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open The Blueblood murder mystery

Drago Ryder

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Tempest nodded and shot a aura sphere at Umbra. "I've felt with far worse than you." He said, in a murderous tone. "You'll pay for hurting my marefriend and sister." The cyan pegesus then appeared next to Umbra and delivered a roundhouse kick to the head, sending him into a tee. "Now then, where is the mare you kidnaped earlier?"

Crimson quickly landed beside tempest, "NO, WAIT! Don't let him touch shado-" crimson was cut off as tempest kicked him into a tree, crimson growled, "oh buck..." said crimson quitely.


Umbra smirked in amusement as he hit the tree, but seemed to feel no pain, "oooh....fiesty one aren't you? Well you've gptta do better than that to threaten me little stallion..." said umbra sadistically before melting into the shadows and dissappearing, but a few moments later, umbra shot from the shadows below tempests feet and grabbed him by the throat, "let's see how you like this..." said umbra darkly before tempests throat began to envelope in black decay, burning his neck.

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Stone then noticed umbra. Which made her eyes open wide. She then curled up and kept mumbling to herself "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry" she was definitely broken. Beyond it maybe. She kept saying it over and over again. She was terrified, and her purple fur started to look a little pale from her being so scared.


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Tempest felt severe pain and kicked Umbra off of him. "How did that get past my aura?" He thought. The cyan pegesus tried to speak, but his vocal cords were damaged due Umbra's attack, preventing him from speaking.


Aqua glared at Umbra and shot a ball of ice at him. "What did you do to my brother?" She yelled, obviously angry.

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At the sight of stone in such a condition, sole's sight went red with rage. "I'll never forgive you for this..." he mumbled darkly, as he felt chaotic energy bursed forth. Soon, sighns of chaos could be seen around him, the grass became a checkered pattern at his feet. With a growl, sole shot forward and grabbed umbra by the throat "I'm gonna make you beg for mercy!" He said angrily, throwing unbra through a tree and ignoring the damage done to his talon.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest felt severe pain and kicked Umbra off of him. "How did that get past my aura?" He thought. The cyan pegesus tried to speak, but his vocal cords were damaged due Umbra's attack, preventing him from speaking.

Aqua glared at Umbra and shot a ball of ice at him. "What did you do to my brother?" She yelled, obviously angry.


At the sight of stone in such a condition, sole's sight went red with rage. "I'll never forgive you for this..." he mumbled darkly, as he felt chaotic energy bursed forth. Soon, sighns of chaos could be seen around him, the grass became a checkered pattern at his feet. With a growl, sole shot forward and grabbed umbra by the throat "I'm gonna make you beg for mercy!" He said angrily, throwing unbra through a tree and ignoring the damage done to his talon.

Umbra chuckled as he passed harmlessly through the tree, "me? Beg for mercy? From what? An arrogent little chaos spawn who has a crush on some worthless little slut?" Asked umbra with a cruel grinn, before teleporting behind aqua and grabbing her in a headlock, "oh look, anoather hostage...." said umbra darkly.


Crimson growled and quickly teleported ontop of umbras shoulders before stabbing him between the eyes with his sword helios, "not so fast you bastard..." said crimson darkly, before grabbing aquas hoof and teleporting himself and her away from umbra.


Umbra grinned sadistically at crimson and the group, "oh look.....an angry mob has come to kill me.....let's see what you've got..." said umbra demonically before sending a wave of tendrals at everyone.

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Tempest smirked and fired spheres of aura at the tendrils.. He may not be able to talk again, he could defiantly fight. The cyan pegesus's eyes then glowed red and he floated into the air. He was increasing his strength, while his aura was healing his vocal chords and any other wounds.


Aqua glanced at Crimson and nodded. "I owe ya one." She said. "So, does this prick have any weaknesses?"

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With a demonic roar of his own, sole ripped through the tendrils, getting more consumed by his chaotic form in the process "your right, you can't beg if your dead!" He growled, rushing up to umbra and kicking him into the ground "I'll make sure to make you suffer for what you've done to stone!" He said angrily, blasting him with chaotic energy.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Stone grunted as one of the tendrils sent her into a tree, she let out a yelp before hitting the ground. She looked up as her friends where being hurt....and she broke. "You inconsiderate bastard" she screamed as she ran up to umbra, she made a stone pillar hit umbra in the face, then she punched him in the gut.


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Tempest smirked and fired spheres of aura at the tendrils.. He may not be able to talk again, he could defiantly fight. The cyan pegesus's eyes then glowed red and he floated into the air. He was increasing his strength, while his aura was healing his vocal chords and any other wounds.

Aqua glanced at Crimson and nodded. "I owe ya one." She said. "So, does this prick have any weaknesses?"


With a demonic roar of his own, sole ripped through the tendrils, getting more consumed by his chaotic form in the process "your right, you can't beg if your dead!" He growled, rushing up to umbra and kicking him into the ground "I'll make sure to make you suffer for what you've done to stone!" He said angrily, blasting him with chaotic energy.

Crimson quickly incinerated the oncoming tendrals using his flames and turned to aqua with a sigh, "only light and pure harmony magic.....so my ragestar teqnique and soles energy attacks are the only things that have been effective so far......" said crimson quitely as he watched sole fight umbra.


Umbra laughed evilly and grinned as sole attacked him relentlessly , umbra arose from the ground with the sound of cracking bones, and opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by stones attack, sending him flying through a tree, after a few moments umbra rose back to his feet, and for the first time umbra looked surprised, "how is this possible? I broke you! You can't possibly stand up to me whore!!" Said umbra in rage before teleporting infront of stone and back-hoofing her through a tree, "know your place..." said umbra with a sneer.

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Sole's sens was almost completely overshadowed by chaos as he saw umbra hit stone "I'll kill you!" He growled in a voice of pure rage and hate, as he flitted to umbra with incredible speed and began to relentlessly punch him in the face with monstous force "I won't stop until I see the life leave you pathetic evil eyes!" He growled demonically.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest glared at Umbra. "You do not treat a mare that way." He said. His voice reverberated throughout the area. The cyan pegesus then made three balls of light appear and slowly spin in a circle. They eventually rotated faster and the circle was slowly filled with light..


Aqua nodded and noticed Tempest. "We have to distract Umbra." She said, motioning towards Tempest.

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Stone hit the tree hard. She coughed up blood, she struggled to get back up. She held her shoulder. "I am....broken.....thanks to you....but....you can't harm me.." She grunted before charging at umbra with rage. Tears forming from her eyes as she ran towards her un denying fate.


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Stone hit the tree hard. She coughed up blood, she struggled to get back up. She held her shoulder. "I am....broken.....thanks to you....but....you can't harm me.." She grunted before charging at umbra with rage. Tears forming from her eyes as she ran towards her un denying fate.

Umbra chuckled and teleported away from sole before grabbing stone by the throat and grinning evilly, "catch me if you can worms..." said umbra with a sadistic chuckle before teleporting away with stone.


Crimson cursed as umbra kidnapped stone, "NO!! We have to get her back! If we don't, there's no telling what he could do to her!!" Said crimson hurridly.

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As umbra disappeared with stone, sole snapped completely "ffffuuuuuuuck!" He growled angrily, punching the ground with enough force to leave small craters "I'll tear that bastard apart!" He roared, as he blasted though the forest at full speed, causing chaos and destruction as he went "where are you bitch?!" He yelled.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest canceled the attack and sighed. He then glanced at Crimson. "Where did he take her?" He asked. The cyan pegesus was serious, and wasn't about to let Umbra escape. "I could probably use my aura sight to find them, but it pulls be quicker if you just told me."


Aqua glanced at Tempest and then at Crimson.

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Tempest canceled the attack and sighed. He then glanced at Crimson. "Where did he take her?" He asked. The cyan pegesus was serious, and wasn't about to let Umbra escape. "I could probably use my aura sight to find them, but it pulls be quicker if you just told me."

Aqua glanced at Tempest and then at Crimson.

Crimson sighed, "knowing him.....probably the most deep, dark, nightmare inducing place he could find on such a short notice....but I don't know anyplace specifically like that around her.....what about you? So you know anyplace similer to that?" Asked crimson with cold rage in his eyes, crimson was obviously hiding somthing from the group.

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Stone struggled to get out of his grip, she punched and kicked trying to get out of his hoofs. She wasn't able to breathe and she was panicking. "Stone just stay calm your friends will save you, your not alone on this one just calm down" but she didn't calm down she kept moving and squirming.


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Tempest shook his head. "Sadly, I don't." He said. The cyan pegesus sighed. He then used his aura sight and couldn't find anything. "I can't even detect Umbra's aura." Tempest held his head in his hooves and thought of where Umbra might have taken Stone and Scarlet..

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Tempest shook his head. "Sadly, I don't." He said. The cyan pegesus sighed. He then used his aura sight and couldn't find anything. "I can't even detect Umbra's aura." Tempest held his head in his hooves and thought of where Umbra might have taken Stone and Scarlet..

Crimson growled in frustration, "let's try checking bluebloods mansion, maybe we could find somthing there..." said crimson quitely as he simmered....literally.


Umbra chuckled darkly as he entered the basement of the mansion with stone kicking and struggling in his grasp, "silence whore! You will see your freinds again soon.....their body parts anyway...hehehehe..." said umbra evilly before throwing stone into a cage hanging over a dark pit of water and closing the door, "I hope you can hold your breath whore..." said umbra cruelly before pulling a lever, causing the cage to fall into the water.

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Stone heart held her breathe, she touched the top of the cage and used it to make a air pocket. She had no energy left so she floated and kept breathing in and out. She felt so weak, she actually started to accept this, and possibly accept death. She started to cry silently.


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Tempest nodded. "Let's go." He said. The cyan pegesus then flew towards the mansion. "I just hope we can find them, before to much damage is done." He thought.


Aqua and Ivy sighed and followed Tempest. "Why exactly is your old man evil, anyway?" Ivy asked. "It doesn't exactly make sense."

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Tempest nodded. "Let's go." He said. The cyan pegesus then flew towards the mansion. "I just hope we can find them, before to much damage is done." He thought.

Aqua and Ivy sighed and followed Tempest. "Why exactly is your old man evil, anyway?" Ivy asked. "It doesn't exactly make sense."

Crimson sighed as he followed tempest back to the house, "its an EXTREMELY long story, but he wasn't always like this, he was once a lot like me.....that is, until he got corrupted by black magic....but trust me, the stallion that was once the good side of umbra is long dead.....trust me..." said crimson sadly.

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Sole finally calmed down enough to concentrate on where umbra's energy was at "man, I'm an idiot! I should've checked there first" He said to himself angrily, as he flew as fast as he could back to the mansoin "just hold on stone, I swear to celestia I'll save you!" He yelled as he saw the mansion.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Aqua shrugged. "Honestly, the good never dies in a pony. Just look at Discord. He changed, so why can't your father?" The blue unicorn then smiled, slightly.


Tempest noticed Sole. "At least there might be a chance that we might be going in the right direction." He thought. The cyan pegesus then noticed the mansion and started flying faster.

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