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Nub rolled his eyes. "You call this love?" Nub spoke softly as he pointed towards the burning homes and pokemon fighting and looting all over.

"They're humans, they're not like us. You can never tell what they are truly thinking. One day they love you, and then you lose a battle and it's back to the wild for you..." Nub's eyes scanned the area as his thoughts drifted off, he quickly snapped out of it and continued, "probably found somehting better, isn't that how it goes after all?"

Nub's stomach growled again.

One berry wasn't enough.

Humans spumans. The humans had abandoned the pokemon, Nub was sure of that, even if they were too blinded by unrequitted affection to see it for themselves. But they were still pokemon, and he couldn't stoop down the human-level.

"Our first priority is to gather food," Nub began, "wouldn't be a shortage if the humans didn't build their cities over our growing soil," he muttered under his breath.

"Anyone know where we can get some food?!" Nub shouted in the distance, his voice only to fall onto deaf ears.

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Dichromate had finally managed to untagle himself from the fence. It was rather hard when he was trying to carry a few items in his muzzle. He was back in the town now. Joy...Back with the looters and thieves. He paced around for a second wondering what to do, but that thought-process was interrupted by a flock of shadows above him. Glancing upwards, he heaved a muffled sigh, as he saw a group of Murkrows headed for what used to be his house. Obviously, they were there to pillage, of that he was sure. So much for turning my back on it...but these thieves aren't going to get a single shred of food. Determinedly using his superior speed to his advantage, he quickyl overtook and and wiggled back through the fence towards the house.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Nub felt discouragement beginning to ball up into his stomach. Was all this in vain? He was just a tiny little Swinub after all, why would anyone listen to him, they needed a strong powerful leader-

Suddenly, a flash of orange ripping through the air caught Nub's eye.

An Arcanine shred through the air taking out a gang of Murkrowks, looting and battling pokemon took a second to turn and admire.

His fur glistened ever so slighting from the fire's glow, despite the surrounding destruction there was something so peaceful and majestic about this pokemon.

Nub remembered a trainer in the cave once using it to battle him, he took some serious burn damage, but was lucky enough to get a critical hit off his earthquake and get away in time.


Nub was about to introduce himself when the Arcanine dashed off through a fence,

Nub followed him and shot a not very effective Ice Shard at him to get his attention,

"Hey you!"

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Dichromate had just about chased off the Murkrows, watching calmly as the last of those pesky thieves beat a swift retreat away from the house. Ha, that'll teach them! It probably would have been a lot easier if he could have used his Flamethrower, but that wouldn't have boded too well for the cans of food clamped in his mouth. Even still, he had managed to scare them away, and for that he was pleased.

He was just about to settle down for the day to ensure no one else tried to pull a robbery, when he felt a slight spray of ice on his back. He turned in irritation, to see a Swinub on the ground in front of him trying to get his attention. Unable to talk, Dichromate gave a glare that said What do you want?


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Not all pokemon battle... some are loyal pets, like Ginger" Phione pointed to the umbreon, "I was a pet, but my trainer wanted to go on a journey, and he had me learn some moves! the day before we left the humans disappeared, all the humans at that, not just the ones that owned pokemon..."

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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Nub felt intimidated by the Arcanine and his attack fell. Nub gulped and tried working up the courage to talk to the Arcanine. He rubbed his snout nervously and looked up at the impatient Arcanine.

Suddenly Nub smelt the food inside the cans the Arcanine was carrying.

"YOU HAVE FOOD!!?" Nub blurted out and then covered his mouth. He turned to face the black pokemon, Phione and the others and motioned them to join him and the Arcanine with his paw.

Nub looked back at the Arcanine, "we don't know each other, but we all have a similar problem. And we seem to be the only rational pokemon left, this whole no humans and no food thing has got everyone acting.. well, human."

Nub's confidence grew. "Now, I'm a wild Swinub, Nub's my name by the way, and I don't care for humans all that much. But with the invasion of my home cave and the lack of food, as a result of their disappearance, I will help you guys find them."

Nub pointed to is nose, "I'm an excellent tracker."

Nub turned and faced the setting sun, "So what do you say? We can either work together, or die alone."

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Nub felt intimidated by the Arcanine and his attack fell.


(I see wut you did there XD Oh and SkyStar, you should probably try talking to the people who are still active in this RP, you'll get more of a response out of them :P)


Dichromate scowled. Food was the least of his concerns at the moment. If it came to the worst, there was always another option...hunting. Although he really hoped it didn't have to come to that, having a backup option was always nice. "What's in in for you?" he asked warily, his voice muffled by the cans. "And you don't look very fast to me. I'm sure I could cover much more ground in an hour than you could manage in a day. You'd slow me down."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Nub shot the Arcanine a passiver-agressive smirk.Why are trained pokemon always so arrogant?

"I'm just a humble little cave-dwelling Swinub you see?" Nub approached the Arcanine, "I enjoy the simple things in life; eating, sleeping, silence. All I want is to be left alone and free to roam in my cave without being disrupted by hungry previously-owned pokemon that can't fend for themselves. You see..." Nub began in an eloquent tone, "we have a natural cycle in my cave. Every pokemon takes the food we need each day and there is always enough. I just want that back."

Nub turned his back to the Arcanine, "and where exactly are you planning to run to? You're like a human in Dark Cave without a pokemon that knows Flash. I-we could be your flash." Nub turned to face the Aracnine starring deep into his soul, "so I'll try this again. Hi my name is Nub, shall we work together or die alone?"


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(I only pointed to the player, I didn't actually talk to them! Oh, and how do you change the thing beneath your profile pic? I'm a parasprite and I don't really want to be one...)


"I'm with you Nub!" Cried Phione, "I often find berries in the sea and I can swim you across on my back. Not that I think I'd be able to ferry that Arcanine on my back. I want to find my trainer, so that we can finally go on our big adventure across Unova! I guess I'll be stronger then too. My trainer talked about some "gym leaders" and how they had really strong pokemon that I'd have to fight..."

Edited by Skystar

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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(@ Skystar You can't really XD)


Dichromate rolled his eyes. "Except that I won't be trampling around in any caves in the first place. I figure I'd go back and roam the plains. There weren't many Pokemon there in the first place, so food shouldn't be TOO much of a problem, and its vastness doesn't bother a fast runner like me. Besides, if worst comes to worst, there are other...options."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Nub smiled at Phione. No pokemon has ever offered to let him ride on their back aside from Dewgong, but that was more of an agreement rather than a partnership or maybe even a friendship? "Thanks Phione," Nub began, "we really need all the help we can get if we are ever going to hunt down these abandoning humans". Nub smiled awkwardly, he was attempting to be friendly, but his social skills were sub-par.

Nub glared up at the Arcanine, "why are you being so difficult? What really matters to you? Finding your trainer or finding food? I assure you, you can't for the aforementioned without us. I've never been part of any sort of team in my life and I'm still more cooperative then you!" Nub was at the end of his rope, "I thought you owned pokemon really loved your trainers. I hope Kyurem is eating your trainer right now..." Nub stopped himself from continuing as he felt his stomach sink. He warily looked up at the Aracanine, "I know things."


(I only pointed to the player, I didn't actually talk to them! Oh, and how do you change the thing beneath your profile pic? I'm a parasprite and I don't really want to be one...)


(It is based on your post count)

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While the other Pokémon had been talking, Ginger had lost herself in her own thoughts. The phione that she had known as a neighbour passed her a berry and she ate it with soft words of thanks. It tasted alright but it wasn’t a particularly good berry; it reminded her of the times her Edmund tried various poffin treats on her until he discovered her favourites, and since then she had always been treated with the best.


Ginger’s heart was in turmoil. It was indecisive about whether it was angry, hurt, sad, scared… or all of the above. It was hard to concentrate on just one emotion. She never had to worry about it before and, in fact, she never really had to worry. She was sheltered and soft. Even her paw pads were soft and un-calloused after all the time she spent indoors not battling. With a heavy sigh, she looked at the pokemon around her and noticed a few things: the charmander had gone, Nub wasn’t in her sights anymore but Phione remained.


“Wait, what’s going on here?” she blinked. “How long was I… where did everyone go, Phione?” Ginger asked her neighbour softly, feeling a little… alone.

Edited by SkySong
  • Brohoof 1


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(And I have no idea what a Kyurem is :c I played all the games up to Emerald only)



Dichromate felt the last vestiges patience he had drain out of him with that last insult. "I loved my trainer very much," he said slowly. "But. He passed away a few years ago. Wasn't a particularly healthy child...always sick in bed with one sort of illness or another. I guess his parents brought me home with them to him to cheer him up. Yes, it meant I could never roam the plains like I used to, or feel the sky above my head and the ground beneath my paws. But it didn't matter, my trainer was enough.

That was the past."

He scowled heavily. "And I for one don't stand for insults to someone that dear to me. You say you know things? Why not test them out for yourself? Oh and...if you're considering an Earthquake or something of that nature..." he smirked. "You'll hit every single Pokemon within a square mile. I don't think you need more Pokemon mad at you than you already have, eh?"


(Oh dear, this might not end well for either of us :c)

Edited by Auroreita Borealis


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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(And I have no idea what a Kyurem is :c I played all the games up to Emerald only)




Nub noticed the black pokemon back in the game, all the emotional stress must have caused her to lapse out for a second.

He called over and waved at her, "HEEY! Come over here." Nub pointed to the Phione near him, he needed all the back-up support he could get.

Nub turned to face the mighty Arcanine yet again, "I'm not here to fight." Nub stood firmly, although he wasn't very big he seemed to hover over the surrounding pokemon.

Nub signed, and shook his head at the Arcanine.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Nub said as a formality, "but I think you misunderstood my intentions. I'm trying to help..." Nub's words drifted off into silence. He was tired, tired of the fighting.

"Look around you."

Nub extended his paw to the area behind him.

Pokemon frantically looking for family and friends, pokemon ripping apart eachother, pokemon drenched in the blood of their own team. The surround building were burning, the blue sky tarnished by smoke and destruction.

"This can't go on. This is wrong." Nub only spoke for a second, a long second.

"Over every word I say, there are flood of cries. Cries of pain and betrayal. You think you're hurting? Remember what it was like to be them."

Nub turned to face the black pokemon, "look at her, and remember."

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Dichromate glanced at the Umbreon when the Swinub mentioned it. Yes, it did look rather sad...he could probably imagine what it was going through right now. Anxiety, sadness, worry, depression? Yep, he had been dealing with all those since the...day. The first few months is always the worst...she'll come to eventually. Even still, as he swiveled his head to take in the scene of carnage-was that ANOTHER group of looters that just entered? How many were there...?-he had to admit, his recuperation conditions had been much better than the squalid filth that was once a city. Maybe more than a few months. His scowl sfited into more of a thoughtful frown.


"And how does...running away...help them?" He indicated the thieves, looters, and other unruly sorts that were still fighting over small pieces of bread, chunks of carrion flesh. "They need our help as much as anyone else. This city...used to be one of the most peacefl, serene places to live. Now look at it...and the Pokemon have degraded into some sort of degenerate...never mind." He let out a heavy sigh. "I try to keep order here. Sometimes it works. But only ever so temporarily. I just want...everyone to be happy again. Running away won't solve that goal. It won't help anyone."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Ginger had not heard a single word of the conversation between the arcanine and swinub. Mostly because she wasn't trying to but aside from that, she hadn't a clue where the little brown thing had gone until it called her over. Her ear twitched at the sound of its voice and she turned her head to see. Upon sighting the large orange beast she shuddered. With any luck, Nub hadn't attracted anymore trouble than it had. The last thing on Ginger's mind was a battle that could end in her home being burned to the ground; something akin to the sad fates of abandoned houses. Besides, there was still hope...


"... Running away won't solve that goal. It won't help anyone."


She had wandered over just at the end of the arcanine's speech. "I think I remember you..." the umbreon frowned as she sat down with a sigh. "I used to watch you from that window. Second floor of the house. At least, I did sometimes. I just..." just didn't want to look outside and remember, is what she wanted to say. Ginger used to sleep and pretend that her dear, sweet, Edmund was just out and he'd be back in a while. Maybe he left the picture box on. Yeah, that's what all the noise was. 'TV'. "I didn't know you lived here?"


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"Run away!? I'd never." Nub growled sternly. "My home is the Giant Chasm, far away from here. A wise alakazam teleported me here. I still don't know why, but I know I'll need help. I'm not asking you to run away, I'm asking to form a team!" Nub shouted is desperation. "I don't like humans, nor have I really cared for pokemon either, I just can't watch anyone, human or pokemon suffer, not the way I did anyway..." Nub sensed his strength fading and got back on track, "even if we don't bring the humans back, I at least want to know what happened. To find some sort of solution. This chaos," Nub spun his paw around his head, "is getting more violent and is spreading further out EACH DAY. What is your action plan? People and pokemon have coexisted is harmony for centuries, isn't that the way it is suppose to be?!" Nub felt himself getting emotional and stopped himself, he couldn't bear to look weak. Not in front of anyone, ever again.

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Dichromate blinked. "Oh. Um, yes. I used to."

What else was there to say? The past was the past. From his own experience in dealing with past tragedies, he knew not to dive too deeply into such topics.


Turning back to the Swinub, he sighed in exasperation. "Then what in the blazes are you asking me to do?! We can't just go trampling off with no sense of direction!"

A flash of grey fur caught his attention. Glancing to the right, he spotted a group of Mightyenas prowling closer and closer to where they were. "Oh...and whatever your 'plan' is, you better hurry up with it." He flicked his tail in their direction.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Nub huddled the black pokemon, the Aracanine and Phione together. "Listen to me carefully," he began,

"I've spent my entire life living inside the Giant Chasm, so I've heard things. Apparently if you venture deep enough in the cave there lives a pokemon unlike any you've ever seen before. An alien pokemon at that. The elders of the cave said that when their great grandparents were just hatchlings and giant meteor crashed into the chasm, and deep within an alien pokemon lurks."

Nub took a breath and continued,

"One day a group of foolish teenagers from a neighbouring town, what was it...ah yes Lacunosa Town, travelled into the cave. I overheard them talking about how the beast captured humans and ate them alive. The travelled deeper into the cave, than I knew better to go. And they never came out."

Nub waited for the trio to react, "I say we go after this 'Kyurem', if it's not the one who's stolen all the humans than it would at least know a thing or two, and four against one? We can't loose!"

Nub let go out the huddle and began to mumble under his breath about alien brethren and abductions.

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Dichromate gaped at the Swinub. "Are you...serious? You want to go into a dark cave. A cave you've never met before. And fight something that you think had the power to make ALL the humans in the world dissapear? You've gotta be crazy!"


The pack of mightyenas was getting closer, having spotted the group.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"You got a better idea!?" Nub snapped back at the Arcanine. "Besides, I live in that cave, have my entire life? I just never ventured deep into, where the beast lives..." Nub glanced at the other pokemon and the back to the Arcanine, "not like we have a whole lot of options...".

Nub looked over at the pack of Mightyenas approaching, they looked weak and desperate, nothing an earthquake couldn't demolish. If it wasn't for the others he would easily take them out right now.

Nub turned to Phione and the black pokemon, "what do you guys think?"

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Phione looked at the mightyenas and shivered, not wishing to really fight them.

"I think that might not be the best idea... But, if it's the only idea we have, then I say lets go for it! How far away is this cave anyway? Wait a sec..." Phione dashed back to its house, "You may want to take care of those mightyena first!" it called as it dashed inside.

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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Dichromate sighed. "Well, looks like you're getting a fight after all, eh?" he grumbled to the Swinub as he eyed the Mightyenas. They were practically racing towards the group now, their jaws glistening with saliva. They looked...hungry. Savages...he thought.


"Oh, all right. If it means we can get all this crazy stupidity back to normal and make every Pokemon happy again, I'll do it. But first, we have more, um, immediate....problems."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Nub smirked. It was their funeral. He smiled at the Arcanine and hoisted himself up into the air, above the Arcanine's head. While in the air Nub put his paws over his head and they began to glow a light blue colour. Nub chuckled a little before attacking. Nub used Icicle Crash. Suddenly huge icicles fell harshly onto the group of Mightyenas, they flinched in pain. Nub fell back to the ground, "finish them!" He called out to the Arcanine.

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Dichromate frowned. "That was..sudden." Nonetheless, he was about to launch a Flamethrower to roast them in their hide-but then he remembered he was still holding food in his mouth. Crap. Oh well. Tensing his muscles, he opted for an Extremespeed instead, slamming into the entire group and knocking them all backwards into garbage, buildings, and the ground.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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