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open A Simple Walk at Night


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Night Flower trotted as quietly as she could through the night; quickly trying to analyze each and every flower in the field. There were so many that were uncharted and could hold so much potential, but the daunting task was exhausting. 

     Finally, when she finished a section of the field, she lay down to rest for a minute. She began to miss the interaction with the other night ponies. Everyone here was awake and alive during the day and went to bed as soon as Luna brought the moon to the sky. Night Flower turned over on her back to look up at the brilliant night sky. The pegasi had cleared the skies before they returned to their fluffy mattresses and the stars twinkled with brilliancy.

     "Oh, Luna, my ever quiet friend, will I ever have the opportunity to meet another night pony here?"

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(OOC: I'll join with my OC Night Flare. He's a night alicorn. Here's his bio: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/night-flare-r2923 http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/night-flare-flame-stage-r2924)


Night Flare was walking though the night until he stumbled upon a unicorn. "Hey, want some company?" Night Flare asked. He had been roaming the night like he usually does. As a night Alicorn, he even thought about working for Luna, who also had royal guards. 

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"Yes, that would be nice." Night Flower sat up and smiled at the alicorn approaching her. It was odd, but pleasant, to see someone else who was up at this hour. Maybe Luna had heard her after all. "I'm Night Flower. I'm out here documenting the flowers that only come out at night. They could hold potential and nopony else knows about them because they're all asleep. What are you doing out here?"

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@@NightFlower,(I hope you don't mind if I join with Night Lights and Night Dart. Page for Lights coming soon.)@,


Night Lights was, ironically, sick of being holed up in her room, despite the fact that it had been her choice in the first place. She opened the window and quietly climbed through it. Had anypony seen her, they would've been confused, as she was a unicorn. Problem was, she only really knew Dark and Light spells... She wasn't good with any other kind of spell, to be unfortunately honest.

Still, she made it out without a sound, and trotted off in a random direction. 


((Dart post some other time.))

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"I'm actually a night Alicorn, so I sleep in the day, and roam by night. I might sometimes stay up all night, for I don't sleep that much. It's just the way I am." Night Flare explained as he made his horn glow a maroon aura so he could see a litte better. "I'm even thinking about joining Luna's guards." He added. 

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After some time, Night Lights found herself at the edge of the field. It looked like a nice spot to practice magic, except.... there were two ponies conversing. 

"I'll leave them be, besides, I don't like talking to ponies. But... it's odd. Most ponies aren't up at this time... Maybe i'll just inquire about that before i take my leave..." She mumbled, and trotted up to them.

"Er, hello. I see you two are up quite late. It's really none of my business... But may I ask why?" she asked, her Canterlot upbringing affecting her speech greatly. She didn't sound snobby, but she seemed much more refined than she truly was. it conflicted with her short, messy hair.

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Night Flower looked up to see a pretty mare trotting towards them. She looked really shy and out of place.

"Hi, there," Night Flower said with a smile. "It seems I was wrong about there being no night ponies around here. Night Flare just introduced himself to me. I'm Night Flower. What's your name?" Looking at the sky, Night Flower decided she had done enough documenting today and relaxed. It was so nice to talk to someponyelse besides herself and the ever-silent Luna

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Night Lights smiled awkwardly. It had been quite a long tie since she had spoken to anypony except for her family.

"I'm Night Lights. Odd how our names all start with 'Night'. Hm. Anyhow, if you don't mind me asking, what are your talents? My talent, for instance, is working with Light and Dark magic and I got my cutie mark when I found a way for Light and Dark magic to work together peacefully, as Light and Dark usually don't cooperate with one another."
She realized she was rambling, and pushed some of her messy bangs from her eyes, only to have the blue forelocks fall back into place, partially covering her pale yellow eyes. 

"I apologize. I don't remember ever being one to go off on a tangent."

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@@Mint Drop,


"Heh, you got that right!" Night Flare as his necklace around his neck started to glow a faint maroon red. It then started to glow brighter and brighter. "And there's also something else. See how my necklace is glowing? That means...something amazing is about to happen to me." Night Flare said with a smile.  

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"That is so cool!" Night Flower said looking at Night Flare's neck. "I wonder what will happen; do you have any idea or is it like a Pinkie Pie sense? And my talent is to document and collect flowers to see what sort of use they could provide for the pony world. However, I only do this at night because noponyelse does that. It's so much fun..." Night Flower blushed under her purple coat and thanked the stars no one could see it. 

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"Brace yourself for this one!" Night Flare said as he made his horn glow. A bright maroon red fire surrounded Night Flare. The fire then disappeared as Night Flare was revealed in his Flame Stage. His ears were fiery and he was glowing a maroon red. He also had bat's wings instead of normal pegasus wings. "Now this...is my flame stage." In this form..." Night Flare said as he got up on his hind legs, gathered energy in the form of fire and hurled a fireball in the air. "...is my flame stage." Nigh Flare proclaimed. 


(OOC: In case you don't remember, here's Night Flare's Flame Stage: night_flare__flame_stage__by_pikachu25sc

)  @@NightFlower,

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@Thuder-Dash @Mint Drop

"Oh my gosh!" Night Flower jumped as Night Flare release a giant ball of fire into the sky. She could feel the heat coming off his flank and wondered where such a pony had come from. Night Flower tentatively walked around Night Flare, taking the scene in. There were so many question rushing through her mind, she could hardly process them all. Night Flare seemed to be extremely happy with himself and she wasn't too sure what Night Lights thought of him. She seemed like such a shy pony and Night Flower wondered if the massive fireball had scared her. Finally, Night Flower couldn't contain herself.

"Oh my gosh! What kind of pony are you? Do you know how it works? Can you control it? When was the first time it happend?!" She had to slow down and take a breath. So many questions; they were making her dizzy. She had to find out the history of this mysterious creature. "And Night Lights, are you okay?"

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  • 2 weeks later...



 (OOC: So sorry for the late reply)


"Well, you see, I was orphaned and left here in the Everfree Forest. I was actually born as an Alicorn. I never knew my parents. I was just roaming around the forest until I stumbled upon this ancient shrine. I saw the necklace sitting on the shrine. When I walked up to it, it started to glow. When I went for it, it somehow binded itself to my neck. It seemed like it had a mind of it's own, or maybe, I was radiating out some mysterious energy. Anyway, after that incident I continued to wander through the forest until I stumbled into Ponyville. I had noticed a small unicorn being bullied by two larger unicorns. Something snapped in me, like an uncontrollable anger. I stepped forward to defend a little unicorn with my necklace glowing brightly. Then...it happened. I transformed into my flame stage for the first time. Yet, I couldn't control it. The Royal Guards had to be called, but I was able to get myself together just in the nick of time before Celestia herself was called. I would've been in big trouble if she came." Night Flare explained 

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(This seems like a funny way to introduce Night Dart, so he'll show up in a moment)

Night Lights yelped and backpedaled in surprise as the stallion changed form and suddenly shot a fireball into the air. In her panic, her legs were uncoordinated with each other, and she landed on her flank with a soft whump. It was so powerful, she could feel the heat coming off it. Only after Night Flare finished his story did she register that Night Flower had spoken to her.
Standing up on shaky legs, she walked back over to them.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay, i-it just spooked me..." she stumbled, ashamed for having such an extreme reaction. She dealt with powerful Light and Dark Magic on a nightly basis, and it could kill her just as easily as a fireball if she wasn't careful, so why had she gotten so panicked?

Night Dart was very bored. There was nothing to do. He was off his shift at work, surprisingly, and he knew no other night ponies. 

Makes sense, I suppose, he mused silently. Ponies can't see in the dark like I can.
Still, he wished for some company.

Well, it's a nice night, and I think I've seen a field once or twice when I was on my way to work... Maybe I'll go rest there for a bit and try to think of something to do... 
Reaching a decision, he took off into the air.
He didn't notice when he flew over the field he was looking for, as he was looking elsewhere. Suddenly, he felt intense heat underneath him, looked down, and flailed in the air, trying to get out of the way of the ball of fire he saw shooting up at him. He got mostly away, if not a few singed feathers.
"What the..." He mumbled, looking for the source. Only now did he notice the three ponies standing in the field.

Cautious in case of more fireballs, Dart slowly made his way down and alighted on the ground not far from them He trotted up to them and cleared his throat.
"Er, hello... What are you all doing up at a time like this?" he asked.

Night Lights stepped back a bit as the newcomer spoke to them.
Great, more ponies... two is more than enough...

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@@Mint Drop,


"It's just me." Night Flare said revealing himself with his batwings, flaming ears and dark maroon coat. "I'm Night Flare, an Alicorn who once in this stage, can wield fire." Night Flare said gathering energy and hurling a fireball straight into the air. "And who are you?" Night Flare asked.  

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"An alicorn, huh... Last alicorn I saw was Princess Cadence some years ago..." Night Dart mused.

"I'm Night Dart. I was cursed a few years ago I can see in the dark but not in the light, and something else happened that... that I'd rather not share. All you need to know is that there won't be a repeat..."
He didn't know why he was sharing this, but it didn't matter. They would probably ask about his weird eyes sometime anyway.
Dart turned to the two mares.
"So, who are you two?" he asked, mostly looking at the one wit the wavy, long mane. She was quite beautiful.

Night Lights pawed the ground awkwardly. "Night Lights," she mumbled.

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