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private The Canterlot Caravan


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"Group magic?" Driftwood lowered an eyebrow "I don't know much about magic, if you think that 'collaborative spellcasting' could help us across, we should by all means attempt it. Assuming it's not somehow further harmful..."


It was true, Driftwood knew very little about magic, he visualised a group of unicorns combining magic and the thought of it was somehow... painful. As though it could hurt or exhaust his allies.


"Using this group spellcasting, the unicorns could make the tree into a bridge, perhaps, or move the other caravan members across." he paused in thought, "I'm not sure how difficult that is... whichever you feel you are capable of doing." Driftwood became internally conscious of his ignorance of magic and what it could be used for, he was genuinely unsure of what the unicorns could and couldn't accomplish together.

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