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open Paranoia #2


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Room 1;

I was flung back from the unicorn pony who had slapped me before. Unfortunately for that prissy little bitch, I wasn't exactly the type to forgive very easily and I wasn't too friendly. Everyone was out to get me and these goddamn ponies were no different. I shook my head and took a rod from my bed. "You fucking bitch!" I screamed at the unicorn then whacked her right in the face with a blunt metal instrument. My eyes twitched momentarily after I bludgeoned one of them. Then I dropped my weapon and went towards the door that had just opened. I looked at the hallways then just went forward because I wanted away from those goddamn fucking ponies.

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Room 1:


Wanda watched closely as the crazed human stripped apart the bed with no tools whatsoever. As a metal rod was suddenly flung her way, Wanda jumped to the right in an attempt to dodge the attack. The rod nicked her left back leg. All she had a chance to do was mutter some choice words as the human ran away, flailing wildly.


Wanda simply looked in the direction of the door, her head cockeyed. "What the hell was that...?" she asked no one in particular. Looking over, she noticed the red one had apparently lost one of his 'lives.'


"Level up..." she said, sarcastically as she headed out the door. "I'm going left. Nobody follow me, got it?" And with that, she put up a magic barrier behind her, around the leftward hallway so no one could follow her. "Hmph..." she trotted off by her lonesome to see what lay beyond...

Edited by Questio and Ashling
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"I guess it's just you and me until we find anyone else because I'm sure there are more ponies in this place" I said "Now which way should we go? That mare didn't seem to fond of us going left and  I don't want to die, again and the other creature left in another so we can go right or straight " I said to the mare still standing near me

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Room 2


Right now if there was one thing i regretted, it was that I wasn't one of these horse creatures. I'm sure their vision was perfect for the dark. But I wasn't. To be truthful I've always been a little hesitant about the dark. At night the kids come out with their loud noise they call music. Some people got mugged and others got into a fight with a drunk man.  No matter what good things don't usually happen in the dark.


Well. Not everything bad. I mean as monotonous my love life has become, the night can sometimes be good. But usually filled with headaches and promises of tomorrow. 


Since I probably had the worst vision around, I figure I might as well ask one of these horses. "Hey guys, anyone want to peek in there and figure out what way to go? I'm kinda in the dark here."


Really any way would be preferable to staying in the same room. But I was hesitant to leave the others. If there really were people getting killed, I don't have life insurance and the wife would kill me if i died at work.

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The two that left the room, Those still looking down the hall's and those who are wondering what in the hell those note's mean. Sticky apple will be the first room to enter and then we have the small one enter next.


As the human rushed down the hallway's he noticed that it began to curve, slowly but surely he walked into the entrance of a vary odd room, either it was made for a small child, Or it was just someone's favorite color because it was all lit up as pink color's swayed on the wall's and ceiling as well as the floor. Then the last thing he noted was a simple grand father clock, in the middle of this room... it was so out of place not unlike the room it was just a wooden clock and not painted pink. what he will do is up too him.


The next is the purple room, The pony walked down this hall as it seemed to continue foe ever and on and on it went, and abruptly it ended. Into a room purple in color but odd as it seemed as the last it was all purple, But this one was a foot down from the hall way it had sunk it seems. In the center of this room... to you're horror a man with spine and eye's gouged out from his body lie's in the middle of the floor, Staked to it's center.


In both of these room's are 3 exit's one of left, right and foreword once again. 

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Room 2


What a strange group to be in. I mean, outside the whole talking horse thing it seemed like I would have to be leader. I've been wanting to become lead designer for a while, but my counselor says I have confidence issues. Well that ends today! Or maybe tommorow. Or next week. Maybe it would just be better to not be the leader.


I don't think I can really do this leader stuff, but I might as well try. I mean what is the worst that could happen? I mean, it isn't like there are strange murderers out there. Or other scary things out there. In fact, staying in this room doesn't sound so bad.


I spoke to the rest of the group. "I think it might be a good idea if we continue on and not dwell on this room."


He motioned to the equine hiding under the bed. "Don't worry. Nobody here is going to hurt you. I won't anyhow. You said you needed help reading something. Bring it here and I can help." 


I may not know much to do in this situation, but at least i can read. I then moved on into the hallway. Might as well confront the unknown and then cry about it later in therapy.

Edited by The Pink Knight
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"Right, I feel that we should go right..." Lily shuttered in fear as she thought of what horrors may come. She looked at Flash who had seemed to be fine. Lily silently prayed to Celestia that they would not die, or at least come back from the death. She wanted to cry so bad right now, but couldn't.

Go to my profile for my ocs

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I trudged down a hallway that seemed to curve in on itself. I wondered what was happening but since I wasn't around those fucking creatures, I was able to think a little more clearly but this was certainly more strange than the starting room. Eventually I found myself in a pink room where everything was motherfucking pink! Walls, floor, ceiling, lights, everything! Except for a clock in the middle of the room. The pink was odd enough but the clock was going to make my brain melt.


"The hell is this?" I said aloud to no one in particular except the voices in my own mind maybe. I crept towards the clock, wondering what was up with it. I looked it over and didn't see anything odd about it. Was it a clue or was it a red herring? I had no idea.

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Wanda continued down the long path and reached a room that was dimly lit in purple. It was difficult to see, but she could just make out a figure on the floor. Hopping over to it, she spoke out. "Just what is this? What can you tell me about--" As she got within a few feet of the creature, the horror of the creature was fully revealed to her.


Eyes hanging out by their optic nerves and spine protruding from its back, the creature was staked to the floor by some kind of alien-looking device. Frozen in time, she could only let out a helpless scream of terror.....

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Pain, Pain frozen in time indeed as it is plastered on the body of the being in the middle of the room. Doomed to forever screem a silent dirge of horror, But not all is silent as scream's being to echo around you Whatever killed this thing is not far away and seemed too be in the room with you. You quickly turn to see what creep'ed into the room with you To find something slinking into the room, It's long stringy appendages and face full of tear's and horror as it slowly... Slink's into the room... one appendage at a time it's face hold's no eye's, No mouth, No ear's and seem's like no heart as it's body being's with it an open chest filled with nothing but open space.


It seem's stare at you with a simple curiosity... more like it's waiting for you to scream as if it's a que to it to do whatever it desires to you're poor Helpless form, As it tower's over you.

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Wanda was scared out of her wits... and yet her instincts kicked in and she began to run. Not knowing, nor wanting to find out what the creeper would do to her, she ran forward from the way she came, going further down the rabbit hole in the same direction. Fight-or-flight reflexes sent her adrenaline level through the roof, and she ran faster than she had ever run before, screaming in terror all the way...

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