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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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"Stone... oh right. The Equinox version of Rarity. Alright, then whatever you do, don't look at her directly." Pinkamena said to Equinox. She listened to Stone through the headset and started to worry. "Equinox, Deranged, you should get out of there and fast." She said to them, worried of what Stone could do.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Equinox" Deranged called out as he tackled Stone and Equinox got free. "Come on lets go" He said as he ran and hid in a shop not paying any attention till he heard crying. "Um...hello who is there" Equinox called out and saw. "Oh shit...Zalgressa" Equinox said as he looked at her.



Meanwhile Deranged was in a acre of Rotten trees. "Stone is one we need to avoid" He said as he noticed Equinox was not with him.

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Pinkamena continued to listen through the headset and heard the commotion of Deranged tackling stone. She then heard the rustling of the mic and footsteps and the opening and closing of the door. "Are you okay?" She asked, but there was some crying in the background and the saying of the name "Zalgessa". She turned to Twilight. "Who is Zalgressa?" She asked Twilight.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Zalgressa is pretty much you....except she will kill who ever she shes instead of using a number system" Twilight said 




"Hello there" Zalgressa said as she walked up to Equinox. " H-Hi..." He managed to say before he ducked under te blade that was just swung at him. "Shit

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"So, if Zalgessa is like me, then that means she is also Zalgy cake and if Equinox was right, his counter-part should be near." Pinkamena said to Twilight. She then heard Zalgressa's voice and Equinox swearing. "Equinox, what's happening?!" She called out into the headset.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"I'm being attacked by Zalgressa" He said as he teleported a distance away from her. "Zalgressa stop" A voice called out catching Equinoxes attention. "Solstice...or should I say the Equinox version of me" Equinox said as he saw Solstice come out of the basement with a double edged balde. "I'll handle this" He said as Zalgressa stood back.

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"Attacked?!" Pinkamena yelled out. "Are you okay?!" She asked Equinox. Right after she asked if he was okay, a deeper voice came through the voice telling Zalgressa to stop. She then heard Equinox say his name and who he was. She thought to herself, Deranged hasn't said a thing. "Do you need help, and where is Deranged?" She asked Equinox.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"We got seperated" Equinox said looking at Solstice. "Listen I don't want a fight" Equinox said but was ignored by Solstice. "You shouldn't have came here then you are gonna die just like the other who came here" Solstice said



Mean while Deranged was looking around and saw a green pony with blades on its hind legs. "Who is that" He asked himself

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"How did you get seperated?" Pinkamena asked. She went over to the cupboards and dug around, finding a couple scalpels in a drawer. "Since it looks like you're knee-deep in shit, I'm going in." She said through the headset. She turned to Twilight. "Give me a gas mask." She told to Twilight.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Pinkamena I'm fine" Equinox said as he glared at Solstice. "Lets go one on one" Equinox said as he went out side with Solstice and took their sides. "Pinkamena I need you to find Deranged"



"Here" Twilight said giving Pinkamena a gas mask. "Be careful its not safe in there"

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"Thanks." Pinkamena said as she put un the gas mask that Twilight gave to her and made sure that it was secure. "Alright. I'm going in." She said as she slowly put her hoof through the portal and then the rest of her body while she had her eyes closed. Once she was fully through, she looked around. "Wow. This place really is a shit-hole."


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Its not that bad once you get used to it" Spiderlocke said going up to Pinkamena. "You are just like the other pony...It's not safe to be here" She said



Deranged walked up to the pony. "Um...hello" He called out and noticed the hat on the pony and got a cut across his face from the kick by the pony



Equinox and Solstice kept attacking each other only to clash blades everytime. "He is the same as me...meaning we both are evenly mach" He said to himself

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Pinkamena heard someone speaking to her and she looked over to see a pony with insectoid parts coming out of her. "Yeah, thanks for the tip... Spiderlocke, is it? From what I have heard, you are the only nice pony that I know of here." She said to Spiderlocke. "If you don't mind me asking, have you seen a stallion that also isn't from here? He isn't the one you saw last time." She asked.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Yeah I saw him and another pony walk pass and Met with Stone. The one pony ran to the dead apple acres and I saw the pony I met before just leave that shop and about to fight Solstice the captain of Eclipses Guards" Spiderlocke explained. "Do you know them at all" She asked

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"I do actually. Those two are the reason why I am here. And now I have to go and find the one that went to the apple farm. Thank you for the help." Pinkamena said to Spiderlocke as she headed to wher Sweet Apple Acres would be in the normal world. "I better hurry." Pinkamena said to herself as she pickud up the pace.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Be carful of Rotten Bunch there is a bit stubborn and dangerous" She said as she watched Pinkamena go off



Equinox and Solstice kept clashing blades. "You're not half bad" Solstice said. "You are not bad yourself" Equinox replied



"Who the hell are you" The pony said as Deranged got up and looked at the pony

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Pinkamena was running when she saw the orchard on the next hill. When she reached the edge of the trees, she noticed they ere rotten trees and were dead. She walked through the orchard, looking back and forth in search of Deranged. "Dammit Deranged, where are you at?" She called out.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Uh I'm Deranged who are you exactly" Deranged asked keeping his distance. "Ah am Rotten Bunch and you are not from around here are ya" She asked. "You know for a zombie you a pretty smart" Deranged said. "I'm not a zombie"



"They both are equally matched...if Dimmed Star was here she could do something" Zalgressa said. "Well...maybe you should become a guard for Queen Black Hole" Solstice said as he looked at Equinox. "We are the same I am a guard for Eclipse so you should be a guard for the other Queen" 

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"If anything, he'll probably be at the farm house, or at least near it." Pinkamena muttured to herself as she was crawling over fallen trees and going under hanging branches. Reaching the end of the orchard, Pinkamena finally spotted the barn and house, and saw a familiar stallion and a strange green mare. "Deranged!" She called out as she walked towards them.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"I'm sorry then you are just some walking corpse of a dead pony" Deranged said as he heard Pinkamena and turned to see her. "Well hello Pinkamena what are you doing here" He asked as he paid no mind to Rotten Bunch who was coming up behind him.



"Who are these queens you speak of" Equinox asked

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"I am here because Equinox is currently fighting his other self and you are apparently lost." Pinkamena said to Deranged. "And one more thing." She said as she threw one of the scalpels past Deranged's face and into the ground in front of Rottenbunch. "It isn't nice to sneak up on someone from behind." She finished.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Well why the hell are you two even here" Rotten Bunch asked kicking up the scalpels and kicking them at Deranged. causing him to get hit by them. "Son of a...thats it I am going to kill you" Deranged said as he grabbed one of the scalpels and looked at Rotten Bunch.

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Pinkamena went up to Deranged and smacked him on the back of his head. "We're not here to fight you idiot." She scolded him. She then turned to Rottenbunch and pointed the other scalpel at her. "Nothing that concerns you. We will be taking our leave now." She said, turning and looking at Deranged.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Rotten Bunch was about to Kick Deranged when he turned around but instead got dodged and was kicked by Deranged. "Sorry Pinkamena...but if she wants a fight...she got one" Deranged said grabbing Rotten Bunch by the neck and bit her before throwing her into a tree. "There shes paralyzed...lets go" He said

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"You really think that throwing her into a tree will really stop her?" Pinkamena asked as she looked at Applebunch laying on the ground next to a tree. "If she really is a reanimated corpse, don't you think that she would have the physical endurance of that of a zombie?" She asked Deranged.

"You really think that throwing her into a tree will really stop her?" Pinkamena asked as she looked at Applebunch laying on the ground next to a tree. "If she really is a reanimated corpse, don't you think that she would have the physical endurance of that of a zombie?" She asked Deranged.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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