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open Beneath the Neon Lights


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Chemm and Erlen smiled warmly back to Yoyo. They didn't mean to make her feel awkward. Chemm replied with an apology, while also answering Yoyo's question about their relationship status,


"Why yes Yoyo. We're dating. We've dated for 2 years. Isn't that right Erly?" Erlen chuckled nervously with a slight blush when Chemm called him Erly. It wasn't something he got used to. Making him name sound cuter than usual... He did understand however that it came with the relationship; after all, he liked to call her Chemmy. He replied with a sheepish smile,


"Yes.... Chemm and I have been dating for 2 years. This was part of the organized 2 week holiday we're having from our respective jobs. Chemm's a surgeon at Manehattan Hospital, while I'm a resident chemist at a pharmaceutical company at a Manehattan suburb." Chemm then interrupted Erlen by continuing on what he said and kissing his cheeks,


"And the best of his kind! He's such a smart stallion! Oh you're such a smart stallion aren't you Erly?" Chemm was clearly leaving Erlen more and more embarrassed as the conversation continued. He wanted to speak up, but Chemm just kept on kissing his cheeks... 

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'A sandwich sounds nice.' she thought to herself. "If I'm not mistaken, I'm not afraid of heights." Azura couldn't quite remember the last time she looked down someplace very high but if she remembered correctly, she wasn't scared at all. "Why would you ask such a question?" She asked Starshine, wondering what he has in mind.


Also known as "Cloud Chaser".

My Ponysona,


Avatar & Signature by me.

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(Mighty sorry for the delay...)





Starshine couldn't help but to grin mischievously when Azura asked him what was the question is all about. "Where we are going, there won't be any ground as far as eyes can see," he chuckled. "Come, let us just finish this lunch and I'll show you." The waiter came with their orders, Starshine didn't spare any moment before wolfing down on his sandwich.


When they are finished with their lunch, Starshine took Azura around the block and to the cloud pillar. He stopped just at the elevator entrance. "Here goes, the real Las Pegasus. It's way up there... What's around us right now is nothing but the entrance." His eyes traced the pillar onto the cloud district above, the gargantuan spotlights and cloud foundations dotted the belly of the cloud. He was born in the city, but never even once he visited the cloud district, he never had any reason to. But since this was the first time Azura visited Las Pegasus, he figured it would be a good chance to give the cloud a try.


"Not even Cloudsdale is that big, if you ask me. They might have the weather factory, but what's up there have enough bits to buy entire cities," he chuckled and nudged Azura with a hoof. "Say, what do you think?"



@@Sterling Crimson,


Seeing Chemm kept kissing the clearly reluctant Erlen, Yoyo squeed at the adorable sight. Two years of dating, it was understandable that they're so close together. "That's so cute! Two medical ponies, I can't wait to see your future little doctors," she giggled, a slight blush on her cheeks. She certainly hoped that she would find her own stallion, one that would call her cute little names. One day...


But it seemed so far away. Yoyo's eyes dropped. Lately she had been too busy with her own works, she never had any chance to meet a stallion. "Hm, where did you two meet each other?" she asked, hoping that it would be enough of a hint for her on where to find a good pony.

  • Brohoof 1


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Chemm and Erlen both blushed deeply when Yoyo mentioned them having cute little doctors. They did consider marriage for some time but they never really imagined a marriage so soon... It could change, but for now, they were happy to be in a relationship. Erlen and Chemm chuckled nervously at Yoyo's assertion, unsure of what to say... It was when Yoyo asked them how they met that they thankfully got away from the awkwardness. This time, Chemm replied first,


"We first met at the University of Manehattan. We were both going through our medical school program but we never thought about a relationship until we were finished. You see, I was in a previous relationship with this buffy stallion named Rocky, but we never got along. When I broke up, I realized hat I was missing out on when I saw Erlen. We were friends for quite some time, but I didn't ferment feelings for him until I broke up." Before Chemm could continue though, it was Erlen's turn to interrupt,


"Yep! That's about right! I was never lucky with mares, but somehow, Chemm developed feelings for me. As for me, I honestly had to go through a very... embarrassing ordeal to see what a beautiful mare I had right in front of me. When I got home from that terrible ordeal, Chemm was there to greet me. Her comforting smiles and assuring voice convinced me that she truly loved me for me and that it was terrible that I didn't see it earlier." Erlen then continually licked Chemm's cheek to which Chemm replied with a giggle.


"Erly! Stop that! Hehehe!" 

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@@Sterling Crimson,


Yoyo looked at the lovey-dovey pair with barely veiled envy. She was rather slumped on the fact that Erlen met Chemm in the university, the same university she earned her major. Other than her five friends, she hadn't had much chance to meet anypony during her study. It certainly seemed like she had missed a lot in her youth. Her eyes dragged downward. Finding a lover in her line of work would be next to impossible.


It took Yoyo only fractions of a second before she reverted back to her cheerful smile. She giggled and ushered the licking stallion to stop. "Better save that for the hotel room. You don't want to get too much attention in public places like this." She motioned to the side, a bunch of mares could be seen ogling at their table. One even had her camera ready. Yoyo laughed nervously "I guess it's time for us to make our way to the Neighton. Whaddaya say?"

Edited by Starshine


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Erlen noticed Starshine motioning him to stop licking on Chemm. It was hard for him not to do because he found Chemm to be such an enjoyable mare. Nevertheless, he too noticed the ogling mares. He blushed deeply and then stopped after hearing Chemm giggle more at his blush. When he heard Yoyo asking him about going over to the Neighton, he nodded with agreement and then asked Chemm for confirmation,


"Since we're done our lunches and paid for our meals, I guess we can head over to the Neighton, ok Chemm?"

"That would be very convenient. Let's go there now! I want to unpack my things and enjoy Las Pegasus!" Chemm replied with a gleeful smile. Erlen giggled at Chemm after noticing her suddenly vibrant mood. Just a moment ago, she was so scared of heights. Now, it looks like she's beginning to face them in a positive way. Erlen then got up with Chemm from their chairs, exited the restaurant, and trotted towards the Neighton, hoping that Yoyo would follow along...

Edited by Sterling Crimson
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@@Sterling Crimson,


Yoyo quickly followed the pair after taking care of her own bill. The food was surprisingly nice for its price. She trotted alongside Erlen and Chemm, taking in the gorgeous sights around her. She made a few 'whoa' sounds whenever something fancy came into view, which happened a lot. "Everything is so sparkly. Can't wait to see how everything looks like at night!" She giggled. Everything looked as beautiful as the pamphlets had boasted.


For a brief moment Yoyo staggered in her steps, uncertainty in her eyes. Would Erlen and Chemm be okay with her tagging along for a long while? She had just met them. While the pair didn't seem like they saw her presence as a nuisance, she didn't really feel right tagging along day in and day out. What if Erlen had a bigger plan and he wanted a bit of privacy? She hastened her pace to catch up with Erlen and Chemm and cleared her throat, "Uh, guys? After the checking into the hotel, would you guys go straight to the museum or something else? Is it okay that I follow along? I don't really want to interfere in your plans, if there is any." She smiled uneasily.


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Chemm and Erlen walked with their luggage over to the Neighton. They entered the hotel not realizing that Yoyo was following them the entire time. When they completed their check in process, they finally noticed that Yoyo had followed them the entire time. They could see how nervous Yoyo was; she wanted to follow along with them, but could tell that she didn't want to disturb their lovey time. Still, they liked Yoyo. She seemed like a very cute mare. It would be nice to have a fellow Manehattan resident come along over to the museum as well. Chemm then responded warmly after Erlen nodded at her to do so,


"Sure you can come along! We just need to unpack our things at our hotel room. It's at level 2, Room 218. We'll be right back Yoyo!"


With that, the young couple entered the elevator that took them to the second floor so that they could unpack their things and meet up again with Yoyo afterwards...

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@@Sterling Crimson,


Hearing Chemm's answer, Yoyo was nearly overwhelmed with joy. A manic grin appeared on her face. She wouldn't have to be alone! "Thank you!" she yelled as the pair entered the elevator. She then approached the receptionist table, looking a bit fearful. "So, how much do you charge for two weeks?"




Yoyo hesitantly walked through the door the bellboy had led her to. After giving a small tip to the colt, she closed the door behind her. She sighed and scanned the room. The room was brutally spartan, there was not much other than the very basic stuffs one would expect from a hotel. A single bed, a drawer, a table, a plush chair, and... an inside bathroom? Yoyo trotted to inspect the bathroom and promptly gasped. The thing was easily as large as her own room back in Manehattan. In disbelief she looked back and forth between the bathroom and the actual bedroom, something was totally imbalanced here. With a giggle she took of her saddlebag and laid down most of her stuff, including the wooden music box, onto the table. This would be a fine vacation indeed.




A few minutes of tinkering with her wallet later, Yoyo trotted out of her room and to the lobby. She sat on a chair there, waiting for Erlen and Chemm.


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Chemm and Erlen were now at their hotel room. It was exactly as they dreamed. Two twin beds, a wonderful view of the sky city of Las Pegasus, and cleanliness. The room was bright and creamy. Half of the floor was hardwood, while the other was carpet that was meticulously cleaned for ease of breathing. They placed their luggage on the available chairs and stands. They breathed deeply at the room; they were worried that the room would be much worse than expected; Chemm went through that ordeal in Echo Falls, while Erlen had a less than savoury hotel experience with his family when they traveled to Canterlot... 


Erlen then looked at Chemm with an "evil" grin. As Chemm turned to Erlen to tell him to help her with her packing, Chemm looked at Erlen with a slightly scared look...


"E-E-Erlen... why... why are you looking at me like that?"


"Because Chemmy..." Erlen knew what he was going to do. He knew Chemm was ticklish... He had been waiting for this moment for a long time... He pounced Chemm to the ground and began to tickle her! 


"ERLEN!! HEHEHEHEHEHE!!! STOP IT!!!! YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME PEE!!! EEERRRLLLENNN!!" Chemm was laughing uncontrollably at this point. She was also having trouble controlling her bladder, and she ended up peeing on Erlen as a consequence... Erlen could see the urine on his body now, and he lurched back in response with a shout. Chemm smiled wickedly at Erlen and responded cheekily and with a laugh,


"And that's why you shouldn't tickle me Erlen! I'm really bad at controlling my bladder when I get tickled!"

"Ugh... YUCK! I'd better get to showering now!" Erlen replied in disgust as he ran off towards the bathroom... Chemm just giggled as she began to clean the mess that was on the floor. Luckily, she had some air refreshers, so she was able to spray some and make the room smell a lot better as Erlen took his bath... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yoyo blearily watched the clock slowly ticking its way to the noon. Tick tock tick tock... The clock fingers' movement was easily captivating. They ticked together in a seemingly otherworldly cadence, hundreds of tiny weeny gears turned together in unison. It might seemed petty or insignificant, but Yoyo always found any kind of clocks, even the digital ones, as something marvelous. Tick tock tick tock...


"Oh... Where are they?" Yoyo muttered under her breath. Even with the couch this soft under her, she was getting bored waiting for Erlen and Chemm. In an hour it should be afternoon, the time for her to buy some lunch and a small screwdriver or two.


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It took Erlen a while to get showered, but he did. After quickly taking his bath, he realized that Yoyo was still waiting downstairs at the hotel's lobby. Meanwhile, Chemm got to work cleaning the room and placing air refreshers to make the room smell... well... normal. Erlen then walked out of the bathroom with his tourist clothes. They were brightly coloured and Erlen was wearing his sunglasses, which certainly made him look more suave to say the least. Chemm giggled when she saw Erlen come out of the bathroom and then spoke with giddiness,


"Oh Erlen! You look quite handsome with those sunglasses! Now let's get to Yoyo! We don't want her waiting too long!" Chemm then motioned for Erlen out of the hotel room. Erlen then apologized to Chemm about what happened earlier,


"Chemm... sorry about earlier ok? I got carried away with all that."

"Erlen do you realize how much of a mess you caused my making me... pee like that?" Chemm responded with a solemn look. Still, it was becoming harder for her not to laugh at what happened. She knew Erlen loved her; it was just that he tended to overdo it at times. Still, it made Erlen... Erlen, and that made her respond with a giggle,


"Don't worry about it Erlen. Just make sure you don't tickle me like that again." She then kissed Erlen on his cheek as they arrived at the hotel's elevator. Erlen pushed the down button, the elevator arrived within seconds, and they now were on their way down...

  • Brohoof 1
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Ding. The main elevator chimed its happy bell and its door gave way to Chemm and Erlen. Yoyo perked up her ears and quickly trotted to greet her friends. "Hey guys! are you ready for the... Oh my." Yoyo covered her mouth with a hoof to hide her grin. Erlen was wearing a particularly shiny kind of clothes. Combined with the glasses, Erlen almost looked like one of the performers in Las Pegasus. "Um, Erlen, why are you wearing that?" Yoyo asked.


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The elevator had just whirred open. Chemm and Erlen were having fun nuzzling each other inside the elevator. Chemm really enjoyed the bright shirt Erlen was wearing and she kept close to him, knowing that she felt comfort whenever he was around. When they noticed Yoyo looking strangely at the couple, Erlen opened his sunglasses and gave Yoyo a smirk. He then replied with his smirk,


"Well it's gonna be a really bright day today, so I figured... let's get dressed up for the occasion! Besides, Chemmy wanted to see me looking bright at Las Pegasus. After all, it was her who bought this shirt for me!" Chemm giggled and lightly punched Erlen. After all, it was true, and the way Erlen teased her just left her flustered. 

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@@Sterling Crimson,


Yoyo giggled as Chemm punched Erlen playfully. The two looked so cute together. But enough talk, they had some place to go before the night. "You looked gorgeous in that Erlen! Anyway, I think it's time for us to see that museum. Let's go!" Yoyo excitedly turned and galloped out of the hotel. Two seconds later, she trotted back to Erlen and Chemm, looking tad sheepish. "Um, you can you lead the way? I don't know where the museum is."


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Erlen and Chemm galloped excited out of the hotel into the open air of Las Pegasus. They were excited about visiting the museum. They heard it had all sorts of pieces on Equestrian history, including authentic artifacts! However, Chemm looked straight at Erlen as Yoyo asked which way the museum was. Good thing Erlen remembered his map. He took out his map of Las Pegasus from his saddlebag and read it carefully. After finding the museum on the map, he pointed excitedly at it and then pointed towards the right. Erlen then exclaimed with excitement,


"It's this way Yoyo! Follow me!" Erlen then galloped away with excitement, forcing Chemm to chase him so he could slow down...

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(I'm joining back in!!! Sorry about dissappearing...ill try getting back into this roleplay)

Pelate trotted down the sidewalks lost. "Still haven't found a fricken hotel. I hope I find one soon." He sighed and trotted on forward.


@@Sterling Crimson

Pelate looks up at a trio of happy looking ponies

One of them looked familiar, it was Yoyo the mare from the train station (hope you still remember @Starshine ) "maybe she found a hotel"

Pelate goes up to them "hi Yoyo, interesting bumping into you again, I'm really lost right now trying to find the hotel I was looking for and now even though I have a map I'm still lost..."

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The happy grin returned to Yoyo's face. She quickly followed Erlen and Chemm to the museum, wherever it was. The prospect of seeing something wonderful had made her all thrilled. She was trotting on a fair pace right behind Erlen and Chemm when a familiar face greeted her.




Pelate goes up to them "hi Yoyo, interesting bumping into you again, I'm really lost right now trying to find the hotel I was looking for and now even though I have a map I'm still lost..."


"Hotel?" Yoyo's ears instinctively perked up. "Well... There are some around here. I'm not sure about the price, but surely one of them have an empty room." She pointed a hoof to a bunch of hotels of various architecture cramped together in a line. "Oh, and I'm staying on the Neighton hotel. By the way this is Erlen, and Chemm. We are going to visit the Las Pegasus museum," she said, introducing the couple to Pelate.


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The happy grin returned to Yoyo's face. She quickly followed Erlen and Chemm to the museum, wherever it was. The prospect of seeing something wonderful had made her all thrilled. She was trotting on a fair pace right behind Erlen and Chemm when a familiar face greeted her.



"Hotel?" Yoyo's ears instinctively perked up. "Well... There are some around here. I'm not sure about the price, but surely one of them have an empty room." She pointed a hoof to a bunch of hotels of various architecture cramped together in a line. "Oh, and I'm staying on the Neighton hotel. By the way this is Erlen, and Chemm. We are going to visit the Las Pegasus museum," she said, introducing the couple to Pelate.

Pelate was relieved age still remembered him "we'll thanks!" Pelate smiled, but he wanted to be able to do something in this waste of a day. So he looks up and asks "mind if I tag along. I want my first day to pay off in some way, I spent all day lost so it sucked. Is it ok?"
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So he looks up and asks "mind if I tag along. I want my first day to pay off in some way, I spent all day lost so it sucked. Is it ok?"


Yoyo scrunched her snout for a second, thinking whether she should say yes or no. It wasn't exactly a long debate, she nodded in affirmation. It was always nice to have more ponies, even though she had somehow gave Pelate a terrible first impression in the station. But, just in case... "Erlen, Chemm? Do you think we can do with one more pony in the group?" she turned to the pair of lovers.


@@Sterling Crimson,


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Chemm and Erlen were walking across the white clouds of Las Pegasus to their historic Equestrian museum. That was until somepony decided to greet Yoyo. He had a smooth black mane and a light brown body, and he looked nice enough. The couple smiled at Pelate after Yoyo introduced them. After hearing Yoyo ask for Pelate to come along with them, Erlen replied with a smile,


"Sure! He can come along!" At that moment, Chemm also jumped into the conversation, wondering who this pony could be,


"What's your name? And how did you know Yoyo?"

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