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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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Pinkamena looked down and became quiet. Her grip was getting looser. "No." She said, retightning her grip. "He would have done the samefor me." She finished as she pulled her arm back and punched Arachnid as hard as she could in the side of his face. "Scootaloo! Help Equinox now. I'll be right there to help when I am done here."


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Well...I guess this is it for me" Equinox said to himself. "Lost my right eye...and I started dying from blood" Equinox added saying this to himself. "Well then...I guess you're not a murderous horse out for blood" Arachnid said as he spat out his fang. "Made me lose a tooth.."

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena just kept wailing on Arachnid as hard as she could. She didn't want to stop, but she had to if Equinox was going to live. Putting in one last punch, she dropped Arachnid and hurried over to where Equinox was. Scootaloo was already trying to stop the bleeding when Pinkamena got there. "Don't die dammit!" Said Pinkamena as she started to tend to Equinox.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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Stachnid cursed as he coughed up blood. "I...I can't move" Arachnid said as he crawled into his cave slowly for his last spider to heal him. Meanwhile Equinox opened his one and only good eye. "I'm still alive..." Equinox weakly said as he looked at Scootaloo and Pinkamena.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Yeah, and you are going to stay that way until I say otherwise." Said Pinkamena as she finished what she could for field dressing. "We need to get you back to town and get you to the hospital." She said, standing up. She then walked over to where Arachnid broke Equinox's horn and picked it up. "Have fun explaining this one to twilight." Sue remarked with a smile. Pinkamena then picked up Equinox and started heading back towards Ponyville.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"I guess I could tell the truth...though it might be hard for her to believe me" Equinox said as he saw Arachnid crawling. "I suggest bringing Arachnid with us do he doesnt heal himself" He suggested as he looked at his horn. "Also you did say he would be your first Alicorn in your collection" He added

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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She looked over at Arachnid and smiled. "I am going to use this, if you don't mind." Said Pinkamena, clutching Equinox's horn. She walked over to Arachnid and ran the horn into his leg. "Not this time. You're coming with me." She said wit an evil grin. She grabbed Arachnid's leg and started to drag him along. "Scoots. Help Equinox walk back to town. I'll be dragging this along."


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"I dont mind at all" Equinox said as Arachnid was stabbed in his leg and Equinox stumbled as he was still light headed from the blood loss. "Cant believe I lost my eye to that guy...this is rediclous" Equinox said. "Let go of me you insolent mare thou can not kill a alicorn" Arachnid said as Equinox turned to him and said. "Shut up you're not Sombra so use normal english and shut up" 

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Can't kill an alicorn, eh?" Pinkamena asked with a devious grin." Then I'll just make the rest of your life a living hell. Who knows, I might find a way you can die when I run my experiments on you." She finished as they reached the end of the Everfree Forest and Ponyville was in sight. "The hospital should be close, just over the hill here." Said Pinkamena as she continued to drag Arachnid through the field.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"I can get there myself now" Equinox said as he stumbled a bit before he fell down on his face. "Or maybe not" Equinox said as he got up. "No matter what you do to me I will never scream or beg for your damn mercy" Arachnid said as he tried to use his magic to get the horn out and then break free from Pinkamena

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"How quaint. Using your magic to try and escape." Pinkamena said as she stopped when she heard the humming caused by the magic, coming from Arachnid's horn. She then turned her head to look and lifted her hind leg. She smiled and brought her leg down, stomping it on Arachnid's horn in an attempt to break it off.


"Don't push yourself too hard." Said Scootaloo to Equinox as she helped him back up. "It's not far, let me help." She continued to help Equinox towards the hospital.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Thanks Scootaloo" Equinox said as he got up with her help. "Thanks for the help" Equinox said as he felt his horn. "Arachnid you bastard I hope you wish you died by my hands when Pinkamena is torturing you" Equinox hissed quietly




Arachnid winced as Pinkamena tried to break his horn off but instead was cracked. "Well looks like you only cracked i-" Arachnid stopped when he activated the spell but only sparks appeared. "What the...HOW" Arachnid said a bit mad that a little crack made his magic stop

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Hmmm... Not exactly what I intended to do, but I guess this saves me the trouble of glue it back on when I stuff you." Pinkamena said as she resumed dragging him. When they reached the edge of town, she looked to Scootaloo. "Get him to the hospital. I'll be back at the store." She said as she turned towards Sugarcube Corner.


"Alright Pinkamena, I will." She nodded in agreement. "The hospital is in sight now. We are almost there." She said to Equinox, turning towards the hospital.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Stuff me...how the hell are you going to stuff me if you open me up all you will see is spiders working to keep me alive" Arachnid said. "Her make sure to let me torture when I come back" Equinox said as he glared at Arachnid with his one eye. "I want to tear his eye out while he is alive"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I think smoke will help. Maybe some electricity. I could even try some fire. Oh, the possibilities, they're endless. I just get all antsy just thinking about them." Pinkamena said and giggled. She walked up to Sugarcube Corner and entered the door. "Welcome to your new home. Get comfortable, 'cause you're never leaving." She said with an evil grin.


Scootaloo helped Equinox into the front door of the hospital. "Help! I need a doctor!" Yelled Scootaloo as she went farther in the entrance of the hospital.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Smoke...electricty...what the hell are you" Arachnid asked as he saw te cheerful Sugar Cube Corner and knew what was next. "Your basement is still gonna be easy to escape remember I had a spider there watching you I know everything about this place" Arachnid said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"You really think it's gonna be that easy? Hehe. I'll be the judge of that. Who knows, I might even keep that spider alive to keep you company. Wouldn't want you to get lonely, now would we."She chuckled as she opened the basement door and dragged Arachnid down them.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Im here what the matter with this stallion" A doctor asked as he came by. "I'm fine...unless you count losing my horn and getting my eye out fine anyways" Equinox said which made the doctor sigh. "Nice to see you again also Equinox" The doctor said as he took Equinox to a room.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Scootaloo was overjoyed when she saw the doctor come up to them. She smiled now that she knew that Equinox was going to be fine now. She followed the doctor as he took Equinox in to a room. "Thank you doctor. Will he be alright?" Asked Scootaloo as they entered the hospital room.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"He'll be fine I had him as a patient before though a lost eye is new now Equinox where is the broken piece of your horn at" The doctor asked. "I lost it" Equinox flat out said as the doctor sighed. "Well I cant really do much with you eye except stop the bleeding and cover it up with bandages but your horn will have to grow back unless you the missing piece" The doctor said as he got a bit of medical cleaning supplies. "First lets clean out the eye for infection then put something over it so no pony can see the gap and you can leave" The doctor said as he looked at Scootaloo. "This isn't the first time he was here" The doctor said.



Arachnid saw the blood and gore in the basement and sighed. "Just kill me so I can finally sleep you take way to bloody long" Arachnid complained as he looked at the spider that he placed in here.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Really? How many times has he been here?" Scootaloo asked with a puzzled look on her face.


"Nah. I think I will take it nice and slow. It's more fun that way." Pinkamena said as she took Arachnid and hooked him up to the walls. "There, cozy?" She laughed. She went and put her face up really close to Arachnid's and ran her hoof slowly down his body. "I'll take this back." She said as she ripped Equinox's horn out of his leg. She then walked over to her workbench, grabbed a rag, and cleaned off the horn.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"You are weird" Arachnid said as the horn got ripped out of his leg. "Before you kill me answer my question why kill other ponies when they dont deserve it if their number come up they don't deserve to die they haven't done anything bad or anything to make you want to kill them so why do it" Arachnid asked hoping he could get an answer before he's killed



"He's been here quite a few times one time was for his horn, another time was because he was all cutted up, then there was one time he came here cause Twilight blasted him with a magic spell and then there was another time he fell from Cloudsdale" The doctor said as he cleaned out Equinoxes eye of infection

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Pinkamena just laughed at Arachnid's question. "You know, this is the second time I have answered that question today. And I don't feel like repeating myself and obliging your question." She said as she grabbed her tazer from the work bench. She walked up to Arachnid, jabbed him with the tazer, and pressed the the trigger. After a few seconds, she released the trigger. "Shocking, isn't it?" She continued to laugh.


"Wow. You've been here a lot." Said Scootaloo. "Wait. Why did Twilight blast you and how did you fall from Cloudsdale?"


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Not really I was struck by lighting before" Arachnid said. "No you didnt answer my question you partially answered it" Arachnid answered




"Well one time was beacuse I was beating Twilight at a magic contest and so I was happy then when Deranged was still part of me he made me said the one thing I regret saying and that was 'You mad Twi" she then proceeded to blast me with a large magic bolt and How I fell out of Cloudsdale was because my cloud walking spell wore off and I fell through the clouds

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Pinkamena put the tazer back on the work bench. "I didn't answer because I didn't feel you deserved one." She answered. "Now, I have always wondered if alicorn feathers are different from pegasi feathers." She went up to Arachnid and grabbed a hoof-full of his feathers and yanked them out.


When hearing Equinox's reply to her question, she started to giggle.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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