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"Alright." The earth pony said, following close behind the unicorn. "So what do you normally do for fun?" Pixie said, trying to bring aome lightheartedness into the conversation since she felt it was too dark for too long. "I like to do pranks of course, and I really enjoy making flower arrangements." A smile faded over her lips as she remembered all of the beautiful flowers of her homeland.

"Well usually the most fun I have is by confusing ponies." Blazing said. "It sounds mean but it's so much fun to watch them try to make sense of madness." He explained. He couldn't help but laugh at some of the reactions he had gotten from other ponies over time. I should start doing that again, it's so much fun! He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Doug trotted down the halls, head clouded in thought, 'wonder what Pixie and Blazing are doing' he keeps walking, then sees the mare down the hall with blazing.

@Bronyette Doug speaks "hey guys, what's up." He says trying not to sound weird thus having a bit of a shaky voice. "I kinda lost you guys back there, but I wasn't paying attention, heh" he says sheepishly.

"Oh its alright, we were about to head back to our dorms." Pixie stated looking towards the pegasus. "So what are you up to?" She asked kindly, trying to include him into the group without Blaze getting upset. She looked at Blaze to see if he was holding up alright, he didn't like to be around other stallions for some reason.

"Well usually the most fun I have is by confusing ponies." Blazing said. "It sounds mean but it's so much fun to watch them try to make sense of madness." He explained. He couldn't help but laugh at some of the reactions he had gotten from other ponies over time. I should start doing that again, it's so much fun! He thought.

Pixie laughed at the stallions goofy way of having fun. "I used to do that when I was a little filly." She said, remembering all of the pranks she pulled on her family and how much joy it brought everyone. 'Well not everyone,' She thought. 'Mom always got so mad, but of course that just meant she was the best target.' She giggled awkwardly to herself as she thought.


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"Oh its alright, we were about to head back to our dorms." Pixie stated looking towards the pegasus. "So what are you up to?" She asked kindly, trying to include him into the group without Blaze getting upset. She looked at Blaze to see if he was holding up alright, he didn't like to be around other stallions for some reason.

"Lookin' for you two, I was side tracked or something and lost you guys. Well, tomorrow is when we really go to all of put classes so I am guessing that we do go to our dorms soon...but I'm not sure..." Doug shrugs and stands with the two "So what are we doing again?" He asked sheepishly feeling a bit stupid.
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Pixie laughed at the stallions goofy way of having fun. "I used to do that when I was a little filly." She said, remembering all of the pranks she pulled on her family and how much joy it brought everyone. 'Well not everyone,' She thought. 'Mom always got so mad, but of course that just meant she was the best target.' She giggled awkwardly to herself as she thought.

"It's fun isn't it?" Blazing said. "I always loved watching my brothers reaction the most..." He added. He thought back to all the times he asked his brother to divide random numbers by zero. That never got old... I should do it again next time I see him... He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Lookin' for you two, I was side tracked or something and lost you guys. Well, tomorrow is when we really go to all of put classes so I am guessing that we do go to our dorms soon...but I'm not sure..." Doug shrugs and stands with the two "So what are we doing again?" He asked sheepishly feeling a bit stupid.

"Well me and Blazing are going to the dorms, and I might get something to eat." Pixie said, her stomach grumbling loudly. "Hah, I haven't eaten a single thing all day, and I'm partched too." She said, her mouth very dry too. "I haven't seen a single water fountain either."


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"Well me and Blazing are going to the dorms, and I might get something to eat." Pixie said, her stomach grumbling loudly. "Hah, I haven't eaten a single thing all day, and I'm partched too." She said, her mouth very dry too. "I haven't seen a single water fountain either."

"I guess you're right, there haven't really been any water fountains or anything have there been?" He asked. He never really thought about that until Pixie brought it up. Maybe we should look for one, it'll be a fun adventure... He decided. He wasn't really going to do that, but it was an idea.

Edited by Blazing Hoof


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Well me and Blazing are going to the dorms, and I might get something to eat." Pixie said, her stomach grumbling loudly. "Hah, I haven't eaten a single thing all day, and I'm partched too." She said, her mouth very dry too. "I haven't seen a single water fountain either."

Doug cocked an eyebrow. "But the Canteen should closed by now, I don't know how you'd be able to eat... Maybe the fridge in the dorms, wait, but those are empty... I got nothing" he said shrugging "How come you didn't eat during lunch.

(OOC: i skipped the last classes because nothing much happens in classes *shrug* ill post something on the OOC thread to say a detailed reason why)

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"I guess you're right, there haven't really been any water fountains or anything have there been?" He asked. He never really thought about that until Pixie brought it up. Maybe we should look for one, it'll be a fun adventure... He decided. He wasn't really going to do that, but it was an idea.

"No, I just think I'll grab some water from the tap when we get to... whoevers dorm we are going to." Pixie said, pausing a bit to think of where exactly she and Blazing were headed. "I guess I'm not really sure." The earth pony paused a bit to ponder and scratch her head. "Could we go find mine? My bags are incredibly heavy and I don't feel like carrying them much longer."


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"No, I just think I'll grab some water from the tap when we get to... whoevers dorm we are going to." Pixie said, pausing a bit to think of where exactly she and Blazing were headed. "I guess I'm not really sure." The earth pony paused a bit to ponder and scratch her head. "Could we go find mine? My bags are incredibly heavy and I don't feel like carrying them much longer."

"Sure, I don't see why not." Blazing said. He thought it was more important helping Pixie find her dorm than getting back to his own. Once again, adventure. He thought. He didn't know why he wanted to adventure so much. Maybe I just want to spend time with Pixie... He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Doug cocked an eyebrow. "But the Canteen should closed by now, I don't know how you'd be able to eat... Maybe the fridge in the dorms, wait, but those are empty... I got nothing" he said shrugging "How come you didn't eat during lunch.

(OOC: i skipped the last classes because nothing much happens in classes *shrug* ill post something on the OOC thread to say a detailed reason why)

"Oh, me and Blazing had a hard time finding our way around the building, we aren't too good with directions." The earth pony half lied. She knew that they were just messing around and planning a prank they might never get around to doing. Thinking this though made her ears and face burn. She couldn't let anyone find out.


((Guys I'm heading to bed, I'll try to be on sometime tommorrow.))

Edited by Bronyette


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"Oh, me and Blazing had a hard time finding our way around the building, we aren't too good with directions." The earth pony half lied. She knew that they were just messing around and planning a prank they might never get around to doing. Thinking this though made her ears and face burn. She couldn't let anyone find out.


((Guys I'm heading to bed, I'll try to be on sometime tommorrow.))

((Good night, see you tomorrow))

"Yeah... We are pretty bad with directions..." Blazing agreed. "But getting lost was pretty fun wasn't it?" He asked. He did have to admit it was a lot of fun spending time alone with Pixie, which is why it annoyed him that Doug was following them around.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Swords? Oh no..." Cinder rolled her eyes in an over-the-top manner with a smirk on her face.

"Remind me to never introduce you to my friends - I'd never get chance to talk to you again!"


Considering her new friends productive talent, she watched the crowds of other students pass for a short while as they wandered aimlessly across the grass.


"I wish I could do something like that: everything I make breaks. Or catches fire. Or explodes. It's fun but sometimes frustrating, how does a clock explode?"

Never quite forgotten.

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((Good night, see you tomorrow))

"Yeah... We are pretty bad with directions..." Blazing agreed. "But getting lost was pretty fun wasn't it?" He asked. He did have to admit it was a lot of fun spending time alone with Pixie, which is why it annoyed him that Doug was following them around.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad." Pixie said with a smile. "But I think it would be more fun right now to get something to eat." She teased, flicking an ear. "Maybe we should go out to eat, I brought plenty of bits from back home." The earth pony suggested to her new friends. "But I don't know any good restaurants around here, any suggestions?"


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"Yeah, it wasn't too bad." Pixie said with a smile. "But I think it would be more fun right now to get something to eat." She teased, flicking an ear. "Maybe we should go out to eat, I brought plenty of bits from back home." The earth pony suggested to her new friends. "But I don't know any good restaurants around here, any suggestions?"

Doug was surprised at the offer. "Are you sure?" Doug asked not wanting to be a freeloader, but he looked past the thought and said something else "well I don't know, really, never been here, how about we just look around, maybe there's a map of the city... Somewhere..." Doug said scratching his head trying to think.
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"Yeah, it wasn't too bad." Pixie said with a smile. "But I think it would be more fun right now to get something to eat." She teased, flicking an ear. "Maybe we should go out to eat, I brought plenty of bits from back home." The earth pony suggested to her new friends. "But I don't know any good restaurants around

here, any suggestions?"


Doug was surprised at the offer. "Are you sure?" Doug asked not wanting to be a freeloader, but he looked past the thought and said something else "well I don't know, really, never been here, how about we just look around, maybe there's a map of the city... Somewhere..." Doug said scratching his head trying to think.

"Well we can always just wander around, that's always fun." Blazing said. "Or... Ya know, a map works too." He added, partially jokingly. He did have a serious plan though, search for a map, and if they couldn't find one, they just search on their own. Well, I wanna stay behind actually... But... I just don't know. He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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@, "I know how you feel,  when I'm smithing I have to get every detail correct. When I was starting I failed countless time, and I work with fire so it's a lot more dangerous when I fail. But I got better it just takes time and practise. And I know you'll be the best inventor in the world one day," She walks twards Cinder and puts a caring hoof on her cheek and gives a warming smile. "I'm sure of it."

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"Tha... Thanks." Stammered Cinder uneasily, not quite certain why she felt nervous all of a sudden: or why she could feel a warmth behind her cheeks as if her face had turned bright red beneath the brown coat where her friend had touched her. "Is everypony as kind as you, back where you're from?" She added jokingly.


"I actually don't think that we have any more lessons today - I'm not sure..." Rummaging about in her saddlebag for a moment, she pulled out a tattered, ink-stained price of paper that had once resembled a timetable. "Aha! Uhm... Uh... Does that look like a... no, I don't think we do!"

Never quite forgotten.

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"Well we can always just wander around, that's always fun." Blazing said. "Or... Ya know, a map works too." He added, partially jokingly. He did have a serious plan though, search for a map, and if they couldn't find one, they just search on their own. Well, I wanna stay behind actually... But... I just don't know. He thought.


"Yeah. A map would work wonders." Pixie said, her stomach rumbling loudly. She blushed and laid her ears back. "And I hope we find one soon. I'm starving." She laughed, patting her stomach with a hoof. "Maybe a nice salad bar." The earth pony said, almost drooling at the suggestion.


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@, "Well, I think it's kind of balanced. Some are nice and polite." She gets a sad look on her face. "And some are very cruel and mean." She shakes her head and goes back to her normal smile."But my parents raised me well, and every one if nice in flankfurt.   And sens  we don't have any classes, how about you come to my dorm and I'll cook us something?"


@@Breeze, She then looked to Black fog with a sad face. "I'm sorry Nebel, stallions are not aloud in the mare dorms. But I'll make it up to you.

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"Yeah. A map would work wonders." Pixie said, her stomach rumbling loudly. She blushed and laid her ears back. "And I hope we find one soon. I'm starving." She laughed, patting her stomach with a hoof. "Maybe a nice salad bar." The earth pony said, almost drooling at the suggestion.

Doug chuckled a bit "it's your choice, you're the hungry one, heheh" Doug wasn't all that hungry but he liked hanging out with his new friends. "So, are we leaving soon or what?" Doug asked. I'm not so sure what where gonna do" he stated sheepishly. *wonder if well find where we want to eat before its too late...* he thought.
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Frost stood at the steps leading up to the main entrance of the school. "Another transfer, to this place?" he sighed as he began to walk up the stairs and through the doors.


He spent a minute or two looking around at the lobby, he thought that it was.....nice, it wasn't really his style, but he didn't hate it either. He walked up to the front desk, smiling at the staff member. "Hi, I'm Frost Typhoon, I was just transferred here?" he said. The staff member began to flip through a book and smilied when she saw his name, she handed him a key and pointed him in the direction of his room. Frost nodded and went on his way.


""Dorm 5.....6.....7! There you are!" he thought as he put the key in the lock, turned the knob and opened the door. He brought all his luggage in and placed it on his bed. "Ok, let's just hope THIS school works out." he mumbled under his breath.

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Doug chuckled a bit "it's your choice, you're the hungry one, heheh" Doug wasn't all that hungry but he liked hanging out with his new friends. "So, are we leaving soon or what?" Doug asked. I'm not so sure what where gonna do" he stated sheepishly. *wonder if well find where we want to eat before its too late...* he thought.

"Yeah screw the map, let's leave now!" Pixie said enthusiasticly, almost jumping at the sound of her voice that loud. "Now where's the exit?" She said, turning into a hall. "Do either of you know?" She said, flicking an ear in annoyance. "I hope that there's a decent restaurant nearby."


((I'm sorta confused. Is there a reason I don't have a dorm? Or am I allowed to move in with Blazing due to a 'mishap' in the system?))

Edited by Bronyette


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"Yeah screw the map, let's leave now!" Pixie said enthusiasticly, almost jumping at the sound of her voice that loud. "Now where's the exit?" She said, turning into a hall. "Do either of you know?" She said, flicking an ear in annoyance. "I hope that there's a decent restaurant nearby."

"Unfortunately I have no idea..." Blazing said. He stopped to think for a minute before remembering. "Oh wait! I remember where it is this time!" He exclaimed, then started running towards where he remembered the exit being. At least, I think I remember... He thought.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Unfortunately I have no idea..." Blazing said. He stopped to think for a minute before remembering. "Oh wait! I remember where it is this time!" He exclaimed, then started running towards where he remembered the exit being. At least, I think I remember... He thought.

The earth pony knew she was going to get grumpy, she hadn't eaten at all and was famished. Pixie followed closely behind the unicorn stallion. " You better know where we are going for once." She said matter-of-factly, flicking an ear. "Pleeeeaaase." She begged.

Edited by Bronyette


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The earth pony knew she was going to get grumpy fast, she hadn't eaten at all and was famished. Pixie followed closely behind the unicorn stallion. " You better know where we are going for once." She said matter-of-factly, flicking an ear. "Pleeeeaaase." She begged.

Blazing turned to look at Pixie, but kept running. "Trust me, I know what I'm doi-" He was cut off as he turned a corner and crashed into the door that lead outside. "Found it." He said. "And that's the fourth hit to the head today! I wonder how I'm not passed out yet!" He added.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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