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The Rhyming Game


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intimidation is a danger,and the poet kills

i hope that you can see its just a game
so just release rhymes to your hearts content
big tales are not the only way to fame
smaller ones won't be greeted with contempt

with these few lines i'll leave you now to ponder :
"why did this fellow even bothered,i wonder"

Edited by Lord Valtasar
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I guess some look at rhyming fonder.

Some of us just like to rhyme
and while we could do it all the time,
there are those that would rather sit
and read the words that we have writ.

Take heart, my friend, for as you see,
while rhyming is fun for you and me,
others may not wish to try
to create a rhyme on the fly.
To them, I say just take your time
and soon you'll have a wonderful rhyme
that you can post, and when you do,
rest assured we will welcome you.

Anyone else want to give this a try?

  • Brohoof 1
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My emotion is so strong I could cry...


For the reassurance, I present warm thanks;

'Tis true I usually rhyme for fun, but

Sometimes I just get tired of drawing blanks

And it gives me mean pains in the gut.


Thankfully, when I look at the work I've finished,

Excitement and pride swell within my chest;

Then I think: "all that effort has the world embellished,

Even if mine is not necessarily the best."


So let's keep this train going; who's with me?

  • Brohoof 2

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I'm still here, so let the rhymes flow free!

Planning a rhyme is not my style,
all I really do is write them down.
I'll form it in my head for a while
and won't write it if it makes me frown.

One should never really force
the rhymes. They should flow nice
and free, but your style is your own, of course,
and mins is that one can simply splice
these lines of prose in order to make
a sentence from which one could easily take
some advice about making a rhyme.
It's not too hard, I do it a lot of the time.

Anyone else?  Let's see what you've got.


  • Brohoof 1
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i was away,and this game quite forgot
to compensate a story i'll start again
it may not be my best but judge me not
as always there's a  moral for the gain

A zebra named Zecora lived in forest deep
she loved to talk in rhymes,bit more than most
but for some herbs when to town made a trip
lt was deserted,nopony shops to host
she went back to her tree her face to sweep
when a young filly who was surely lost
came in determined her cool to keep
to cure from jokes her friends she asked,at any cost
who entered some time later with a leap
she just stood there,frozen like a post
acusing her of being a vicious creep
and in this way insulting her,their host

after she told them everything they seemed so sorry
that they did not examine the whole story
so now that this missunderstanding's over

they all learned not to judge books by their cover


Edited by Lord Valtasar
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Just as I did when I met my current lover;


His forum username and posts just seemed

Like your average yoshi and gaming fanatic;

When I helped him cope, I'd never dreamed

I was entering a relationship that would stick.


Also, that 12-verse story gets my respect;

Maintaining the same two rhymes for so long

Is not a feat I often see nor expect,

So your sense of poetry is obviously strong.


Hope I achieve something as impressive as that one day.

  • Brohoof 1

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I'm sure you can, for you know what they say:

"Practice and patience score the prize
that sits directly before your eyes."
I wish I had more that I could say
but it seems my emotions are in the way
and are clouding up my troubled mind.
So, if these rhymes seem bad, please be kind
and remember that I'm not all that well
right now, so I'll go for a spell
and let these bad emotions burn
themselves out, and be better upon my return.

I wish you all a pleasant day.

  • Brohoof 1
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edit: @Dawnchaser
let me in turn invite you here to play
as you can see,for better or for worse
the rules are very loose you will agree i pray
you can depart at any time of course

emotions shouldn't turn your prose to clay 
for in most poems they're the driving force
i understand though that your motives may delay
since who has energy to rhyme when in remorse?

and if your problems start by being alone
allow me to put in a cheerful tone
your pinkie pie may spot you from a mile

and try to light your face up with a smile

Edited by Lord Valtasar
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Hope that person soon joins this funpile!

I would post more too, if not for lack of sleep.

Edited by Feather Spiral

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Rest well, then, my friend, for good health you must keep.

I am doing better, though this past week
has left me feeling emotionally weak
and while I am recovering, I am not at the peak
of my rhyming game, so let me tweak
my words in case of a tiny leak
of angsty words which I care not to speak.

I'm struggling to come up with another line
so I will say I hope you all are doing fine
and, perhaps, when next I choose to rhyme
my words reflect a happier time.

@Lord Valtasar, I also hope your friend @Dawnchaser joins in.

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No worry, having such thoughts is not a sin.

Should you ever need an understanding ear,
Know that I would not refuse such assistance;
While I have friends and a lover I hold dear,
And problems of mine which have persistence;
I don't mind you sharing things for me to hear,
No matter how wide between us is the distance.

Eyyyy, I figured out how to skip only one line!

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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It's as I thought, you're doing fine!

The heat is enough to broil one's mind,
and getting hotter day by day.
I hope Mother Nature will soon be kind
and take this excessive heat away
because doing things is quite a chore
in this heat, even things like sleep.
I hear there might be rain in store
for us next week, and so I keep
my spirits high and my body cool
although the heat makes it rather tough.
Much too hot to go to the pool
or the lake, so I say, "Enough!"
and wait for the temperature to drop back down
to a level easier to take,
But, until then, I wear a frown
as my mind and body continue to bake.

Enough ranting, I hope things are well with you.

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i'm glad to say that all is well since through
my city clouds passed with good rain
seems pegasi finally took pity,i hope there too
or else i'd feel like teasing wounds,cause pain

and since i talked of pegasi already
i feel my story somehow should connect
there was once one that couldn't fly,not steady
to the doctor she went the problem to detect
he said her wings were just too small,not ready
she'd never fly like others, if he was correct
but giving up was not her way,as if she's heady
she kept on trying always ending wrecked

the story isn't over yet,so will she fly?
the moral is in fighting for your dreams
it's not about the answer and results,so don't ask why

i'm giving you unfinished tales and themes

  • Brohoof 1
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About not giving up, or so it seems.

Usually, I cannot stay
and take the time to sit and play
these forum games, but for today
since I'm not at work, I guess it's okay.

Staying the course, and being true
to one's own dreams, is what I see
in all these little tales from you.
For this is the way that we all should be.
Being clear of vision, sound of mind,
and dedicated to seeing through
our goals is quite enough to bind
our dreams to us to make them true.
For going through life we are bound to fall,
and it seems our dreams are out of reach.
But, better to fail than not try at all
is the moral that these tales hope to teach.
For in failure we can see the way
to avoid mistakes that cause delay,
and in doing so, we can only say,
"I knew I would succeed this day."

Sorry, it's the best I could do in such short time.

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"Sorry"? after typing all of that on a dime?

I miss the old days when I had the will
To write entire chapters in one sitting;
I know the potential is within me still,
But when I try, it can feel like I'm splitting.
I would like to tap into all of that skill
And continue my projects still waiting;
I just wanna go ahead, I've had my fill
After many years of tired self-debating.
I only need a prompt, so here's the drill:
Word of my commissions needs spreading.
I know it won't contribute to any bill,
But it can help to get my gloom shedding.

Link's in my sig, if you missed - if you don't mind~

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I will spread the word, and hope others will be as kind.

I look at my words from days gone past
and now I cannot help but see
that, perhaps, I am a bit outclassed
by the poets and writers surrounding me.
My rhymes are really simplistic things
and, while I am please with what I wrote,
there's not one verse that truly sings
of greatness.  No, not a single note
does ring out from these lines of prose.
"But what of story writing?" you may ask.
Perhaps you should see some of those
for yourself.  As for my current task,
I am working on a tale, 'tis true,
and my challenge now is not to make
the lead into a Gary Stu,
which I fear would be the current take.
So, now I must endeavour to
correct this innocent mistake,
and add backstory to the writing stew,
for the fate of the story is what's at stake.
I shall not quit, I shall not rest
until I feel the story is at its best.
Hopefully, it will pass the test
and my character can continue on his quest.
I apologize if I seem a pest,
I think now I will get some rest.

My username is the same on Fimfiction; read my stories there.

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I've read your chapter and i was aware

That when writing it you took great care

I think that its a great one. But beware

For with the ancient tongue some you may scare


As for your Sig Ser feather Spiral at the moment

I can not check it since i'm from my phone

But i'll make sure tomorrow to see and coment

When i'm on my computer and have time i own


And since our work to share seems the theme

Maybe I can allow myself to show off

But not my novel yet.instead i deem

That i should share a drawing i am proud of


To go with it i also wrote some verses

A prophecy Daring Do finds while there she immerses

We are immortal, or so we think

but our race faces certain doom
a wizard with great promise we'll make king
and crown him in this very room

but for his arrogance we will all sink
to endless time's depths in a loop
and he'll imprison us and horrors bring
for his intentions differ from what they look

this fate shivers up my mane
for its much worse than timely death
we'll suffer in this cycle anew again
and never draw our final breath


so hear me now and listen well
for we must put trust in two foals
sent them away far from this hell
and hope they don't forget their goals

one will be born under sun's sign
and will inherit all its power
the other is her sister and don't sigh
for the moon she will raise and lower

their quest will be to find the six spoked star
and raise it delicately with care
for she's the one to heal time's own scar
doing so freeing every colt and mare


to know her look for the birth of a dragon
under a rainbow blazing in the sky
a unicorn she'll be and i can not fathom
how she'll achieve it so i won't even try

the star that gleams is her adversary
but she will teach her in time's ways
in finding friends she needs some comentary
and a student thus she gains

but on her own she'll never find us
so she must find the sacred tree
to gain the map to where he binds us
and come to finaly set us free


It's my first poem. So please don't mind

The rhyming a bit awkward if you find

instead of cringing. Try to be kind


And let now your own stories to unwind

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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for my absence, I've been slowly losing my mind.

Your drawing is wonderful, as is your rhyme,
and it makes me wonder where you find the time
to compose such works, for you see,
free time has been eluding me.

Poems to write and stories to tell
are two things that I must do well,
but when I rush, the words don't gel
into a state that will make you dwell
and read a while, so it seems I fell
off the face of the earth, or was locked in a cell,
or faced some other type of personal hell.

So, as you see, I'm stil around,
and trying to stay on solid ground
and find time to write words that will astound,
or, at the very least, make a pleasing sound
when read aloud.  So, I'm glad I found
a few minutes so I can pound
upon the keyboard, and end this round
of rhymes, and leave my muse unbound
by deadlines or time, instead of drowned
under responsibilities that still confound.

The night goes fast,, my time is short,
so this is over, I am sad to report
until next I appear, whenever that will be,
so I send good wishes to you from me.

I hope that this wasn't too horrid to read.

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Time is the one thing i don't need

since recently i lost my job
thus my whole schedule has been freed
and for that loss i will not sob
for it was not that great indeed

let us now move to happier tunes
with a story of happy pony toons
Once was a magician wandering
where to next,she started wondering
when she found a little town on the map sketched
and to head there she decided and she stretched
before puting on the saddle her home to tow
to begin the journey of her traveling show
in ponyville she'd make her first appearence
hoping there will not be some interference
her name she will make known both far and wide
what could go wrong, when magic's at her side?
she'll make it to the top soon at this rate
and they will call her Powerful and Great

and though they say you should aim for the top
the rest you know already, so here i'll stop


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  • 4 weeks later...

It can be real painful when you drop;

Especially since it sounded like
She was quite successful for a while;
As a BMX rider does tricks on a bike,
Only to trip on a pebble, losing style.

Though she took the path of vengeance,
Using powers beyond her control for it,
I'm glad she then decided to take penance;
And against Bugqueen, her tricks were a hit.

Now, allow me to commend a Glimmering mare
Who, due to cutiemarks, lost a childhood friend;
So she erased them on others, leaving flanks bare,
Telling the ponies they'd be happier with that trend.

While I have disapproval for her manipulation,
I understand her fear of living forever alone;
I think she deserves proper appreciation
For accepting friendship and letting herself atone.

Good ponies... ruined by fate, saved through friendship.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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to have a friend is the best form of kinship
and must be valued even more than kingship

as strong as family, but this one you select
so you can search for one your interests to reflect
and once you find them or indeed be found
it is salvation in ways most profound
and thus Trixie, the Great and powerful
for Starlight she will be forever greatful
she was the one her true self to uncover
not like the others judge her by the cover
and though their friendship many times was tested
they may for one another all the time protested
be it at home or very far away
to fix it they will always find a way
for it's roots are deep and strong

the road to real friendship's steep and long

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  • 1 month later...

Sparing time for self-care is like blowing a gong;

I can do it, but it fails to achieve its purpose
Of making me ready to face life's difficulties.
Adult life is quicker to leave me a sourpuss,
Despite all the consideration for my faculties.

Many of you probably know this old song.

I wish there were some way for introverts
To refill batteries without feeling pointless;
Because thinking of time wasted hurts,
Yet when I wish to tell others, I'm voiceless.

I hope for this to someday become wrong.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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they say what doesn't kill us makes us strong

i can see you're having quite the situation
in life we all sometimes need some vacation
be it from work or even everyday routine
we wish we could once more be seventeen
for good or worse time only goes one way
we must look forward, put the past away
for time is death but it is also healing
we can but play the hand that life is dealing

and as an introver myself, this i can tell
find a creative way your thoughts to speak
some form of art or craft, no need to yell
but in the end each person's way is unique

so it is up to you to find your own

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Your advice has been heeded, with it I have grown :proud:

I saw the word rhyme but I did not expect
Such reflective thoughts communicated through text.
Without knowing better one surely could see
How posts in this thread read just like poetry.
With that being said, the words out of my head,
This post is concluding, good luck to the next.

An imperfect rhyme I bestow upon future poster below me


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