into the depth of his pistol. "Males, you always want favors..."


She continued her slowly paced walk down the alley. "If you want to know if I can offer you anything you will have to follow rather than threaten me" she answered, she knew her speed and strength in close combat were most probably unmatched by the stallion. But after all he held a gun in his hoof. Letting the situation escalate would be a bad idea.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Aquila narrowed his eyes, cocking his head to the side. Either she really was foolish or she was trying to make him comfortable - he didn't see the difference, however the latter implied potentially good intentions. Moving his pistol to the side, Aquila begun a slow trot down the alley, keeping a good number of paces between him and the mare.


"To facilitate better communication, perhaps we should tell each other our names," Aquila began. "What is yours?"

Edited by Durandal


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Durandal, on 06 Jul 2013 - 7:42 PM, said:


"To facilitate better communication, perhaps we should tell each other our names," Aquila began. "What is yours?"

Storm couldn't avoid to feel eased when she started to hear the clopping noise of the blue Stallion behind her. She wasn't in any need to hurry, so she took her time. The question she received though made her feel uncomfortable.


The yellow mare started staring into the distance, her sight unfocused. The answer was so easy back when she had a normal life, the answer had grown to be something automatic. The last few years though had turned her own name into a forbidden word, she would just pick some random name for every mission and make her best to not forget it during the course of it.


She wrapped her thoughts up, and answered in a slow and controlled manner "I don't have a name, I had one... I traded it for something that is way more valuable to me" she noticed herself diving into a long story she didn't feel like telling, Damn it Storm, stop the talking.


After an effort to restore a cheerful and uninterested façade she continued "As I don't have a name any longer, how about you giving me one?"

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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(Just a heads up, Laverna is the Roman Goddess of unlawful gain and trickery. Though unlikely, if Storm has knowledge of the lesser gods of the 'Romanen' Pantheon, she might know what he's trying to pull.)


Aquila held his gun tighter to his side as the mare halted, his eyes evaluating the mare. After a brief, tense silence, she answered that she did not have one. Her voice was controlled, tense. Though he could understand, he offered no sympathy - moments ago she was insulting him and holding a blade to his neck.


Despite this, it was in Aquila's best interest not to aggravate the mare. He was armed, his gun prepared to shoot her down at a moment's notice, but he had no desire to use it. He may fancy himself shrewd, as someone willing to do what had to be done, but he was no murderer. The mare was deceitful and manipulative, yes, however she showed a surprising amount of restraint. For what reasons? He didn't know, but he felt it was only honorable - oh how ironic that concept felt when applied to him - to return the favor. To aggravate her would be to drive her to aggression when it was clear he had the upper hand. Though he did not consider himself above such manipulative tactics, he felt it currently unneeded. She wasn't a part of a greater, malicious scheme, she was a dime-a-dozen criminal with a dark past.


Suddenly, the mare began her slow trot once again, the tense air retreating as she did so. Then she, of all things, asked Aquila to name her. He smirked, shaking his head.


Alright, I'll bite.


Considering what Aquila knew of her already, he began to consider possible names. Facade was too obvious, and facia, its Latin equivalent, simply didn't work. However, he did remember a certain goddess from the Romanen Pantheon...


"Then Laverna it is," Aquila said simply, falling silent. If she did not feel comfortable disclosing her own name, then he felt no need to provide his own.


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Storm had only a faint idea of who her new namesake was, she found it amusing to be considered a goddess. It was not her intention, though, to reveal that knowledge and answered with a simple "Oh, that's a pretty name! An ex-marefriend?".


Her job had turned into exploiting every small bit of information ponies gave away to retrieve more information and finally trick them, Aquila was just another source for her. Storm knew, the dumber she seemed the easier it was to gain trust.


He didn't say his name, he must have been unaware of me following him for hours. Good. She took a few turns, it wasn't far and she didn't want to waste time unnecessarily. After all, she had lots of things to do and no time for playing games.


Even though it was not the first time she was in this situation, and definitely not the last time. A pair of eyes piercing her from behind was inconvenient and not really helpful. "So, are you enjoying the view back there?" she gave her flank a slight shake so it provided him with enough context.

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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"A'ight, good ta meet ya" Metal Gear nodded curtly and smirked to himself at the free drink before nudging Slicer. "C'mon, drink up Slice, I gotta dump these guns n' get to work on those plans fer ya. Still, given today, a break is more than welcome I reckon." 

He leaned back, sipping his drink slowly through a straw and simply enjoying the heat of the sun for a change. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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(Sorry...had other stuff going on)


Slicer watched Deadeye leave before looking at Metal Gear. "I like him." He said, grinning and sipping his drink.
He glanced at the door again before looking back at Metal Gear. "What do you think...should we meet him at the dock? Do you think that's enough bits?" He asked, sipping his drink again.

Something something something something


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"Bits 's' bits Slice, y'all know that as well as anyone." Metal Gear replied, giving his iced drink a stir with his straw. "But, 'course it depends on what he's plannin' dont it? I ain't gonna be doin' somethin' that's not worth what he's payin'"

His eyes narrowed and he looked off into the distance. "Still...could always squeeze 'im fer some more...I say we go"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Though amused by 'Laverna' misinterpreting her new namesake, Aquila fell silent. Even if he had an ex-marefriend named Laverna, he didn't feel it was her business to know.


He followed 'Laverna' down a few turns, making quick glances behind and around him. Though it would be a relief for the mare to just retreat, it would likely mean he stumbled into a trap. The mare was quick, he had no doubt a close quarters battle would end badly for him - add more goons into the mix, and he was a dead stallion walking. He didn't like those odds.


Aquila jerked his head towards 'Laverna' as she began to talk, wagging her rear. Though the painfully vapid attempt at manipulating him was baffling, it did much to relieve his tension. Forcefully eliciting an absent-minded chuckle, he gripped his gun tighter. He didn't swing that way, but allowing her to think he did certainly had its benefits. Not only would she become a source of amusement, but it'd signal to him when something was up.

Edited by Durandal


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((Just to make sure, Aquila is not straight. Am I right?))


After a few minutes of walking she reached a new crowded street crossing the alley. In a similar cheerful manner she announced "My house is just across the street" - she hated herself for this, but ended the sentence with a seductive- "sweetie" and lunged into the crowd, covering her face with the hoodie that made sure others wouldn't recognize her coat and eye color.


Due to being forced to run with a low head, she didn't turn around to check if the new stallion was following her. She got the keys out of her bags and with a clicking noise unlocked and opened the door, entered - "Feel at home" - and leaned on to the door to ask Aquila to enter.


[if you feel like running away now for some reason feel free to do so... Tried to not make this into a thousand door opening posts.]

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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(You would be correct.)


Aquila holstered his pistol as they cut through the street, following 'Laverna' carefully. Though she tried to act normal, he was sure running with one's head low and a hoodie was an obvious indicator that something was up. Following leisurely, he eventually arrived at their destination - her house. He stopped, maintaining a safe distance.


Aquila's mask of concentration finally broke, his mouth hanging half open and his right eyebrow rising. She didn't feel comfortable disclosing her name, but she was perfectly fine with showing him into her home? Aquila had places to be, he had no time for these games. Anyways, had he walked in, who knows what she'd have done to him.


Chuckling, Aquila shook his head. "You threaten me with a knife, and then you invite me into your home?" He deadpanned. "I have places to be. If what you want is an understanding that I will not interfere with your 'work', a good sum of bits and a promise of staying out of my sight will suffice. Do we have an agreement, 'Laverna'?"


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Chuckling, Aquila shook his head. "You threaten me with a knife, and then you invite me into your home?" He deadpanned. "I have places to be. If what you want is an understanding that I will not interfere with your 'work', a good sum of bits and a promise of staying out of my sight will suffice. Do we have an agreement, 'Laverna'?"

"Oh! I'm honestly sorry you don't have time for me." - she said with a depressed mood - "I thought we could have some fun. Well, I guess I should stop wasting your time."


She used her left hoof to grab something out of her saddlebag "Ok, I'm just picking some bits" she said while pulling a purse with money out of the bag. She slowly extended the left hoof towards the other pony, she hoped the stallion was focused on the purse.


"I'm really sorry, for the inconVENIENCE" she said, smashing the door with her empty hoof towards the stallion's head, throwing herself at the colt and motioning the right hoof slightly so the hidden blade would emerge from it's hiding spot. Just in case the door wouldn't have hit him hard enough to knock him out she would be close enough to make him lose any advantage his gun would provide.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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Aquila realized something was up when she began to take on a depressed mood. Eying 'Laverna' as she dug into her purse, he caught movement in his peripheral quickly enough to avoid the door, if only by a hair. In response he scrambled away, putting some distance, and a few pedestrians, between him and the mare. Again, only avoiding the blade by a hair. He hated close quarters.


"I'm sure," Aquila responded, trying to regain some semblance of composure. "I'll leave you to it then."


With that, Aquila darted off. He couldn't fight her on the street, as neither of his implements were particularly stealthy. Not only that, but he wasn't in the mood.


This is why I prefer the depths of space. Aquila thought, considering just leaving the planet entirely. He had had enough of these surprise attacks. Unfortunately, Deadeye desired his assistance. The stallion might have thought he was invincible, but Deadeye had a lot of experience, Aquila could tell. It's never wise to betray ponies like him.

Edited by Durandal


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Aquila realized something was up when she began to take on a depressed mood. Eying 'Laverna' as she dug into her purse, he caught movement in his peripheral quickly enough to avoid the door, if only by a hair. In response he scrambled away, putting some distance, and a few pedestrians, between him and the mare. Again, only avoiding the blade by a hair. He hated close quarters.


"I'm sure," Aquila responded, trying to regain some semblance of composure. "I'll leave you to it then."


With that, Aquila darted off. He couldn't fight her on the street, as neither of his implements were particularly stealthy. Not only that, but he wasn't in the mood.


This is why I prefer the depths of space. Aquila thought, considering just leaving the planet entirely. He had had enough of these surprise attacks. Unfortunately, Deadeye desired his assistance. The stallion might have thought he was invincible, but Deadeye had a lot of experience, Aquila could tell. It's never wise to betray ponies like him.

Speak of the devil. Deadeye walked out into the street, just in time to notice Aquila running in his directing. He stumbled over to meet Aquila, noticing Storm in the distance. Dammit. He quickly waved down Aquila, shouting out his name. He also took out his weapon.

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Buck! What did I do to always get the running cry-babies? was what Storm thought as she launched herself into the air. She noticed DeadEye appearing in the distance, somehow this was getting more and more inconvenient.


She decided to play her last resource, she hated doing this for being a double edged sword for her. At the top of her lungs she started yelling as she flew behind the two ponies "Thieves! Stop them! Guards!" still tailing the stallion.


The crowd was shifting under Storm, making room around Aquila. Just a few white and dark grey dots started moving in their direction. The running is over guys!

  • Brohoof 1

My main OC:

Storm Cloud

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