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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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"I got him" Dash said as she flew in front of a hooded pegasus. "Good now hurry we dont have much time till the ritual doesn't work anymore. "The hooded pegasus said as he saw Pinkamena and Scootaloo. "Hard to believe where I'm from you two are normal and not psycotic." The pony said as he stayed and let Dash go ahead

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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As Pinkamena and Scootaloo are chasing after Rainbow Dash, they are stopped by a hooded figure whom Rainbow Dash stopped in front of. "Where are you taking Equinox?" Pinkamena demanded to the hooded pegasus. She gave the hooded pegasus a glare. "I said, Where are you taking him?"


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"The rainbow factory so we can revive both the elements you killed...also" The pony removed the hoodie and he looked like Equinox. "Every dimension is different but some stuff needs to stay the same like the elements of harmony" The pegasus said as he looked at Pinkamena the sighed. "I am equinox from a different dimension and I was sent to fix the elements"

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Pinkamena stepped back in shock as soon as the other Equinox took his hood off. "How is this possible? How did you get in this dimension? How can there be two of you?" She said with shocked confusion.


Scootaloo walked up past Pinkamena and looked at the other Equinox. "What do you want with our Equinox then?" She boldly asked.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Ah yes there is no such things as paradoxes but I'm here cause if a reason and this reason answers your question Scootaloo" Equinox 2 said. "He's needed cause unlike me he has powerful magic that can revive other pones so me and Rainbow Dash are here to revive loyalty and kindness...or Fluttershy and the Real Rainbow Days in this dimensions" Equinox 2 said

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Pinkamena regained her composure and listened to Equinox 2. "If all you needed was his magic, why did you knock him out and kidnap him? Also, how is he going to revive them? That type of magic doesn't exist." Said Pinkamena to Equinox 2.


"You're not going to hurt him, are you?" Asked Scootaloo.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Oh but there is that kind of magic but he has to die for it to work cause all the concentrated magic is inside his body now I bid you farewell" Equinox 2 said as he headed off leaving a black streak behind him. "Follow me if you want but it won't do you any good" Equinox 2 as he waited to see what they would do

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"He has to die? I don't want him to die." Scootaloo whimpered as she began tearing up.


"Don't worry Scootaloo," said Pinkamena with a serious look. "I don't allow him to die by these two pathetic excuses of body doubles." She finished as she grabbed a knife from her saddle bags and threw it at Equinox 2.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Well it seems like you care" Equinox 2 said as he dogged the knife. "Like I said follow if you want but you dont have to" Equinox 2 said as Rainbow Dash came by. "So did they want to come with us so the elements can come back" Rainbow said looking at Pinkamena. "Can't believe you are like this" Rainbow said

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"It should be that hard to believe. This is my world, not yours afterall. So you don't know this world like I do." Pinkamena retorted back at Rainbow Dash. She then turned to Equinox 2. "So, what is this factory and what is its purpose?" Pinkamena asked Equinox 2 with a curious tone in her voice.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Its mostly a machine other then a factory but its to extract his magic and it could or possibly kill Equinox" Rainbow said as Equinox said. "You shouldn't have killed them....this wouldn't have happened" Equinox 2 said as he opened a portal to the machine next to Pinkamena and Scootaloo

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"I don't know about this Pinkamena." Said Scootaloo in a worried voice.


"Don't worry Scootaloo, he will be fine, I'll make sure of it. And if it starts to go too far, I will put a stop to it." Pinkamena said trying to comfort Scootaloo. "I swear, if you hurt him, You'll earn the number one spot on the kill list." She said to Equinox 2 and Rainbow Dash.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Why do you want him alive he has served you well enough why haven't you killed him yet" Equinox 2 asked as Rainbow came crashing into him with bruises all over her. "Um Equinox...I think the spell went wrong cause now Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash is trying to kill me" Rainbow 2 said as a bloody Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy appears.

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"Wait. They're back alive? That means the machine did its job." Said Pinkamena. Her head then went up with sudden realization. "Where is Equinox?! Is he unharmed?!" Pinkamena yelled at Rainbow Dash 2 and Equinox 2. She starting running towards them.


Scootaloo was in shock when she heard that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had come back. "Fluttershy shouldn't want to kill anything. What's going on?"


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Let's go" A voice said as Equinox appeared and threw the other back into his dimension. "They screwed up and didn't correct them now they want to kill" Equinox said as he looked a Rainbow 2 and sent her back to her dimension. "Now for the other two...I'm sorry Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash" Equinox said as he looked all cut up and brusied

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Pinkamena stopped dead her tracks as soon as she saw Equinox appear and throw both the other Equinox and other Rainbow Dash back in their dimension. Without thinking of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash with their killer intentions, Pinkamena ran up and hugged Equinox. "Thank Celestia you're ok."


Scootaloo started to beam when she saw Equinox, but she remembered what she was told when danger was around. Scootaloo then turned around and started to head back to Sugarcube Corner.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Good to know now we have a problem on our hooves" Equinox said as Rainbow and Flutters closed in on them. "We have two element bearers coming towards us" Equinox said as bones shot out of him and surrounded them both. When it did the two pegasi hit the bones dealing nothing to Equinox or Pinkamems

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"Alight now," Pinkamena said as she let go of Equinox and looked towards Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "I killed you once already, don't think it won't be easier the second time around?" Pinkamena then grabbed a knife in each hand and one in the mouth. "Bring it." She said through her teeth.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Well now...time to kill two pegasi Equinox said as Fluttershy came at him with really fast punches. "You have to better then that Fluttershy" Equinox said as he punched Flutters in the stomach. Meanwhile Rainbow headed straight for Equinox while his back was turned

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Pinkamena saw Rainbow Dash coming up from behind and going towards Equinox." Not today." Said Pinkamena as she went up and intercepted Rainbow Dash with a full on tackle from the side. Crashing to the ground with Rainbow Dash, Pinkamena wore a grin. "This is more fun the second time around." She said as she swung at Rainbow Dash with her knives.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Equinox grabbed Fluttershy by her neck and impaled her."We're done here" Equinox said ripping out Flutters spine out with no problem as he crushed it.



Meanwhile Rainbow was struggling to not get cut up by Pinkie Pie again and not get changed into a bloody cupcake again

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"Why do you persist on struggling so much? Just die already!" Pinkamena said as she was slowly pushing a knife towards Rainbow Dash's chest as Rainbow Dash tried holding her back. Pinkamena kept pushing on the knife and the tip started to penetrate into Rainbow Dash. "Just give up now and it will be quick." She said while grinning.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Why must you take so long" Equinox asked causing Rainbow Dash to stop struggling and feel the knife cut into her causing her to dissapate into smoke. "What the...how is that even" Equinox said as he saw Dead Flutershy yet the body of Rainbow Dash isn't around

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When Rainbow Dash disappeared into smoke, Pinkamena stabbed the knife into the ground. "What gives? I wanted blood." She said as she got back up from the ground. "Taking so long? Well, sorry if you had Fluttershy, who is easier to kill than a flower." She said sarcastically with a smile to Equinox.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"That wasn't Fluttersy though" Equinox said as he picked up her corpse and showed it was a changeling. "Those idiots didn't think that they made a mistake cause they summoned changelings instead of the real ones making it why they attacked for no reason" Equinox explained

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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