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open Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle

Toothless the Night Fury

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Applejack whirled around, growled, and charged. She was blinded by the residual anger in her mind, and just didn't even see who she was running at. "Solarians!" She opened her eyes just in time to see Rainbow Dash, standing in the entryway. What in the hay? Dash? Wha...what are ya doin' here, in Lunarian territory?


"Uhh...hi. You'll have to forgive me if ah don't shake your hoof, Rainbow Dash. I'm a Lunarian through and through." Applejack quickly turns around and head over to grab a couple of dumbbells, and begins to lift them. "So...what are y'all doin' here?"


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Edited by Sunrise Song



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Dash seemed relieved, she imagined Applejack was gonna be mad at her, "well I was on Ponyville, and on my way to canterlot I got ...caught.." the last word was barely audible "and Nigh- err Luna, told me I was going to be here" she returned her gaze to AJ




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"You're talkin' like ah actually care. Believe me, ah don't. You had a choice and ya chose the wrong side. So...what do ya want, anyway?" Applejack wasn't even looking at Rainbow Dash, just the whole sight of her a reminder of how weak that her old friend had become. Maybe ah shouldnt'a stopped when ah charged her. You were always a show-off...and now look where it got ya. So, congratulations...now get out before ah do change my mind and go after ya.


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"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Rainbow looked at AJ, she almost forgot, why she came here, she finally responded "I chose the wrong side? You and my so called friends left us to fight along a Republic that'll be ended fast" she crossed her hooves while flying




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Runedust came to a stop as he faced a pair of heavy doors adorned with polished bronze that spread across the doors glossy surface

to form an elegant sun like design in the center of each. Just as he prepaired to enter the room the great doors concealed,the sounds

of murmurs and indistinguishable chatter caught his attention,They were talking about him but what was said and by whom was unclear.

Biting his lip to steady his still boiling rage And bringing up the hood of his cloak to hide what exspression he could,Runedust swung open the doors and

trotted in.


To his suprize the meeting haven't even started,two spots were still vacant everypony was there except The captain himself and the still empty possition of the

once proud solus.Runedust grunted as he took his seat without speaking a single word to swiftgrace or the others who was sitting about the table swaping stories

from their last tour of the warzone,none of which sounded very impressive to him


Swiftgrace: " Yeah! I know,who would have guessed I could have kept up with that nightfury toothless in a full blown race...I could have won but he leaves a hard pocket of

turbulence with every flap" her voice went from a roughty boasting to a whisper as Runedust sat next to her "You're not the last to arrive for once...I just lost fifteen bits"


Runedust Glared at the smaller pegasus "Mind your place girl,I out rank you and have far more superior skills than you ever will possess pegasus...redeem what little respect i still

have for you by telling me whats going on"


swiftgrace: "...I-It was a...yes my appologies sir. The captain hasn't shown himself as of yet so everypony is passing time by chatting"


Runedust "He's late to his own meeting...how very sad.That is all pegasus,return to your stories so you can feel less of a joke to those around you"


Runedust hid his smirk from the now upset swiftgrace who now found it difficult to speak by turning his attebtion to the empty seat at the head of the table.

Just as runedust did so the doors once again swung open and the room fell silent as an earth pony dressed in full solar knight attire and brandishing a massive claymore

with an engraving of the celestial knights oath and prayer


"Her wrath, we will act Upon thee,Our hearts will remain true To her,For the Ponies of Equestria,Our faith will see Us through,Celestia,guide and Protect us From those who fall To sin,Her

wrath, we will act Upon thee,Our hearts will remain true,To her,Always."


Runedust didn't seem to care much for the oath,even as the others recited it as the captain took his place Runedust remained silent,eyeing the captain with discust.


C. Dusk Everstill: "you all are aware of why we gather here today...things are getting out of hand all over equestria,Princess luna is growning stronger and the the number of

NLR supporters are sky rocketing as faith in celestia grows weaker.And now I hear that word of Rainbow dashs capture has started to spread like wild fire,the moral of our troops,especialy the

pegasi if I'm not mistaken miss Swiftgrace,has been hit hard by this travisty. We can not let the other two fall into lunas hooves,with that being said I have Placed a request with celestia

that I assign the most trusted and skilled of you to protect pinkie and Twilight with your lives and a select group to head up the search and rescue of rainbow dash."


Runedust: " so we get to play fillysitter AND take the fight to those pathetic moon loving ponies...I have to admit you caught me off guard,I figured you the type to stay on definsive...you can thank

me later for the use of the rail lines I took back in appleloosa."


C. Dusk Everstill: "I'm not comfortable spreading us to far out from the princess during her time of need Runedust but its vital we get Rainbow dash back...once celestia grants my request of personal guards

for the girls and some reserve soldiers for the rescue we will take the fight to them personaly...Swift,Rune i want you both to command the rescue effort.those of you on FILLYsitting duty know who you are the rest of you continue aiding ponyville ...Dismissed everypony. Oh yes! swift,Rune try and get up with twilight.She might know a good strategy or a way in."


rune&swift: "yes sir"


everypony left thier seats and headed for the door,leaving the captain to await word of his request.

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"Oh, stop flappin' yer wings like you're upset. Do you wanna know why ah'm mad, hmm? Your beloved Solarian troops almost decided to make off with mah friends, Rarity and Fluttershy. Outside of Granny Smith, Big Mac and Apple Bloom, they're all the family ah've got left here, with the exception of Sunny, Nightmare Moon and a hoofful of others. And also, they went an burned Appleloosa to th' ground! So ah'm a bit ticked right now!" Knock if off, AJ...she's stuck here and ya know it. Her voice softened for a moment as she looked at her former friend as she lifted the weights with her front hooves. "Look, Dash...ah know yer upset right now too. Jus' give it some time. But, right now...considerin' that ah haven't seen neither one of their manes since they left, ah don't even know how they're doin' right now. So...respectfully, Rainbow Dash...go find somepony else to bother. Ah'm busy here."


The stillness was palpable between the two former friends, their Elements all too well intertwined--Honesty and Loyalty.


< tag >



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Runedust made his way through the corridores with SwiftGrace in tow,her head held

low as not to invoke more cruel words from the ill tempered unicorn whom she was now following.


Swift Grace: "Runedust,I have to ask you something...that is if I may."


Runedust: "I doubt if I say no you would listen to me rookie so make it quick,I have far more important

things to do than play your little games."


Swift grace rolled her eyes at Runedust "I was going to ask if you had any Idea how to go about this,because I think I

Might have a plan that will cut just how much we need to work together"


"you have my intrest now...go on" Runedust shot a somewhat curious look back to swift


"ok,well I looked over your dossier and learned that seige warfar and commanding alone are your strong suits,Right? well

what If you take the entire division and lay siege to their fortifications on dragon rock...not a full on assult but a ruse.

With the one who burnt down appleloosa relentlessly knocking on their door they will focus on you for revenge,letting me to get in undetected and spring rainbow out and high tail it out before they realize what just went down"


"hmm laying siege to a mountain base can be treturous for them so they wont just leave the fort to engage me,not with the mountain face becoming unstable from repetitive impact from my installations,which brings to question how will you get in and not be spoted?"


"I will discuise myself,no pony would take the time to check me!not with you standing at their front gate yet again .

they want your blood more than anything right now...it's perfect!"


"It's far from that...but It will have to do,go find twilight and see if she has any intel to offer I need to go make a few ajustments to my launchers to better suit bombarding a mountain side not to mention the new prototype that should give us an edge if their air calvary or the shadowbolts stops in to ruin my fun... though I wonder just how much fun it will be to bag some pegasi with a net cannon...I borrowed pinkie pies concept of some party cannon and tweeked it a bit for a better use...snaring anything that flies...or to deture them from striking us as much"


"uuum yeeeah,ok...I will go find twilight now" swift gave a worried smile as she turned and went back the way she came,parting ways with Runedust to prepair for the mission to rescue rainbow dash once and for all

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Dash opened her mouth to speak, but just sighed and landed on the ground, she turned and walked from AJ, **damn, if only Twi were here**she thought to herself as she waled outside, she walked around the castle waiting for Twilight to talk to her again




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Meanwhile, about one mile outside of Cloudsedale...


Fluttershy's squadron had departed without the wing leader, still resting up after being roughed up in Appleloosa. The pegasi kept close in formation, holding the cargo that was to be delivered above the cloud city.


"Black Shadow Wing, you are cleared to move onward to the target. Remember to follow the instructions to the letter. Glory to the Lunar Republic!" the call came from the squad leader, who took half of the pegasi that stayed in formation and veered to the left, heading toward Canterlot as a diversionary move. Enough fighter pegasi were among the group that departed, leaving only six pegasi to approach their target.


Sunrise Song was in the aft center of the pack, keeping a close eye on the environment to assure that there would be no delay in the completion of their mission. He was not thoroughly pleased about attacking his hometown, but a significant counterstrike was necessary, and given its blessing by Princess Luna. The Solarians were going to pay, and pay by losing a town of their own.


"We're in position!" said the lead pegasus, motioning to the two behind him that were carrying a very large and heavy box. "Back three, follow your directions after we release the weapon! You'll have thirty seconds to get out of peripheral range or there's a chance you could get hit by backlash...I don't know much more about it, other than for any pegasus, you get too close, it'll be very bad for you. Now...get ready to deploy! Wing 5, give us back clearance."


"Understood! Waiting for directions!" Sunrise said, wondering what kind of debilitating effect whatever was in the mysterious box was going to have on the cloud city.


"Deploying device in...five seconds!" The lead pegasus flew off, a high banking angle, almost as if he knew something. Where is he going? Sunrise couldn't help but wonder. His wondering quickly stopped as the two escort pegasi in front of him used their hooves to kick the contents of the box open. He saw the weapon deploy, and was unsure what it was going to do. Looks just like dust...or a powder. This is our big bad plan? We're going to make them sneeze to death?


Suddenly, Sunrise found himself very much alone. He watched the powdery-dust begin to drift on the city below. It had taken a very sparkly, pleasant sheen to it which sparkled and glittered in the sunlight. Sure is pretty...wait, what are you doing, you idiot? Get out of here! You heard the squadron leader--get clear!


Sunrise took a different escape vector, as it seemed all of his compatriots in the wing had. He didn't hear any explosion, so he immediately presumed it was not a bomb or any sort of incendiary device. So what was it, then? He found a cloud to hide behind from a comfortable distance.


Then he heard the screams. Loud cries of disbelief as pegasus upon pegasus looked at each other--and discovered they no longer possessed wings. Sunrise was able to make out enough from his perch, a good half-mile away, and see the lot of them looking about confused, bewildered, and on the cusps of breaking down. Thankfully, their ability to walk on clouds was not impaired, as they still managed to move about.


Did...did that just...actually happen? My dear Luna...we don't need to worry about breaking their bodies...breaking their hearts, their spirits...what a dreadful thing to do to these ponies! Mission accomplished, indeed...we have now given them even more reason to hate us.


As Sunrise flew back to the Old Castle, he could still hear the mournful sobs from the city that they had just decimated with the loss her inhabitants capacity to fly.


(OOC: I hope this isn't too over the top...but it's nothing that Celestia can't undo with her magic.)



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Dusk Everstill sat in the communications and intelligence room nessled within the safty of canterlots walls,sipping gingerly on a cup of tea as he examined the maps and recon reports provided by scouts,spies,and other reports in the field,hoping that his assumptions were right about Rainbowdash being at at dragon mountain.Being the most fortified position held by the enemy harrassing ponyville constantly and providing much more than a challange to the solarian forces who tried to take it before seemed perfect for a glory hound like her would want to try and take it for the bragging rights,that was if she wasn't captured or worse.


*even if my gut is wrong about dash being there,an attack might buy ponyville a short bit of time to recover and come up with a chance to rebuild its defences....or even plan its own counter attack* Dusk sighed as he felt lost in thought


Just as he finished his beverage and set the cup down the radios crackled to life and many of the poinies started to scramble about the room,Watching and listining to everything that was going on


Radio operator "MR. Noise Sir! Incoming S.O.S transmission from...Cloudsdale!"


Dusk watched as a sharp dressed earth pony ran from one side of the other to where the operator had sounded out. It was clear that he was none other than White noise,the chief of the solarian communications department.Before the war he was a simple pony whos voice could be heard on any radio,now he was the one responcable for handling all of the solar empires communicational needs and verifying the reports that came through from and to the field.


White Noise "put it on the loud speaker,NOW!"


a burst of static followed by the sounds of shouting drowned out the ponies voices within the room "HQ! HQ! Please respond this is skybox six,cloudsdale has just been hit I repeat cloudsdale has just been hit...~screams in the back ground~ Lunar forces

~static~ ALMOST OUR ENTIRE BASED AIR FORCE HAS BEEN CRIPPLED!...The NLR dropped some kind of powdery substance and now every pegasi here has lost their wings...LITERALY! Our cloud walking is uneffected but some who were in flight may have fell from the skies...Casualties are unknown...we are sitting ponies up here!requesting emergency evac from any available pegasi who still flies our skies,over"


white noise "thats a negatory SkyBox Six,we cant spare any air support or evacs at this time.Hold your grou...cloud We must not allow the lunar forces to occupy cloudsdale,Defend the air fields,weather factory,and solarian intel at all cost. do you copy over"?


S.B.S "Copy that HQ but we wont last long up here if they decide to come back..~more shouting ~...not without any support,over"


White Noise "Rodger that Skybox Six...I will radio the wonderbolts and spare supply runners to see if they can provide support for cloudsdale HQ out" turning his attention to his staff "Find the wonderbolts and what spare pegasi uneffected by this powder and have them report to cloudsdale immidiately,take caution as what ever was used may have contaminated the entire area...I need to report this to celestia immidiately"! White noise bolted from the room in the direction of the Princesses main chamber followed by Dust everstill



Elsewhere in the castle


Swift grace walked up and down the halls of the castle in search of twilight who might know more of what to do to shed light on where rainbow dash might be and if she could possibly give some much needed advice about Dusks orders to raid dragon mountain

Edited by HailStorm
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Twilight teleported ouside of the castle and looked at the wingless pegasi, "Ohhh this is not good, we just lost our aerial force" her eyes had widened in disbelief, and she teleported to Celestia, even as a powerful Alicorn she couldn't return all of the Pegasi back, and she wanted revenge on the Lunar Republic, Twilight walked off, she wasn't sure how Celestia had really felt, but she knew it was better not to interrupt her for now




Haste looked from the everfree to Draco and Toothless, she continued walking into the forest not taking awareness of the chaos the Lunar Republic had just caused




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Reports and rumors were swirling all over Equestria. Some of the more liberal information has stated that things were going very badly for the Solarians, and that defeat was practically inevitable; others were dismissing the whole attack as little more than Lunarian propaganda designed to distract from an attack designated to take out Canterlot itself.


The fighter squadron that was sent to Canterlot merely buzzed the capital, doing a quick strafing run before departing as rapidly as they had arrived. Damage was estimated to be negligible, if any at all. The Cloudsedale Six, as were being cheered in Lunarian Territory, had returned back to base, the mission complete.


But Sunrise Song did not share in the sudden jubilation of his comrades in wing, heading off to a quieter part of the castle. Some officers paused to pay him note, but he said nothing back, merely nodding and continuing on. After making sure he was alone, he closed a door behind him into a tower, locking it with a bar of wood, and lying on the cold, stone floor.


He did not want to fully process what had happened--so many pegasi that were robbed of their giftings, the capacity to fly. It was worse than death, a continual torture that they could not escape now. This was no victory. This was almost cowardice. We have struck a major blow to the Solarians...but have we lost what makes us pegasi? Are we so quick to destroy our own, simply because we are on the wrong side of the fence? Lacking any other rational thing to do, he recalled a bedtime song that he had heard many times as a foal, and began to sing it:



Now the hour has come at last

The soft and fading light

Has crossed the west horizon

And has bidden us goodnight

And what a lovely night it is

To walk a moonlit field

To see the softer shades

That are by starlight now revealed


There was a passionate take to his singing, one that seem spurned by the loss of possible friends...the toils of war sticking yet another barb into his delicate side...for a minute, he could feel the initial confusion and slight anger by the one who breathed life to the words so long ago.


So why is it that now,

When all is quiet and at rest

When candles glow and all the world

Is at its very best

The ponies of Equestria

Should lock themselves away

To shun the moon and wait instead

For Sister's sunny day?


The sun is a scar--a blight on this beautiful sky. Why was I cursed with a sun as my Cutie Mark? A sun enclosed in a note. I was ready, on the Day of the Separation, to go to the first willing unicorn I could find and beg for them to remove it, wound it, recolor it--yet, nopony would honor my request--some nonsense about it being Luna's divine plan for me. Now I understand.


In umbra Luna est


Am I so wrong to wish that they

Would see things like I do?

And am I so wrong to think

That they might love me too?

Why shouldn't they adore me?

Is it not within my right?

I'll not be overshadowed!

Mine is not the lesser light!

I've waited long enough now

For them all to come around

And though the Sun may plead and threaten,

The Moon will stand her ground


No--enough sympathy for those fools! They stood, they flapped their wings with such irreverence--it was only due to the mission at Appleloosa that we delayed this so long! Curse this soft nature I possess! It is not mine to care about why they snub their nose at Luna, only that they do...and I am to follow orders rather than declare them!


And all will know the wonder

Of my dark and jeweled sky

When all the world is wrapped

In an eternal lullaby

So say goodnight at this,

The final setting of the sun

Tomorrow dawns in darkness

The nighttime has begun!




At the finish of the song, a gentle hoof clapping was heard from above. "Congratulations on your mission, Sunrise Song. Quite a beautiful performance, we must say. We do not think that we could have done it better ourselves."


Sunrise's face was headed for the floor, but was stopped by the gentle hold of Nightmare Moon's magic. "No, please...I do not deserve to see you right now, Nightmare Moon...I am...consumed by thoughts of the rightness of what has been done."


"It is quite all right, Sunrise...those uncertainties will make you stronger. You have always been too easily swayed by that done in the heart, that done in the spirit. But we did not make a mistake when we assigned you to the weapon run. You have proven yourself capable of the most despicable of actions, and to do so without emotion as it is done. Do not misunderstand--and if you so much as whisper a word of this to anypony else, your death will be swift...but even we have moments where our emotions ask ourselves--what it the price of this war? When the dust is settled and Celestia fallen, will we have really won anything?"


The lie was done with grace, like all others. Us, show emotion? The only emotions we convey openly is anger and frustration. In private, such as now, we will show love and compassion.


"My heart was...ripped in two when I saw the effects of the weapon. Since returning...I knew that it was necessary. We instill a longer lasting pain than could have been done in any other instance. Forgive me, Your Majesty...your half-truths are not effective on me at the moment in time. I did what I was ordered to do, and I had no problem executing the mission. I have sworn loyalty to you and your Moon, not that I should when it is not convenient for me switch sides. Do not spare my heart your truth, as the night cuts through the confusion that is brought with sun's rising."


"Sunrise...we will be honest with you. You were monitored the whole way, and executed perfectly as has been expected of you. If you wish for this concern to be ripped from your heart, we can...but we do not believe you would like the results. You must deal with this on your own. Come with me. There are more songs to be sung, and this evening is cause for celebration!"


Nightmare Moon's magic filled the tower, and the two of them were transported into the center of the party happening outside. Behold, all faithful Lunarian warriors! We give you Sunrise Song, a brave pegasus and the one to witness the fall of Cloudesdale! To glory, and the Eternal Night!"


Sunny smiled weakly, happy to be honored in the midst of those who had seen far more action and brandished more scars.


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"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Draco looked worried "should we go or should we keep searching for General Dash?"




**I should call Rainbow to see if she's doing fine.... ** she preformed the spell again and got dash's attention **Twi?** **Rainbow, did you talk to Applejack?** **yeah, but she wasn't in such a good mood, she asked me to leave and I decided to leave** **where exactly are you at?** **I'm in the inside of the castle, I still haven't found anything** **another thing** **what's that?** **The Lunar Republic attacked Cloudsdale and left our aerial forces immobilized ** **WHAT?!** **the Pegasi can't fly, The Princess is working on it and they should be back to flying soon** **good, I need to be out of here fast** **don't worry Rainbow I'll get you out** **okay, have you found anypony yet?** **No, but I got one in mind** **okay then, I should try to find out more of what exactly happened...Twi?** Twilight cut off the conversation after remembering a certain dragon... **Toothless, he might help** she did her spell again, growing tired of doing it repeatedly **Toothless?**

  • Brohoof 1




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"I think we should--" He started, but was cut off by a strange female voice echoing inside his head.


He shook his head, and pawed at his ear in an attempt to relieve himself of this strange vocal illusion. He must have been cursed... Probably the Lunar Republic playing another one of their tricks...


But, it was strange... the voice... called his name. In a vain attempt, he called out loud:



And stuff.

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Snow watched the large dragon and pony making their way through the forest,unsure of what side these strangers took she decided to follow them just a bit longer to find out.Staying in the woods alone for so long gave her the home field advantage,knowing the layout of the forest like the back of her hoof and how to move without being heard or seen.Each step was carefully placed as not to accedentally step on a twig or something to give her away snow crept closer and closer in hopes of finding any evidence of their alligance.


*your a bit off from the battle field...are you travelers? mercs? Lunarian? Maybe solarians hunting me down for my betrail...only one way to find out...might even get a bit or two if im lucky*


Slipping the face mask that she managed to swipe from town just days ago finaly became of use as it hid all but her eyes,ears and horn. Leaping out from under her hiding spot in a display of swirling leaves that drifted to the ground onto the path behind the two.


"greetings travelers! you are a bit far from home.What brings you to this neck of the woods,surely not the battle I hope..."


somewhere far north of canterlot



Hearing the emergency broadcast that requested all available pegasi to return to canterlot,HailStorm and a few other supply running pegasi in his little crew quickly dropped off their cargo and took flight heading south through the mountains. Though dangerous as it was for a pegasus due to violent up and down drafts which could at any moment throw them to the cliffs or the ground below,It was also the fastest most direct without slipping into enemy lines.


cargo pegasus "I Wonder why they are calling us back to canterlot,did they say?"


Hailstorm: "no,only that it's of dire immportance that any available pegasus report back"


cargoPegasus#2 "What if canterlot was taken over? I mean its been some time sence we got orders from them,we could be flying right into a trap ya'know...,just say'en...call'm in and BOOM"


Hailstorm: "doubt it,canterlot is the most fortified and well armed place in equestria...plus a good number of highly skilled warriors are there,on top of that there's celestias elite guard stationed in towns all around canterlot."


cargo pegasus "I have to agree with him on this hail,I have been catching wind of some scary stuff from down there...bad enough that the solarian elite guard you speak of had been pulled back out of the surrounding countryside for reasons no one seems to know"


Finding himself lost for words,Hail just gave a nod as he took the lead,the other two broke formation and trailed close behind.






Swift had just about to give up the search for twilight when finaly she managed to find her.Preforming a quick aerial loopdeloop of joy SwiftGrace swooped in beside twilight,careful not to collide or kick up dirt which might make twilight mad at her for being reckless.


"There you are twi-...oh,sorry I will wait" landing,she waited for twilight to aknowlage her presence


Organizing the questions In her head so that the rammbling and the excitement of finaly catching up with such an illusive pony would be minimal,hopefully

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Flying high above Cloudsdale grinning as the powder begins to work making all solar troops unable to fly his ear twitchs as he hears something "ALMOST OUR ENTIRE BASED AIR FORCE HAS BEEN CRIPPLED!" Grinning at what he hears and he laughs and contacts Base "Base this Lucas attack on cloudsdale has begun they dont know whats hit them, the dust its working their air force is now useless"

Edited by Prince twister Arionason


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Toothless replied. "Oh, General!" He then paused, puzzled. "Uh, would you mind if I asked why you are in my mind?"


After seeing the pony jump out at him, he quickly took a offensive stance, placing all four legs on the ground and sinking his head low to the ground...


"None of your business..." Toothless grumbled, not realizing it was Snow under all that dirt and ruffled fur. "Now step aside, or I'll make you..."

And stuff.

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Snow was shocked that she was so easily recognized despite her face being hidden from view.Suddenly it hit her,she had forgotten to hide the true colors of her body and tail,even her cutie mark was in plain view.Removing the mask now that it no longer served its purpose.


"I was how did you...haste? from the NLR prison?...I was lucky to meet an old friend who risked himself to get me out...how did you escape?....And I mean you no harm,I'm not a highway pony I promise...the mask was for um...well its not important"


Snow figured it was best to not bring up her defection and possible "wanted" status in the solar kingdom but was still curious if they figured it was this particular nonepony who gave the NLR such an advantage over them.her urge to know why they were here in the forest still rattled in her head


"um...are you two lost or something?"







Hailstorm and his Traveling pegasi companions had finally landed in canterlot,to his suprize the number of pegasi that shown up was hardly a hoof full. All of which were in a single file,facing with a salute to the pony adorned in strange royal guard armor.The voice of this strange pony was strong and fierce with loyalty,the same if not more so than that of the late solus.Watching this pony pace with uncertainty in front of his small troop


Hail "who is that,I've never seen him around before...another elite guard"?


cargo Pegasus "Im no expert so i cant say...but that armor suggests he has something to do with the royal defence so maybe"


cargo pegasus2 "OH ho he looks tough..and mighty right upset,think he could take that strong hooves pony you talked about hail"?


random pegasus: "you guys donno who that is? That's THE Dusk Everstill,possibly the best pony around.I heard from a friend hes something called a Celestial knight...maybe the last one,he commands those Elite guard ponies.I hear there's an opening for the pony who takes some insane suicide mission"


cargo Pegasus: "yeeeeah no still don't know him...and don't let rainbow dash hear you say that,who knows what would happen Haha"


Dusk looked back at hail and his two companions with a frown


Dusk Everstill "you pegasi Have something vital to add to the cloudsdale crisis? If not shut it...you there!big blue,you look capable of handling heavy burdens...may i request a special errand from you?"


Hail: "er...me right? I guess,why"?


Dusk Everstill: "You seem fit for the task...All other pegasi report to the strip and ready to take supplies to cloudsdale and to provide air strength until the remainder of your downed brethren can hold their own once more...you,follow me.Dismissed!"


The pegasi saluted once more and set off to the airstrip lined with the cargo for cloudsdale,leaving hail with Dusk to further discuss the so called errand in detail


Dusk Everstill: "you already know who I am,and I you...lieutenant second class Hail Storm,fighter gone freight pony.I figured calling you Big blue would undoubtedly get your attention...Lets be on our way,follow.I think I know why Nightmare moon...Luna has done such a horrible thing,stripping the pegasi in cloudsdale of their precious wings.She knew that princess Celestia would have to react and use up even more of her already exhausted strength to get them back up and flying.I myself was hoping she wouldn't stoop that low as to indirectly attack the princess by targeting us in such a way that rid those with a gift. We already have a counter attack thanks to A R&D specialist under my command.we just need a strong bodied pegasi to get it to its target in one piece,of course as you heard from your friend its highly dangerous if the NLR got wind of our counterstrike with our little suprize but if you pull it off I myself will bring you into the guard as a way to say Thank you"


Hailstorm listened closely to what was in store for The NLR's War crime,as dusk called it.

Though complicated in every way Hail agreed to drop the Rightfully named "care package" on one of Luna's territorial control points as she had done to cloudsdale

Edited by HailStorm
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"Three" Draco came out from behind Haste and Toothless "No, were not lost, we're looking for General Dash on the prison" "nice to see ya'h Snow, I got out after Draco rescued me, he got captured, and then Toothless and I rescued him"



**Listen Toothless, we need to get General Dash, and I thought you could find a group to travel to Dragon Mountain and look for her**

Edited by Pinkie Pie (Pinkazoid!)




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(not quite sure if it's alright for me to join, but it's worth a try)


A small dark object with a long ribbon-like stream of lime green light darted across the sky around midnight. The object continued to swerve in different directions as the green light faded to different colors against the dark-blue night sky. A few seconds afterwards, the object turned sharply towards the group of troops below at tremendous speeds. As it nears the group, the shape of the object looks much clearer: a motor bike-shaped vehicle with a glowing green stripe along each side of the bike. The motorcycle-like vehicle was shaped oddly like a copyrighted automobile from a movie, but there was something different about it -- It had wings. not the kind of wings that the Pegasi or the Allicorns have, but the kind that looked... Artificial. It neared decreasingly fast as the glowing strips on the sides of the motorbike stopped emitting an electrified smoke from them. The bike lands on the ground and amazingly stops within a couple of feet from the point of touchdown. A dark-grey furred Allicorn with a dark-blue and green mane climbs off the bike. The motorcycle is making no sounds, despite still idling and with two plasma-cannons on the sides of the solid bike-frame. As clearly seen, the Alicorn has perfectly functional wings and a horn capable of any magic, yet he uses a mechanical contraption to get around. This fact is highly puzzling to every troop in the viscinity. On the Alicorn's flank is a glowing bio-hazard cutie mark, that has the same color scheme as the electromagnetic strips along the sides of his bike; flourescent lime-green. A cold midnight breeze blows by the group as the bike turns off and what looks like the aurora borealis dissapears from the sky completely, and without any trace of is previously there.

"Hiya! They call me Black Aurora. It's probably confusing to you why I'm using this 'odd contraption' when my wings and horn work perfectly. Well the thing is, I'm not sure either. But hey what am I gonna do?"

The Alicorn spoke rather loud but didn't seem to care. He looked like he's been through a lot and has been corrupted past the event horizon of sanity-loss. He also appeared to be from neither the Solar Empire nor the Lunar Empire, but somewhere completely different...

Hail the Queen!

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(not quite sure if it's alright for me to join, but it's worth a try)


A small dark object with a long ribbon-like stream of lime green light darted across the sky around midnight. The object continued to swerve in different directions as the green light faded to different colors against the dark-blue night sky. A few seconds afterwards, the object turned sharply towards the group of troops below at tremendous speeds. As it nears the group, the shape of the object looks much clearer: a motor bike-shaped vehicle with a glowing green stripe along each side of the bike. The motorcycle-like vehicle was shaped oddly like a copyrighted automobile from a movie, but there was something different about it -- It had wings. not the kind of wings that the Pegasi or the Allicorns have, but the kind that looked... Artificial. It neared decreasingly fast as the glowing strips on the sides of the motorbike stopped emitting an electrified smoke from them. The bike lands on the ground and amazingly stops within a couple of feet from the point of touchdown. A dark-grey furred Allicorn with a dark-blue and green mane climbs off the bike. The motorcycle is making no sounds, despite still idling and with two plasma-cannons on the sides of the solid bike-frame. As clearly seen, the Alicorn has perfectly functional wings and a horn capable of any magic, yet he uses a mechanical contraption to get around. This fact is highly puzzling to every troop in the viscinity. On the Alicorn's flank is a glowing bio-hazard cutie mark, that has the same color scheme as the electromagnetic strips along the sides of his bike; flourescent lime-green. A cold midnight breeze blows by the group as the bike turns off and what looks like the aurora borealis dissapears from the sky completely, and without any trace of is previously there.

"Hiya! They call me Black Aurora. It's probably confusing to you why I'm using this 'odd contraption' when my wings and horn work perfectly. Well the thing is, I'm not sure either. But hey what am I gonna do?"

The Alicorn spoke rather loud but didn't seem to care. He looked like he's been through a lot and has been corrupted past the event horizon of sanity-loss. He also appeared to be from neither the Solar Empire nor the Lunar Empire, but somewhere completely different...



(ooc: feel free to join,just go and Put your character App in here http://mlpforums.com/topic/6845-ooc-equestrian-civil-war-part-2-flames-of-battle/ :) )




Snow cocked her head at the trio until she realized her count was off,knowing that the malnutrition from the lack of edible food in the area was to blame for this embarrassing moment.Just as her empty belly gave a loud growl she spoke louder to hide it


"Ooh...I'm sorry,I didn't notice you behind them forgive me.I'm happy you all made it out together though...Wait what,Rainbow Dash in prison?what else has happened sence I De...Detached myself from the main outpost for an important job that was to close" ~stomach growls~




Swift Grace sat by twilight patiently,remembering the questions that were to be asked to help the bizarre ops Dusk had them going on.Being based on a half baked theory from his gut,she began to understand somewhat of why RuneDust questioned Dusks leadership and wished to supplement it with his own.

Scuffing her hoof in boredom,Swift unearthed a small pebble.Its perfect rounded shape gave her an idea of how to entertain herself until Twilight was aware of her presence.A Flick of the hoof and the stone was airborne,falling back to the ground with a soft clicky sound as it bounced from another stone.Swift gave it another flick,sending it higher this time and as it fell back down she would bat it back up into the air with any part of her body for as many hits as she could manage.


Swift: "1...2...3...~drops it~ aww...1,2,3,4,5...." The longer it stayed in the air the more frantic her movements to keep it that way "15,16,17!...I should challenge rainbow to this,maybe bat it back at each other until one lets it hit the ground then they are the loser

Needs steaks to make it interesting though...43 44 45 46! no no no!....awww geez now I need to start over"


Glaring at the stone as it came to rest at her hooves,having been caught up in her new game that she forgot twilight was probably deep in thought or doing some magic mumbo jumbo swift had no idea about and should let finish before disturbing.


swift "I should probably pick up some flowers or something before I go to dragon mountain,pay my respects to solus final resting place...that is if twilight can hurry up and answer my questions,I doubt Rune will wait for me...I bet hes on his way there right now...ugh!"



Traveling to dragon mountain



Runedust was in fact,in route to dragon mountain with His sizable army,siege weapons in tow.The battalion had shrunk as he passed around ponyville to hide his numbers by splitting his own troop from that which Celestia had granted Dusk and dodging the main roads which were sure to have enemy eyes watching for any solarians.


*I refuse to ponysit her and listen to her schemes,sneaking in by using MY power as a mere decoy.Who does she take me for? I am the one who will bring nightmare moon to her knees before Celestia and set my place in stone within the equestrian state as the one who brought down the princess of darkness,There's no place in this fight for Dusk and his ideals of bringing "luna" to her senescence to have a peaceful resolve and restore harmony,destruction and chaos has already blanketed equestria...what a fool*


Runedust: ~rally voice~"We draw near Dragon mountain,Keep eyes and ears open for those disgusting night crawling bigots.They want eternal darkness? we shall give it to them by locking them away so deep they will forget just how glorious the sun And the army that fights for it really are...that or we Kill them which i prefer.Dragon mountain will give way tonight,to the greatest general in all of equestria! ME!....Remember if any of the three girls on our list pops up,I want them alive enough to talk"


The unicorn masses who marched under Runedusts banner gave a synced cheer as they raised their horns to the sky followed by the various arms that each carried


"solus was nothing,his proud earth pony ways was but a drop left in my wake...The true might of the unicorn will bring down all that oppose it..And we shall be the one to give a perfect demonstration of that,now move my brethern Lets not keep our enemies waiting for their inevitable demise"!


the Ponies gave a louder Rally cry as they moved faster through the plains.

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