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"Hold on.." Equinox said as he used the locator function to find Shinx. What he saw didn't make him happy. "It says she's no where...how is that possible" Equinox said



Shinx woke up with her hooves tied and laying on the floor somewhere. "Where am I at" She asked herself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Ok I think we should go search for her we can always get out later but we all only have one life here so let's go find her." Lighting said he gave Equinox the armor and weapon built for him and then galloped looking all over for Shinx not wanting lose somepony while he could do something while he remembered what happened to his friend.

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"Where ever she is I hope she's okay" Equinox said as he equipped the new weapon and armor. "I'll see if I can send her a message" Equinox said as he did so only to get. "Recipient not found in server....how...Shinx...where ever you are...stay safe until I find you" Equinox said as he killed more monsters

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lighting flew all over the town searching for Shinx he checked every high point he could get to looking for her hoping she was alright thinking that if she died Equinox would probably become depressed lose his focus and not care about getting out lighting continued to search for her messaging Equinox about every location he checked.

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"Can't even send a message to them" Shinx said as she looked around. "Heh I can't believe you got caught. Your brother must be worried..." a voice said causing Shinx to look around and noticed. "Remnant of wisp...Who are you monsters" Shinx said as a red arrow and a silhouette appeared. A person who want revenge against you brother" The voice said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lighting started to search every single building he went near looking for trap doors glitches or portals to other places to seach for Shinx after searching for so long he messaged Equinox "sorry but i think you sister may have been ponynapped and sorry to ask about your past but do you have any enemies who may do this to get back at your or her.cause I seached almost everywhere.

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"Yeah...while you were looking I got a message from the prison that one girl escaped...I swear I'm gonna f-" Equinox was interuppted by a message. "Guys...I know where to go" Equinox said as he brought up a map. "Shinx...I'm going to get you" Equinox said as he hurried off

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hey! Equinox! Wait u-" But Equinox had kept running. "Hey Lightning!" Razor said and turned towards him. "Where are we going to go now? Do you have any idea where Equinox just went?" I hope that he doesn't get in trouble too. "I had an idea to go to the inn to get clues but it seems that someone has already gotten something figured out."


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Equinox kept running and saw a sight he neer wanted to see. He saw his sister being held hostage by the mare from before holding a knife. "Well look who decided to show up" The mare said as Equinox clutched his blade tightly. "Brother...help me" Shin pleaded as the mare glared at Equinox. "Let my sister go now" Equinox demanded trying to keep his rage surpressed. "No you give your self up and then I release her" The mare said. "Fine" Equinox said as the mare smirked. "But you know both of you should die...then you can both be with your family" The mare said as he stabbed Shinx in the back. Equinox went wide eye and saw Shinx fall to the ground. "No...my only sister...no...GOD DAMN YOU" Equinox yelled as he dashed forward to kill the mare

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lighting was right behind Equinox and decided to help out his friends he started to heal Shinx and gave her the custom armor he made for her with some extra health regen boost stats on it "don't die I don't want anypony to die on me here.  don't you dare die on me." he said while use health items on her desperately trying to save her life not wanting to feel the pain from losing a friend again.

Edited by supersonicfan91
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"You really think thats going to help her shes poisioned and she will die" The mare said doging Equinoxes attacks. "Theres no way to save her no antidote at all" The mare added as Equinox looked at Shinx who could barely move. "She will live but you...you deserve to die im not sending you back to the prision I will kill you myself" Equinox said as he went forward and stabbed the mare and kicked her off the blade. 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Equinox who is this crazy mare what does she have against you and your sister."  Lighting asked as he kept care of Shinx giving her item to where her health regen rate is better than the poison takes away Lighting is doing the best he can to keep her alive.

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"Isn't it obvious I want him dead for making me fail my mission, get kicked from my guild, and sent me to prison" The made said as she stabbed Equinox but not causing him to be poisoned. "So what...you know...I won't mind being an orange player for a day" Equinox said as he grabbed the made and shoved the blade through her spine killing her. "She won't bother us anymore..." Equinox said as his arrow above his head turned orange

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Equinox who was she and what was she talking about?"  Lighting asked while holding Shinx in his forelegs making sure she alright "what do we do to save her. is there an in game hospital or something to bring her to that crazy mare said it was incurable."

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"You forget that people will lie to scare or fool others...but keep healing her there is one in town we just need to hurry...also I sent her to prison she's the made from before and she wanted revenge for sending her there...its her fault she's dead now" Equinox said in a grim tone

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Wait I thought that the prison was permanent like a ban any yeah let's hurry i'll see you there." Lighting put Shinx on his back and flew to the hospital where the NPC doctors took her and started to help her and he went to her room waiting for her return. 

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"Equinox continued onward to the town hospital getting looks from other ponies. "Being an orange player is always a downer people won't like you one bit....at least its for a day" Equinox said as he entered the hospital "Lighting should be in Shinx waiting room..." Equinox sighed as he headed there

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Lighting just sat there waiting for the NPCs to finish getting rid of the poison out of her it seemed like it was taking forever for this to happen he didn't like the idea of Equinox's solution of just killing the attacker he never liked the idea of ponies killing other ponies.

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Equinox came into the waiting room and saw Lighting sitting down. "Hey Lighting" Equinox said as he sat down in a chair opposite side of him. "Listen about what happened...when I killed that mare...I didnt want to but she almost killed my sister..." Equinox said. "You would have done the same if your only sibling was about to be killed by somepony...wouldnt you" he aske Lighting

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Honestly I don't know I grew up an only child heck the doctor told my parents that I wasn't scientifically possible and then my mom had me they tried to make a brother or sister for me but nothing worked.  So I have no idea about how I would feel toward one if I had one."

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"Oh well...sorry to hear that" Equinox said. "Did the doctors say when they will be done at all" Equinox asked hoping they heal her. "I wont have anything to live for if I lose her...I don't have much in the real world either" Equinox said as closed his eyes and rested for a bit

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"No they didn't but honestly there will always be something to live for even if you don't see it now after all there is a reason everything happens right."  Lighting said hoping Equinox wouldn't take it the wrong way as they sat there waiting for Shinx when the doctor's brought her into the room. 

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"Well hope they finish soon" Equinox said with his eyes still closed. "Also if one of us dies...what will you do" Equinox asked as he thought of the question he just asked. "If any of us die at least we died with honor I hope" Equinox said as he went into his inventory for a bit.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Um equinox the doctors just brought her back and I don't want to think of it I'll do want ever I can to save anypony, and nopony truly deserves to die to another but I couldn't see a way out of that without what you did" he didn't want Equinox to feel bad but Lighting knew there was no other way out at the time.

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Shinx looked at them both. "We shouldn't worry about that now should we we will get out alive and everypony else will also" Shinx said with a smile on her face. "Besides I'm fine now so we can head onward to finishing that dungeon...though I cant really help now that wisp is dead" Shinx said as she showed the the remnant of Wisp. "The only way to revive him is to get a flower on floor 46 but thats far away and I only have a day left" Shinx said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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