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open King Sombra Corruption Conquest over Equestria


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King Sombra Corruption Conquest over Equestria.

Once peaceful in Equestria then something happen, King Sombra came back form the dead, then corrupted Prince Shining Armor and Princess Candace as they fall under his spell. THen Crystal Empire was taken over and also Crystal ponies turn evil too. Now with his army he conquerer Canterlot as the Main Six try to stop him but they got corrupted too one by one as they fall even Spike the Dragon got corrupted it. Then Fall of Equestria as Celestial and Luna became corrupted too and now King Sombra rules Crystal Empire and Equestria with a Iron Hoof. As his corrupted Force the Main Six control  each section of Equestria and there families also became corrupted it too. So only hope is Discord to save Equestria form King Sombra, as he got ponies who not corrupted like Fireblaze and others. Now they have to help Discord, put there aside of hate on him and save Equestria form King Sombra.



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Tempest trotted through the streets of Ponyville. His aura permanently surrounded him. When he heard about what happened to Luna, he tried to fight, but it was futile. He had succumbed to Sombra's power.


Dark flew through the skies of Equestria. Due to Sombra's magic, she was taller and her horns had grown slightly.

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In Crystal Empire King Sombra was getting ready head to Canterlot. "Time to invade Griffon Kingdom and make them my slaves." Then he turn to Shining Armor and Candace. "Guard this Empire until I come back because I am going to Canterlot to make plans invading Griffon Kingdom."

Then he left with 200 of his army heading to Canterlot then he sent Invasions to Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Futtershy, Pinky Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Celestia and Luna meet him. Also have there best guards to make sure the meeting won't be interrupted too.

Then in Las Peagues home of Pony Freedom HQ as Discord was the leader and in charge. Fireblaze is second in command. Blade in Hoofington getting the army ready and Skull (Who is Darkness) As he was there and then he went to patrol Northern Everferet forest as Darkness making sure no one even Futtershy know too.


"It time Fireblaze call the troops." Discord saying


"Right." Then he ask Derpy to send the message to the troops and telling them get ready.

Rainbow Dash was getting the Colusdale Army ready too for invasion of Griffon Kingdom and then she got the message form her King Sombra. Then she turn to Corrupted Scootallo since she is second in command. "Hay Squirt make sure the army is ready and I am going to the meeting." Then Rainbow Dash flew to Canterlot and land in the Castle as she waiting for the others to come too.

Edited by Fireblaze
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Tempest returned to Canterlot and smiled at Luna. "This should be interesting," He said.


Luna glanced at Tempest. "I didn't expect you to get here so quickly." She said. "Anyway, you know what to do."


Tempest nodded and stood by Luna's side as they waited for Sombra. "Nopony will interrupt this meeting." He said. "I also brought a friend."


Dark landed next to Tempest and she smiled.

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Discord open the door, then smiles that his son alive and happy too. "Well Sole see you finally come to since, I know you and Fireblaze Friend Rainbow Dash is corrupted by King Sombra now. Come in and also King Sombra give them Spells means they can corrupted anyone so watch out for that.

Fireblaze looking at a picture of Rainbow Dash since he didn't save her form Sombra corruption and he was not happy for that. *I should save you dash and now you in King Sombra power I will try get you back*

King Sombra arrive in Equestria as he see Luna, Tempest, Dark, Rainbow Dash, Celesita, Futtershy, Applejack, Twilight, Pinky Pie and Rarity with there guards too. "Ah You made it good and now let get to business. Griffion Kingdom is Resisting my magic and there King is Suborn to be bend to my will. So he must be dead and his army defeated too. Then we will Capture DISCORD and his Freedom Fighters too since they still alive. So any ideals on our victory and I know Gilda is leading the army Rainbow Dash she will be easy to be defeated and corrupted too."

"Yes your majesty and Gilda will be corrupted by me so she will join us." Rainbow Dash saying.

"That good and Luna do you got any ideals. Also I need your darkness to cover the Griffion Kingdom so this way they can't see what hit them." King Sombra saying.

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Discord open the door, then smiles that his son alive and happy too. "Well Sole see you finally come to since, I know you and Fireblaze Friend Rainbow Dash is corrupted by King Sombra now. Come in and also King Sombra give them Spells means they can corrupted anyone so watch out for that.

Fireblaze looking at a picture of Rainbow Dash since he didn't save her form Sombra corruption and he was not happy for that. *I should save you dash and now you in King Sombra power I will try get you back*


King Sombra arrive in Equestria as he see Luna, Tempest, Dark, Rainbow Dash, Celesita, Futtershy, Applejack, Twilight, Pinky Pie and Rarity with there guards too. "Ah You made it good and now let get to business. Griffion Kingdom is Resisting my magic and there King is Suborn to be bend to my will. So he must be dead and his army defeated too. Then we will Capture DISCORD and his Freedom Fighters too since they still alive. So any ideals on our victory and I know Gilda is leading the army Rainbow Dash she will be easy to be defeated and corrupted too."

"Yes your majesty and Gilda will be corrupted by me so she will join us." Rainbow Dash saying.

"That good and Luna do you got any ideals. Also I need your darkness to cover the Griffion Kingdom so this way they can't see what hit them." King Sombra saying.

sole shrugged and walked inside "yeah yeah, I'm fine, but I csme here with some bad news!" He said impaitently "I've just gotten word recently that sombra plans to invade the griffon kingdom. Are we gonna go kick some evil ass and help them or what?" He asked quickly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Luna simply nodded. "I will see what I can do, in terms of the darkness." She said. "I also think that we should send Tempest along with Rainbow Dash to the griffion kingdom. I have no doubt in my mind that he would be able to convince the griffion king to join us."

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"We will son and we be heading there soon." The Discord sending the message to the troops as they got it and heading to the Griffon Kingdom to help the King Grif stop Sombra.

Once Skull got the message and then Corruption took over as he became Darkness and send a message to King Sombra. *Master Discord and his forces heading to Griffion Kingdom to stop you.*

King Sombra got the message and smiles. "Good Spy and go back to Skull for now so this way Discord won't know what hit him too*

Darkness bows. *Yes master* Then he return to Skull and heading back to the Griffion Kingdom.

"AH good ideal Luna also my Spy told me that Discord is heading to the Griffion Kingdom to stop us and they never know who this spy is but I am going to give you a clue he is fuittershy lover and Futtershy you know who I am talking about since we only haft corrupted him."

"Yes master I know and this time once he see us he will be fully corrupted." Futtershy saying.

"Good, Tempest and Rainbow Dash go to the Griffion Kingdom and make the Griffon King Become my servant!" King Sombra saying.

"Yes King Sombra." Rainbow Dash saying as she flew into the air and heading to the Griffion Kingdom.

(I will be controlling most of the Main Six until someone want them expect Rainbow dash)

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Tempest simply smiled. "I will not disappoint." He said, as he disappeared into his aura.


Luna cast the spell of darkness over the griffion kingdom and glanced at Sombra. "The griffions are in darkness." She said. "I suggest that once Tempest convinces the griffion king to become our ally, then we immediately put Tempest and Dark in charge. I have no doubt that they would be maintain our control in that area."

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Sole nodded and grinned as he quickly followed the soldiers to the griffon kingdom "see ya later pops!" He yelled back, as he flew ahead of the others and toward the griffon kingdom. As the skys got unnaturally dark, sole quickly illuminated the area around him with white energy "armageddon would have a field day here..." sole mumbled as he flew.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest appeared in the darkness and used his aura sight to detect any opposition. He noticed Sole's aura and laughed darkly. "So, how's you old man doing, Sole?" He asked. The cyan pegesus then fired multiple aura spheres at Sile and the other griffions as he disappeared into his aura.

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Fireblaze was heading to the Griffion Kingdom fast and enter into the darkness as he use his fire to guid him too.

Gilda came and wake up the king. "Sir Sombra attacking us and you must escape."

"Right and make sure no one following me." Then the King Flew with his 100 of his men somewhere as Gilda face Rainbow Dash and they fighting each other. "So were you sent that King off too?"

"I won't tell." Gilda saying

"Well I will corrupted you!" Then Rainbow Dash did the sonic Rainboom Corruption as it hit Gilda and then she was being Corrupted by King Sombra magic. "NOOOOO!" Then she have Green eyes with dark aura around them. "I am in your command King Sombra and the Griffon King heading to his select Hideout in Griffin City."

Then Rainbow Dash smiles and Flew to Griffin CIty and Capture the King.

Then Skull arrive norther part of Grifion Kingdom as he land and then turn into Darkness as Corrupted Futtershy came and smiles. "I know you be here love and now let finishes that spell."

Then she Corrupted Skull as he became Full Darkness now and hugging his love too. "It good to be back with you love and now Sole will get a surprise!" THen Dakrness went to the air and to help Tempest.

(Well Gust what Skull is the Tratior and now he is Darkness under Sombra and Corrupted Futtershy Magic)

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Tempest appeared above the griffion king,as he was flying, and plowed him into the ground. "Now now, it's very rude to ignore your guests." He said, in a dark ,menacing, tone. The cyan pegesus then grabbed the king and put a aura sphere to his head. "Now then, I believe we were about to discuss terms of surrender.

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Sole saw the aura blasts coming and quickly knocked them away with energy "he's doing just fine, you traitorous prick!" He said darkly, as he concentrated on tempest and sent a large blast of chaotic energy at him "how does it feel to sombra's bitch?" He asked sarcastically, as he sensed that he was now gone *dammit, he got away!* he thought, flying toward the king.

Edited by drocsid-soahc


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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THen Darkness came, blast Sole trom behind and smiles. "Hay Sole gust who the Traitor is me Skull now Darkness and we got you were we want you freedom fighters."

THen Rainbow Dash tacking Fireblaze into the ground as she smiles. "Hello Blaze and now you going to become corrupted like it or not."

"I am going to fight it Dash and will free you!" FIreblaze saying

"HA. let see if you can free your self form this." Then she fire a Corruption spell into FIreblaze eyes as FIreblaze began to fight it but time was short.

"Fine you can have the Kingdom but I won't be corrupted and I won't go down that easy!" Grififn King Saying.

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Tempest smirked. "You see, I don't do corruption." He said, as he slammed the aura sphere into the king's head, making it explode on impact. Before his guards could react, Tempest killed them all. "Well, that was a bit of a bore." The cyan pegesus then trotted away, smiling.

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THen Darkness came, blast Sole trom behind and smiles. "Hay Sole gust who the Traitor is me Skull now Darkness and we got you were we want you freedom fighters."

THen Rainbow Dash tacking Fireblaze into the ground as she smiles. "Hello Blaze and now you going to become corrupted like it or not."

"I am going to fight it Dash and will free you!" FIreblaze saying

"HA. let see if you can free your self form this." Then she fire a Corruption spell into FIreblaze eyes as FIreblaze began to fight it but time was short.

"Fine you can have the Kingdom but I won't be corrupted and I won't go down that easy!" Grififn King Saying.

sole grunted in pain as he flipped in the air, before landing on the ground gracefully "I'm sorry, who are you?" He asked in a smartass tone "I'm pretty sure I've never had a conversation with minion number two!" He said sarcastically, as he kicked the pony in the face with an energy kick.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"Ah Luna your Pupal Kill the Grififon King since he was being stubborn and now it ours but getting Reports of Discord forces in that area too. I know Dash is Corrupting Fireblaze while Darkness taking care of Discord son Sole." King Sombra saying

Fireblaze trying fight the corruption but he was losing the fight a little bit and growing too.

"Oh come on give in to the corruption and JOin us Blaze because I know you want to be with me." Rainbow Dash saying.

Darkness shaking his head of that kick and smiles. "See your old man don't see the protest that Sombra will Rule and Discord will fail to his will soon because he is STORNGER than your old man." THen Darkenss fire another Dark Spear at Sole.

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"Ah Luna your Pupal Kill the Grififon King since he was being stubborn and now it ours but getting Reports of Discord forces in that area too. I know Dash is Corrupting Fireblaze while Darkness taking care of Discord son Sole." King Sombra saying


Fireblaze trying fight the corruption but he was losing the fight a little bit and growing too.

"Oh come on give in to the corruption and JOin us Blaze because I know you want to be with me." Rainbow Dash saying.


Darkness shaking his head of that kick and smiles. "See your old man don't see the protest that Sombra will Rule and Discord will fail to his will soon because he is STORNGER than your old man." THen Darkenss fire another Dark Spear at Sole.

sole grinned cockily and knocked the spear away "well, ain't that a damn shame." He said sarcastically, as he punched darkness in the stomach, before kicking him into the ground. "I don't care if he's a million times stronger then my old man, I'll still kick his ass for hurting my friends!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Luna simply smiled. "I figured Tempest would succeed. His is my strongest guard, after all." She said.


Dark bowed her head to King Sombra. "My king, I would like to volunteer myself as the new ruler of the griffion kingdom." She said. "I promise that I shall not disappoint you."

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"THen you the Ruler of Griffion Kingdom make me proud corrupted everyone." KIng Sombra saying. Then he Send a message to every one.

Rainbow Dash got the message as she grab Fireblaze and flew back to Canterlot with him. "You will be corrupted and this way we can be tog ever!"

Then a Bat and Birds came attacking Sole as Futtershy was there. "Darkness Sombra calling us."

Then Darkness getting up and shaking his head. "Well Sole I will see you later." Then he and Futtershy teleported to Canterlot while levying Sole with her Birds.

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Dark nodded. "Thank you." She said, before flying towards the griffion kingdom.


Tempest received the message and smirked. "I'm on my way, my king." He thought. The cyan pegesus then disappeared into his aura, and reappered instantly in the throne room. He then glanced at Sombra. "I assume the others will be here?"

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Sole sighed as darkness eascaped, quickly sending out a wave of energy to knock the birds away "oh, how scary of you! Run away like a chicken and let your evil girlfriend cover your esape!" He said mockingly, as he flew back to the base after gathering the survivors. "We may have lost the battle, but we'll win this damn war!" He said quietly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Discord then felt a something else. "Yes but Fireblaze is capture by Corrupted Rainbow Dash and now she take him back to Canterlot so he will be fully corrupted. I don't know how you will save him and Dash but they do got Tempest and Darkness with them."

THen Dash bring FIreblaze as she lay him down and Sombra using his Corrupted powers on Blaze. "Soon Fireblaze you will become corrupted and join with your love Rainbow Dash."

Fireblaze was losing the battle and falling to the corruption shorty.

Then Darkness and Futtershy returns too. "Well Sole can be annoying and Discord too."

"So that Fool still thinks that he and his son can beat me? He don't have a chance." King SOmbra saying,

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