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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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"Blinded by rage..." Arachnid said stepping back a bit. "Seems like Scootaloo was lying when she spoke so highly of you" Arachnid said as his horn stopped glowing. "You are facing the prince of spiders...but you have a very violent mind" Arachnid said in a calm voice

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Pinkamena stopped, knowing this was getting her nowhere. As soon as Arachnid mentioned Scootaloo's name, she grew more angry. "I don't care who you are or what powers you have, all you will ever be to me..." Pinkamena said as she dissapeared. "Is another one of my trophies!" Yelled Pinkamena as she reappered bihind him and swung a branch at him.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"So predictable" Arachnid said as he took the. Hit but got up as spiders closed the wounds with webbing. Meanwhile Equinox was awake and looked around. "Scootaloo are you here" Equinox said as he struggled to get free from the webbing that was wrapped around

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Pinkamena saw the spiders close up his wounds. "I guess I just need to hit you with something harder to make you stay squashed." Said Pinkamena as she jumped and kicked a ruined pillar from the old castle. "Now stay dead." She reamrked as she landed back down.


Scootaloo was scared. She couldn't really see that well and it was dark. When she stopped struggling to get ot, she thought she heard Equinox's voice calling out to her. She listened harder, and it was Equinox calling for her. "Mmmnnmnmm! Mnnmnnmmm!" Scootaloo tried screaming out.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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A spider came by and stopped the pillar from hitting Arachnid. "You know I was going to give her back but now I think she should share the same fate as my other victims" Arachnid said. Meanwhile Equinox thought he heard muffled screams and turned to see a cocoon. "Scootaloo don't worry Ill get us out of here..hopefully" Equinox said as he tried to cut himself free but is unable to reach the dagger. "Well...what should I try now..." Equinox said as his horn glowed spikes erupted from his body. "GAH...MAN THAT HURTS" Equinox said as he fell from the web and picked up the dagger as the spike retracted. "Note to self never use that spell again" Equinox moaned as his body felt like a million spikes shout out of him.

Edited by DragonSlayer Ornstei

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Pinkamena was surprised when a spider stopped the pillar from falling. 'Dammit. What now?' She thought as she contemplated what to do. Hearing Arachnid's statement, she grinned. "You have it all wrong. It's not me that will be sharing the fate of your victims. It's you that will be sharing the fate of MY victims." She retorted. Pinkamena rushed Arachnid and right before she reached him, she threw some dirt in his face to daze him. She went around him and went low, throwing a stone into the branches right above them to make him think she was attack from above. She then lunged and swung upwards at Arachnid's jaw.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"What th-" Arachnid was interuppted by a hit to his jaw as he regained his composure he looked at Pinkamena. "Well little filly can fight...tell me what is so special about Scootaloo" Arachnid asked as his spider waited for some reason. "Also... I think they should be killed anyways for what they both have done Scootaloo murdered her parents and help you murdere other ponies...and Equinox...well even if you dont care about him he has killed more then you have" Arachnid said

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Scootaloo was now for sure that it was Equinox that was calling out to her. "Mmmmnmnmm! Mmmmnnmnmmnm!" She tried to scream, but her mouth was gagged by spider webs. She then tried to squirm inside whatever she was in to help Equinox find her. She listened and thought that he was near. She hoped that they would't get captured like she did and that they would find her, and now they are fighting to get her back. Though her mouth was covered, she smiled with tears rolling down her cheeks.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Equinox got up to the cocoon and drove the dagger into the cocoon and cut it open. " Dont worry Scootaloo I got you" Equinox said not noticing the spider slowly creeping up on him as Equinox was cutting open the cocoon. Meanwhile Arachnid looked at Pinkamena with a smile. "In a different universe You and Fluttershy killed other ponies for fun...she was called Murdershy and wow you two worked well at time" Arachnid said

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"And you don't think you aren't any better? I saw what you did to the one who took Scootaloo. You did that in cold blood. He helped you and did what you told him to do, yet you still tore him apart. Unlike you, she didn't kill for no reason, and she still has a life ahead of her." Said Pinkamena as she picked up a good size stone on the ground. "And you wanna know why she is special? She was the only one I loved." She finished as she tossed the stone straight up, jumped in the air, and kicked it, making it fly right at Arachnid.


(My tablet gets really slow if I type extremely long posts. So, I will split each POV into seperate posts unless they are short.)


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Oh really" Arachnid said as he stopped the stone. "If you loved her then you would of had Equinox distract me before he got caught so you could save her...but right now he is about to be killed" Arachnid said as his black widow  spider crawled next to him. "Also that guy I killed was nothing but flesh..also the ponies you are killing still have a life to live so why kill them they didnt do anything except live their own lives" Arachnid said in a sarcastic sad tone.(think like Xemnas from Kingdom hearts)

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As Scootaloo waited to get rescued, a huge blade came in right next to her face. Her eyes went extremely wide and she started to panic, but she calmed down when she heard Equinox's voice. As the blade went down her prison, she wiggled out of what seemed to be a cuccoon. She turned to hug Equinox, but stopped when she saw a spider crawling on him.

As Arachnid was saying this, Pinkamena went into deep thought about what he was saying. She contemplated all her actions and thoughts up until now. She was in a trance and was staring blankly into the forest. She then shook her head and regained herself. "Enough of your philosophical crap! I am who I am for a reason. And I am fighting you because I love her, not hiding behind and using someone else." She said as she started to walk towards Arachnid, with death glare on face


(I know. His thoughts are crazy, but wierdly spot-on.)

Edited by Just a 1 Trick Pon-3


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Are you sure" Arachnid said as he walked towards her. "If you think I am afraid of you im not" Arachnid said as he summoned a odd looking blade.




Equinox turned to tee the spider the shot it across the room. "I bloody hate these damn spiders...come on Scootaloo lets get out of here and help Pinkamena" Equinox said as he held his hoof out for Scootaloo to grab

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"I've never been more sure in my life." Replied Pinkamena to Arachnid. She kept walking towards him until she was about a foot away from him. "Who said I was trying to scare you? I just didn't want you to see what was behind you." She said with a grin.


"Thank you so much!" Exclaimed Scootaloo as she grabbed Equinox's hoof and hugged him. She then followed to wherever he was taking her. "Ummm... Where's Pinkamena?" Asked Scootaloo to Equinox.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"What do you mean behind me" Arachnid said as he didnt bother to turn around as a spider was behind him. "Whose behind me widow" Arachnid asked as the spider made some weird noise. "Get rid of them both then..I dont know how they escaped but they need to die" Arachnid ordered



"Shes dealing with Arachnid while I get you out of here then we are going to kill him" Equinox said as he saw a spider looking at him at the entrance of the cave. "Scootaloo...you ready to squish some spiders" Equinox asked as he gave her the dagger he had. "Cause this spider....is gonna die" Equinox said as the spider came after them

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'Shit, he didn't turn around.' Pinkamena thought. 'Time for plan "b".' She ducked and grabbed some dirt. She threw it into Arachnid's face to make him falter. Jumping into the air, Pinkamena spun and delivered a kick to the top of Arachnid's head. (Think jecht shot from final fantasy x.)


"Okay." Said Scootaloo. She grabbed the dagger that Equinox handed her and continued with him to the exit.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Arachnid blocked the dirt and threw some around him causing a dust cloud hiding him. "O fought a 1000 years of war and stuff I know all the tricks" Arachnid said as he appeared above Pinkamena and shot a web at Pinkamena but was blocked by his spider. "Hey idiot its time to murder Equinox yelled as Arachnid summoned a ton of giant spiders. "KILL THEM" Arachnid said as he disappeared. "Well then...you better get ready to die....cause here I come" Equinox taunted As a song played in the backgroumd

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"Dammit, missed." Said Pinkamena as she landed on the ground with a flurry of dirt around her. She saw that Equinox had finally gotten Scootaloo free. She turned back to Arachnid with a happy smile. She then started to walk towards Arachnid, instinctively smashing all the spiders that was summoned in her way, all without breaking her stare.


"Pinkamena!" Screamed Scootaloo when she saw Pinkamena goinng towards Arachnid. "Equinox! Look out!" She yelled to Equinox as spiders came after them.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"No problem" Equinox said as he strummed a guitar really loudly blowing the spiders away. "Now..." Equinox summoned his katana as spiders attacked him again. "Tenburinjin" Equinox whispered as he slashed once and the spiders died. "Arachnid left....just like a spider out of its nest" Equinox said as a spider bit him but he swatted it off. "I have helped you so many times Pinkamena its not funny anymore" Equinox said as his katana dissppeared

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As Pinkamena walked towards Arachnid, Arachnid began to disappear. She hurried up to stop him, but he was gone before she got there. She stopped and her smile turned into a scowl. "I will kill that pest." She said as she broke a tree branch off and started swinging it at all the spiders. "I will kill all these pests!"


Scootaloo wasn't the best fighter, so she stayed close to Equinox and slashed at any of the stray spiders that came behind him. "How many are there?" She asked Equinox.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"They are almost all dead" Equinox said as he shot a bolt into the sky and a million came down and killed the spiders. "That should be all of them" Equinox said as without warning was grabbed by Arachnid and was slowly losing air. "I will choke you to death" Arachnid said as as he took his hoof and broke his horn. "NO MORE MAGIC FROM YOU DAMN UNICORNS" Arachnid yelled as he took the blade he has and was about to stab Ewuinoc

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Scootaloo was relieved that the spiders were dead and was about to go to Pinkamena when Arachnid appeared again and started choking Equinox.She got a frantic and started to panic. In her panic, she clutched Equinox's dagger and stabbed Arachnid in the back of his rear leg. She released the dagger and fell back, crawling back away from Arachnid. "Pinkamena! Help!" Yelled Scootaloo.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"GAH" Arachnid yelled as he took the dagger out and grinned. "Thanks little filly" Arachnid said as he raised the dagger and stabs Equinox in the eye and ripped it out causing Equinox to pass out from blood loss. "FINALLY DEAD" Arachnid yelled as he got up and Looked at Pinkamena

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Pinkamena heard Scootaloo scream her name and she instantly looked over to see Arachnid stab out Equinox's eye and falling to the ground. "No!" Yelled Pinkamena as she ran at Arachnid. "You will die!" She screamed as she closed the gap between the two and grabbed him by the throat and slamming him up against the cave wall.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Ack ... its too late he's dead now...nothing for him to live finally" Arachnid said. "He's bleeding out the more blood he bleeds the closer he comes to dying" Arachnid said as he looked at Pinkamena. "But you don't care just as long as Scootaloo is safe you'll be happy" Arachnid added

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