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open Sword Art Online: Pony style!


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"Sorry" The pegasus said as he went to fight the Manticore again. "Lighting do you want to live here" Equinox asked as he looked at him. "Cause so far it sounded like you did...you do know that its useless to get a girlfriend in this game especially since we ALL are in a bad position right now" Equinox said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Sorry" The pegasus said as he went to fight the Manticore again. "Lighting do you want to live here" Equinox asked as he looked at him. "Cause so far it sounded like you did...you do know that its useless to get a girlfriend in this game especially since we ALL are in a bad position right now" Equinox said

"Well there is something you don't see everyday."

*Rynn said walking up to their group.*

"I can honestly say I have never seen a player like that walk away that easily after making threats."

*Rynn said nodding to the red Pegasus.*

"So you guys just beat the dungeon? You weren't in there for very long. Did you just rush to the boss and ignore all the other enemies?"


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"I never said that geez doing normal stuff once in a while might keep us sane I'm just being careful I got job to go back to once I get out besides do you know how long it may take to beat this I mean 100 floors that a bit much for all we know we all could be in a hospital right now."

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"I can one hit enemies and the manticore was no problem at all" Equinox said to one that just walked up to them. "It was an easy boss knowing its back and head is its weak point" Equinox said. "And keeping sane isn't all fun in games even if you do normal thing you won't get out by being normal you will just delay your own insanity" Equinox said to Lighting

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Look let's just agree to disagree about this.  After all no two ponies are the same and therefore each pony can go insane though many different methods."  Lighting told Equinox getting sick of his one-track mind "So sorry about trying to keep my sanity my way besides I thought your sister wanted to help so why is she in the town right now and is this really a guild we only got four members right now so we are just a normal RPG party right now plus if Casey is the captain why are you calling all the shots."  

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"You know what goodbye" Equinox said as he left the guild. "If you don't want to keep this serious then fine go make your damn shop" Equinox said as he headed off into the area without anyone behind him as he disbanded the party with Lighting and Casey. "I'll free myself from this hell" Equinox said as he blocked a few attack from enemies and used slant with his katana. "Just want to get out of here...I'm tired of being the one whose told to stay clam or some stuff" Equinox said as he took a lot of damage from the enemies but healed with a heal stone as he attacked and killed one of the monster then stabbed the other. Equinox started noticing more kept coming for him as he kept killing more of them.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Equinox don't I'm only looking out for you so no pony dies because I had a friend who died because I was I didn't do anything.  He was showing off a trick of his and he didn't look where he was going and he flew into a cloud filled with lighting.  I was too scared too help him and I just sat there didn't even scream.  and within a minute he was dead.  Not a day goes by where I don't blame myself for what happened to him.  so if you want to leave fine but just don't let one thing rule your life and cause you to get yourself killed ok.  So just come back alive one day.  OK."  Lighting went back to Casey "so Casey want to go back to the Inn Its getting late.

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"I LOST TWO PEOPLE CAUSE I VOULDNT DO SHIT" Equinox yelled at Lighting. "Both my parents died and I couldnt do anything to save them...now I'm trying to best this so I can forgive myself finally" Equinox said as he used another healing stone. "Come at me you monsters" Equinox said as he spent hours killing the monster till he ran out of healing stones

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"IS THAT REALLY WORSE KNOWING YOU COULDN'T DO ANYTHING WISHING YOU COULD OR KNOWING YOU COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING BUT NOT DO A THING AND REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?"  Lighting yelled back at Equinox "there's a saying no matter how bad you have it somepony has it worse. and to me both our stories are bad but we can't just cry over it."

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"You lost a bucking friend I lost my damn parents...which is bucking worse losing a friend to a cloud or losing your parents to a pony that doesn't give a shit about others...now shut up and leave me alone before you piss me off again...I need some time to my self" Equinox said as he left to the nearby town not able to hear Lighting or anypony.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well I hope he thinks about it.  I never said my story was worse anyway.  but he right he needs some time by himself I never knew lost his parents.  I was just trying to explain way I was looking out for him.  I didn't mean to get on his nerves.  Do you think he'll come back Captain?"  Lighting asked Casey

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"I'm not sure....I hope he comes back though..." Casey said sadly. She was shocked over the argument. She hated arguments. Her parents argued when they divorced. "Let's get moving to the inn." Casey said. It had been a long night for her. She put her weapon back. She was worried about Equinox.

I love Supernatural! :D

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"I hope he comes back too." Light said to Casey "let's try not to think about too much it's his choice after all." They arrived at the inn Lighting paid for the two rooms for the night "Casey do you think we might fight like that someday cause I didn't think Equinox would react like that. I was just trying to help him and now I think he just hates me." Lighting said with a huge frown.

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"Just like father said I lose my temper so easily" Equinox said as he was already in the inn laying in the bed. "Maybe he's right....maybe I should relax for a bit" Equinox said as he opened up his screen and saw he leveled up twice. "Must have happened when I was in raged" Equinox said as he put points in the usual stats.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I don't know. I don't think so." Casey said quietly. She thought about it deeply. "He might come back though and I mostly agreed with what you said earlier about looking out for everypony. " Casey said. She also understood what Equinox had said. She was tired.

I love Supernatural! :D

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"Thanks that makes me feel better well good night see you in the morning." Lighting said as he entered his room for the night and hope that Equinox may come back some day but he decided to stay clam a live each day to the fullest while he was here. And with that he fell asleep for the night.

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"I guess I should apologize tomorrow....shouldn't be too far behind this is the only village here" Equinox said as he closed his eyes and went to sleep. "I will get through this...and if I die at least I met a few good ponies here" Equinox said to himself as he drifted off to sleep

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The next morning

"Well let's see if the shops got any blacksmith equipment to use." Light then searched the town for any thing he could find and got himself an anvil and a mallet. "now all I need is a furnace and a place to make the shop." Lighting went back to training on some monsters and sent a message to Casey telling her where he was.

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"I sure hope he comes back." Casey thought. She entered her room and fell asleep. 


Next Morning:

Casey received a message from Lighting. She went to where he was. "Hey." Casey said. She saw Lighting training. She decided to train too. She lifted her sword and killed some monsters.

I love Supernatural! :D

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Equinox woke up and left the end and brought a few hundred healing stones before he left he bumped into a made. "Um...sorry about that" The made said as she continued on her way. "Odd...well maybe I could find Lighting and Casey as he drew his katana and went into the field

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hey Casey what's the plan for today?" Lighting asked her wonder what today would hold. For them as they just killed monsters "do you know how much I need to open a shop up I got some of the supplies I need to start it up." Lighting said trying to make conversation.

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"I think you need 1000 to open it and I think we're gonna open the shop up." Casey said. Casey killed some more monsters. "Is that Equinox?" Casey thought as she saw a figure in the field. She finished off the monsters and went toward the figure. "Is that you Equinox?" Casey said. 

I love Supernatural! :D

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"Yep its me Casey" Equinox said as he opened his inventory. "Hey lighting here this should help with the blacksmith shop" Equinox said as he traded 3000 gold to Lighting. "Also I'm sorry for before" Equinox said as he slashed a monster with slant. "I can understand if you are angry at me still" Equinox said as he closed his inventory.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I forgive you." Casey said. She was happy that Lighting came back. Casey smiled. She killed some more monsters. "I knew he'd come back!" Casey thought happily. She wondered what the shop would be called. "After this do you want to set up the shop?" Casey asked Lighting.

I love Supernatural! :D

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"It's good to have you back Equinox and I think I should apologize too... I should backed off after you got angry.  And thanks for the gold."  Lighting said  "let's go set it up free weapons and armor for all guild members in our guild."  Lighting sent Equinox a Guild invite since he quit. 

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