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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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"I don't know probably just walk around town and talk to other ponies" He took another sip of his coffee. "Other then that I don't know what else I will do" He set his mug down. "I also might talk to Twilight and Deranged if she isn't busy reading a book" He said

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Pinkamena walked over to the sink and set her mug down, then walked back over to the table. "Your day sounds quite uneventful." She said Equinox. "Oh, and tell Twilight I said hello when you do go over there," She said as she walked over to her pantry and went inside it. "And gives them these." She finished as she pulled out a smaller paper bag.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Okay" He looked at the bags. "Um...what is in it exactly" He asked. "They look like it has a card in it" Selene said looking at the bag. "Whats in it" Selene kept staring at the bag. "Hopefully I won't get a book thrown at me this time either" He murmured under his breath

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena walked back over to the table and set the paper bag down. "They're heart-shaped strawberry tarts that Twilight wanted me to make. She said they were for her brother and sister over in the Crystal Kingdom." She said to Equinox. "And no, there's no card in it. That's just a thin piece of cardboard I use to keep the bag from crushing the pastries." She said, looking at Selene.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Okay I'll make sure to do that" He got up. "Let me just go and fix my mane up" He went upstairs and to the bathroom. "Wow my mane is messy" He started fixing his mane and smiled when he was finished. He went downstairs and looked at Pinkamena. "My mane is fixed and now I shall be heading off" He grabbed the bag and headed out the door

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena watched Equinox go up the stairs and come back down with his mane fixed. "Good, you fixed that mess that was your mane." She said to Equinox, smiling at him. "And please, do be careful with those tarts. They're made with some rarer ingredients that take a long time to get."


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Don't worry I'll be carful" He grabbed the bag with magic and headed out. "You sure you trust him to get that bag there safely" Selene asked her. "I'm surprised no one else has woken up yet" He added



Equinox arrived at Twilights and knocked on the door. "Twilight you there" He waited for a moment and sighed. "She must be gone at the moment"

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"Yeah, I trust him to bring them there." Pinkamena said to Selene. She then went over to the sink and started to fill up the sink with hot soapy water so she could wash the dishes from the previous night and the coffee mugs they just used. "If you want to, why don't you go and wake them up?" She asked Selene.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Sure I can go and wake them up" Selene went up stairs and went up to the bedroom door and knocked. "Hey Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo it's time to waken up" Selene called out as he knocked on the door




"Hold on she just needs to put a book away" Deranged called out from inside the treehouse before opening the door. "sorry equinox she gets a bit too into her books" Deranged said as he was in his own body

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Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle woke up to Selene knocking on the door and calling into the room.

"Uhhhhhhrrrr..." said Scootaloo as she slid out of bed and landed on the floor. "Owww... Alright, I'm awake." She said.

"It's too early..." Sweetie Belle moaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Actually it's 10:00" Selene said looking up at the clock in the hallway. "Or 9:59 but its still 10:00" He restated himself as he went back downstairs and headed outside. "Acrobatics today....I wonder what kind they meant actually" He said to himself as he sat on the ground

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Scootaloo got up off the ground and ruffled her mane to its normal shape. "Come on Sweetie Belle." She said as she left the room.

"Alright, hold on." Sweetie Belle replied as she got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. When she got out, her mane and tail were brushed and she headed downstairs with Scootaloo.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Selene was whistling a song to himself as he waited and he started singing. "You better get ready tp die cause here I come, you better get ready to die" He stopped singing after remembering that no one likes have the song he listens to. "Maybe I should sing country" He laughed

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The girls were heading through the store towards the front door.

"We're heading out!" Scootaloo called out as she opened the door and went outside.

"Bye Pinkie! Thanks for letting me sleep over." Said Sweetie Belle as she followed behind Scootaloo.

When they got outside, they saw Selene waiting for them.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Well good morning sunshine 1 and 2" He bowed. "So now we need to go and get Applebloom" He stood back up and looked at them both. "Also...what kind of acrobatics were you meaning because there are specific types theres..." He said all the various acrobatics to them.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Oh haha." Scootaloo said sarcastically as she went up to Selene and lightly punched him in his shoulder with her hoof.

"We were thinking about doing tight-rope walking and doing stuff like flips and somersaults." Sweetie Belle said as she walked up to Scootaloo and Selene.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Tightrope walking,somersaults, and flips...souds like the daily life of a freerunner in Manehattan" He mumbled to him self. "Come on lets go get Applebloom" He walked forward and saw a sight he wanted to see again. "Well look who it is...Diamond Tiara and the gold digger...or is it Silver digger" selene seeing Diamond and Silver 

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Diamond Tiara saw Selene and glared at him. "Hmph." She tilted her head back with her eyes closed as she kept on walking. Silverspoon frowned with her ears down as she followed behind Diamond Tiara, occassionally looking back.


"Nice job Selene." Scootaloo said as she grinned.

"She must really hate you." Said Sweetie Belle.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Did you see...Silver spoon is doubting herself now..." Selene said. "I bet she does but does Silver Spoon even want to be with her" He asked no pony in particular. "Come on...lets go before I start want to try and talk to one of them..." He said as he started heading off then stopped. "Um...where is Applebloom home exactly" He exactly

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Oh yeah, that's right. You've never been to Sweet Apple Acres." Scootaloo said as she started walking.

"It's about a half of a mile out of town." Sweetie Belle said to Selene. "Usually it's a quick trip there, but Scootaloo kinda lost her scooter."

"Hey! I said a parasprite ate it." Scootaloo snapped back as she continued to grumble.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Um...parasprite...you mean those little things that eat almost everything in sight" He heard of parasprites before but he has never seen one before. "I guess I can try to use magic this time" He closed his eyes and started to focus. "This better work" He muttered

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"Yeah, that's them. But, they actually only tried eating all of food until Twilight's spell to get of them miss-fired." Scootaloo said to Selene as she continued walking.

"Hold on Scootaloo. Selene is trying to use his magic." Sweetie Belle said as she stopped and watched Selene attempting a spell.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Sparks shot out and a bright flash appeared and they appeared at Carasoule Boutique and passed out on the floor for a moment before opening his eyes. "Well...it worked but it didn't take us where we wanted to go" He slowly got up. "Never shall I use magic again"

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Scootaloo toppled backwards and sat on the floor, holding her head. "Woah, where are we?" She asked as everything was spinning.

Sweetie Belle was standing up, leaning up against a mannequin. "We're at my house." She said as she regained her composure. "Your spell worked pretty good." She said to Selene.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Yeah though it does a number on myself though" His vision came back to him. "I just teleported us randomly and it got us here" He said as he a red pegasus looking at them/ "Uh...why are you three here...and who are you" Flare asked looking at Selene. "I'm Equinoxes brother I just tried to teleport us to Sweet Apple Acres but I never used magic before" Selene explained

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