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Nub watched in astonishment as the Arcanine dominated the Mightyena. Nub began to blush when he noticed that this was his first double battle, he had never been part of a team before. Nub used his special egg move Icicle Crash, the move that had the other Swinub's shun him over. Nub sighed as he recalled the painful memory. Swinub wasn't a 'pure swinub', his mother was a Piloswine, but his father was a Beartic, which is how he ended up with his special egg move. All the other Giant Chasm Swinub's were 'pure swinubs' (both parents being swinub or swinub evolutions). It was nice, being able to use his egg move without being looked down upon, even if he was fighting with an arrogant Arcanine.

Nub looks up at the sky, it was night. The only light came from the diminishing flames of the nearby buildings.

"We need a place to stay for the night," Nub stated, "somewhere where we won't be interrupted by unwanted visitors."

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Phione was racing back out of her house, which had somehow escaped serious damage, carrying a piece of paper. "I've never seen a Swinub use Icicle Crash Before!" It exclaimed smiling when she made it back, before continuing on with business, "I found what I went looking for, by the way, A map of this region." It unrolled the paper to show the map of the sinnoh region...

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I made this I am so proud of myself!

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Dichromate glanced at the map curiously. "You know where the chasm is?" he asked. "I defintely don't see any nicely labeled caves anywhere near we are, which should be somewhere around....here." He pointed at a location with his paw.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Phione looked at the map and, after a moment, burst out laughing.

"Oop! Wrong side! That's the Sinnoh Region where I came from..." Phione turned the map over, "This is the Unova Region and we are here in Nuvema!" It pointed to the southernmost town, before continuing "I don't know where Lunacosa Town is, or the Chasm that Nub speaks of... Actually, I don't think you've introduced yourself yet Mr Arcanine..."

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I made this I am so proud of myself!

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(Derp, now I look stupid for pointing out the wrong location XD)


"Oh," said Dichromate, lookng slightly confused. "I'm not very good at maps...Erm..." he flicked his tail awkwardly. "An indroduction? Alright...My name is Dichromate." He blinked once. "That's...all there is to me."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Dichromate? Oh so the big puppy's got a name," Nub laughed heartily whilst patting Dichromate's hide. Nub grabbed the map and looked at it confused, he had never seen human writing nor a map before in his entire life. "I have no idea what any of this says," Nub stated, "I don't read human, and I was teleported here, so I'm pretty useless at finding things," Nub felt slightly embarrassed. Nub cleared his throat and put of a brave face, "I know it's cold in the Chasm though, and there is mainly ice pokemon, so it must be north!" Nub stated proudly pointing to the top of the map!

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Dichromate scowled. "So...we actually have no idea where we're going? Wonderful." He almost chocked on a can as he said this. Gahh...never mind. He dropped the cans onto the ground. "Forget carrying them," he gumbled. "It's more trouble than it's worth, and I can't even use most of my attacks when I'm holding them. Eat up, guys, cause I'm not lugging them around anymore." He cautiously used his teeth to bite the metallic lids off. "Yeah...dig in."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Phione looked at the map and pointed to a spot nearly directly north of where they were. It was at the top of the map. "This looks like a chasm!" It cried, "Might this be the place?"

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I made this I am so proud of myself!

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(A picture is worth a thousand words)


"For me?" Nub gasped, using all of his willpower not to dive into the food like an uncivilized slob. "This is just so-" Nub felt himself tearing up, "amaaaaaazing." Nub was so distracted by all the excitement he had completely forgotten he hadn't hardly eaten anything today. His stomach was very thankful.

Nub began shovelling the canned food in his mouth, catching falling morsels with his tongue. Nub wasn't sure if this was the best food ever, or just tasted so good because he was starving.

"Thank you so much!!" Nub sobbed towards Dichromate.

After Nub had his fill he noticed Phione still studying the map, and felt embarrassed once again, "I wish I could be of more help, but this is the first time I've ever left the chasm myself." Nub blushed, "anyone travelled this region?"

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Dichromate rolled his eyes. "We can just improvise. Or maybe just head north and hope some other Pokemon can help us find the way. Assuming they don't attack at first sight, of course."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"This is the town I was found at though..." Phione pointed to the town south of what it was pointing at, "I think that might be a nice place, although it's across 2 human bridges. It's also near what I pointed out..." Phione looked at Nub, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I THOUGHT WE WERE PLANNING OUR EXPEDITION!" It yelled, before releasing a bubble attack on the poor ground type to attract its attention.


(are you all avoiding all Discord Day? It's what I came up with for April Fools day...)


(This place is dead... again...)

Edited by Skystar

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I made this I am so proud of myself!

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(Least it ain't my fault this time >_> I was waiting for Nub to post, since he sort of got attacked)


The wind blew across the city.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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It was super effective!

"Hey!" Nub shouted, "what's the big idea?!"

Nub shook the horrid water out of his fur,

"Two human bridges eh? Well normally I wouldn't want to cross them, but since there are no humans anymore, why not?"

Nub looked up at Dichromate, "do you think you could carry us to that town? I'm not very fast, neither is Phione."

Edited by Shankveld

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Dichromate rolled his eyes. "If you all can manage to hold on. I'm told it's not pleasant hanging on for dear life to a Pokemon dashing at Extremespeed."


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"I've had to hold onto a human contraption going really fast while my trainer was riding it once... It was really hard because it was cold and slippery, like trying to climb a waterfall... Not that I'd know what that'd feel like..." Phione muttered, "I'm sure it won't be too hard with your rough fur..."

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I made this I am so proud of myself!

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"As long as you don't pull it out," sighed Dichromate, glancing towards the horizon. "Erm...which way is the town again?"


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"North!" Nub said, "do you ever pay attention, like seriously Dichrmoate, get in the game!" Nub said playfully as he climbed onto the Arcanine's back, it felt way different then when he would ride Dewgong. "Look for a human bridge, hopefully we won't encounter any trolls underneath," Nub giggled, all of a sudden he dubbed himself the 'funny' guy.

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"The route's a little more complicated than that..." Phione rolled it's eyes, "We have to head north to the second town before heading west through another town and a forest before passing over the bridge to this big city..." Phione pointed to a giant city, "Then we head north through a desert to yet another city, then turn east... we pass over another bridge there and reach this place..."


(Black City or White forest? or do we go the long way round?)

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Dichromate scowled. "Why can't things ever be simple? Okay, whatever...just yell directions in my ear. Let's go!"


He waited for the Phione to get on.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Phione looked at the map puzzled... "This city here is really weird... Or is it a forest? I don't know... Well, it's south-west of the Undella... Then we head back Northwest and that is the only 'chasm' on the map... If we don't go that way we'd have to traverse sheer cliffs and mountains..." Phione lifted itself onto the Arcanine and held on for dear life, "This ought to be fun..." it muttered sarcastically

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I made this I am so proud of myself!

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"Yeah, okay," sighed Dichromate, not exactly knowing where he was going. "I'll just head north, you guys can tell me the direction. Ready?" Not waiting for their answer, he took off northwards.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Dichromate yelled over the wind, "So...which way now? Left or right?" as he saw the path up ahead branch in two directions.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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"Just head north!" Phione yelled. It looked at the map, realizing there was a path off to the left side, "Keep Right!"


(I'm a butterfly now! Yay!)

Edited by Skystar

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I made this I am so proud of myself!

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(Congratulations! ^^)


"Um..okay." He headed left, hoping they knew where they were going.


(Gonna go to bed now, I'll be back tomorrow!)


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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