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open King Sombra Corruption Conquest over Equestria


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Aqua came into the room and looked at Discord. "One of our scouts has reported that Dark is heading for the griffion kingdom. Apparently Sombra appointed her as the new ruler of the kingdom. Do you want me to pay her a visit?"


Dark landed on her new castle's balcony. She walked through the halls and smiled. "This is going to be nice." The black dragon thought as she entered one of the bedrooms. "I might as well get some sleep." Dark then laid on the bed and drifted off into a deep slumber.

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Discord then felt a something else. "Yes but Fireblaze is capture by Corrupted Rainbow Dash and now she take him back to Canterlot so he will be fully corrupted. I don't know how you will save him and Dash but they do got Tempest and Darkness with them."


THen Dash bring FIreblaze as she lay him down and Sombra using his Corrupted powers on Blaze. "Soon Fireblaze you will become corrupted and join with your love Rainbow Dash."

Fireblaze was losing the battle and falling to the corruption shorty.

Then Darkness and Futtershy returns too. "Well Sole can be annoying and Discord too."

"So that Fool still thinks that he and his son can beat me? He don't have a chance." King SOmbra saying,

damn... sole said, cursing quietly "we need a win, to help increase the soldier's morale." He said calmly, turning to his father "so, got any ideas pops?" He asked, scratching the back of his head in thought "maybe we should attack canterlot, ya'know, an eye for an eye!" He said quickly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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"I think we need to hit them at lease they expective but I know Fireblaze will fight the corruption since he been train and if not then we will attack." Discord saying "You need get past Corrupted Gilda first since she will be guarding Dark Aqua."
Fireblaze keep fighting the Corruption as Dash watching and knew he will lose. "Come on it almost there love."

"You can't fight it and you will lose to it so give up, Join us because you will be powerful." King Sombra saying. "Luna help me to force Fireblaze Corruption so he will join us."

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Luna nodded. "I will see what I can do." She said, while her horn glowed


Aqua nodded as her aura surrounded her. "I can handle a griffion." She said. The blue unicorn then disappeared into her aura. "I just hope this works." She thought.


Tempest shrugged. "I don't see why you don't kill him." He said. "It's a lot easier and quckier than simply corrupting them." The cyan Ephesus then sensed a pony using their aura, but decided not to tell the others.

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"You can go with Aqua and make sure she is safe too since Gilda will be there." Discord saying "I will go to Canterlot, Face Celesita, Luna and King Sombra alone."

THen Gilda with corrupted powers since Aqua as she did a Speed Hit on her. "You will not harm Queen Dark Ruller of Grifion Kingdom."

Fireblaze screams as he was near corruption with Luna help and then his eyes turn green with purpal arura coming out. *Guys I may go corrupted fight and be brave and fight me if I attack you guys so LONG LIVE REBELAION!" Then FIreblaze turn dark as his eyes were corrupted and then he bows to King Sombra. "Dark Fireblaze is your to command my lord."

"HAHHAHAHA Welcome my New minion and now you will be with your lover Rainbow Dash." King Sombra saying

"FInaly." Then Dash hugging Dark Blaze.

"Because We need more army and Dragons even Hybirds are stronger so we can't kill them. Also I got a mission for you Tempest. You and Luna will go to the Dragon Kingdom to corrupted Every Dragon including the Dragon King so the Rebbeles won't know what hit them. If the Dragon King don't give in to the darkness then Tempest you can kill the dragon king on his belly since it the weakness." King Sombra saying.

Blade going towards Appleouis to Face Applejack and hearing this. "Great we losing members and Skull YOU TRATIOR. Now I have to find Applejack and free her or I will fail to save her and get corrupted this is my desntey."

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Sole nodded, and was about to leave until he heard discord say be was fighting all three of them at once "are you crazy?!" He growled "you want to fight three of the most powerful beings in existance by yourself? No, that's not how its going down. I'm coming with you!" He said in annoyance.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest nodded. He felt weird killing a dragon, seeing as how he had raised one, but he didn't discuss it with the others. "I won't fail you." He said. A voice inside his head was screaming to be let out, but Tempest ignored it, as he flew into the air and towards the dragon kingdom.


Luna followed Tempest and noticed something was different. She could already see it in his aura.


Aqua grunted in pain as she hit the ground. She then stood up and simply smiled. "You shouldn't have done that." She said, as she made water come out of the ground and surround Gilda. The blue unicorn then made all the water freeze around Gilda.

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Discord since. "Well it will be 2 Luna with Tempest and heading to the Dragon Kingdom last line defense."

Dragon King since this will happen. "Shield the Light sword and protect it with Storngest Dragon Magic so this way no evil can't open it."

Then they use dragon Magic on the sword as it began to close the doors and a magic spell was on the doors only good magic can enter.

"Wives and kids who can't fight get into the underground shelter and once who can grab weapons we must defend our selfs." Dragon King shouts as they getting ready for war.

Then the wives and kids enter into the underground shelter while Gaberal and his Teenage dragon friends were ready too.

Then Dark Spike flying with Luna and Tempest. "King sombra and Nightmare Rarity sent me so I can get some pay back on Gaberal and his goons for hum mating me all these years."

Nightmare Rarity smiles. "Go and get them spikey wikey."

Dark Fireblaze and Rainbow Dash flew back to clousdale and began to train there army with Scootallo.

"I See you got him Dash." Scootaloo saying

"You got that right squirt." Dash saying.

Then Gilda use her corrupted powers to brake out. "It will take more than ice to stop me." Then she send a dark wave attack towards Aqua.

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Tempest rolled his eyes. "I did not need to know that." He muttered to himself. "Anyway, you might as well stay, since you're already here." The cyan pegesus then landed in front of the dragon king's castle.


Aqua smirked and dodged the attack. "You do relize that Tempest is my brother?" She asked, as she fired several aura spheres at Gilda."I have some of his abilities."

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"THEY HERE." Then the Dragons began to fire on Tempest, Luna and Spike as Spike dodge and attacking Gaberal and his teenage dragons friends.

Dragon King Guards began to fire on Tempest and throwing Rocks even spears at him too.

Gilda then send a Fear attack on Aqua as darkness cover her. "Time to meet your worst fears AQUA!"

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Aqua was slightly surpised by the attack and was surrounded by darkness. Her greatest fear was being abandoned by her friends. She tried to resist the attack.


Temoest smirked and fired multiple aura spheres, destroying any projectiles. He then glanced at the dragons as two aura spheres formed and started spinning in a circle. "I suggest you give up." He said. His voice had a slight bit of hesitation in it.

Edited by Dark Opal
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Sole sighed and turned to leave "fine... I'll go help the dragon kingdom" he said hesitantly "but if you die, or get corrupted by evil magic, I'll kick your ass!" He said in annoyance, as he flew out the door and toward the dragon kingdom. As he arrived, he spotted tempest and blasted him with energy.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tempest turned to late and was blasted back by the energy. He groaned and smiled slightly, before falling into unconsciousness. "Thank you, my friend." He thought.


Luna glared at Sole. "You're going to pay for that." She said. The blue alicorn then fired a burst of magic at Sole.

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Sole quickly sidestepped the blast, narrowly dodging it, before throwing a blast of his own "well, if it isn't the princess of the night!" He said in a smartass tone "quick question, have you ever been mistaken as a vampire before? Cuz that'd be bucking helarious!" He said mockingly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Luna rolled her eyes. "No. I haven't." She said, while dodging Sole's attack. "What brought that to mind?"


Tempest, at this point, was fighting to break Sombra's hold over his mind.


Aqua faced her fear and broke out of the attack. She then glared at Gilda. "You just made a big mistake." She said. The blue unicorn then fired multiple aura spheres and large chunks of ice at Gilda.

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Sole grinned and landed a few feet away from her "cuz your leader is a blood sucking peice of scum... just wanted to make sure you weren't related or something." He said mockingly, as he flitted behind her and quickly blasted her with a chaotic energy spear "maybe there's hope for you yet!"


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Luna felt the attack and was blasted forward a few feet. "Your little rebellion shall fall." She said, as she teleported away. She reappeared behind Sombra and bowed. "I'm sorry my king, but Tempest and I failed to take over the dragon kingdom." The blue alicorn was afraid of the punishment that Sombra would make her endure.

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King sombra give Luna a little pain. "DOn't fail me again but this time I teleported the Dragon King here."

THen Darkness and Futtershy bring the Dragon King as he was KO.

"Now Luna for your redemption Corrupted him." King Sombra saying.

Celestia was looking and then this will be her turn. "Master Discord is heading this way."

"HA he is weak and Celestia You will face him." King Sombra saying

"Yes master." Then she dissaperd and then tackling Discord down. "YOU WILL NOT HARM MY MASTER!"

Discord: Tia stop this you need fight this

Celestia: NEVER

Discord: Look Tia You know I like you.

Celestia: Yea but You will join King Sombra.

THen they keep fighting each other.

Gilda dodge it then Fire a Dark Spears at Aqua. "HA!"

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Luna nodded and her horn glowed. Darkness slowly started to envelop the dragon king.


Aqua dodged the attacks. She was honestly getting somewhat tired. "I have to keep fighting. For Tempest and Dark." She thought, while firing another aura sphere at Gilda.

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Dragon King was fighting it but he was losing as his eyes turn into green eyes and purpal aura was there and then he give into the corruption. "I am yours King Sombra."

"Good and good job Luna you can survived but your import an mission is get Tempest back on my side since his sister still on my side." King Sombra saying

Gilda keep dodign and smiles. "take this!" Then she send a big dark wave towards Aqua.

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Luna nodded. "I will bring Tempest back." She said, as she flew back to the dragon kingdom.


Aqua was hit by the attack, but she still got up. "I will never back down to the likes of you." She yelled. The blue unicorn then made two spheres of aura rotate in a circle in front of her. They eventually picked up speed, as the putter edge of the circle was filled in.


The cyan pegesus slowly stood up and smiled. His aura surrounded him, but he was in control. "Sombra, you will die." He said, laughing like a maniac. "But first, I have to take care of something.". Tempest then flew into the air and towards the griffion kingdom. He streaked across the sky like a comet, his aura leaving a contrail of darkness as he flew.

Edited by Dark Opal
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Gilda keep attacking Auqa. "TRY THIS TORNADO DARKNESS!" THen send the attack to Aqua.

"Now Dragon King go back to your Kingdom and Tell them that it under my Rule and if anyone opese me then you can corrupted them so they can see the light." King Sombra saying

"Yes master." Then he Flew back to the Dragon Kingdom.

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Before Aqua could launch her attack, her concentration was broken when the tornado forced her up and slammed her into the ground. Her entire body hurt, and she could barely move. The last thing she noticed, before going into unconsciousness, was a black comet streaking across the sky.

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