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private Need for Speed: Conquer All (MLP Edition)(FULL!)

Courageous Thunder Dash

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All Aurora could think about now was his Destroyer,he sighed at the possible loss o his amazing ramming machine,her could use that thing for MUCH more than destroying,it had so much torque and HP,it was awesome to say the least,he sighed and looked at his hooves "...I'm so sorry..."he murmurs softly.

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"Aside from the slight headache, I feel fine actually.  My being might not resemble that but i'm feeling good.  How're you doing, Nitro?  Look I know what I did might not have been the smartest thing ever, but to me it was worth it."  Despite the pain he felt his eyes drifted back to what he could see of his Raptor; and it wasn't pretty: The windows looked like they were ready to shatter, there were dents everywhere on the body and the engine hood was leaning open.  'Not going to use that any time soon' thought Rut-Light as he lost sight of his truck with Frost still working on him.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Frost kept working on Rut's wounds, repeatedly going back to his first aid kit for new rags and bandages to stop the bleeding. When he noticed Rut look over his shoulder at his truck, Frost didn't like it when other ponies were saddened to this point so he tryed smiling to up the spirits of Rut. "Hey don't worry, I can have that thing fixed up and road ready by the end of the week. I know some ponies who owe me a couple of favors." he laughed as he tied the last bandage on Rut's arm. "There yah go! Now let's move you off this couch and back into the bedroom, you can stay in my room until your healed and your truck gets back from its repairs." he said

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@,@@Frosty V, @,


"Well, at least you didn't hurt yourself too bad. You'll be back on the road by tomorrow. Just don't push it too far Rut." Nitro Spark assured as Frost wrapped up the final wounds.


Meanwhile at the hospital, Thunder Dash was sitting in the room with Aurora. He heard Aurora's quiet words. "I forgive you." He said back to him.  

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Aurora looked up at Thunder and sighed "I was so dumb..."he whispers,his tears forming in his eyes,he hated being the bad pony,he wanted to try again,to stop himself from doing something as dumb as trying to flatten his best friends...but you can't change the past...

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"You're right. The past can't be changed. But you can affect your future and the future of others. Your actions now will determine what happens in the future. Now I know for a fact, when that darkness took you over, you weren't thinking like Aurora would. The darkness is a mind thing. It's like Discord, the king of chaos...whispering in your ear. You can fight it Aurora. I can see the light of good you. To me, it doesn't seem you're focusing on that light." Thunder Dash explained.  

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Aurora sighed and closed his eyes,the voice in his mind hadnt been speaking since the crash...maybe he was gone for good...maybe not...whatever the case,he would fight for his friends' trust back! He had to! He needed to be part of this team,if he didn't,he would be alone,and go insane!

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Frost layed Rut down on the bed and pulled the covers over him. "Get some rest. I've got some biusness to attend to." he smiled as he shut the room door and walked down the hall back into the shop. He looked at Nitro and turned his face more serious. "Two downed members, a broken truck. Things really got bad quick, just a reminder how fast the tides can turn I guess." he said as he looked outside back at the truck. "So. You wanna call a tow truck." he chuckled

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@@Frosty V


"It'll be the best thing to do. Save those cars instead of the cops seizing them. You know what'll happen if the cops get them." Nitro Spark said as he took out his phone and called a tow truck. 


Ten minutes passed. Soon, the two vehicles were brought in the shop. Nitro paid the driver 10 bits for each vehicle. 

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Frost smiled and thanked the driver, waving him off as he left. As soon as the tow truck was gone frost went over to his work bench and grabbed his gloves, goggles, and tool belt. He grabbed Nitro's as well and presented to them. "So, you wanna help me? It's been awhile since I got to work on cars with my best friend." he said smiling.

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@@Frosty V,


"Heh, you bet!" Nitro Spark said as he got his work helmet on and proceeded to fix up the cars. "Hey, I've got a couple of ferrari exhausts in the back of the garage. Let's hook'em up to those sweet babies. That'll give them a shock once they start'em back up!" Nitro said with a snicker.  

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Frost's jaw almost dropped. "Awww you get all the cool toys." he said in a sarcastic tone as he moved out from under the cars and walked to the back of the shop he began to look through the boxes until he found what he was looking for. He brought them back to Nitro and layed them next to him. He rolled back under the car. "You know, these cars can have a lot of upgrades in them, what do you think." he asked.

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@@Frosty V,


"Well, as they say, better safe than sorry. We've gotta go all-out if we wanna take this gang out. I wonder how Gold Streak is doing. He's been chatting with the other members we've got ever since he arrived here." Nitro Spark said as he started to bolt on the Ferrari exhaust to one of the SUVs.  

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Frost nodded slowly, keeping his eurs on his work. "Yeah I haven't heard from him in awhile, it's nice that they can help us out, the more the merrier." he smiled as he began to take out one of the shattered axels. "Dang Surora screwed this car up. You know what happened?" he asked Nitro.

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@@Frosty V,


"He told me that something took over his mind and caused him to almost take us out. He tried to regain control but wrecked real bad. That thing's gonna need a new front bumper, which might take a day to make. At least, that's what the guy at the body shop down the road said." Nitro Spark said.  

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Rut-Light had fallen asleep as soon as Frost had left, the crash of his truck left him with about 2 bruises, cut and scratches from being jostled around while the truck was rolling as well as a headache.  During his nap, Rut-Light couldn't help but think that the stunt could have gone worse; his mind was flipping through all the possibilities of what would've gone down at that moment. All of the different ways would make him think twice before doing something like that, again.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Frost nodded. "Makes sense I guess, the shops around here are ok when it comes to stuff like that." he said as he pulled off the axle and began to replace it with the new one. "So what's our next move, are we going for the big money this time?" he asked in a half excited tone.

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@@Frosty V,


"Well, Grindspark is probably pissed that nearly half of his members are on our side and he's probably gonna plan something big. I just know it. That is why we must take these next few days to make our cars more than the best they can be. Although he's losing gang members, he can still pick out random ponies out on the streets to fill those empty spots in. This means we're gonna have to multitask. And don't forget the cops and patrol time. So to summarize our goals: we must tune up our cars so that it'll be extremely difficult for the gang to take us down, get the ponies who are still out on the streets to our shop as a makeshift refuge until Grindspark is down, and finally, get the cops to be on our side for the final battle against Grindspark and his remaining members." Nitro Spark explained. "Hopefully you got all that." He added. 

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Aurora sighed and looked at his body,he saw the dark bruises and such,he looked better but not very good,he slowly got out of bed and began his way outside to the garage,he knew it was a pretty good walk,but he knew he could make it,he has been through worse...the doctors didnt stop him,either they didnt notice him or didnt think he was that bad off,he still felt the pain slightly,he sighed and soon made his way to the garage,he waited at the door a moment before he opened it and a blinding light seeped in,so no pony could make him out until his voice echoed into the ears of Nitro,Thunder,and Frosty "miss me?"he asked.

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Thunder Dash didn't notice that Aurora left the hospital. He looked up and saw the empty bed. He then ran out the hospital nearly crashing into a nurse. He then drove back to the garage to find Aurora. "Well, look who's up and about!" Thunder Dash said. Nitro still didn't notice until he heard Aurora say "Miss me?". He looked up. "Well, look who we have here!" Nitro Spark said as he extended his hoof out for a hoof bump.  

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First rolled out from under Aurora's car and smiled, looking up at Aurora, cutting him off from answering Nitro's question. "Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. Hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of putting your car back in order, with the help of Nitro of course." he chuckled patting Nitro on the face. "Ruts my room if you wanna say hi, just keep it quiet, he is pretty banged up." he said rolling back under Aurora's car and throwing out the second axle yelling back at Aurora, "You my fine stallion are lucky to be alive. A few centimeters deeper fall would have plunged the axle up through your leg, probably hitting major arteries." he said looking through the hole the axle had made when it had snapped.

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@@Frosty V,


"Yeah, what he said." Nitro Spark said. "Anyway, did you get what I explained a little while ago?" Nitro Spark asked. "If not, I guessI'll have to do it again, or better yet, let's call in a crew meeting." Nitro Spark said. "I think we lost some members 'cause they had to go do stuff. I haven't seen or heard from Azura or Wind Stream or Blast in quite some time." Thunder Dash said.


@, @, @@Azura

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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Aurora nodded and sat down as he hoof bumped,he had made it...but he wasent better off...he felt like he was constantly having that huge crash over and over in his sore,pained body and muscles,though he still smiled through it all,he looked at his now less wrecked SUV,he smiled and chuckled slightly "can't believe how stupid I was..."he mumurs.

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"It might take a while but you'll soon get over it." Thunder Dash said. "At least that's what I hope..." He added as he got out a pad and pencil for the crew meeting. Nitro Spark was still waiting for the others to arrive. Detrot was now in grave danger, for Grindspark would now be at his fullest, getting as many gang members as he could. 

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Aurora looked at her wrapped up chest and looked back to the SUV,he then turned his gaze to his Mustang and slowly walked over to it,getting in and smiling slightly,he thought a moment "Nitro...do we have any police sirens and lights you could spare?"he asked softly,thinking about his high-octane,supercharged,bad-glass-muscle car on steroids,he smiled and softly wipped away some dirt that had gathered on the hood.

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