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open The Blueblood murder mystery

Drago Ryder

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Aqua shrugged. "Honestly, the good never dies in a pony. Just look at Discord. He changed, so why can't your father?" The blue unicorn then smiled, slightly.

Tempest noticed Sole. "At least there might be a chance that we might be going in the right direction." He thought. The cyan pegesus then noticed the mansion and started flying faster.

Crimson frowned deeply and slowly shook his head, "no.....not with him.....and even if he did turn back to normal, I would never forgive him.....he killed my mother and my sister.....not to mention countless other innocents..." said crimson quitely as he followed tempest.

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Aqua sighed and nodded. "Well then, let's take him down, and save the others." She said. The blue unicorn didn't even notice that her own aura was surrounding her.


Tempest landed in front of the mansion and entered. The lights were out and most of the others had left. The cyan pegesus then made two swords materialize in his hoof as he trotted into the mansion. "Be careful." He whispered, looking back at the others.

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Aqua sighed and nodded. "Well then, let's take him down, and save the others." She said. The blue unicorn didn't even notice that her own aura was surrounding her.

Tempest landed in front of the mansion and entered. The lights were out and most of the others had left. The cyan pegesus then made two swords materialize in his hoof as he trotted into the mansion. "Be careful." He whispered, looking back at the others.

Crimson growled, "IM A PIRATE!! NOT A FUCKING ASS BANDIT! SLOW DOWN CHAOS BITCH!!" Yelled crimson angrily before chasing after sole.


Umbra chuckled as he heard a loud crash upstairs, "aaaahh....it seems your freinds are finally here to die..." said umbra with a sadistic grinn.

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Stone started to loose consciousness, and she couldn't keep herself afloat. So she started to drowned in the huge area of.water. The cage kept her in there. And she had no more strength to fight anymore, so she gave up on everything and just broke....just broke.


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Sole loudly bursed into the dark room, quickly noticing umbra"where is she dammit?!" He growled angrily, before noticing the cage that was underwater. With a desprate lunge, he quickly dived into the water and pried the cage open with energy, he quickly grabbed the drowning stone and shot for the surface. As he put her on land, he flipped her onto her back and panicked... she wasn't waking up.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson gasped in shock as he ran in the room to notice sole cradeling a half dead stone, with his father standing a few feet away, "you.....YOU BASTA-" crimson words were cut off as umbra stabbed crimson in the chest with a black tendrel, crimson stood there for a moment before the light left his eyes and he hit the floor, his heartbeat fading quickly.


Umbra chuckled evilly, "join your sister and mother in hell..." said umbra darkly.

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Aqua and Ivy entered the room and noticed that Stone and Crimson were almost dead. "You. You'll pay for this." Aqua yelled as she shot balls of ice at Umbra. Her aura was almost as violent as Tempest's at this point.


Ivy galloped towards Crimson and started to heal him, "You aren't dying yet." She said.

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Aqua and Ivy entered the room and noticed that Stone and Crimson were almost dead. "You. You'll pay for this." Aqua yelled as she shot balls of ice at Umbra. Her aura was almost as violent as Tempest's at this point.

Ivy galloped towards Crimson and started to heal him, "You aren't dying yet." She said.

Umbra laughed and dodged the attacks, "your making this too easy!" Said umbra evilly before sending two black tendrels on either side of aqua, attempting to stab her.


Crimson heard muffled far away voices as he stood in a large black void, watching as all his memories flashed before him in a loop.

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Aqua's aura blocked the attack and she smirked. "I don't think so." She said, The blue unicorn then shot a burst of magic at Umbra. "I'm not scared of you, you little prick."


Ivy put more magic into healing Crimson's wound. "Don't you dare die on me." She said. "I won't let you."

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Stone didn't move, her breathing wasn't even noticeable. But her aura, if you could see it. Was still there. Weak, but there.


(SI MUCH DRAMA, it's like I'm in a soap opra, lol. Also ragestar I am about to send you a message refuring to this whole seen and stuff so keep your eyes open)


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Aqua's aura blocked the attack and she smirked. "I don't think so." She said, The blue unicorn then shot a burst of magic at Umbra. "I'm not scared of you, you little prick."

Ivy put more magic into healing Crimson's wound. "Don't you dare die on me." She said. "I won't let you."

Umbra scoffed, "pathetic little whore, do you really think that you stand any chance of defeating me? I'm a god!!" Said umbra with a sneer before teleporting behind aqua and grabbing her head, sending the same black decay as before, enveloping aquas head.


Crimson heard the voices getting louder, and the images of his past slowing down, until they stopped completely, freezing, on an image of his mother lying in a hospital bed holdin himself and his sister when they were first born, crimson smiled, and felt himself be pulled back into outside world.

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Aqua screamed in pain as a great deal of pain went through her head. She then fell into unconsciousness.


Ivy finished healing Crimson and glanced at Umbra. She then used her magic to make vines grow out of the ground and knock him away from Aqua. "Tempest, where are you?" She thought.

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Stone awoke with a horrible shock, her eyes shot wide open, and shut jumped up and hugged sole with pretty incredible strength out of her fright. She was breathing heavily, and put her head against his chest, she then realized where she was, in the mansion.


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Aqua screamed in pain as a great deal of pain went through her head. She then fell into unconsciousness.

Ivy finished healing Crimson and glanced at Umbra. She then used her magic to make vines grow out of the ground and knock him away from Aqua. "Tempest, where are you?" She thought.

Umbra chuckled, "three down.....three to go...." said umbra darkly before teleporting infront of ivy, and attempting to grab her by the face, but before his hoof could touch her, crimsons arm shot up and intercepted it.


Crimson now stood next to ivy, fully healed and covered in golden flames, with a look of pity and disgust as he held umbras arm firmly, no matter how much umbra pulled, his arm refused to budge, crimson then snapped umbras wrist before roundhouse kicking him through a wall, before turning to sole with a serious look, "I'll let you and stone finish him, I'll get ivy and aqua to safety..." said crumson calmly before grabbing aqua and ivy and teleporting outside of the mansion.

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Stone shook her head "no it's a lot of people's jobs" she said. She was herself now. She turned around. She then let go of the said griffin. She got up, cracked her neck, and brushed her mane back with her hoof. "So......who's the slut again?" She asked with attitude while she talked to umbra.


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Stone shook her head "no it's a lot of people's jobs" she said. She was herself now. She turned around. She then let go of the said griffin. She got up, cracked her neck, and brushed her mane back with her hoof. "So......who's the slut again?" She asked with attitude while she talked to umbra.


Sole grinned and stood beside her "I'm glad your back stone. And I thought you were broken, What'd you put youself back together with, crazy glue?" He said sarcastically, as he glared at umbra and charged chaotic energy. He was back to himself too, and ready to kick ass.

Umbra groaned as he stood back up and cradeled his wrist to his chest as he glared at both sole and stone, "so.....is this' what my son calls fair.....wounding me and leaving me to be killed in a two on one fight? How cruel...." umbra smirked, "he'll be just like me yet..." said umbra with a sneer before charging them.

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Stone smirked. She touched her earring, it was made of pure silver. Her body then turned into a silver base, making her as tough as the mineral mineral itself. Then shut did an uppercut to umbra's chin, with bone crushing force. Then she landed a punch to the chest.


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Stone smirked. She touched her earring, it was made of pure silver. Her body then turned into a silver base, making her as tough as the mineral mineral itself. Then shut did an uppercut to umbra's chin, with bone crushing force. Then she landed a punch to the chest.

Umbra yelled in pain as he was sent speeding into the ground, landing with a earsplitting crack, umbra hissed in pain as he tried to move, but barely managed to sit up and cough up a puddle of blood, before glaring at sole and stone, "how......how could I....a god....be defeated by an idiotic chaos spawn and a worthless whore!?" Asked umbra in rage.

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Ivy glanced at Crimson and smiled. "Thank you. I owe you one." She said. The silver unicorn then looked at Aqua, and started healing her wounds. "There has to be time to save her." The silver unicorn was honestly panicking. She didn't want to lose a good friend.

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Stones eye twitched.. She gritted her teeth and jumped up. "DON'T CALL ME A WHORE" she said. Once she landed the floor boards came up and it sent umbra into the air. She then jumped up, and put her hoofs up as well. And landed them both ontop of his head with incredible force. It sent umbra crashing through the floor.

Edited by synangel


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Stones eye twitched.. She gritted her teeth and jumped up. "DON'T CALL ME A WHORE" she said. Once she landed the floor boards came up and it sent umbra into the air. She then jumped up, and put her hoofs up as well. And landed them both ontop of his head with incredible force. It sent umbra crashing through the floor.

Umbra howled in pain as stones attack sent him crashing through the floor, causing him to break nearly every bone in his body, knocking him unconciess.


Crimson looked at aqua and smiled, there's no need to worry, look, the mark is receeding,they must have won!" Said crimson happily, and sure enough, the black mark had dissappeared.

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