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private Elementalis: Equestrian Frostbite [RP thread]

Toon Richard

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Patches licked at blue's face lovingly, as the pup awaited for her to awake. "Woof! Woof! Arf!" He barked. He rubbed against the side of blue to try and wake her up. He tried all that he could to wake her up so that she can pet him.
The dog thought to hisself 'When is she gonna wake up??? I really really want to be petted on the head!'

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Blaze Finder woke up groggily. He forced himself out of bed and put his cloth around his neck. It was something that got passed down through the generations of the Finder family. It was given to the first child of each generation when they got their cutie mark. Blaze happened to be the first-born and he cherished the cloth. He pondered on what he was going to do that day. He lived in his small fire-retardent house. He designed the house to be fire-retardent so it wouldn't burn when he built/fixed things. He decided to go for a calm stroll throught the town.


((Is this in Ponyville?))

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((Yes this starts in ponyville, but this is only the epilogue. Also, whence everybody posts, we can get started.
FILLER FILLER This is a filler, no not enough words for a whole post!! This is a filler, no not enough words for a whole post!! This is a filler, no not enough words for a whole post!!))

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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Joe Wakes up in his blank empty room with nothing, but the mattress he sleeps on ((http://1ceejoe.deviantart.com/art/Joe-s-Life-in-the-dark-385148487 link of what it would kinda look like made by me)). Joe walks to his kitchen and makes some bland cereal he states to himself "well what am I going to do today?" A few minutes later walks to the window and gazes out seeing all the happy ponies. Joe walks out the door with his normal frown and drowsy look upon his face. Then states "well here we go again" and walks out shutting the door behind him. ((Walking just created lol http://1ceejoe.deviantart.com/art/Joe-Shrouded-in-Darkness-385174040?ga_submit_new=10%253A1373749097 ))

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Blue woke up to see her dog Patches. "Good morning Patches" Blue yawned as she petted him on the head before she got out of bed and decided to get some breakfast. "Just the same morning everyday..." Blue said as she filled Patches food bowl then proceeded to get cereal.

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((I am curretly going with the assumption that we're all already friends. if this is not the case I'll edit this later)) 


 Blaze looked around and began walking. He walked around the block and saw his friend Joe. The pony usually looked depressed, and it was what made Blaze want to be friends with him. He walked over to the stallion. "Oh hey Joe! It's pretty nice day today. Could probably make a fire with just a magnifying glass and some paper, since the sun is so bright." Blaze's mind thought differently from other ponies. It was constantly filled with fire, fire, and more fire.

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An old pony Knocked on your door.
A powerful gust of wind, forces the door open.
"Aah! You must be Blue Sensory, And this little dog must be patches!" He said, with a slightly rusted wheese.
Patches snarls at the old pony.
'I dont like him. I dont at all! He has an eerie feeling.'

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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((i believe we r all suppose to be friends in this so yea))



Joe turns to see Blaze walking towards him. "Oh, hello blaze. Yes today is a nice day I guess." Joe looks into the distance. "so what are you up to today? Joe suddenly feels a slight vibration in the earth. "huh" he questions. "did you feel that?"

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Blaze gave Joe a quizzical look. "What? I didn't feel anything. Anyway I was probably just gonna go to the shop today. Business has been pretty slow. Then again most ponies don't exactly have mechanical stuff. Therefore not much to fix. Anyway what did you feel? I honestly didn't feel anything."

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"Who are you and what do you want" Blue said staring at the old pony. "Also who gave you the right to force my door open" Blue asked as a ice spike appeared floating around her. "Leave now or I will make you leave my self" Blue threatened sounding annoyed some one would barge in her home.

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"Oh must have been just me feeling down like always anyway." Joe looks down at the ground "Yea I am going to go on my daily 3 hour walk around Ponyville I would ask you to tag along, but you have other business to get to." Joe walks with Blaze until they arrive at his place of work. "Well good luck with your business stuff"

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"Hmmm. Follow me to my house, I will explain on the way there. Also, I did nothing to break your door." He said to Blue.
Patches hops on Blues back, Just in case.
"And plus, Dont worry about it!" He said.

(You need to follow him before you get your powers guys. Just a quick JYK. )

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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"Nah dude nopony really comes anyway. You wanna head over to Blue's house? She's probably awake now, probably because of Patches though. I like Patches. He's awesome." Blaze continued walking down the street, expecting Joe to follow him. He always wondered why Joe was always down in the dumps. Blaze wanted to spark a flame in his heart that would get him to be happy. ((I'm gonna make a ton of fire references. Just a heads up :P))

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"Fine" Blue said still not liking this guy but decided to follow him. "Anyways why do you want me for anyways" Blue asked hoping to learn what he wants and hopefully figure out who he is besides a random pony. "Also who are you" Blue asked


((Okay just ignore the little bit where she used her power then.))

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"might as well I have nothing else to do today" Joe begins to follow Blaze to Blue's house. Joe always questioned why a fire-hearted pony like Blaze would befriend him. The two both make their way to Blue's house.



((God Damn text filler text filler I hate having to do this....JUST IGNORE THIS))

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Blaze nodded and continued to their friend's house. The pegasus turned a corner and saw Blue leaving her house with a strange old stallion. Blaze lifted himself off the ground and flew over to the ponies so he could get there faster. "Um... hey Blue. Who's this guy. I don't remember ever seeing him in town." Blaze hoped Joe would catch up, he hadn't flown too far. Just down the street. The old pony made him a little uncomfortable.

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"I don't know but I almost killed him for forcing my door open and coming into my house without asking" Blue said still a bit irritated with the old stallion she was following. "Also how have you been Blaze" Blue said smiling to see her friend


((how do you do the @ thing))

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@@Ampharos,@, @,


Joe walks to the group of ponies. Joe Says in a glumly voice "hey what's going on? Who's this guy? Pointing his hoof at the old stallion.





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@, ((Just highlight a part of my text and it will show up.)) @@ICEEJOE,



Blaze eyed the pony carefully. He turned to Joe and whispered, "I dunno know who that guy is. But Blue is following him, and I wouldn't like to see Blue end in a dumpster somewhere, so I guess we're following him too." The pegasus then turned to Blue and smiled back. "I've been doing just fine. The shop's been a little slow on business but it's not that big a deal."

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Whispers to Blaze "Ok might as well I have nothing better to do with my time." Joe looks at the Old Stallion. "Wait I have seen this guy somewhere before.." But Joe can't recall where he seen this guy.





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@@Ampharos, ((thank you))


"I just hope this guy isn't crazy" Blue said. "Anyways at least he didn't break the door or else he would have been dead..." Blue said as she held Patches on her back and petted him with her wings.


(("Blue end up in a dumpster somewhere" that's a bit creepy don't you think))

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The old pony smiled.
"Here is my abode. " He said, while opening the door, It looks shabby, and ancient.
He enters the house.
"Please, Do make yourselves welcome!"
He said, going to a secret chamber.
((First Quest: Get to the secret Chamber.
Find Old Pony.
Patches whimpers and stays on Blue's back.

OC's Richard Eakman Shardz Virvidian Shade


I love Epic battle fantasy 4. Thanks Lunia!< She awesome! biggrin.png


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@, ((Well Blaze thinks weird :P And how would a pony hold something in her arms? :huh:))


Blaze nodded slowly, still following his friend and the strange pony. The pony made him more and more uncomfortable the longer they were near each other. As they walked into the house and the pony walked into the secret chamber, Blaze grew even more uncomfortable. Blaze hesitantly began to trot over to where the pony had gone. His mouth suddenly felt very dry. 

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"It's okay Patches...but while he is gone..." Blue started to look around the place finding old books and stuff. "This stuff is pretty ancient I am surprised it is still held together" Blue said opening a book and closing it. "Where did he go..."Blue asked as she looked around 


((we wont have to roll 1d20 will we? also I didn't meant to type that I wasn't paying attention Ampharos))


@, @@Ampharos

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Joe Walks into a room that is completely empty. "Ahh just like home" he then sits down with his back against the wall. Yells back to Blue. 



"I don't know, but I like this guys taste in decorating!" strangely Joe enjoys the emptiness of the room.







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