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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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Pinkamena saw Chrysalis summon a whole army of changelings and disappear. "This is going to be a long battle. Good thing I come prepared." She said as she smiled and reached inside her bag. "I have always wondered how much destruction these cause." She said as she pulled out two frag grenades from her bag. She pulled the pins on both and threw one of them far into the crowd. The other she ran up to a changeling, shoved the grenade in its mouth and released the safety hammer on the grenade. She then threw the changeling and jumped away.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Bang bang" Equinox said as the grenades exploded. "Now...its time...for me to show my face" Twilight said as her eye changeld colors. "Deranged is back and in a new body" Twilight/Deranged said. "Well...now its going to be a realy party dont you think" Equinox said as he was covered in blood(goo???) and smiled. "Well its great to know I taught you well" Deranged said killing a few changelings

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"How are you still alive?! I thought we killed you!" Pinkamena yelled as she hacked and slashed her way through the changelings. "I don't have time to deal with all of this right now. I will kill these stupid changelings and finish what we started afterward." She swung her knife and ran it through a changeling's mouth through the top of its head. "And what did you do with the real Twilight?"


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Oh No you just got rid of my for leg and left me for dead I got my way to Twilights and gave her the lance and placed my soul in it so it would spread to her and when it did I could control her every now and then...dont worry I wont try to kill you guys" Deranged said as he killed more changelings and looked at Equinox and shuddered. "What the hell happened to Equinox he was so...different when I tried to kill him" Deranged said

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"Well, if you try anything, I will be the one to personally kill you." Pinkamena said as she was routed back to back with Deranged. "As for Equinox, he was attacked by Chrysalis in his dreams and went completely psycho. He ran off and here we are now." She said as slashed at every changelings that rushed her.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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(Kinda like Stein almost huh)



"Hm....Well Twilight is part of me now Equinox only split me cause I had most my body plus you guys almost killed me" Deranged said as he killed more changelings. Mean while Equinox was killing them left and right till there was only one more and it was scared as it backed away from Equinox. "Why are you backing away...I wont hurt you...just dissect you and turn you into a cake" Equinox said 



(And I have been watching too much soul eater)

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Pinkamena cut down what was left of the changelings around her and noticed Equinox going up to the last one which was cowering in fear. She went up to Equinox and listened to what he was saying. She then put her arm out in front of Equinox to stop him. "What are you doing? This isn't you, Equinox. Get a hold of yourself." Pinkamena said to Equinox .


(I need to watch more of it. I have missed so many episodes.)


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Let me go Pinkamena" Equinox said as he was approached by Twilight. "What is wrong with you...what happened to you Equinox" Twilight asked noting that Deranged went away for now. "YOU KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH ME DAMN IT I WANT CHRYSALIS DEAD FOR WHAT SHE SAID AND I WANT EVERY CHANGELING DEAD" Equinox yelled as he broke away from them both and went to stab the changeling but was stopped by Chrysalis. 

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Pinkamena got pushed back by Equinox as he continued to go after the changeling. She regained her footing and started to go after Equinox to stop him. "Equinox, you need to stop!" Yelled Pinkamena yelled at Equinox. "This isn't yo..." Pinkamena stopped as she saw Chrysalis reapper.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Shes right you know..." Chrysalis said grabbing Equinox by the neck. "Your going to be too easy to kill" Chrysalis added throwing Equinox in front of Pinakmena. "Come try and kill me when you gain you senses back" Chrysalis said as she began to leave. "Damn....what happened" Equinox said as he snapped out of it then saw Chrysalis. "Time I got my revenge...and to do it while im sane"

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"Are you sure you want to do this? Your mental state isn't exactly stable." Pinkamena asked Equinox as she helped him get up off the ground. "I mean, I am all for killing her, but they way she was earlier makes me doubt that we have the power to do so." She said as she watched Chrysalis walking away.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Don't worry...I think my mental state can stay stable a bit longer" Equinox said as he looked at Chrysalis. "Equinox are you sure you can even land a hit on her....she dodged every attack we threw at her" Twilight said. "Trust me...im a lot faster when I am sane and know what I am doing" Equinox said as he looked at Chrysalis and smirked. "You really think you are going to be able to defeat me" Chrysalis said

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"You might think it's a ludacris idea for him to want to fight you, but he is not alone in the struggle to take you down." Said Pinkamena as she picked up one of the knives she had thrown into the floor and pointed it at Chrysalis. "So, do you have any death wishes?"


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"You fools..." Chrysalis said as she summoned a green blade. "Twilight remember what I said about combining the spells" Equinox said looking at her out of the corner of his eye. "Y-yeah...I do" Twilight answered back. "Good....remember cause I have an idea" Equinox said as he swung his blade to get rid of the goo from the changelings on it. "Now...the wheel of fate shall turn...final act...lets rock" Equinox said as he rushed forward to Chrysalis and clashed blades with her.

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Pinkamena saw Equinox rush at Chrysalis and cross swords with her. "Don't think you are going to have all the fun by yourself." She said as she smiled and started running around to get behind Chrysalis. While running, she grabbed another knife in the ground and turned while picking it up. She was behind Chrysalis, running full speed, and lunged at her.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Twilight rushed foward towards Equinox and Chrysalis. "Hey chrissy" Equinox said causing Chrysalis to look at hi confused. "Watch out" Equinox jumped away and was stabbed by Twilight and then was held in place by Equinoxes magic. "Shadow grab simple yet fun" Equinox said as the shadow kept Chrysalis in place. "Get her now Pinkamena"

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Pinkamena stopped and jumped back when Twilight got next to Chrysalis and stabbed her. Seeing that Chrysalis was frozen by Equinox's magic, Pinkamena turned the knife around in her hoof and went back towards Chrysalis. Getting close, she jumped up and aimed he strike at the back of Chrysalis's neck.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Chrysalis smirked as she casted a very evil spell. "Voodoo possession" Chrysalis said hitting Equinox causing him to stop the magic spell feeling pain in the spot where Chrysalis got stabbed. Twilight then tried to stop Pinkamena from hitting Chrysalis. "Pinkamena wait Chrysalis did something to him" Twilight pleaded as she looked at Equinox.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena was in mid-air when Equinox yelled to her to stop. She quickly brought the knife out of harm's way, but wasn't able to change her direction, causing her fall onto Chrysalis and tackle eachother to the ground. Slowly lifting her head, Pinkamena looked at Equinox. "Why did I have to stop?! I had her right where I wanted her!" Yelled Pinkamena at Equinox, but then noticed him cringing in pain.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"If you hurt me then he gets hurt also" Chrysalis said as she stood up causing Equinox to do the same. " Sadly that means it happen to you also if I get hurt then you do" Equinox said as he forced him self to raise his katana up with the blade pointing down. "You're insane" Chrysalis said. "No...you're just dumb" Equinox smiled

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Pinkamena listened to what Chrysalis was say and watched Equinox mirror her movements as she got up from the ground. 'So it's like voodoo. That coniving little bitch.' Pinkamena thought as she heard Equinox start to talk and watched him raise his katana above his head with the blade pointed towards himself. Her eyes widened and she scrambled towards Equinox. "Equinox, don't do it!" She yelled to him.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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The tip of the blade was at equinoxes chest till he stopped. "I want her dead and as long as if we are both in this dumb voodoo state we can both die...out bleed to death and she already lost most of her blood" Equinox said. "Fool if I die you die no matter what" Chrysalis said. "So neither of us can die...and neither of us can use magic...unless" Equinox paused for a moment. "Pinkamena disrupts your spell" Equinox grinned as Twilight powered up a spell

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Pinkamena stopped as soon as Equinox stopped moving his katana and sighed in relief. "Thank Celestia he stopped." She said to herself. She was listening to Chrysalis and Equinox go back and forth and she heard that she would have to disrupt the spell. "Hello?! I am an earth pony remember? I don't know anything about how magic works!" She said to Equinox.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"You just need to attack her and disrupt her concentration" Equinox said as Twilight kept Her spell going in the lance. "Well this is going to end badly for me...real badly" Chrysalis said. "Shut up Chrysalis and be prepared to die" Equinox said as he glared at Chrysalis. "You ready Pinkamena"

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"Alright then, but I'm sorry if you get hurt in the process." Pinkamena said as she turned towards Chrysalis. "This might sting a bit." She said as she ran at Chrysalis for the second time, jumped up into the air, twisted around, and executed a backflip kick straight to the top of Chysalis's head.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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