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planning Sign up for stormy skies

Minty the unicorn

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Here post your joining forms for stormy skies Joining form can be found there, just post it here, thank you img-1635948-1-yay.png Remember to use the joining form there everypony! I hope you join and enjoy the roleplay! 

Edited by Minty the unicorn
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|☁| Gearhart |☁| thirteen years old |☁| Gearhart7302 |☁| Gearhart is a changeling with a good cause to help ponies when they are in need, he also gives them wings of his own design, Gearhart also has these wings of his own, the earliest version, he built these wings for others because chrysalis burnt his wings of as a child, He is loyal to ponies and will help be a medic

Seven, The most lucky number, that is my sign, that is sigil.

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Looks:my profile pic with a robotic back leg and wings


Personality:talkative, very catious after she lost her leg to chrysalis


History:when she was a young mare, the changelings attacked canterlot and she lost her leg, she holds a major gruge agenest all changelings after that traumatic event


Other:her leg runs on spectra, and if it runs out she drops like a brick

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|☁| Roselinda ErenHearth|☁|Nineteen years old |☁| RosemaryPetal |☁| Roselinda, or Rosie, is a cream-colored pegisus. Her straight light bluish-gray hair flows down only an inch above the ground, like her tail. At night, reflections of flowers can be seen in her mane and tail if the moon hits it just right, but she keeps her hair in a bun at night and stays inside so that no one will ever see it. Before the invasion, she was a common mailpony, although it seemed anypony around her would always be taken by,.. bad luck, forcing her to resign just before the invasion.

Her flank is adorned with black vines, and she does not know how it came to be, as she woke up and it was there. 

Her wings are feathered, but are often broken due to them never fully healing from an accident she got into as a filly. At the time she is stuck in stormy skies, although she displays a want to return to her town of Philledelphia, even though it is one of the most infected of all the major cities. 

She has always been very timid, always afraid to do anything wrong around others, although on her own she is very reckless and tends not to think things through fully. This got her into trouble as an older filly, when she disappeared into the Everfree Forest. She found her way into Zecora's house, but her parents went after her and were never seen again. She was raised in cloudsdale in an orphanage after that incident, but returned to the ground as soon as she was old enough. 

It has been questioned weather or not she is even a true pony, or just a fabrication of the government, the one the Princess doesn't have complete control over. 

She doesn't like the rain, and you'll never see her if there is but a cloud in the sky. She isn't known to take frequent showers or baths, either. She also never swims, or does anything near water.

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Name: Stephan

Species: Earth Pony (Human back on Earth)

Age: 15

Appearance: An orange Earth Pony with a red mane and emerald green eyes

Personality: Courageous and cocky, but can be serious when the people he cares about are being hurt.

History: Previously being a human, Stephan fell into Equestria a few years ago. He's made a great relationship with the mane six and the ponies of Equestria ever since.

Other: Even though he's just an Earth Pony, Stephan can run at about the same speed as Rainbow Dash can fly and can pull off a move called the Sonic Blast, which makes him almost like a living lazer.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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|☁| Brazen Wrench |☁| 19 years old |☁| Spess|☁| Brazen Wrench grew up on a rock farm, where her family toiled day and night to make a decent living, their lives bleak and miserable. Showing a spark of excellence when it came to mechanics, Brazen was able to create mechanisms and machines to increase the farm's production immensely, and make her family's life as easy and as comfortable as possible. Her most ground breaking invention was the drone; an automated, flying camera designed to patrol the farm and alert for intruders. Tragically though, the Changeling's attack came mere days after the farm began to truly become successful, the invaders easily wiping out the rock wastes' inadequate defenses and enslaving the local farmers without even needing to infiltrate. Brazen barley escaped with her life, and even then it was only thanks to her ingenuity and 'personal defense drones', which she constructed after the farm suffered numerous Diamond Dog raids.


After learning about the Stormy Skies resistance base, Brazen made her way to the facility, certain that her skills would be put to good use in tackling the Changeling occupation. At first, she was overwhelmed by the lack of Earth Ponies at the facility, however she soon earned the respect of the Unicorn science team after demonstrating the effectiveness of her 'toys'. Although she was offered a place in research and development, Brazen insisted on aiding the Pegasus patrols in their hunt for Changelings. Although she does not fly with them personally, she coordinates a small group of surveillance and attack drones to provide tactical support and information.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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Is this RP alive? The GM hasn't visited the site in almost two weeks, so I'm curious if this will take off.
|☁| Artful Campaign (Apate Metis) |☁| 23 years old |☁| Durandal |☁|

Artful Campaign is a unicorn stallion known for his ability as a tactician, and is the guise of Apate Metis, an intelligence officer for the Changeling Hive. Metis is adept at manipulation and deceit, making him perfectly suited for his career, however is also mischievous and curious, often getting himself into trouble. His latest assignment has been to investigate rumors of a rebel base within a mountain. After months of information gathering, Metis has finally discovered the existence of Stormy Skies, and has only recently been inducted into its ranks. Now, Metis' goal is to slowly crush the resistance movement through careful manipulation. However, Metis' prolonged exposure to the world outside the Hive and his curiosity may bring about realizations about his upbringing that could lead to him switching sides.

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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