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74'th Hunger Games (Pony edition) RP


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Sparkling Blue follows behind a group of ponies, exiting the training camp grounds. '' All District 7 participants, head to your rooms!'' She follows the ponies into the catacombs of the rooms, the rooms are separated by hallways and barb wire. '' Now, each of you ponies will be assigned into a room. Then, we will announce who will be getting sponsored after the survivors pass their respective tests.''


The guards send her into a private room which included a bunk bed, toilet, and a dining table with a stocked refrigerator. The doors lock behind her, she looks across the room. '' Safe and sound, huh?''


She sets up her weapons, sitting in her room planning out her strategies.

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Zephyr was forced into the room, and the stylists immediately jumped on him.


" Hmmm... He could look good as a woodcutter." One mused. The others agreed, and set to work.


Some time later, the stylists were finally done. The earth pony was dressed in a badass woodcutter ensemble, with a axe prop. He shifted uncomfortably. 


Signature by Azura

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Redstorm was presented to a weird-looking, cloud themed costume.

"Is this seriously what you ponies wear these days?" He asked as he put it on.

"Um... yes." The pony said.

She pushed Redstorm out of the room. The assistant finished Minty's dress and forced her out of the room as well.

"Just go down the hallway! Ponies are waiting! Get in the carts and wait there."

Redstorm looked at Minty.

"They certainly did a better job with your costume..." He laughed. "I guess let's go to the carts..."


Meanwhile, Acid's clothing was ready. It was a cape with a farmer's hat. Plus some addons. The thing looked pretty awesome to Acid.

"Now just go out there. Don't be scared." The pony opened the door for Acid and showed him the way to the carts.

"So, I will be the first one in line?"

"Yes. You're District one after all!"

Acid nodded and started walking down the hallway. Towards the carts. Redstorm spotted him.

"He-he-hey! Kid! Tell me, how does this look like?"

"It um... to be honest, it looks terrible."

Redstorm laughed.

"That's what I thought... well good luck! And may the odds ever be in your favour!" He laughed again.

Acid smirked and continued walking.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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'' Okay time for all of the ponies who are in District 7, head to the stylists now!'' The guards announced to the ponies, releasing the room gates as the hallways in the catacombs were filled with ponies. '' Line up, single file line, and head to the stylists straight ahead!'' The ponies line up behind each other, the guards lead them to the stylists, and the stylists take the whole line and decorate them.


'' I look so brutal and vicious, I like it.'' Sparkling Blue was dressed in a black hood, black armor, and her bow & arrow equipped to her back. Looking down at her hooves, which were covered in black boots. '' I guess they did this right.'' Walking out of the stylists room.

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((I'm a bit late, so I'm just gonna skip to the stylists))

''Why did it have to be me?'' Splinter muttered weakly. ''I bet he would look good in teal.'' One of the stylists said as the others shook their heads in agreement. After a few minutes he was dressed in a set of teal armor along with a tool belt. ''Teal is my least favorite color..'' Splinter thought sadly.

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Minty blushed at his remark, but said nothing. She trotted to the carts wearing a short cloud skirt and a white leather jacket with pure cloud outlines.


(( OOC: You think Midfire should be in the same district as Acid? He seems so lonely. :D Should I? Filler. ))


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Zephyr glanced into one of the rooms. He noticed a pony dressed in teal, and smirked. Just a little. -At least I look a little badass.- He thought, looking down at his outfit. -But those stylists do it so over the top, as if I'm going woodcutting in friggin' winter.-


Shaking his head to get rid of these thoughts, he waved to the pony.


Signature by Azura

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(... I guess that's okay. The games haven't started yet, so it's fine by me.)

Redstorm smirked and followed Minty into the cart. It seemed that all of the tributes weren't ready yet.


After a while, he asked a question that he didn't really want to ask.

"What do you think are the chances, that you're gonna win the games?"

Acid walked past the two, into District 1's cart. He overheard Redstorm's question.

*Zero... there's no way." He thought. Acid's mood toke a serious hit with that, but he still walked to the cart, like nothing happened.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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After a few hours of exhausting training, in which he found out, that he wasnt too bad with any weapon, but not too good with any either. He decided, that that was a good thing. After walking into the elevator again, which automatically drove up to his "2nd district holding room" in which he was formally greeted and put into some fishing pants and was given a fishing rod. * I dont even like fishing that much* he thought, but then again: it was his districts hunger-games-outfit. Twisted made a face. The stylist left and two guards came in. One had a band-aid on his face. He was grinning ever so slightly. * Thats the bastard, that I kicked in the face!* Twisted thought and grinned aswell. The guard stopped grinning an barked:" Come with us. Time to get into your cart. " *ALREADY?* " Ok." Twisted replied and followed them, or better: they followed him, because he was between them. They got to the elevater, drove down, again with that slight sensation of a zero-g environment, and came to a stop on what twisted assumed was the ground floor, because there were carts in front of it. He saw, that some ponies were already in some carts, other carts however were unoccupied as of now. The guards escorted him to one, which was designed to look like a giant fish. * Great.... Fucking great... this is how im gonna be remembered: in a fishing-costume inside of a fish-cart.* The guards threw him into the cart and went away. They werent needed anymore. Twisted looked at his surroundings and found out, why the guards werent needed anymore: Four little guard towers were surrounding them and it was pretty safe to assume, that there were snipers on those. He sat down and waited for something to happen.

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Minty sighed. "What's the point? I'll never be able to do it. I'll never be able to win.. anypony, even a 12 year old, can win against me. I have the slimmest, the tiniest chance. Probably not even one." Minty looked down. "Well, let's get going to the carts." Minty trotted up ahead. 


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Minty sighed. "What's the point? I'll never be able to do it. I'll never be able to win.. anypony, even a 12 year old, can win against me. I have the slimmest, the tiniest chance. Probably not even one." Minty looked down. "Well, let's get going to the carts." Minty trotted up ahead. 

Redstorm watched Minty trot to the carts. Redstorm hit himself in the head.

*Idiot! Why would you ever ask her that!? Like... all of the things that you could've asked her, you asked that? She's feeling bad already, come on...*

He followed Minty, feeling a bit bad about the question.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Minty trotted into the cart, and looked at the heavy wooden door before her. She looked at Redstorm. Just breathe. It will all be over in a hour. It's just a million ponies watching you. Just pretend you're in your room, watching the Games. You're not being watched. Minty sighed. "You ready?"


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silent walks into the room and looks around "this is nice." but before he got to looks around he was told to head to the stylists "ok then." 

he gets dressed in his black hood and armour "personally I prefer white myself, but that's just me." he gets his bow and head out of the stylists and into the cart of his district

(ooc: sry for posting late.)

Edited by lightningstrikes

My oc/rp character, if you want to look at him that is: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blade-lightning-r8182

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((OOC: Could you use capital letters, please? Makes posts more readable :D ))


Redstorm nodded.

"Yup... and I hope this gets over soon..."

((If I would wait for everyone to make a post about them getting in the carts, it would take a long time... so let's just have everyopony there already :) ))

The giant doors opened and the carts rolled out. The crowd was yelling and supporting their favourite district.

Redstorm smirked and waved to the ponies who were watching.

Acid just stood there, picturing himself somewhere else. He smiled from time to time to the crowd.

Finally the carts arrived infront of the castle, where Celestia was standing.

After Celestia's speech of justice and coruage, which seemed to take forever, the tributes were sent back into their rooms.

"Well that was... boring... atleast tomorrow's the training. See you there."

He went to his bed and fell asleep.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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All of the sudden his cart began to move forwards. * Finally* After they went through the traditional * TRADITIONAL * ceremony the carts went back to the tower and everypony was sent back to their holding cell. This time, there werent any guards escorting him to his room. After he entered his holding room, the door closed behind him with a damp "thud", that told him that this room was sealed tight. (( it makes a damp " thud", because the air cannot leave the room through any other hole than the door, therefore creating a temporary air-cushion made of overpressure. <-- scientific explanation #1)) Twisted noticed this with a grimace. He was really tired from all the training he had done already, so he decided to go to sleep. He fell asleep, as soon as he touched the matrace.

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Minty sighed. "Good luck. I hope they like us." 


(( OOC: Kay! ))


Midfire rolled her eyes at Celestia's speech. "Why does she even bother? We're all going to die anyway," she muttered to Acid. She trotted back to the room to be slammed onto the table by a stylist. "Time for your makeover!"


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Zephyr sighed as he was escorted back to his room. He lay down on the mattress, staring at the ceiling. The ceiling was filled with stars, but they were fake. Just small pinpricks of light.


Isn't that what real stars are? He thought. He turned in his too-comfortable bed, and looked at the walls instead. They were filled with pictures of forests at night, filled with pictures of home.


Zephyr decided to bury his face in the pillow instead.


Signature by Azura

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Sparkling Blue heads back to her room, the guards open up the gates to her room. '' All District 7 ponies return back to your rooms after the stylists have given you your makeovers!'' The guards announced on the speaker system in the tower. '' I am definitely going to enjoy the Hunger Games since, I'll be able to take down any pony in my way.'' Walking into her room, the guards seal her room shut.


She lays down on her mattress. '' I hope that I'm ready.''

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((Let's skip to the training.))


Redstorm woke up. It was still early. He realized Minty hadn't woken up yet.

*Breakfast? Nah.*

He trotted out of his room, following the signs that leaded him to the training area.

"Ah, another ealrybird! Wanna prepare for the games? Step right in!"

Redstorm nodded and entered the training room. It was a large hall, filled with weaponry, setpieces of a forest, different monitors and obsatcles.


He noticed Acid, jumping over obstacles.

"Hey kid! You're the earlybird?"

Acid nodded and went over to the blades, starting to hit the dummies with them.

Redstorm looked for the bows. Finally finding them, arrow after arrow hit the middle ring.

"How did you do that!?"

"Magic *snort* *snort* "

"I guess years of practice... anything you're good at?"

"Well... I can jump really high."

"Oh yeah, I saw that..."

Acid smiled and turned away.

*I wonder what everypony else is good at... jumping isn't going to help me survive...*


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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Sparkling Blue wakes up from her sleep, putting on her gear and walking out of her room. '' All ponies head to the training arena!'' The guards escort all of the ponies to the training area, opening the gates of the training area. '' Now, everypony start training now!''

The guards watch from the towers, looking down at all of the ponies.


'' I know that I will survive, and finally get sponsored.'' Grabbing an axe, hurling it at the targets, cutting the targets in half. Holding her arrows, throwing them at three circle targets, hitting all of the targets precisely with accuracy.

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Silence woke up "6 am, as always." he puts on some clothes and hears a guard on the speaker "All ponies head to the training arena!".

Silence heads to the arena and starts training with blades, slashing targets and working out stealth attacks from different angles.

Then he tries the bow hitting arrows dead on target and testing out different types of arrows to see which is best.

My oc/rp character, if you want to look at him that is: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blade-lightning-r8182

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((Let's skip to the training.))


Redstorm woke up. It was still early. He realized Minty hadn't woken up yet.

*Breakfast? Nah.*

He trotted out of his room, following the signs that leaded him to the training area.

"Ah, another ealrybird! Wanna prepare for the games? Step right in!"

Redstorm nodded and entered the training room. It was a large hall, filled with weaponry, setpieces of a forest, different monitors and obsatcles.


He noticed Acid, jumping over obstacles.

"Hey kid! You're the earlybird?"

Acid nodded and went over to the blades, starting to hit the dummies with them.

Redstorm looked for the bows. Finally finding them, arrow after arrow hit the middle ring.

"How did you do that!?"

"Magic *snort* *snort* "

"I guess years of practice... anything you're good at?"

"Well... I can jump really high."

"Oh yeah, I saw that..."

Acid smiled and turned away.

*I wonder what everypony else is good at... jumping isn't going to help me survive...*

(( OOC: Going mobile. ))


Midfire was also one of the early ponies, and trotted out of the elevator. She was brushing up on on her knife throwing skills, and was actually pretty good. Her father taught her many self-defense tactics she was younger.


Minty was still asleep. She was always a heavy sleeper until her alarm came around. The alarm let out a loud beep noise, resulting in Minty rolling off her bed and falling with a loud thud on the ground.


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Zephyr was woken rudely by a guard poking him. 


" What?" He groaned, rolling over. 


" Training time. You're one of the last to wake up." The guard replied gruffly. Zephyr groaned again and tiredly walked to the training room, with the guard escorting him. After a short walk, they reached the training room. 


-Ponies are training already? Heh, I should try to walk up earlier.- Zephyr looked around, wondering what to try. He was fairly strong, but since he had only started wood collecting at home, he hadn't built up his strenght quite yet. He spotted two long swords, and grinned. 


The earth pony grabbed them, and swung them around deftly. " This, I like." He murmured.


Signature by Azura

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Iris was shooken awake.

Her golden eyes opened wide, and she stared at the guard, and got up, out of her comfy bed. 'This is probably one of the last times I'll sleep in a bed,' thought the snow white unicorn as she got dressed for training. All the ponies in her district told her she was no good, and if she were in the Hunger Games, she'd be first to go. "Come on, you're gonna be late," exclaimed the guard, waiting at the door.


Iris followed the surprisingly short stallion to the training room, where tons of random weapons were assorted across the room. Iris saw a sliver bow, one of the weapons she knew how to use. Iris saw the other ponies using swords and knives, and decided to try one herself. Using her magic, Iris picked up a long, thin knife. Aiming at the dummy, she concentrated on her target, and threw the knife. It hit the target, but not as closely as some of the others. 'Why did our have to be me?' was all that the young filly wanted to know. 'Why was I picked for this?'


Iris decided to pick up on her archery skills, and went over to the shooting range. She aimed, and shot a bullseye. After going to various other stands like the one where she learned which plants are deadly or not, and the one where she practiced making a vine from a tree longer by using her magic, she decided to practice more archery and magic.


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Redstorm saw a pony swing aroun TWO longswords ang gulped.

"Wow... that guy has some strenght..."

He might have stared for too long. He finally turned away and went over to the blades.

Redstorm didn't have much strenght, but he did have speed. Roughly in a second and a half his machete had cut three targets, one of them had their head cut off.


Signature by LittleRawr! Well she doesn't do that kind of stuff anymore but if you really want one (which you do) PM her.

My main OC: Redstorm

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