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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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"Me? I'm going to practice a bit and then I need to head to Canterlot to tell Twilight what has happened and then explain to the princesses about the book" Equinox said. "I have a long day ahead of me" Equinox said as Selene finished eating. "I'm done" Selene said as he headed back to the room after putting his plate away.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Well, tell Twilight I said hi when you go there." Pinkamena said as she finished up the rest of her food. She got up from the table and put her dish in the sink after rinsing it out. "So, about what time would you be leaving for Canterlot?" She asked.

Scootaloo ran up to her room and jumped onto her bed. She laid back and sighed, staring at the ceiling. 'Revenge is sweet.' She thought as she smiled.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Probably now if I just teleport" Equinox said. "But I don't want to waste my magic so I'll be leaving around noon" Equinox said. "Hopefully Twilight has explained most of it" Equinox said



"I hate being grounded...it's such a pain...I CANT DO ANYTHING" Selene yelled as he stared at the ceiling.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yeah. It's probably for the best that you don't over-exert yourself, or you'll end up tired like yesterday." Pinkamena said as she heard a faint yell from upstairs. She just smiled and rolled her eyes.

Scootaloo was drawing shapes in the air when she heard Selene yell. She grinned and almost burst out laughing.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox smiled. "Can't help but think Scootaloo is getting a little enjoyment out of this" Equinox said as he grabbed the weapon changing hilt and his normal katana. "Still can't believe her soul made a weapon that can change into different weapons


Selene stared about the window and sighed. "Soooooo Borrreeeddddd" Selene said.

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"Me too." Said Pinkamena with a smile. "Well, if Chrysalis was a shapeshifter to begin with, I don't find it that surprising." She added. She then went over and started running water in the sink to wash the dishes.

Scootaloo hopped out of her bed and decided she was going to go back out and hang out with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Yeah but I expected to still have a blade at least and not just be a hilt of a weapon" Equinox said. "Anyways I need to get going soon..." Equinox said as he grabbed his saddlebag before seeing Scootaloo. "Hey Scootaloo where aare you going" Equinox asked



"Nothing. To. Do." Selene said as he was still staring at at ceiling.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Have fun in Canterlot. Remember to tell Twilight I said hi." Said Pinkamena as she washed the dishes.


As Scootaloo was heading down the stairs to go back out, she was stopped by Equinox. "I'm going to go back out with Sweetie and Applebloom." She said to Equinox.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Alright...make sure to tell them that Selene is grounded alright" Equinox said before looking at Pinkamena. "And don't worry I will remember to tell Twilight hi for you" Equinox said. "Alright I'll be back either later tonight or tomorrow" Equinox said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Alright, I will." Said Scootaloo as she headed out the door and went to find Sweetie Belle and Applebloom.


"Don't get yourself into too much trouble while you're gone." Pinkamena said jokingly before Equinox started to leave. "Wouldn't want me to have to come save you, now would we?" She smiled as she finished the dishes and drained the sink.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Trust me I won't get into any trouble at all" Equinox said before he actually left for the train station. Once Equinox arrived his train has already arrived so he just boarded on and took his seat. "I'm going to have to explain so much when I get there" Equinox said to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena watched Equinox as he left while she dried off her hooves. "I think I'll just go out today." She decided as she hung the towel back up. She decided not to bring her saddlebags with this time as she headed out the door and headed into the town. "I wonder where I should go first." She said to herself as she walked.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Few hours later Equinox arrived at Canterlot where two of Lunas Guards came to escort him to Canterlot castle. "Guess I am important if she sent her guards to come get me" Equinox said as he followed the guards to the castle. "Pretty sure Twilight told them what has happened...I just hope Cadenza isnt mad after what happened"

Edited by Equinox Sin

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(Is mad?)


Pinkamena wandered about the town for a few hours, visiting different stores and talking with other ponies that she passed by. As she was sitting at a table outside of a cafe, sipping on a milkshake, an idea came to her. "You know what? I haven't been to the spa in forever. I think it's about time I go there." She said to herself as she got up and headed for the spa.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox arrived at the castle and was in front of the three princesses. "Equinox Sin what is this I heard about a book taking over you body and doing horrile things" Luna asked. "Well let me explain this but first" Equinox looked at Cadenza. "I am sorry for what I have done Princess Cadenza and I hope you will forgive my actions" Equinox said. "It's fine Twilight explained most of why you did that and please don't call me Cadenza, Cadence is fine" The princess said.


Equinox nodded before clearing his throat. "This all happened because of a book know as Grimoire Noir which was a evil book that Twilight found and sealed in a bubble. When I went to visit her I saw the book and...for some reason I took it and left. After a while of reading it my mind slowly started to grow blank and the dark magic from the book slowly took control of me...that is when I changed...and tried to attack my friends." Equinox said before continuing on. "While that was happening The being that took over my body attacked the Crystal Empire and injured Princess Cadence and Shining armor before killing my friends...Pinkamena found another book known as Grimoire Weiss and stopped it before the book expelled the demon from my body....I then used Grimoire Weiss to Revive my friends and heal Cadence..." Equinox went on with what happened before he finally finished.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena walked up to the spa building and smiled. "Finally time to fully relax for once." She said as she entered the building. As she entered thew building, she was greeted by two mares, a pink one with blue hair, and a blue one with pink hair.

"Welcome!" They both said simultaneously. "I'm Aloe." Said the pink mare. "And I'm Lotus." Said the blue mare. "How may we serve you today?" They said again simultaneously.

"Hello girls. I've come to just have a relax day." Replied Pinkamena.

"Oh Miss Pinkie, it's been such a long time since you've been here." Said Aloe. "I love what you have done with your hair." Said Lotus.

With Lotus' statement, Pinkamena realized that her hadn't been curly for quite a long time. "I guess it has been a long time, and thank you." She said with a smile.

"So, a relax day, huh?" Said Aloe thinking outloud. "How about we start with the sauna?" Suggested Lotus.

"That sounds wonderful." Answered Pinkamena.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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After the extensively long explanation from Equinox; Luna, Celestia, Cadence, and Twilight stood before Luna spoke. "After all that has been happening with you it seems as though you have been through alot" Luna said. "Yes and even though you hung my prized pupil and then revived her I guess I can forgive you" Celestia said. "I have forgiven for what you done and I must thank you and your friends for helping the Crystal Empire out" Cadence noted.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Right this way then Miss Pinkie." Said Aloe. "We'll make you feel totally relaxed in no time." Said Lotus as her and Aloe led Pinkamena to the sauna.

"Thank you girls. I can't wait." Said Pinkamena as she followed the twins to the sauna. When she got there, Aloe had handed her a towel and she wrapped it around herself. She then went in and sat on one of the benches.

Aloe grabbed a ladle of water and poured it on the center rocks, causing steam to form in the sauna. "Please, do enjoy." Said Aloe. "And let us know if you need anything." Added Lotus.

"Thank you, I will." Replied Pinkamena as she sat back and relaxed. She could feel the steam just caress her body, making it feel like all weight is being lifted. She sighed. "This is great."


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox bowed. "Twilight has also told me there is something we need to discuss about Solstice" Equinox asked. "Yes, we fear he may be using you to find out weaknesses in Equestria but so far it looks like he has only helped you...we thought for a while and came up with a solution that isnt the best option" Luna said before looking down. "We need you to go into his world, kill their Princess and Queen and kill anyone trying to stop you" Luna said. Equinox looked at her in surprise. "Why...they havent done anything yet" Equinox asked but was ignored.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena sat in the sauna for a good while and was totally relaxed. She actually almost fell asleep, but the steam from the embers kept her awake. It was at this point that Aloe had poked her head into the sauna.

"Miss Pinkie, are you ready for your massage?" Aloe said to her.

"I am ready, thank you." Replied Pinkamena.

"Then come right this way." Said Aloe, as she showed the way.

Pinkamena followed Aloe to a table and was instructed to get on. She got on and laid down as Aloe began her massage. Lotus then came by and began to put a mud mask on her and throw cucumbers over her eyes.

"After this, we'll do your hair." Said Aloe as she kneaded Pinkamena's back. "And give you a hoofacure." Added Lotus.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Yes but they can't be trusted...even after what they done to their world releasing the mist which cant effect you at all...sooner or later she will come and try to overtake our Equstria...I'm sorry if you have a friend their but we cant risk it...and kill their elements of anarchy also" Luna said before the others left with her.


"I...can't believe this...what am I to do..." Equinox asked himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena felt like she was in complete heaven laying there. The mask felt cool to her face, and the massage was rubbing all the cares of the world out of her.

"Alright. We're just about done here." Said Aloe as she slowly stopped massaging. "I'm going to get ready to do your hair." She added as she went over to a different part of the building. "I'll take that mask off of you now." Said Lotus as she began removing the mud mask. "There we are." She said as she finished removing the mask off Pinkamena's face. "Now, if you'll follow me to the salon, we can do your hair and hoofacure." She finished.

Pinkamena got down from the table and followed Lotus over to the salon where she was directed to a chair. She was then tilted back and her hair was then being washed. She felt the hot water rush over the top of her head as Aloe was kneading the shampoo and conditioner into it. She felt her hooves being groomed by Lotus. Her hair was then rinsed out and a dry had been put above her head. It was turned on and her hair went straight up into it, flicking around in the machine.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Guess...I guess I have to" Equinox said as he left the castle. "God damn I said I would never kill anyone without reason...now I got to kill the rulers of that world..." Equinox saiid to himself as he looked at the hilt again. " I guess I have to...I'm sorry Solstice....don't get in my way"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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The hair dryer was turned off and Pinkamena's hair fell like silk around her head.

"One last brushing, and we should be done." Said Aloe as she took a brush to Pinkamena's hair and brushed it. "Your hooves are all done now." Said Lotus as she got up and smiled at Pinkamena. Aloe had finished brushing and put the brush down. "All done." Aloe said happily. Lotus had gone over and gotten a full body mirror and placed in front of Pinkamena. The two twins had walked over to eachother to get a final look at her. "Miss Pinkie... ​You look so gorgeous." The two girls said to Pinkamena.

Pinkamena looked in the mirror and was surprised at how good of a job they did. Her face was smooth, her hooves looked great, and her hair and a magnificent sheen in the light. "Thank you so much girls. You did such a wonderful job." She said with a smile. Pinkamnena then walked over to the counter and paid for her spa day and gave Aloe and Lotus a big tip.

"Thank you for coming." Said Aloe. "Don't be a stranger now." Said Lotus.

"Goodbye girls." Pinkamena said as she left the spa and headed home.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox headed back to the train station and tried to figure out how to not kill them but couldn't think of anything. "I guess I really have to kill them" Equinox said to himself as he boarded the train back to ponyville. "I wonder what Pinkamena will think of this"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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