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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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"It is great to finally be back home" Equinox said before facehoofing. "I could have just teleported us back home and I now just noticed" Equinox said.


Selene smiled. "Lets get started then" Selene said before noticing something. "We need to get the ingreedients to make them"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena just looked at Equinox and started to laugh. "I wondered when you were going to realize that."




"Oh, we have all the ingredients in the kitchen." Said Applebloom as she opened the door and went into the kitchen.

"Good. Then let's get started." Said Sweetie Belle, following right behind Applebloom.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Suddenly Equinox and Pinkamena were in Sugarcube Corner. "Excuse me I need to get to work on something" Equinox said said as he palced both the souls on the table. "Make sure those are not messed with at all" Equinox said.


"Alright" Selene said following behind Sweetiebelle

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena felt a sudden spirt of dizziness that went away almost immediately. "Warn me the next time you do that." She said to Equinox. Equinox put the souls on the table. "Alright."




Applebloom pulled out the ingredients and put them on the table.

Sweetie Belle went over to the cupboards and found a waffle iron. "These things sure are shaped weird." She said as she put it on the stove.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"It's faster if I do it then and there besides didn't twilight do it to you and your friends all of the time" Equinox said


"I wonder why they are shaped like that anyways...I mean i know they are needed to make waffles but still, also don't you think waffles sound like a funny word" Selene asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"To be honest. She barely ever used her teleportation on us." Pinkamena replied to Equinox.




"They are. Wwwwaaaffffllles." Sweetie Belle said the word slowly and giggled.

Applebloom was pouring water into the powder and mixing it into batter. "you guys ready with that thing?" She asked.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"She hasn't?" Equinox said. "Odd yet I see her do it a lot"


Selene laughed a bit before hearing Applebloom. "Yeah we are almost done" Selene said plugging in the Waffle Iron. "It's heating up now Applebloom" Selene said as he tried to use magic to heat it up faster but failed when only a spark appeared from his horn.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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No, she only really does it by herself." Pinkamena said as she went over to the fridge and looked inside.




"Good. Now go and grab some fruit if you want some." Applebloom said as she pulled out some cups and poured the batter into them.

"I want strawberries in mine." Said sweetie belle as she went over to the fridge to grab some.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox nodded before heading upstais and grabbing a piece of paper and putting Lydias soul on it and got a frame of a butcher knife and put the souls of the shadowlord in it.





"I want apples in mine" Selene said grabbing the apple slices from the fridge.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena grabbed out the milk and poured herself a glass. She then went over and sat on the couch. "Feels good to finally relax like this."




Sweetie Belle went over and put the strawwberries into one of the cups. "This one's mine. She said.

Applebloom walked over and grabbed some blueberries and wildberries out of the fridge and did the same with her cup.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Words started to be inscribe on the paper and turned red while the shadow lords soul filled the frme and made a sharp diamond edge clever. "Well...I might need to get more souls if they do that more often" Equinox said




Selene smiled before hearing his stomach grumble.

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Pinkamena set the now empty glass on the table and looked up at the ceiling. Her eyes slowly began to droop, until they were fully shut and she had fallen asleep.




The girls giggled at Selene's grumbling stomach. "I think Selene should go first." Said Sweetie Belle.

"Ah think you're right on that one." Added Applebloom.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"No it should be ladies first" Selene said.


Equinox smiled as he picked up Pinkamena and took her to her room before laying her down. He left her room and went back down stairs and sat on the couch.





Queen Black Hole the book has been subdued and Equinox along with Pinkamena is still alive" Solstice said. "Good...if any of them died then the plan would be ruined" The Queen said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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When Pinkamena was being brought up she was barely conscious and she snuggled closer to her carrier until she was laid down and went completely to sleep.




"Alright." Said Sweetie Belle as she emptied her cup into the waffle iron and closed it.

"It shouldn't take long now, so make sure it doesn't burn." Applebloom said to Sweetie Belle.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox thought for a moment before putting the scroll and the weapon away.



"But if you like your waffles a little burnt it's okay" Selene said. "I know I do" Selene said as his stomach grumbled louder. "Be quiet stomcah before you wake Scootaloo up from over here"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Alright Sweetie, your waffle should be done by now. You should take it out before it burns." Said Applebloom as she readied her cup of batter to cook.

"Okay." Sweetie Belle replied as she went over to the waffle iron, opened it, and plopped the freshly made waffle onto a plate. "Looks yummy." She said.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"My turn" Selene said before he stopped. "Or do you want to make yours next Applebloom" Selene asked.



Equinox soon went up to his room that he had been staying in and laid on the bed. "Even after all that and then sleeping...we are both still worn out" Equinox said befroe passing out

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Nah. You can go Selene. You seem hungrier than me." Applebloom said to Selene. "I can wait."

Sweetie Belle went over to the table and set her plate down. She grabbed the maple syrup off the counter and poured it on her waffle. She set the syrup down, sat at the table, and began to eat the waffle.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Okay" Slene answered as he put the batter into the waffle maker. "You know I think now we should go and wake Scootaloo up" Selene said. "Since she needs to eat also and plus she could sleep through the whole day actually" Selene said as his waffles were finished and he put them on a plate.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yeah, I guess we should wake her up." Sweetie Belle said after she swallowed a mouthful of waffle.

"We can do that after we're done eating." Said Applebloom as she took her cup and poured it into the waffle iron. About a minute later, the waffle was done and she placed it on a plate and went and sat at the table.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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"Alright" Selene said as he was already finished eating. "I'll go get her right now actually" Selene said putting the plate in the sink and heading back to the treehouse. Selene went inside the clubhouse and saw Scootaloo was still asleep



((Funny I now noticed I still havent made a character sheet for Selene yet))

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Sweetie Belle was munching down her waffle with a big smile on her face, "Mmmmm..." She mumbled .

"Alright, but have fun getting her up." Applebloom said as she drenched her waffle in maple syrup and began to eat it. "Wow, these are good." She said with her mouth full.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Selene grabbed a bucket of water from the barn and looked at Scootaloo. "Sorry Scoots but you need to wake up so this is the best way that I thought of to wake you up" Selene said as he picked up the bucket and smiled. "This is kinda payback also for laughing at me"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Sweetie Belle finished her waffle and put her plate in the sink. "Selene's been out there for a while. You think he's having trouble waking her up?" She asked Applebloom.

"Nah, he'll be fine. She should be up in no time." Applebloom said, finishing up her waffle as well.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Selene dumped the bucket of cold water on Scootaloo and left the clubhouse as fast as he could. "That should have woken her up...if it didn't ill go get water from the coldest place in Equestria" Selene said waiting for Scootaloo to jump out of her bed shivvering from the cold water.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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