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open Setting the bow in the clouds

Luna Lights

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This rp is about a pony who is trying to find her way. Anyone can join. you can use you OC names. My OC name is Luna lights nickname is Luna.



" oooowwwwwww" she screams, as she falls ever so gracefully down a steep hill. Luna Lights mane is a deep midnight blue and her coat a glistening white now brown and dirty from falling. This was her first day ever seeing what the forest looked like. She had been stuck up in Cloudsdale her whole life. Her parents were embassadors they traveled between the kingdoms to keep peace and then report back to the princess. Her life was a confusing mess. So while her parents were away in the Crystal Empire she left. As she wonders through the forest it gets darker with every move she makes.The skyline was setting to an intense wave of oranges, yellows, and pinks. Wondering tired, hungry, scared she continues.now floating she she can stop walking and to be told there are wolves that dont give up with out a fight. Now dark she finds the small lantern her grandmother gave her to light the way.Hearing a faint noise she speeds up her pace running as fast as she can she stumbles into someone. A pony she sees  now she has made it to Ponyville.


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"Awwww, yeah," Thunder Bolt said to himself, spotting a nice, plump thunderhead below.  He dove like a falcon, pumping his wings for still more speed.  He plunged down at it, wings howling like a dive-bomber.  At the last second, he spun in the air, hitting the cloud with his back hooves.  He smashed through the center, turning the remnant of the cloud into a roiling smoke-ring.  The lightning it held crackled beneath him.  "Booyah!" he cried with delight, riding the crackling bolt into a high, sweeping carve.  He looped down onto another cloud, glancing off of it into a high 360, following up with an off-axis spin before landing on the next thermal and diving down into a steep descent.  He carved in tight S-curves, increasing speed until he started trailing a glowing gold-and-white streak.  Finally, he pulled up just before hitting Ponyville's town square, landing on his hooves with a thunderclap and an electric flash.


"BAM!  Thunder Bolt is in the h--"


Somepony thudded into him, knocking him flat.  Scrambling to his hooves, Thunder Bolt shook his head to clear the derpy-eyes, then turned to see who'd hit him.  It was a little pegasus* whose white coat was smeared with mud and bits of gravel, more mud, and twigs tangled in her mane.


"Whoa!  You OK there, little Moon?  I totally didn't see ya comin'.  Sorry for...uh..you know...landing in your runway..." 



[OOC: *I'm assuming Luna Lights is a pegasus since she's from Cloudsdale.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.]

Edited by --Thunder Bolt--
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(yes she us a pegasus)

Stumbling, she looks back up. " a pony" she said loudly " Im here" she screamed.  The pony gave her a strange look. She didn't care. Strolling through the town. Finally I made it to Ponyville she was so proud of herself. Now she was going to find a patch of grass to camp out in. Tomarrow she was going to try and catch a train to Canterlot. She wanted to she wanted to show the princess what she had. Finding a patch of grass she pulled out a tent from her side bag. Setting up the tent she her a couple of noises,but nothing terrifying enough to make her look. Going into the tent she pulls out a sleeping bag, a pillow, the lantern, and an old book. She began to write. She found the sound of pen strokes soothing. It was pitch black outside she was scared, but she know how to fight if anything came her way. She was thirsty bringing  the ancient lantern she looked for a lake or pond finding one she saw so many new creatures. Insead of going back to her tent she watched the lightning bugs. She grew tired before she knew it she was alseep.

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Ember Moon was flying slowly above Ponyville, inspecting the skies for anything she needed to fix. Suddenly, she heard somepony from below yell something about Thonderbolt. "Wasn't there Thinderbolt on my flight school class?" she said, thinking out loud. She looked down, then saw a pegasus covered in mud, grass stains, and twigs. "Woah.." she said softly. She decided to follow the pony from the sky.


After a little while, the pony, which from what she could see looked like a mare, sat down in a patch of grass. She pitched a tent and walked inside, and Ember Moon couldn't see her anymore. She began to float down, when she saw the pegasus walk out of the tent. Ember Moon yet again began to follow the strange pony. Soon, the mare found a pond and sat down beside it. She drank some of the water, then peered up. Ember Moon suddenly flew for cover, hoping the pony didn't see her. Luckily, she didn't. She was only watching the fireflies. After a little while, Ember Moon noticed that the mare had fallen asleep. She decided to light down and go talk to to the pony. She quietly made her way to the ponies side, and shook her a bit. "Hey. Wake up, blue mane." she said in a friendly tone, trying to wake up the pegasus.

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"What wait what" Luna said being shaken. She looked up to see another pegasus. "What time is it" you say to the pegasus. She answers politely. Not even realizing that now it is dusk. "Oh my goodness graciousounieus" she said " Im going to be late for the train." She hurried back. She stopped mid in her track. Now she remembered a train wont come in for 2 days. The pegasus started to follow her. I didnt mind. Walking back to the tent to get one of the snacks she brought. Still covered in mud and twings she decided to go take a swim. The water was cold as she dipped her hoove in. She just jumpped in. She watched her dirty coat turn back to a beautiful white and her mane back to the deep midnight blue. Her cutie mark is now visible the dirt covered it up. she was going to the castle to show the Princess her cooking skills. She had been practicing  since she was little. She had a blue chefs hat as her cutie mark. The pony was back at the edge of the pond again. The pony was very friendly. Maybe she found a friend. Se never really had a friend. Luna always kept to herself.

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The pegasus jumped in the water, and Ember Moon watched as her coat went from a muddy brown to a pure white. She could now see the ponies cutie mark, which was a blue chefs hat. "Aah, a cooking pony." Ember Moon said, smiling as she sat down at the edge of the pond. "Uuhm, I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna jump in a and take a swim." she said, as she walked a bit a long the edge of the pond. She found a good spot, and hopped in the water. She noticed that she had splashed the mare on her way in. "Oops, sorry." she said, giggling.


Her coat had been a bit dirty from training, but it didn't really show since it was already a light brown. Her mane was a darker brown with faded yellowish underneath, as was her tail. Also, the tips of the feathers on her wings were also the same yellow. Ember Moon's cutie mark was very unique, and meant she belonged to a very special group of ponies.


"So, why were you running through the forest last night? You looked pretty lost." Ember Moon said, trying to start a conversation. She looked over at the pony as she tried to clean her mane. "Well, first of all, what's your name, blue mane?" she said, laughing.

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"Well my name is Luna Lights" I said. "I was running through the forest I had heard some noises that startled me. "  The two ponies were talking. " Did I make a friend" she thought. "sooo umm what's your name" i asked the pony.She answered politely. Luna got out of the water to get her towel. She was clean but cold. Shivering she began to walk back to her tent. She said to the pony " would you like to come back to my tent?" The other pony got out of the water. As they walked back they were laughing and smiling, she was so happy she finally able to speak up for herself. As they got back from the tent I thought i would start a fire and heat up some water and make tea. Luna asked the pony " do you like a tea?" They pony gave a confused look. "trust me you'll like it" Luna said. as they fire heated the small silver kettle, she went into the tent to get her small book. She began to write. At the high noon of the day she was getting hungry. She couldnt live off of chips and poptarts forever. She asked the pony " do you know any good places to eat?" the pony started to think.

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After Ember Moon asked what the ponies name was, she answered, "Well my name is Luna Lights." Ember Moon smiled.


"That's a pretty name." she said, as she watched Luna Lights get out of the water and walk towards her tent.


Luna asked for her name, and she politely answered, "My name is Ember Moon, but you could call me Ember. Its easier." she said, giggling.


Luna Lights offered for Ember to come inside her tent, and she simply got out of the water. She shook off the water, sort of like a dog. "Sorry if I hit you." she said, looking up at Luna.


"Hey, would it be alright if I called you Luna? I mean, I wouldn't be the first to call you that, right?" she asked, smiling.


"This pony seems pretty nice." she thought. "Maybe I have found a new friend." she smiled to herself, then glanced up at the sky. It was still a sort of orangey yellow, and the sun hadnt risen yet. There were some clouds, but not many at all. She grinned, then walked over to the tent.


"Hey, you wanna go for a fly? The sky is perfect, a couple clouds, beautiful sky. We could do an obstacle course!" Ember exclaimed as she jumped up and down in excitement. She loved flying and training, and cloud courses are a lot of fun to her.

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  • 1 month later...

Broken was flying ever so slightly in the air while levitating his friend Flame Kisser. "Flame you need to, Whoa! Lay off the ember chips for a while. You're starting to get pretty heavy." Broken said to Flame Kisser. "Hey atleast I can control my weight. Soaring Sky can hardly keep hers. Like really, I don't want a boy friend and Soaring Sky isn't gay." Flame said to Broken Budz. Broken Budz and Flame Kisser were originally from the human world but then got sent from the Celestial plane. And Flame was a gay female pony.

Broken finally made it to Flame Kissers home. "Thanks for the ride Broken. SOARING IM HOME!" Flame screamed as Broken teleports to his cloud. Broken then saw a tent with a pony in front of it making some tea. So he flew over there and screamed. "You want to go flying ey. We'll I could race you. Here to crystal empire and back. It's not to far." Broken was now flying upside down and black magic was coming out of his broken horn. "Oh oops. Let me get that." Broken said with a big grin taking out a ring made of everfree wood, and putting it around his horn.

Edited by Broken Budz
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