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planning The Alicorn Princess Chronicals


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I want to have a RP about Alicorn Princesses who talk about the possible origins of Alicorns (Maybe even some Alicorn princes too as far as to throw even more mystery and discussion!). Anyway my Character's name is Princess LoveBright img-1826141-1-profile_picture_by_aandm_a

I also have a form for people to copy and past for intros. No limit on member but characters should only be Alicorn Royalty of some kind. 




"Name: LoveBright

Prince or Princess: Princess

Where they're from: Shetzerland(Switzerland)

Their Alicorn origin(Or their theory of it): Alicorns came from when a King Pegasus Married a Lovely Unicorn they had a Beautiful Baby that was a new pony altogether, an Alicorn. Thus why Alicorns are often related to royalty. I also think that a powerful wizard pony who worked for the King Pegasus and Queen Unicorn, came up with a super hard spell that if a pony proved itself worthy enough, it could alter their form forever into an Alicorn and thus became royalty out of their deed.






Prince or Princess:

Where they're from:

Their Alicorn origin(Or their theory of it):




Website for a great Pony creator : http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/Pony-Creator-Full-Version-254295904




EDIT: The Official Role Play can be found here; http://mlpforums.com...ess-chronicals/

Edited by AlicornPrincess



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I'm on phone so pony generator won't work but my alicorn is here

Name: Arachnid sin
Prince or Princess:Prince
Where are they from:Germaney(Germany)
Alicorn origin:Aravhnid was born but ran away from his home he was then found by a giant spider that took him as its own. Since then he had always been able to talk to spiders and scared some people cause of it. He realized his parents were never alicorns but just a pegasus and a unicorn.
Image:White coat color with a white and black mane. His eyes have a spider web pattern with a black background showing the web. His wing are tipped with black and his horn is odd like a changeling horn.








Edited by DragonSlayer Ornstei

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Name: Rainbow lightning
Prince or Princess:Prince
Where are they from: Foalada (pony version of Florida)
Alicorn origin: Rainbow lightning's Parents were a unicorn ( father ) and a pegasus (mother). When Rainbow lightning was only 7 he witnessed the changlings murdering his parents fro the saftey of a clothes basket his parents stuffed him in before the attack. He grew up  In a time when an alicorn was a huge deal because it was so rare but he did not like people wishing they were him or saying stuff like "man your lucky". He had very few friends being as most people only wanted to be his freind so they could be on the level of an alicorn. When his past came back to haunt him at the age of 12 when the changelings attacked his school he stood up for his friends and defeated the vile creatures. thus earning him his cutie mark a shield with wings for how he is protective.





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Do you have any age limits for characters?  I would like to join with an "ancient Egyptian" Alicorn.  She (probably "she") would be a former ruler, since ancient Kemare't ("Kemet" + "mare" = "Kemare't") is apparently in ruins, as shown in the novelized adventures of Derring Do (the Indiana Jones mare in the book RD read in the hospital).  But, Alicorns are immortal, so s/he could still be around.

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OK. This RP will take place 2000 years after the canon. Equestria as we know it has be demolished. Only Alicorns are left in the world as they are considered immortal and can't die. At this point in time, no one knows why only Alicorns are left and why all the other races of ponies are extinct. All they know is that there are far fewer ponies in the world than there once were in the sole surviving book, a Book of records dating back 2000 years (The "in Canon" era). They have no idea what happened to make the number of ponies drop so drastically nor what the other species are, they just know this one book told about things that they wish they knew. 


Princess LoveBright has sent out invitation the world over to come to one central location (Canterlot) to talk to the oldest and wisest one around, Princess Celestia. To find out what exactly happened. Only the Alicorns in the present Canon know what really happened. (Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Twilight Sparkle.)








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thatis actually pretty good story to  on. I like it now how is it going to start exactly because you are going to have to make the thread and you will have to make the starter post

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Our story begins with Princess LoveBright packing her bags t head on over to the meeting spot in former Ponyville, The Old Carousal Boutique which has been laying open with broken widows everywhere, various sewing notions scattered, tattered, and dusty. An old rusty sewing machine sat in a dark corner of the room. Princess LoveBright had found an old picture with the boutique in the background and thought it was an important place for Royalty. It was very different from the old photo but LoveBright knew it was due to years of not having anypony in it for a while. Let me describe Present day Ponyville; The grass was so thick and overgrown that LoveBright had trouble finding a clearing to land in. When she finally found a place near a river, all she saw as she walked around town looking for the old boutique was overgrown plant life, old dusty and broken building with faded colors and rusty garden decorations. I was the perfect example of ghost-town. She was just lucky enough to be able to somewhat recognize the boutique when she first saw it. She triple checked her photo to make sure though. All she could do was to wait a week at the boutique hoping more princesses and Princes join her. In the mean time she decided to just clean up the dusty place while she could.

(Now anypony can jump in whenever and where ever and start RPing.)



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--Ankh Taui Temple--


Merywset was deep in meditation when she felt, and heard, a burst of magic nearby.  She opened her eyes to see a small scroll appearing in a puff of green smoke.  A message?  For me?  Who would even know of me...or want to send it? she thought as she used her telekinesis to bring it over and unroll it.  Its contents shocked her to the core.  The ponies...gone?!  Of course Merywset knew that all that blossoms fades, dies, and germinates anew.  The treasure rooms of her mind held memories of three thousand years' worth of dear friends and loved ones she had seen lain in their Houses of Eternity.  Then the time had come...when the ponies did not truly need, or even hardly remember her anymore.  She had left them to their own devices then, sometimes coming out in disguise to watch them going about their lives, so brief yet so rich in joys and sorrows.  So yes, Merywset knew far better than most, that Anpw, the Guide of the Dead came for everypony. 


But ponykind itself?  That...she had not expected, not for hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of years.  The ponies had achieved peace amongst themselves, learned to live in harmony with their environment, and they had new Alicorn protectors to insure the Ma'at of the Realm.  Merywset read the message again, then cast a translation spell and read it yet again.  It still said...that an unknown calamity had come...that the new (from her perspective) Princesses had failed to save ponykind.  That they had not even sent out this call until it was apparently too late.  And worst of all...that Merywset herself had not sensed the calamity, had not emerged from her refuge the one time she had been needed in the long millennia since the end of ancient Kemare't...she had not done what was in accord with Ma'at...that she had failed them.  Tears fell on the parchment as her sobs echoed through the towering colonnades and empty halls of Ankh Taui Temple.




"It has been a long time, old friend," Merywset whispered to the sleek golden boat that sat on its rests in the Holy of Holies.  As with many other relics of her time as Princess of the Two Lands, she had used her magic to preserve the ancient ark.  She placed her supplies inside, then walked up the gangplank herself.  She wore her blue War Crown, gilded scale-mail armor, and twin khepesh scimitars strapped to her sides.  It had been such a very long time since Merywset had gone to war.  There were no winged ones to pull her battle chariot now, a thought which stabbed her with sadness.  Perhaps then, the Symbolism would be more appropriate, that she should fight this battle from her Royal Barque.  This was the vessel used to sail up to the Fourth Cataract and call forth the life-giving annual floods of Hapi, the eternal River.  This was the vessel she used for the Sun Ceremony on the dawn of the winter solstice, to Symbolically invoke the return of light and life as the tide of winter reached its peak and began to recede.  It represented both the Sun as it crossed the sky, and the spiritual conveyance that carried the transfigured spirits of the deceased to the Duat, the land of ever summer.  If there were any ponies left to save, it would be from this ark that she would save them, or perish herself in the attempt. 


Perhaps, if the Symbolism held, a new germination of Life would begin, in this very moment.


Merywset lit her horn, and the boat began to glow softly with the pink and orange light of a new sunrise.  The shadowed sanctum filled with light, glinting from its gilded walls, carved with elaborate scenes and hieroglyphs.  With a faint creak, the boat lifted from its rests.  Then, the doors of the inner sanctum swung open and the Royal Barque floated out, bringing light to the Chamber of Offering.  Past golden altars and lampstands and incense burners she flew, saying incantations that had not been spoken in four thousand years.  The doors of the Chamber opened in their turn, and her rays, growing brighter, fell on the massive columns of the Hypostyle Hall.  These columns, topped with lotus flowers to her right, papyrus blossoms on her left, represented the primordial marsh at the beginning of Creation.  From their she entered into the first courtyard, then passed the first pylon, and the second, and the third, re-enacting the ancient Kemare'ti story of Creation; ceremonially and Symbolically acting to restore, regenerate, and protect the vigor of the natural world.  Passing through the final pylon gate, Merywset lifted her ark high into the sky, then sped off toward her new destination.


As she flew, her heartbreak was tempered by the thrill of being able to use her magic to the fullest for the first time in so long.  Like stretching one's legs for a run after a long, long sleep.  Yet, one ruined pony town or city after another continued to remind her that this was no happy journey.  Another there.  Small, and quaint, charming even in decay.  Merywset brought her ark down for a closer look, hoping against hope...



There!  A glimpse of a bright pink equine form entering a ruined building.  The pony had to see her sunbeams now as she drew closer.  "Be not afraid, my little pony," she said as gently as her resonant Royal Voice would allow.  "I am Neferu-Merywset, Princess of Kemare't, Daughter of the Sun, Protectress of the Two Lands," she intoned.  "I am here to protect you from this calamity.  It is...my great sorrow that I did not know of it in time...to come to your aid before."

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Arachnid walked around ponyville and stopped as a spider jumped on him. "Really...no other ponies around anymore....what...so there are two alicorns up ahead...both princesses...Neferu and Lovebright!...guess I should meet them" Arachnid said as he placed the spider down and continued forward and saw the two alicorns. "Hello to both of you my name is Arachnid Sin and I am terribly sorry about pony ville I have been keeping to myself" Arachnid said in a calm voice as a spider jumped on his wing that he held out.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Princess LoveBright being a fairly new Princess was shocked that there were actually other Alicorns who showed up! "My fellow Alicorn Royalty! I am a fairly new Princess as my Parents are still the rulers of the land of Shetzerland and I came to ask if anypony knew what the odd looking ponies are in this old photo I have found?" She held up an old photo of the Mane six in front of Rarity's boutique. Only one was an Alicorn, but she had no idea what the others were. "I am curious to what there creatures are and to what have befallen them. Does anypony know?"

Edited by AlicornPrincess



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Please make your actual roleplay thread in this forum.


This OOC thread is for your other discussion, recruitment, and random chit-chat, but in-character role-playing needs its own thread. Thanks! :)


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I guess I'll throw in my Alicorn Prince Thunder Dash. In my stories, he's the newest Element of Harmony, The Element of Courage. 


Name: Thunder Dash

Prince/Princess: Prince

Where he's from: Cloudsdale

Alicorn Origin: The way he became an Alicorn, was during the war with an archenemy of Celestia's, Saura, who once was a Royal Guard until that one day came when he wanted to be like Princess Celestia. Therefore, he tried to raise the sun himself before the Princess awoke, but was caught. He was banished to the Everfree Forest where he gathered an army and sought revenge. When he returned, Thunder Dash was ready to face him. Just as Thunder Dash thought he had defeated him, Saura's spirit still lurked around, and returned in the form of a giant meteor, threatening to destroy all of Equestria. From there, Saura would revive himself and make an empire of his own filled with hate and chaos. The Elements of Harmony couldn't destroy the meteor. Thunder Dash was filled with self-doubt. There was no other choice but to sacrifice himself for everypony. When he did, he was taken to an unknown realm, where Princess Celestia met with him. On that day, he was crowned The Prince of Courage and the newest Element of Harmony.


Picture: post-8804-0-22359600-1379291581_thumb.png

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