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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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Me and Flame are not n good terms to tell the truth...I do love him since he is my brother" Tiabelle said. "Also it is mostly because we are not directly related I am adopted you see since I am a unicorn and he is a pegasus but both parents were pegasi instead of being unicorn and pegasus parents" Tiabelle explained

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"Yeah Equinox isn't that crazy so I doubt he would even think of doing that" Deranged said. "Though there are sometimes when he has done something that he regrets at tiem but I highly doubt he would take Grimoire Noir if he know what it could do" Deranged added.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I would have never guessed." Pinkamena said in reply to Tiabelle's explanation. "But to be honest, the genetic thing doesn't really matter. Mr. and Mrs. Cake have proved that." She continued as she thought of Pumpkin and Spice.


"Why does your brother hate you?" Scootaloo asked.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Well...we both had a argument about something and well...it didn't end very well" Tiabelle said. "Reason why I have been staying here in Manehattan for most of my time and I met Selene" Tiabelle said. "Who I didn't know was the little brother of Equinox" She said

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Pinkamena listened to what Tiabelle said and that rose a question into her mind. "Selene, if you don't mind. But, where were you living before you came to Ponyville if you have no parents?" She asked him.


Scootaloo thought for a second and came up with an idea. "Why don't you two make up? It's bad for brothers and sister to hate eachother." She said innocently with a smile to Tiabelle.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Well before I met Tiabelle I pretty much lived in the streets in alley ways...I wasn't really as nice as I am now but when Tiabelle found me she took me in a took care of me, I then told her I was going to meet my brother in Ponyville and I offered her to come with me but she didn't want to" Selene explained.


Equinox smiled. "Thats nice of her...to take care of you" He said.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Hearing what Selene said grew an even bigger question into Pinkamena's head and made her a bit frustrated with Equinox. "Equinox! How cow could you just leave your younger brother out on the streets?!" She asked him, her voice being a bit louder than it should have been..


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox sighed. "When I left Selene Deranged had control over me so I got away so I wouldn't hurt him...I told you what Deranged made me do before...I killed both my parents becaue of him and I didn't want to hurt the only family I had left" Equinox said.


"I still forgive you Equinox" Selene said. "It makes me wonder why Deranged hasn't tried to kill Twilight yet at all" Selene asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena went quiet when Equinox answered her. She had forgotten how long Deranged was inside Equinox and not felt kind of embarrassed. "So, anyway." She started as she turned to Tiabelle. "Why don't you get on even terms with Flame? I'm sure he would want to as well." She asked her.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Do you really think he will...it's been a while since I talked to him so he can't still be angry at me" Tiabelle said as their food arrived. "Alright I guess I can go back wth both of you and meet him, how has Flame been anyways" Tiabelle asked both Equinox and Pinkamena

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"Oh, he's been great." Pinkamena smiled a little as she thought of Flame and Rarity being together. "He's actually living in Ponyville right now with someone." She continued as she took her bowl and began to eat.


Scootaloo was so happy when her food got there that she just dived right into her plate.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Really....with who?" Tiabelle asked. "He better not be with some one who will use him" Tiabelle said before she started eating. "The last mare he was with used him and didn't even love him at all" Tiabelle added. "Hell she soon dumped him once he was sent to the hospital by a certain somepony" Tiabelle said looking at Equinox

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"I'm sure he'll be fine. She really is quite generous." Pinkamena said, giving herself an internal brohoof for the pun. "Anyway, you don't have to worry about it that much. Hell, ask Equinox." She finished as she ate some more of her soup.


Scootaloo had eaten all her fries and was halfway through her burger before she had to take a drink before she choked.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Yep she is generous and they both love each other" Equinox said as he continued eating.


"You should slow down Scoots before you choke on your own food" Selene said.



"I don't see that cursed book anywhere...Twilight do you know anypony that could have broken the barrier and taken the book with them" Deranged asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"The only one who would be able to is me, the princesses or anypony with a strong enough magic spell to break the barrier" Twilight said. "Equinox wouldn't be able to break it without exhausting all of his magic reserves and passing out..." Twilight said.



"Well thats good to know...I'm glad for him" Tiabelle said

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"Mhm." Pinkamena responded as she was about to finish up her soup. 


Scootaloo burped and sighed as she finished up her meal. "Tiabelle, even though you pulled a dagger on us and threatened us, I think you're cool." She said as she relaxed, rubbing her now full belly.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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(So I guess a time skip is going to happen)

Tiabelle was about to speak till the waiter came and took their plates once they were finished eating. "I'll pay for the food" Tiabelle said as she took the bill and paid for it all. "I should go see Flame and talk to him huh" Tiabelle asked

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"Thank you for the meal." Pinkamena said to Tiabelle.


"Yeah thanks! I'm so full." Said Scootaloo with a big smile.


(A time skip is being made here.)


Pinkamena looked at Flare and smiled. "Of course he knows that. Nearly killed me too. And Equinox knows of what I do, just not who I do it to." She said to him as she started towards the library. "Also, you should talk with your sister."


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"I guess you met Tiabelle then right" Flame said still limping from the pain. "Yeah I do need to talk to her...I haven't spoken to her in years" Flame said.


Meanwhile Equinox was reading the black Grimoire and smiled to himself. "If this book could talk it would be interesting" Equinox said to himself


Also in the mean time and white pony in a black coat was looking for somepony but who was it.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I have. She even took us out to eat after we put eachother at knifepoint. That's where Equinox showed us that book. Now let's hurry to see Twilight." Pinkamena said as she picked up her speed and continued towards the library. While walking, she wondered what Twilight was going to think of all these wounds.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"I guess I can tell Twilight I fell and was implaed by sharp branches" Flame said thinkging of an excuse to tell Twilight about the wounds on his hooves.


The white pony past by Flame and in turned stopped and looked at him and Pinkamena. "Hey you...Pinkamena right" The pony spoke

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena stopped and stared in slight confusion at the white pony who stopped and called out her name. "Yeah. What's it to you?" She asked him. "And how do you know who I am?" She finished as she readied herself to pull out a knife and defend herself from this strange pony.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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The figure removed his hood. "I'm Solstice the alternate of Equinox remember" Solstice said. "Listen Equinox, as Flame told you, is in possession of the Grimoire Noir" Solstice said. "That book is very dangerous and if Equinox has it he can be controlled by that book" Solstice said.


"In possession of Sombra again if you read it long enough" A voice sounded.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Out of a natural reaction of seeing Solstice, Pinkamena pounced on Solstice, tackling him to the ground and putting a knife to his throat. "Give me a good reason not to end you right now." She angrily said to him, putting slight pressure to the knife. When she heard another voice, she looked up to see who it was.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox smiled been a while hasn't it Solstice" Equinox said. "Go ahead and tell them what can stop me...or the book what I should say, it won't do any good" Equinox said. "I must say Pinkamena you would attack the pony who knows more about the book then he lets on" Equinox said as Solstice pushed Pinkamena off of him.


"Equinox get rid of the book, you don't know how dnagerous it is" Solstice said. "If you keep it it will control you and you will be back at square one with Deranged in you excpet you won't have any control...you will be gone and something else will take you" Solstice said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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