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open Super Hero: Origins RP


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Scipio had arrived at the site of the bombing and hid from the sight of the thugs and civilians running around the area. He noticed that there were apparently other supers and/or skilled vigilantes here too, including Titan from Taker's Tavern. To his dismay it seemed she had already gotten to the main guy behind everything, but decided to go and face off with the thugs who had stolen the money from the bank.


"#This will be fun..."


Scipio's appearance changed dramatically as the symbiote slithered across his body to turn him into Abaddon. He sprang from the shadows he was hiding in, taking inhuman lengths to arrive there in a short moment.



Abaddon said mockingly as he rammed into the truck to knock it over and surprise the thieves. Six tendrils came from his back and began to slash at the retaliating thugs, adding in deadly poisons in case the wounds were not enough.

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suddenly some one was launched at him and he was pushed back "so, decided to show yourselfs hmm?" he pointed his Automag V at titan, *click* it was out of ammo, he put it away, he ran at her then delivered a devistating punch to the face, sending her down, he saw shale and pulled out his M1911 and shot her, the bullet hitting a non lethal area in her abdomen, suddenly a monster came in and killed most of the thugs, he unloaded the rest of his clip into it

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Abaddon hissed and extended his claw, shooting out a non lethal tendril to pull Titan out of the way.

"Please, your pathetic firearms don't even tickle me," he growled as the bullets seemed to melt into his body. "We're unsure you have the same resilience."

Abaddon lunged forward and rammed his spiked shoulder into the boss' torso...

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He yelled out in pain, surprisingly, no blood came out, started hitting him and tried pushing him off "ACK! GET OFF ME!" hr reached to his hip and pulled an M-9 handgun loaded with incendiary rounds, he shot point blank range into him, "STUPID THING!" he shot a few more times

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Abaddon quickly recoiled and jumped off of the boss as he felt the searing bullets bore into his body. He grasped at his chest where the bullets had hit and pulled off a writhing, burning mass of black material.

"Right back at you..."

He threw it on the boss and clung to a wall to recover...

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"GAAHH!" he struggled with the strange mass that was thrown on him, he tried shooting at the monster, most bullets missed, but a few hit he ripped the mass in half and threw it off him "oh your good, but i can deal with you" he reached into one of the vans and took the RP-7 out and took aim

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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*The RP-7 was suddenly wrenched out of the bandaged man's hands. It flew through the air and landed in Titan's hand.*


*She tossed the RP-7 to Shale, who's body had hardened to deflect the bullet. Shale caught it and snapped it over his knee.*


*Titan taunted.*

"We broke your toy."

*She quickly pulled three nails out of her pocket and placed them between her fingers. She ran up to the bandaged man and struck him in the gut. She quickly hopped backwards, out of swinging range.*

Edited by Erperler


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once again, no blood flowed through the wound, out of rage, he shot shale a few times, then he shot titan in the knee, he then tackled her and began repeatedly punching and pummeling her, he was quite strong, while he did that, one of the vans was able to drive away to safety  

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Abaddon took advantage of the distraction to leap off the wall and land behind the boss. Morphing his claws together into sickles, he plunged them into the man's shoulders and pulled him down, a spiked knee rising up to hit him square in the back.

"It's always so endearing to see your kind use such conventional weapons to try and fight off higher beings..."

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He was caught off guard by the monster  then was knee slammed and impaled

"AAAAAAH!" he reached for his pistol and unloaded incindenary rounds into the monsters face, he made sure to aim right into its face as he shot point blank "HA! DOESNT FEEL SO GOOD DOES IT?"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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*Titan managed to use push to reflect the bullet from hitting her, but the recharge time prevented her from using her powers to push the bandaged man away. She took the hits, her head bounced off the ground, which knocked her out. The bullets sent at Shale just bounced off his hardened skin. Shale ran forwards toward Abbadon and the bandaged man. He crouched down next to Titan and checked her pulse. It was there, and fine, Shale sighed in relief. He looked over at the bandaged man with an angry look. He went over while the man was distracted with Abbadon and slammed his hardened fist into the back of the man's head.*

Edited by Erperler


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The impact from getting hit in the back of the head stunned him causing him to drop his M9 he was dazed for a bit, though he quickly recovered, getting away from both of them, he was exhausted " come on... Take me on!" He yelled at them almost taunting them, he took out a lead pipe he had under his jacket

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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The impact from getting hit in the back of the head stunned him causing him to drop his M9 he was dazed for a bit, though he quickly recovered, getting away from both of them, he was exhausted " come on... Take me on!" He yelled at them almost taunting them, he took out a lead pipe he had under his jacket

*Shale walked towards the bandaged man, cracking his knuckles. His skin began to grow darker, signifying that it was getting tougher. His movements began to emit more of a grinding noise, like rock scraping against rock. Shale jogged towards the bandaged man and swung at his face.*


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He dodged and whacked shale on the head with the pipe as hard as he could, the pip broke, frustrated he ran to the other van "doesnt matter, we still got the money! but now i will leave you with a parting gift" to glowing green dots appeared behind the lenses of his sunglasses, suddenly all the dead thugs stood up, they were zombies, the bandaged man drove away laughing 

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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*Shale frowned and furrowed his brow as the bandaged man drove away. He looked around him as the zombie thugs rose up. He ran up to one and punched it in the face, crushing its skull. He would have continued had the police not shown up. The police quickly shot all of the zombie thugs, aiming for their heads. Shale looked at the cops surprised.*


"We know how to deal with zombies."

*One of the cops said to Shale after all the zombies were taken care of.*

"The chief is a bit unduly paranoid. Guess all that special zombie training came in handy after all."

*Shale pointed in the direction the bandaged man had driven off in.*

"Don't worry son."

*The cop said.*

"You did the best you could."

*Shale nodded in response. He walked over to where Titan lay unconcious. He crouched down and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. She was a bit beat up, but she would be fine in no time.*

"Hey! Does she need medical attention?"

*The police officer asked. Shale shook his head. Shale then walked over to Abaddon. He seemed wounded as well. Shale made a gesture that seemed to indicate an offer for assistance to Abaddon.*


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The Sheriff pulled up to the scene,  he got out of his car, and walked up to shale, "you have anything to do this?" he asked shale, an ambulance pulled up and gathered up the dead and injured, another cop ran up to the sheriff "looks like the work the Enforcer" the sheriff looked at him "yeah, the zombies tipped me off"

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Abaddon chuckled as he saw Shale offer some help.

"I'm amused. Most would rather leave us be instead of directly walking up to us and saying anything. Well, anything other than 'Die monster' at least. Whatever, we appreciate the offer, but you should tend to your friend. I've suffered far worse and have been able to recover on my own. This will be no different."


Abaddon looked over to the cops which had arrived, taking note of the name "Enforcer". Apparently it was the head thug who raised the zombies.

"Care to expand on that information there chief?"

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The sheriff  sighed "the enforcer works for "The Boss" the leader of one of the gangs here, hes...well...we dont know what he is, other than he cant die and he can raise the dead, we dont know whats behind the bandages or who he is, its all we know, he raises the dead through some kind of magic, im at the point where nothing shocks me any more..."

My Let's Play channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy14-AEEHdfj5QQAlYtB1_A


Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103097-guest-rapper-for-you/



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Abaddon nodded and hissed.

"Hmph, well then I wish you all the best of luck. We've heard that there are other places aside from this city with rampant crime and supervillains, places ripe for their picking."

"#I think it's about time we extend our terrors even further anyway..."

Abaddon gave a clawed salute before tendril zipping off into the distance in search of new challenges to face...




Maximillian watched the events of the bank robbery from afar, staring with keen interest at the way the supers fought. It was a pity he had been a bit too late to have some decent fights with the thugs, most of them having been picked off in mere minutes after the supers had arrived to halt their actions. Max spat on the ground in disappointment and walked away with a huff, deciding he'd just wander the city in these late hours.... just because he was bored and had no fricking clue what to do now.


*"Hehey, look what we have here!*


Maximillian grunted in mere annoyance as he saw a group of common thugs come from the alleys and surround him.


*"Hey Mark, looks like this one is one of those richer folk, look at the way he's dressed!"

"Too bad he ain't rich in brains, boy should know better than to wander around at night!"

The thug named mark laughed and pulled out a knife, grabbing Max by the collar of his coat and red shirt.

"This shouldn't be hard for you Richie Rich. Hand over your trinkets and cash, I know you're carrying quite a bit...*


Maximillian rolled his eyes and stared the thug in the eyes.

"Please trash, I can't believe I'm even letting this waste my time. I mean seriously, this shit is just so unoriginal right now. Common thieves gang up on the noticeable kid and don't know that he may have quite a lot more in store for them."

He scoffed and quickly used his hand to move the knife away from his throat, expertly wrenching it from Mark's hand and using it to stab into his side.


*"You little shit! Mark!"

The thugs immediately ganged up on him with melee weapons at the ready.*


"God, really?"

Maximillian's eyes flashed golden for a few moments, and suddenly a pair of golden, metallic wings emerged on his back. He did a quick flap with them, the metallic wings screeching as they sent a blast of searing wind to knock all the thugs away.

"Meh, I don't even know what to do anymore... let's experiment shall we?"


His eyes flashed again, this time a dark ruby color as strange mucks of red energy began to fall off from his body. They immediately transformed into snakes, slithering towards the thugs and wrapping them up in a choking hold.

"Be nice and let them breathe just a tiny bit, yeah?"

Despite his former serious nature, Max's expression seemed to grow more... sinister. Sadistic really, with a huge hint of obvious mocking enjoyment.

"Hahaha! Okay okay, why don't I play nice this one time, and you can all bring back the message to your piece of shit leader!"

Max crouched down over to one of the thugs who was visibly shocked.

"There now..."

Maximillian put his hands to his ribcage, and began to apply pressure. Nothing at first, but soon enough the thug began to squirm as much as he could in the snakes coils as crunching was heard due to his ribs cracking and being pushed out of place.

"But no, let's go a bit further! You've often used your hands for this type of crime, right?!"

Max punched the thug strongly in the sternum, sinking it in. He took one of his arms and twisted it, breaking it. He did the same with the other arm. He repeated the process on the other thugs.

"That was fun now, wasn't it? Your well earned reward for the work you've done afterall!"


The snakes then carried the thugs over to the middle of the street and piled them up in painful positions. Maximillian waved a mocking goodbye before continuing on his way.

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"I believe I can be handled from here, Crow, but your help was...appreciated." Silas smiled beguiling and waved a doctor over, discussing his predicament in low tones. The doctor looked dubious but assisted him along to get bandaged up, leaving Crow behind.


A bright white light was flickering in the air, and Olivia blinked into wakefulness at the sound of murmuring voices, shielding her eyes which still burned with the memory of the light. A nurse by her side pocketed the blinking device that looked like a small torch, and she signed with relief as she told Olivia she was going to get a doctor.

As she left the room, the young woman sat up in the bed, feeling groggy. Her slightly protuberant green eyes roved about the room and her disheveled shoulder-length brown hair was smoothed down by her faintly olive-toned hands. Short and skinny, Olivia was the picture of a typical "nerd", and that is what she was. She had only recently graduated from her program in astrology, and though she was still trying to find a job, she had enjoyed it immensely, and hoped to return for a history degree of some sort as well (however, this was unlikely; she was more of a science girl, fun as history may be).

She felt something throb and lifted the covers/

The nurse returned with the doctor shortly, but she noted (very nervously) several police officers behind. She tried to sit up further but the officer forced her down a bit more, telling her in a whisper to just answer the questions, and then he’d check on her.

Olivia knew what they were there about; they had finally found out. She felt the coil of fear in her stomach loosen slightly with near relief at finally having been caught. She reached for her necklace, but found it wasn’t there, and then the panic returned-she needed her necklace.

Noting the gesture, the squatter of the two officers nodded. “You’ll get your things back when we’re done.”

Olivia felt helpless-her necklace was the most important material object in her life. If anything happened to it, she’d be crushed. She opened her mouth to explain this, but the other officer, who was marginally taller than the other and was rather stooped, cut across her as he began the questioning.

“Las’ night, Mizz Hartlett, yer’ body was found in da waterpark by da harbour, dressed like a secuitah gawd. Do you deny this fact?”

Olivia, glad she finally had the chance to speak, began to talk in her faint Welsh accent. “No, but-“

“You were found at da waterpark las’ night, wearing a Kim Yordle’s outfit and car’ying her badge, unconscious, with that there wound on ya’ leg. How did you obtain this u-ni-form?” asked the officer, letting the word sound all three syllables. Frustrated that they weren’t letting her speak, Oliva answered with some irritation.

“Kim and I are friends…she couldn’t make it last night, and I covered for her,” she said breathlessly. As the cop opened his mouth, she pressed on. “And before you ask, I’ve been doing this for months now.”

The officers mouth tightened into a strong line. “And you felt no need to inform us or her employer your friend was skivving off her duty?”

“No,” began Olivia, “but-“

“And how did you end up unconscious with that nasty cut on your leg? Who detonated that explosive?” said the squat one, and they both narrowed their eyes suspiciously. The doctor sighed and told the officers, “She’s taken a hard hit, pleas-“

The police officers were cut off when another patient hobbled in, and Olivia glanced at him, then stifled a gasp. The high, proud features couldn’t be mistaken-that was him.

The doctor assisting him blinked as the male nurse following them stopped. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realized this room was occupied,” he said, and the officers just shrugged.

Olivia looked at them desperately, wanting to give away the man, but when he looked at her his dark eyes flashed, their whites tinged with scarlet and his smile told her that there was no use. Suddenly terrified, Olivia felt the temperature in the room plummet, and she wasn’t the only one; the others shivered.

The cop returned his eyes to Olivia but before she could say anything the room was suddenly plunged into darkness. There was a strange shlucking noise and she heard the sigh of someone in the dark, then four distinct thuds.

In the absolute black, she felt something warm and wet touch her face (lolsexualinnuendo) and she flinched back, but then the lights came back on as a backup generator came on and there was nothing there, though the bodies of the officers and the doctor and nurse lay sprawled on the floor, blood streaking their faces. Olivia gave a muffled cry of horror, her blanket drawn up to her chin, and the man who had clearly done this rolled his eyes. She opened her mouth to scream for help but he calmly clamped his broad hand over her mouth.

“Oh, shut up, they’re not dead,” he said, then kicked the nurse. He made a muffled groan and curled into a ball. Olivia said nothing still, and the dark man rolled his eyes.

“A thank you would suffice, but that trick with the lights was nifty,” he said thoughtfully, and then eyed her. “You’re coming with me, I think.”

Olivia gave a squeak and shook her head. “I’d rather not,” she said, her accent stronger now. “Madmen aren’t quite my type, thank you.”

“Considering I crippled you, I don’t think you’re in much position to say no,” Silas pointed out with a short snort of laughter, and Olivia felt her cheeks flush angrily, and then as if the warmth of the room had gone up, her entire body felt hot. Silas stopped mid-chuckle, eyeing her with further interest, and without further ado he picked her up out of the bed. She opened her mouth to protest but then the same warm squishiness slammed across the side of her head, and the world slipped from view.


Silas managed to slip out of the window, using blood to attach himself to the windows and then swing down, carefully holding Olivia. While to most this would feel creepy, Silas felt perfectly comfortable; the girl, whatever her name was, would prove useful. She looked much more peaceful asleep; she had an ugly scowl between her eyebrows when she was awake, though it didn’t detract much from her minutely cute frame, though that was lost on Silas.

Slipping in the alleyway, he noticed that there was some sort of commotion happening, and he ignored it for now as he slipped down a secret passage, where he laid Olivia’s body out on his bed. Silas’ room was quite sparsely furnished and dark, but it was home to him, and the warrens surrounding it were full of other interesting characters. He changed his shirt, which had some blood on it, and reminded himself to feed later; he was feeling rather weak.

Intrigued he returned to where to commotion was, and approached, faking confusion, though the bodies surrounding him told him the story.



"What is going on?" he asked a nearby officer.


(OoC: This took me four days to write gradually and I had better ideas but I got lazy with the ending since I hadn't posted in ages. LOL. Sorry.)

Edited by Suigintou


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*Shale watched as Abaddon left. Titan shifted in his arms, still unconscious. He looked down at her and sighed through his nose, relieved that she was okay. He would take her back to Taker's place, Riza would be able to fix her up in no time. (Im not actually using Riza, just a little easter egg.) He looked around the scene one more time, he saw a suspicious looking man taking to a police officer, but he shrugged it off and began to head back to Taker's place.*


*Crow sighed, he was standing atop the hospital roof.*

"Damn, that guy was fun."

*He said to himself he looked down over the city, some chaos had been going on at the bank, but he had missed it while helping the mysterious man get to the hospital.*

"Geez princess, just running off like that. I'd better get to see you again."

*His skates had been switched on, he looked over and saw a construction crane mounted on the side of the hospital, the arm was hanging over the edge. Crow decided to have some fun. He zipped back to the other side of the roof, then with a burst of speed, dashed towards the crane. He jumped up and landed on the crane's arm and zipped up faster than seemed possible, and when he reached the edge, he launched himself through the air, over the gap between the hospital and the building across the street, more than twenty stories high. Crow shouted with glee as he flew through the air, flying like no other human could. He did a flip, and landed cleanly on the building on the other side of the gap, skidding to a halt.*

"WOO! Yeah! Never get tired of that!"

*Crow said elated.*

I play the friendly, fearsome, fiery griffin characters.
GildaShy is best ship.
Please stop mistaking me for a girl....

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"Having fun there," Maximillian asked Crow patronizingly. He was perched on top of a large satellite belonging to the building Crow had landed and cheered on. Quite literally. Though he appeared human, his feet had transformed to gold, metal talons. He hopped down, the gold metal wings again appearing to help him glide down safely in front of Crow. The rest of Max returned to normal, but he still seemed to radiate a gold glow and heat.

"You disturbed my meditation, I was just about to settle a few things with myself until you started jumping around like a circus monkey."

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Olivia woke up, head throbbing, blood lashed across her cheek; she felt the sticky liquid but she wasn't injured, which was rather strange. 


Sitting up, she looked around the dark room, her eyes adjusting to the light gradually, face pale. The room was meticulously organized; against one wall was a large stack of metal shelves, locked tight, and she was lying on the only bed, a black slab of stone with a thing mattress and cover on top; no sheets, no pillow. There was little else; a couch, a bookshelf stacked with what appeared to be medical volumes, and (rather oddly) what appeared to be a target dummy, which was punctured with tiny red-rimmed holes.


Curious, she rose, and her head gave a sharp jab. and she groaned, looking for her assailant. He appeared to have left the area, as she was alone, and she saw no exit in the smooth walls of her prison; no windows, either. The ceiling was relatively high as well, and she could see shimmering spots on it, though she couldn't understand what they were.


She rose, limping and cursing her head, and walked over to the cabinets. She shook the locks, but they were firm and fast; they would not yield to her delicate hands. She made her way to the dummy and touched one of the holes; she wasn't sure what they were; some were wide and some as thin as thumbtack holes, but all had the characteristic red streaks. Paint, perhaps, used to simulate blood?


Remembering the man's strange fixation with the substance she shuddered, and realized that if she was not to act quickly he may come back and kill her.


She looked up at the ceiling again, her vision slightly cleared, and then noted a small switch on the wall. Pressing it, the lights plunged out (reminding her again of the hospital) and she gasped softly, wonder soaring through her.


It was a perfect replica of the solar system, glowing beautifully and exact to the last detail; she turned the switch left and a diagram of a labeled body came up. She continued flicking, gazing at the pictures; diagrams, maps, lists of something in a scrawled hand in something she couldn't read, until once more she hit the solar system, and felt the lights of the planets fill her with a sense of wonder. For a psychopath, he sure had fine taste in room decor. 


That last thought brought her back to the present and she headed for the bookshelf, scanning over the titles. They were all biology texts, she was correct, except for one simply titled "Escape". Intrigued, she stroked the top, trying to pry it out,, and a whispering noise made her jump and turn around, brandishing her arms wildly.


A silverly ladder had dropped from somewhere in the ceiling, and a hole opened. The sky was a welcome sight to Olivia, and she lunged for the ladder desperately, despite her injured leg, and began to climb.


Years of study hadn't made Olivia the fittest of them all, and she panted madly as she pulled herself over the edge after what seemed ages; the rope swung too much and she had fallen off at least twice. The door closed and she turned to see that it was invisible once more, somewhere in the pavement she could not see.


Shrugging, she looked around, struggling to her feet. She heard someone yell from the top of a building and a cooler voice respond, and the second made her instantly think of her attacker. Pleased that she would have him right where she wanted him, she grasped some scrap metal from the ground and went for the fire escape stairs up to the roof.


@ @


Two people were standing there; a boy and a young man, who she instantly thought to be Silas. The boy has some odd shoes on and the man had his face in the shadow where she couldn't see. Olivia tried to be stealthy as she approached, then pounced with what she thought was a terrifying cry as she swung the pipe wildly around, attempting to hit the man. She honestly just looked kind of stupid; she was short and the clipped tones of her accent made her sound like she kept breathing between her "battle-cry".

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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Maximillian raised an eyebrow at the mad girl who was swinging a crude object at Crow. Rolling his eyes, the golden wings shimmered into existence once more as he dove towards her, both his hands and feet pinning her down to try and keep her from moving.

"As much as I'd like to get this other one away from here there's no need to attack unprovoked. Where exactly did you come from anyway? You don't exactly seem to be in a condition to climb all the way up here..."

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Olivia tried to keep swinging valiantly but gave up, arms tired, and then noticed that it wasn't Silas. The air around her warmed up as she flushed furiously.


"Oh, god, I am so sorry!" she chattered quickly, and she said something in Welsh that sounded like a string of curse words before she switched back to English, dropping her metal piece quickly. She tried not to stare at his wings, the gears in her brain already turning at the possibilities, and she frowned. "I thought he was someone else...I've been kidnapped," she rushed, and then, as if glad to finally get it off her chest, she sped into a quick version of her story.


"IwasattackedtheothernightandwokeupinthehospitalandthisguycameandattackedallthepolicemenandthedoctorsandthenknockedmeouttoothebastardandIwokeupinthisundergroundtunneltherewasn'tevenalooandthenItouchedthisbookandtherewasatrapdoorandIclimbedoutdidanevernworsenumberonmylegandthenheardyoutwoandthroughtitwashimsoIclimbeduptohaveabitofaduffwiththatguyIthoughtitwashim." She took a deep breath. "So here I am. And I really am so very sorry, but besides that, simply how did you make those wings, they're stunning! Amaze!"


(If anyone can tell me where I stole "amaze" from I love you.)


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