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open It's Dark In Baltimare


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Celestia and Luna stood on a balcony. They were looking at the sun intently. The younger alicorn looked at her sister. "Will we be able to stop it, sister?" The majestic princess looked at her co-ruler. "From happening? No. But ending it might be a different story."




Diamond Dust woke up groggily. It was a little earlier than he was used to, but he promised himself he would be more active today. Ever since he left the coal mines in Ponyville and moved to Baltimare, he had become increasingly more of an indoors person. Surprisingly he was still in tip-top shape. He grabbed some bits and put them in a pouch. He hung the pouch on a string around his neck. "Come on Coal. If ahm gonna git up this early, you are too bud." His small bunny looked up with his usual lazy look. It wasn't that he was lazy, he was just mellow. He hopped onto Dust's back and patted his shoulders. Dust smiled at his small friend, and began walking towards his door...

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Icy was working on a new ice sculpture. She worked in a shop owned by a friend of her mother. The owner went by the name Regal, but ever since her mother died Regal had been like a father to her. His shop tended to the nobles and the rich. Icy loved to work with her magic and craft figures from the ice, a slow process it was, but she was ok with that. Most of the time things where slow, but Regal worked with the rich so even if they only got ten or seven people buying things a month, that was more then enough to cover the store and still have spending money.

"I'll be out" Said Icy as she left the store. Regal was busy talking to a friend and waved her off.

Icy loved to just walk around town doing nothing and today was no different.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Baltimare... Just why Cinder had suggested there of all places, Scribe would never know. All that he knew was that he was supposed to be heading somewhere exotic and that he no longer trusted Cinder to buy tickets for him.


As the train approached the station, he lay back in his seat: he intended to enjoy himself regardless.


"Well I guess anywhere where there isn't some crazy cult trying to revive a mad god is an improvement over last years 'vacation'." He said to himself with a smirk.


He shifted in his seat as he felt the train start to slow down.


"Guess this is the place, cant believe it took all night."

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After walking outside, Dust contemplated over what he should do. He didn't have many friends in Baltimare, really he only had one. But the Pegasus had been extremely busy with his weather duties recently, so spending time with him wasn't an option. He finally decided to go to Applebuck's for some coffee.

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Disembarking and walking through the towns early light Scribe started to realize how much it reminded him of the town he grew up in: Larger perhaps, but it had the same 'feel'. With a smile on his face he wandered aimlessly into town.


Yawning, he tried to sort out his priorities.


'I should really go find somewhere to stay before anything else.' He thought before yawning again. 'Nah, better idea: find some food... maybe some coffee too.'

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It was around morning time, and Orion was trotting down the streets of Balitmare, making his way to his newly established business shop, Orion's Chamber of The Century. He let out a soft sigh and thought for a bit.


Orion Skies had only been living in Baltimare for just a month and he was still struggling with getting accustomed to everything that went on in the city. He had moved here from Canterlot in hopes of finding a better location for his business in inventions and mechanical engineering.


To his luck, he had been able to find the perfect location for his business, just a few blocks away from the very center of the city. He had hopes and dreams of getting widely recognized by the public as a famous industrialist and an inspirational figure of pony history.



"Another day of work, hopefully I'll get a decent amount of customers for today. And by the end of this month, I should have enough bits saved to finally move out of my wretched apartment." Orion said to himself as he entered the store.


He never really got that many visitors. At least five or six a day, but despite the few numbers, he was happy enough to even have those few visitors come by. It gave him a chance to introduce his latest works and ideas.

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Icy walked past the new store that opened a month ago.

"Orion's Chamber of The Century" she said the name of the store. She didn't know what was inside. Icy still had a lot of bits from her last work that she sold. Looking around she thought about entering the store and see what they had to buy. -I'll just have a quick look around- she thought to herself as she entered the store.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Dust trotted around, trying to find a place to go. He found he was suddenly not interested in coffee and decided to go to some shops. Having lived in Baltimare for about a year, he knew the place fairly well. He saw a mare going into a shop that he barely recognized. "Buckin hay Coal, ah need ta get out more." He trotted over to the shop and looked through the window. "Coal there's some pretty crazy stuff in there. Ah wanna check it out." The bunny looked over his shoulder into the window. He nodded at Dust and the stallion walked through the doors. He saw an earth pony behind the counter who didn't look native to Baltimare. Dust would know because he wasn't either. He trotted over to the counter to chat with the pony. "Howdy partner. Nah ahm just kidden, ah don't really say stuff like that. Name's Diamond Dust."

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Emerald sighed as he walked down the streets of Baltimare. Why his father wanted him to stay there for a while instead of travelling with him as he usually did was a mystery to him. But if it was what his father wanted, then very well. He would find a place to stay and try to make the best of it until his father came for him. Of course, knowing his father, that could easily take weeks.

Edited by Alex Kennedy

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Icy was going through the items they had on sale, when she hear that accent. She shook her head. Regal had made sure that she spoke proper and just listening to that stallion speak both shamed her and made her laugh. 

"I never would have thought to hear an accent like that here" She said quietly. -He must not be around here if he spoke like that-. She pushed the stallion out of her head and looked around a little more.

Edited by Snowy Storm


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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@@Snowy Storm@,


"Oh hi there! Good to meet you Diamond Dust! My name's Orion Skies. Nice country accent I must say! Orion kindly responded to the stallion. "Look, if you want to check the place out, you'll have to wait a bit before I give you the grand tour. I sincerely apologize, but I already have another customer present before you. I'll get right back to you though!"


He had noticed the unicorn mare walk into his store. Strange It seems a bit early here to have customers. Orion briefly thought to himself. He didn't really care though, he was actually quite happy to see yet another new face enter his store. He hoped she'd be interested to see some of the inventions and equipment he had made the past week.


He gave a big welcoming smile to the mare.


"Hello there. I don't think I've ever seen you before! My name's Orion!" Orion said, cheerfully waving to her. "You may be wondering what does this store have to offer. Well I tell you! This store has inventions, items and tools that nopony before has ever seen! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Heck, if you want, I can show you around more. You might find somethings that can blow your mind!"


He knew everything he said, sounded cheesy as hell, but he didn't care, he was all too enthusiastic at the moment. 


Orion looked back at the waiting stallion, but he was eager to show this mare around first. He made sure to introduce his whole store to the stallion after he was done.

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"No, I guess you wouldn't" Icy said bowing her head to him, something else she learned from Regal. -A little cheesy and pushy- she thought to herself

"I don't get out much, and when I do it's during the night or when I have to drop off deliveries for Regal" she paused and looked around.

"Your store is so strange. So where did you get most of these items and I would like to see what you have. I have time to kill today"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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"Hello? Anypony around here give me directions?"


Scribe had gotten hopelessly lost: certainly not a new situation for him to be in. The first place he had found which was full of activity was a shop called 'Orion's Chamber of the Century', so he had decided it was as good a place as any to stop for directions.


'Oh hey, what's that? he though just as he poked his head into the building, distracted suddenly by some oddity he could see on display. 'That looks amazing, whatever it is!


The unicorn: noticing he had almost interrupted a conversation but not wanting to leave without looking around at least, sidled into the shop.

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@@Snowy Storm,


Orion gave a small smile. "I can sort of tell. And I think I'm familiar with that name...Regal. His shop is not too far from here I believe. Rich stallion, so I've heard. Anyways, sorry about my cheesy introduction." Orion gave a slight laugh. "I know it annoys a lot of my visitors that come here, but that's kind of my own welcome policy. He then gave gesture to the mare to follow him. "Come. I'll show you around the store more."


Orion felt as though these two ponies in the store were not gonna be the only customers for today.

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Dust shrugged to himself and decided to follow the stallion. "So um, Orion. You native ta these parts?" Dust wanted to make conversation, maybe befriend this pony. He needed to get out more, and he couldn't really do that if he had no friends. As he waited for the ecstatic stallion to answer, he looked around the store. The contraptions here looked interesting and innovative.


(I would appreciate if everyone followed this thread. Just to make things easier))

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"Alright then" Icy wasn't too sure of this stallion. but at the very least she could at least try to be nice and see what he had. She noticed another stallion following them.




"Hello" she said turning to him. She realized it was that same pony with that accent she laughed at.

"I am Icy. May I ask what you're name is?"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Dust looked at Icy. She had a certain air about her. Like a Canterlot sort of air. He didn't know if she actually was from Canterlot though. "Name's Diamond Dust, Dust is fine. Pleasure ta meet ya Icy." He gave the mare a smile. Coal peeked over Dust's large shoulders to look at Icy. Dust took notice of his furry companion and chuckled. "And this here is Coal. Ah don't mean ta intrude, but are you from around these parts? You seem... ah dunno... regal ah guess." ((Couldn't help myself XD))

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@@Snowy Storm@,


Orion smiled. "Okay then, it may take some time. There's a lot to show. Not so sure where to start really. I suppose I'll just show what I'm  most proud of."


He noticed the Stallion coming along asking him if he were native around these parts. "Well as you can see Dust, I'm not really native in this city. I came here from Canterlot just a month ago. Opened up my shop just three weeks ago. You can probably tell that I am the oddity around here. It's kind of a bummer that it's hard to fit in this here's city."


He noticed Dust starting to make conversation with the Unicorn mare. So he let them be and walked them over to the counter top to show them some of his finest works. He thought that if this works out, he could probably attract further public attention.

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Dust looked over at Orion. "Ah know what ya mean Orion. Ah still don't feel like I belong here. And ah've lived here for about a year! Canterlot huh? Ah definitely wouldn't 've guessed it. But Ahmed ramblin. So what ya got here?" The things Orion was showing were very interesting looking. And he had no idea what any of them did.

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Orion gave an enthusiastic smile at Dust. "Yeah well coming from Canterlot, I'm definitely out of place living out here." Orion gave a little laugh.


 "And well what we are both passing by right now are rows of some of my earlier prototypes, nothing all that amazing. You see, while working on these things, I have been trying to do some experimentation and studies on electricity! As you can see, I've built some prototype electric toasters, ovens, refrigerators...household items you know? And right now, I'm currently working on making what I like to call, a Radio!" Orion happily explained to him. 


He had good hopes for today, he could just feel it!

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Scribe looked on in interest, somehow keeping quiet against his nature - the others in the store didn't seem to have noticed him: or more likely were simply ignoring him.


It wouldn't have been the first time it had happened.


The pony who Scribe assumed to be the owner was certainly enthusiastic, and while Scribe didn't really know much about the other stallion: he did know that he didn't really care for the mares accent - it reminded him of the way the nobles in Canterlot had talked down to him during his stay.


Making his way along the shelves, he tried to keep within earshot and let the others talk - honestly he had no idea what most of the things he was looking at were supposed to be and was hoping to overhear something that might help explain.


'Elec..what?' he thought.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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Dust thought it was pretty funny how he had met someone interested in electricity. "Well that's pretty darn funny. Mah friend can generate electricity. Maybe I could bring him in to help you out some time." Dust didn't know when that would be though. Volt was pretty busy for there was supposed to be a large storm coming up, and in Baltimare he had to single-handedly create all the lightning for the storm.

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Icy stood back and looked around. So many things that she didn't understand. She didn't fear change, but she also found this place a bit strange.

"So tell me how do you create electricity? Is it not a form of energy?" Icy was a scholar at heart. So she always tried to understand what she didn't know.


Icy noticed the other stallion moving around the bookshelves.

"Um hello" she said to the newcomer. Three is a crowd, four is a party. she thought to herself.


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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'Great. Just great. Good job Scribe, not only do you now have to talk about something you know nothing about but it's with the noble mare as well.' Scribe thought. 'Be civil!'


@@Snowy Storm,


He noddle stiffly in greeting, not quite certain what to say. "Morning madame. Don't mind me, just uh...browsing." he said, forming an almost painful mixture of common and upper class tones.


'Good job, you might fool a six year old with an accent like that you dolt...' He mentally scolded himself.

Edited by Cinderscribe

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She could tell this stallion was just trying to be polite, but the way he said it was almost insulting. Still she let it slide.

"Um you could speak to me normally. You don't have to be formal around me" she said bowing her head towards him.

"My name is Icy Night, but you may call me Icy"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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