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Pencil Hoof

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Hey everyone, as you can see my name is Pencil Hoof, (at least as long as i like it for).

This might be a fairly long posts, but that's because I enjoy creating long posts (as you're about to see), especially when debating ;) (as long as it stays civil).


If this looks too long for you, you can just skip the history, it's unimportant :P


A little history of me: This is only my second forum, but I'm confident my experience here will be better than my first forum experience, which ended in a ban yesterday (but I won't go into too much detail, the Mods and i just didn't see eye to eye).

I first heard of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (it must be at LEAST nearly a year ago now) from a video using the Flutterguy singing Pinkie's Evil enchantress song (there's a lot of swearing so I won't post it). I saw it and something sparked my interest, I started looking deeper into the show (tentatively mind you XD) And found out there was quite a big community supporting it, I watched one episode (Season 1 Episode 11) and came to the conclusion it wasn't bad, but I didn't watch any more episodes, just went to bed (it was probably 2AM :P ).

AnywhooZies about a month ago i was walking home with a guy from my school and he asked if I was a Brony, I hadn't heard the term, when he explained, said not exactly, but I'd seen the show and it wasn't bad.I went home and totally forgot about it, didn't even watch an episode this time.

Then on my old forum (which was a fighting game forum btw), someone posted a video of My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic (I'm sure you've all heard of it) to troll someone else, but I saw it for what it really was, a good game. I was in between animes and decided I might as well give it a try, just to get pumped up for the game. I watched the first 3 episodes, and i got the same impression as my first, it was just ok. I stopped watching for about a week, then I decided to watch episode 4 because i had nothing to do. Best. Decision. Ever. I laughed, a LOT. Aaaaaand like many others, was hooked.well I watched the series season one, and am trying to pace my self through season 2 to avoid having to wait a week for each episode >.<.




About Me: I am in between 13 and 20 (don't want to be too specific for certain reasons :P)

I love to write and draw (thus my name)

I have always been talented (at least people say i'm talented) at writing, and am working towards a career as an author/journalist

Drawing was different, i had basically no talent. Just self taught, now i'm pretty good, and pick stuff up fast.

I don't think there's much more for me to say about me (for now ;) ) But you sould be able to find me in chat alot, fr hours on end sometimes :P (once i earn the right to chat of course) but that doesn't mean i won't contribute to the forums as well :)


Well, that was long... just as I promised XD


Forgot to mention only one thing will make me dislike you: If you insult anyone close to me, my family, myself or, my God

Other than that I'm sure i'll be friends with lots of you :)

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Hi! I'm Jokuc. That was not that long ;) I love long stories about how people started watching the show! That's why my own is "long"! Anyways, welcome to the forums! :)

Edited by Jokuc
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