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private Two parts of a cupcake.

Pinkamena Dianne Pie

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Arachnid winced after getting his feathers. "Last question....when are you going to kill Equinox" Arachnid asked as he looked at his wing the at the stuffed corpse of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "Heh you kill two elements of Harmony...you must want Equestria to be destroyed" Arachnid commented



"Its not that funny also thank doc" Equinox said as he got up with his eye patched up. "No pay just go before Red heart gets here" The doc said as Equinox left with a nod

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Pinkamena was comparing feathers when Arachnid asked her that question. She instantly stopped what she was doing and stared at the wall dropping everything that she was holding.


Scootaloo followed behind Equinox when he left the hospital. "You gotta admit, it is kinda funny." She said with a big smile on her face.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Yeah...I guess it is a bit funny" Equinox said snickering a bit. "Come on I hope Pinkamena didn't kill Arachnid yet cause I want payback" Equinox said



"What's wrong...did I hit something that bothers you" Arachnid said as he looked at the ceiling. "Cause you know without Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash the elements won't ever work.

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Pinkamena came back to the world and turned around. "Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's deaths don't bother me. Otherwise, I wouldn't have killed them." She went up and back-hooved Arachnid across his face. "You're lucky I am waiting to kill you."


"See? What did I tell yah?" Scootaloo chuckled as she followed Equinox back to Sugarcube Corner.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Then kill Twilight...kill Applejack....KILL EVERYONE" Arachnid said with a sadistic grin on his face as he laughed. "Kill everyone"


Meanwhile Equinox saw Lyra and remembered what Pinkamena said. "Hmm...let's do her a favor" Equinox said as he walked up to Lyra and knocked her out and placed her in a alley near Sugar Cube Corner. "Now let's see how Pinkie is going"

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Pinkamena grabbed a rag that was used to wipe up blood and shoved it into Arachnid's mouth. "I am getting sick of your voice." She walked back and looked up. She pulled her arm back and punched the wall where the spider was, crushing it.


"Why did we do that to Lyra?" Asked Scootaloo to Equinox.


(I'm lost. What was the Lyra thing about?)


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"I heard Pinkamena said her number was up before Deranged attacked so in order to keep my number from appearing" Equinox said as he looked at Scootaloo. "Plus I have a grudge against her after she made fun of me a million times and she also tried to kill me once...don't ask" Equinox said as he went into sugar cube corner.

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"Ah, ok." Replied Scootaloo. "Who hasn't tried to kill you?" She asked as she walked into Sugarcube Corner behind Equinox. She walked over to the basement door, opened it, and looked down the stairs. "Pinkamena? Are you down there?" Asked Scootaloo from the top of the stairs.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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My OC: Code Junkie

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"Pinkamena...is he dead if not can I tear his eye out".Equinox asked as he had a dagger in his hooves. "Mmmmpf" Arachnid said trying to speak then he spitted out the rag. "Well look who it is its chicken and the one eyed unicorn" Arachnid said as he laughed. "Aw why so serious"

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"I am not a chicken!" Scootaloo exclaimed in anger towards Arachnid.


"Sure. Go right ahead. Do with him whatever you please. You have my permission to use anything that you can find around here." Said Pinkamena as she was happy that sho wouldn't have to listen to Arachnid's voice much longer.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"I WAS WAITING FOR THAT ANSWER MY WHOLE BUCKING LIFE" Equinox yelled as he took a scalpel. "First your eye" Equinox said as he forced Arachnids eye open before he stabbed a cleaver into each of his legs before proceeding to cut his eye out as he smiled at the sound of his yells as he took his eye out and grinned saditicly. "Its funny you try to sound so evil and yet...you are just another trophy" Equinox said as he took out a cleaver and gave it to Scootaloo. "Cut off whatever you want"

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Scootaloo took the cleaver and smiled. She went up to Arachnid and started to hack at the base of his wings. "Who is the chicken now?" She said, cutting off one wing.


It was kinda nice to finally be able to sit back and relax after all that had happened. She was happy that she could just sit back and watch while everyone else did the dirty work. She smiled when Scootaloo had joined in too. 'She's growing up to be a good filly.'


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Arachnid yelled in pain as his wing came clean off and was about to pass out. "No youre not" Equinox said as he gave Arachnid an adrenalin shot. "Now what to cut off next" Equinox said as he took Arachnids horn. "Also this is payback also" Equinox said as he ripped Arachnids horn clean off. "You...you're insane" Arachnid said as he felt his wing get pulled on. "Should I rip this off or cut it....what do you girls think" Equinox askef

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"I have always cut it off with a knife. It would be kinda nice to see what ripping it off would do." Answering Equinox's question as Scootaloo was saying something.


"Rip it off. Rip it off. Rip it off." Chanted Scootaloo as she hopped up and down in a joyous manner, eagerly waiting for Equinox to do it.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Equinox started pulling harder on Arachnids wing. "First when he pulled on it he popped it out of place causing Arachnid to scream in pain causing Equinox to stop and placed the rag back in his mouth. "Shut up you might alert all of Ponyville with your annoying yelling" Equinox said as he continued to rip off the wing

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"Ah yes, dislocation. Such a painful thing. Not sure why I don't use that more often. I think I'm going to now." Said Pinkamena as she sat back and enjoyed watching Equinox tear Arachnid apart, every now and then chuckling. "Hey Scoots, take some mental notes here and learn some way of torture." She said to Scootaloo.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Equinox tore Arachnids wing right off of him and dropped it on the ground. "Hm...what should I do next...tear his fangs out...nah...cut his tongue out with a rusty pair of scissors....maybe but it needs to be prolonged pain..." Equinox said as he took a pair of scissors. "Tongue it is"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"Haven't you done enough cutting already? And the cutting of the toungue is kinda over used." Pinkamena interupted Equinox."I have a better idea." She went and grabbed a rod from the furnace. "Here, use this instead. The tongue is mostly made up of water, so when it is exposed to immense heat, it will start to boil." She finished, handing Equinox the red hot rod.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Really...well thats great to know" Equinox said as he took the rag out but Arachnid kept his mouth closed. "Really are you actually going to be stubborn and make this unnecessarily longer then it has to be" Equinox said as he forced Arachnid mouth open and placed the rod in Arachnids mouth causing him to struggle till he gave up. "You...ponies...are bat shit insane" Arachnid managed to say before that happened.  

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Pinkamena just looked at Arachnid and chuckled. She then started to walk towards the stairs. "You can finish up when you want to. If you are hungry, you are welcome to the kitchen. There is a spare bedroom upstairs if you want some sleep. I'm exhausted and I am going to sleep. Scootaloo, you should get some rest too." She said as she walked up the stairs and through the door. Turning around, she popped her head back in the doorway. "Oh, and before I forget. Your horn is in the workbench drawer." She said with a smile.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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"Thank you Pinkamena" Equinox said as he grabbed his horn. "Hey scootaloo...how does Pinkamena stuff her victims" Equinox Asked as he started cutting Arachnid open. "Cause I want his stuffed" Equinox said as he summoned a cigerette with his horn and lit it.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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"I'n not really sure yet. She hasn't taught me how to do that yet. But what I do know is that the internal organs have to be harvested and the body has to be hung to dry for a couple days. If you want, I can grab you a taxidermy book that Pinkamena gave me to read, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Maybe that's why she hasn't taught me yet." Scootaloo said as she went over to a shelf and pulled out a book and brought it to Equinox. "Here you go. Now, I am going to go to bed. Otherwise, Pinkamena might get upset with me. Goodnight." She said as she went up and gave Equinox a hug and went upstairs.


Pinkamena was entering her room when she noticed herself in the mirror. She noticed something different. Instead of her usual scowl, she was genuinely smiling. She went over to her bed and got under the covers. She snuggled her pillows and drifted off to sleep.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Equinox read the book as he smiled. "This book is very detailed" Equinox said as he looked at Arachnid. "Sad if only you stayed quiet and done nothing you would have lived longer" Equinox said as he tapped the as of his cig. "But you tried to kidnap Scootaloo so we had to hunt you down and kill you" Equinox added

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Scootaloo headed up the stairs to get to her room. She went up to Pinkamena's door and opened it slowly. She was about to say goodnight, but Pinkamena was already fast asleep. She slowly closed the door and headed to her room. As she walked into her room, she hopped up and flopped onto her bed. Even though she had been kidnapped, she had a good day. She was happy Pinkamena was safe, and she was glad she met Equinox. She fell instantly asleep as the fatigue had finally caught up to her.


Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

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Equinox took out Arachnids organs and placed them where they are supposed to go he then hung his body so he would continue tomorrow. "He cleaned himself up and headed to Twilights house and knocked. "Coming" Twilight yelled as she opened the door and saw Equinox. "Come in the house and I will fix it" Twilight said. Few hours later Equinox left and headed back to Sugar Cube Corner and headed to the spare bedroom

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