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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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Ooc: http://mlpforums.com/topic/76944-two-parts-of-a-cupcake-one-vs-one-ooc/

Lifehunt, I do believe it is your turn, but I will reiterate my last post. Any others who read these things, just know that this started on a comment board. Also, all non rp thoughts, just put in parenthesis. (Sorry it took me a while to make the thread. Had to make and eat dinner.)

It doesn't matter who I kill first, you'll both be dead soon anyways. Then I'll put you with the rest of my collection. You'll make for great cupcakes. *Chuckles sadistically. Grabs and throws knife, landing in front of his face in the wall with a "Twang".* Let the party never end.

Edited by Pinkamena Dianne Pie


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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The rest of your collection...you mean rainbow dash and those others....I went to another universe and killed you, Twilight, and a lot others you don't scare me at all" Deranged said. "My lord you two are insane...I am getting out of here" Equinox said as he crawled away from them both. "I don't think so" Deranged said picking up Equinox by his neck. "How about you go meet Pinkie Pie you two would be great together"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Coming up extremely fast, she got in between the two. She made a hard uppercut to Equinox, sending him flying and turned and gave Deranged a brutal elbow to the gut. "My name is NOT PINKIE PIE! I bucking hate that bitch. My name is Pinkamena!" She said with a ferocious glare. Licking the blood from her hoof that she punched Equinox with, she smiled. "I think I'm in love. You two are gonna taste so good when I'm done with you."


(More ferocious than my avvie.)


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Dang Pinkie that hurt....not" Deranged said knowing how to tick Pinkie Pie off easily. "So Pinkie Pie...How can you kill me when everytime you hit it doesnt even hurt" Deranged said. "You are insane...Pinkie Pie" Equinox said as his horn glowed as he was about to teleport

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Grabbing her chainsaw that was in the floor, she threw it like a boomerang at Equinox and then too Deranged. "You are really starting to piss me straight the buck off... and also... MY NAME IS NOT PINKIE PIE!" She screamed at Deranged, sending another flurry of knives at him. Most of which were large butcher knives and cleavers.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox dodge but got his horn cut off. "Ho shit..." Equinox panicked as Deranged slid under the knives and kicked pinkie into the sky then somehow got a bat. "BATTER UP" Deranged as he waited for pinkie to fall in front of him. "AND ITS A HOME RUN" Deranged yelled as he hit Pinkie...I mean Pinkamena

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Flying up into the air, she grabbed onto the cieling and dropped a pinata, full of glass, that looked like her so Deranged hit it instead. Silently scaling across and down the walls, Pinkamena crept up right behind Equinox and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. "You should run." She wispered as she chuckled softly and swung a knife at him.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox jumped away and tried to run but fell on the ground. "Damn it Deranged..." Equinox said as he crawled away from Pinkamena. "To think I actually loved you...till I found out you are a crazy psycho..." Equinox said as he saw Deranges Katana and reached for it slowly  

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"Awww, how sweet. Too bad I have to kill you. I have a special place for you in my collection." She said with a gentle smile, which quickly changed into a psychotic grin while she was lightly tossing knives into the floor between Equinox's legs as he crawled away. "I'll make sure to be extra careful when I stuff your corpse."


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox grabbed the katana and pointed it at Pinkamena. "Pinkie...don't do this is not you" Equinox said as he has a shaky grip on the katana. "I...I will...kill you" Equinox said as he couldn't kill anypony...Not even Pinke Pie...but he has to if he can. "Pinkamena Diane Pie

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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She stopped when Equinox pointed Deranged's katana at her. "You will kill me?" She said as she came closer and put her neck on the tip of the blade. "Then do it." She said softly as she stared at Equinox with a small smile. "If you are gonna kill me, then do it." She came a little closer, beading up a line of blood that trickled down the sword towards Equinox.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox dropped the katana. "I can't do it...I'm not a murderous fiend like you are...I might die here and thats a fact" Equinox said hoping a revelation or something to come and help him...but that wont happen and the ending cant be happy...maybe sad but dark at least. "Why the hell is the narrator breaking the 4th wall" Equinox said as he looked at Pinkie

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I knew you couldn't do it." She said as Equinox dropped the katana. She then put her arm back and stabbed the ground next to Equinox's face. She leaned in closer and kissed his forehead, getting some of his blood on her lips. "I have bigger fish to fry. I'll come back for you later." Pinkamena said as she plucked her chainsaw out of the wall and charged towards Deranged.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox smiled. "I'm glad to die" Equinox said as Deranged picked up his chainsaw. "Well now...looks like the pink pony still want more...I was surprised by that glass pinata...but now" Deranged summoned a big great sword and held it with one hand. "Hard to break so a chainsaw will do nothing to it" Deranged said 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Must be compensating for something." She giggled as Deranged pulled out his giant sword. Pinkamena stopped and threw her chainsaw again at Deranged, but floated upwards towards the chain that held up a chandalier which was above Deranged. The chainsaw hit the chain and broke it, causing the chandelier to come crashing down.


(I just realized something. You are the reason I joined this forum. Lol)


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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(Uh...what....How was I the reson you joined the fourms????)


"Nope not compensating...sad that you think that" Deranged said as he appeared behind Pinkamena. "But you sure are slow at this....sad" Deranged said as he stabbed Pinkamena. "But you must die...for the sake of my fun" Derangd said as he kicked Pinkamena off his blade.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Being stabbed, Pinkamena gasped for air. She was then kicked off his sword onto the floor, where she laid motionless.


(Yeah, if it wasn't for your Corpse Party roleplay, my buddie would have never told me about the forums and I would be doing something else.)


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Wow....for a murderous being she wasn't all that good" Deranged as said as he left Equinox on the ground as he looked at Pikamena. "Wow...I can't believe she's dead...Pinkie Pie...is dead" Equinox said as he looked around for Deranged and saw he was gone. "He left me for dead...and he left Pinkies body laying there" Equinox said as he picked up the motionless body. "Bury her...at least she used to be human"



(Oh...yeah you're right....)

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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*Gasp for breath. *cough* *cough* "Pinkamena coughed up blood as she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, her hearing was muffled, and she felt great pain in her body. "Hehe, that bucker ran me through. Lucky shot." *cough* *cough* As she coughed up more blood, she realized she was being jostled around like she was being carried. "Where the buck are you taking me?" She asked, even though she didn't expect a reply feeling she was hallucinating.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Y-you're alive" Equinox said looking at Pinkamena in his hooves. "N-nowhere" Equinox said as he set Pinkamena back down and stepped away. "I thought you were dead....you...were not stabbed through the heart....that dumb ass..." Equinox said as he smiled then notice something...he's alone and Pinkamena is still alive...and he cant really run... "Hey narrator I can hear you I know im dead since shes alive" Equinox said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Holy hell, it's you. Why the buck were you carrying me? Nevermind. I need to get back and stitch my self up." Pinkamena said as she walked away, clutching her wound. "That bucker is going to die. And lucky for him, his number is getting moved up to the front. Sorry Lyra, but this guy comes first." She rambled as she hobbled back to her home.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"I can stitch you back up...I learned a bit of stitching thanks to Deranged...my other side" Equinox said as he knew everything about Deranged...and he knew hoe to kill him. "But hey you wont need my help anyways....after all you havent gotten caught killing yet have you"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena looked at Equinox. "You. Follow me. You know this guy too well to pass up. Who knows, your number is coming up soon, and if you help me kill him, I might just take your number out of my lottery."She said to him and kept walking home. When she got there, she opened the cellar door and went down the steps. "Scoots! You here?" She yelled through the corridoor. "Yes! Coming Pinkamena!" Came a voice that echoed down the hall.


(I am gonna call it a night. You can post and I will be back for a little bit in the morning and in the late evening.)


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Shit...Scootaloo is here" Equinox said to himeself as he followed Pinkameana into her cellar. "Yeah I know Deranged cause like I said he used to be part of...me" Equinox looked around and and for an instant lost his sanity. "What the hell" Equinox fell to the ground seeing Rainbow Dash stuffed and heads mounted on the walls. "I think my sanity is slipping..." Equinox said with his eye twitching

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hehe. You like my collection?" She smiled as Equinox fell down fron the sight of it. "Hey Pinkamena, how was yo... What happened to you?! Scootaloo said as she came around the corner. "Nevermind what happened Scoots, just go grab some medical supplies from the back." Replied Pinkamena. "And be quick."


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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