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open Pokemon In Equestria RP


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/74600-pokemon-in-equestria-rp/

Welcome to the world of Equestria! Our land has recently been inhabited by creatures known as pokemon, and we have very little information about these new creatures!


Thats where you come in! You have been chosen by me, Professor Cheerilee to learn about these creatures for me! I have sent you a pokedex to learn as much as you can about them. Please explore all of Equestria with your pokemon, This is where your adventure begins!


There are gyms and contests all over Equestria, but feel free to simply explore the world and learn as much as you can! I await the stories of your incredible adventure!

-Professor Cheerilee



Tarot awoke sleepily as the mail mare dropped a package at her door in Canterlot. "Ughh, Abra, do you mind getting that?" The abra just stared at her. "Fine, I'll do it myself" She huffed as she grabbed her package. As she read the letter her heartbeat quickened. "Yes! I got picked Abra, check it out! This is gonna be stellar!"

Edited by Grand_Finale
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Pacific walked (well, more like fell) down the stairs when he found out that he had gotten a package of some sort. "Ow..." He groaned. He picked up the letter and read it, hoping that it had been worth it. Once he finished, he turned to his Ditto, which was transformed to look exactly like him. How ironic, a ditto looking like a changeling. He thought. He shook his head, realizing he was getting distracted. "Well, looks like we're traveling again buddy." He said. Both him and Ditto were used to traveling, so this was nothing special. The only difference was that this time was more of an adventure than running away from everypony.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Sole had just finished his daily training with his companion ghastly. Unlike most trainers, sole trained with his Pokemon. That way they both stay in peak condition. At that moment, the mailmare came to him with a package. As hg opened it, he read the letter and grinned. "Hey ghastly, looks like we're going on an adventure." He said happily.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tarot immediately began packing up her saddlebags. She tossed in the Pokedex and Abras pokeball, as well as a few potions and antidotes she had laying around. "Maybe we should go see Professor Cheerilee, get an idea of what she wants us to do" She said as she raced out the door, her abra following behind her silently, but he had a big smile on his face

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Midnight was in the middle of reorganizing and cleaning his personal library when he heard the mailmare drop something at his door. Before he could even say anything, Midnight's partner Aron went and opened the door and came back inside the house carrying a letter. "Thanks Aron, now let's see what we got today." Midnight said before taking the letter and reading it. "Well, there is a pleasant surprise. It's from Professor Cheerilee, it looks like we're going to go on a little trip. Why don't you pack my things while I leave a note for my sister. Then we can go see the Professor and find out what exactly she has in mind." Midnight said as he went and grabbed a piece of paper and began writing, and he could hear Aron beginning to pack things into his saddle bag. 'This could be fun, it's been awhile since I've actually done something other than research.'


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Tarot had already ran out of Canterlot and down the mountain by the time she realized her Abra knew teleport. She turned to her partner. "You know you could have reminded me, it would have saved a lot of time" she said as she stomped her hoof. The Abra just looked at her with a smirk on his face. Tarot rolled her eyes and grabbed her Abra tightly. "Alright Abra, use teleport!" And suddenly they were gone.

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Tempest smirked as he and Deino trained. The two had been training for a good portion of the day when the mail are came. He smiled and accepted the package, and was surprised that he was going on a journey. "This could be interesting." He thought to himself, as he and Deino raced to town.

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Tarot suddenly appeared just outside of ponyville, incredibly dazed. "You did that on purpose!" SHe said angrily at Abra, who just laughed quietly. Tarot rolled her eyes. "whatever, we are almost there. Next time we are walking, by the way!" The abra just jumped up onto her back.

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Midnight finished writing the note just as Aron finished packing. "All right, time to go and see what all this is about. Aron, hold on tight." Midnight said after getting his saddle bags on. Aron of course knew what he was about to do and hopped up onto Midnight's back. Midnight closed his eyes and concentrated. His horn began to glow and then both he and Aron disappeared from their house in a flash. Midnight opened his eyes to see his teleport was successful and now they stood right in the middle of Ponyville. "Now let's see, where was the Professor's lab again?" Midnight muttered as he began wandering around town.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Tempest and Deino stopped when they noticed Tarot and Abra. "So, I'm assuming that you got the message from Cheerilie to?" He asked.


Deino stopped next to Tempest. The young pokemon then glanced at Abra and licked her chops. The training had made her a bit hungry, and she could use a snack.


(@ Grand-Finale: If I can't control Deino, then could you please tell me?)

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Tempest and Deino stopped when they noticed Tarot and Abra. "So, I'm assuming that you got the message from Cheerilie to?" He asked.


Deino stopped next to Tempest. The young pokemon then glanced at Abra and licked her chops. The training had made her a bit hungry, and she could use a snack.


(@ Grand-Finale: If I can't control Deino, then could you please tell me?)

(You control your own pokemon unless otherwise specified)

Tarot smiled. "Yup, sure did! I'm Tarot by the way, nice to meet you!" She said as she extended her hoof. Abra looked at the deino and zapped it with a bit of confusion, though not enough to do any harm. Tarot turned to her abra. "What are you doing?! Im really sorry about that, he can be really antisocial at times" She said, picking him up

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Tempest smiled and shook Tarot's hoof. "My name is Tempest. I figured there would be more people." He said. The cyan pegesus then glanced at Deino and smirked. "She must be hungry." Tempest then pulled a Oran berry and tossed it into the air.


Deino saw a flash of blue and snatched the Oran berry out of the air. She then ate it, and smiled, before heading into a nearby forest to look for something more sustaining.

Edited by Kyurem
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Tempest smiled and shook Tarot's hoof. "My name is Tempest. I figured there would be more people." He said. The cyan pegesus then glanced at Deino and smirked. "She must be hungry." Tempest then pulled a Oran berry and tossed it into the air.


Deino saw a flash of blue and snatched the Oran berry out of the air. She then ate it, and smiled, before heading into a nearby forest to look for something more sustaining.

(huh. I just thought it wasnt very effective)

Abra squirmed in Tarots hooves until he fell to the ground. He then proceeded to stare at the deino. Tarot simply rolled her eyes. "Well, do you know where professor Cheerilee's lab is?" She asked  as she took out a map of ponyville from her saddlebags

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Lady woke to the faint sound of the doorbell ringing through the house. "W-wha...?" She breathed groggily as she slowly rose to hr hooves and wiped the sleep from her eyes. The doorbell then sounded again snapping back into reality completely. She quickly made her way to the front door and answered it expecting to see a pony on the other side but nopony was there. She shrugged it off and was about to close the door when she noticed the package laying at her hooves.


Lady bent down and secured the package gentley in her mouth before shutting the door behind her with a loud slam. But of course Lady was too preoccupiedwith heher package ro be phazed by the loud noise. She approached the table and immediately began to rip it open. "No way!" She breathed and then quickly began to collect her things before she bolted out the door to join the selected others, her eevee still half asleep trying her best to keep up with her owner.

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By this point Midnight was running through the streets trying to find the lab, when suddenly he bolted around a corner and saw two ponies with a Deino and an Abra of their own standing not far off. He only just barely had time to stop before he would've run into them, and he was glad Aron had managed to hold on. "Um, sorry. Do either of you know the way to Professor Cheerilee's lab?" Midnight asked tentatively, while Aron hopped off his back and walked up to the Deino in curiosity.

Edited by Icy Void


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Sole reappeared a few feet away outside of cheerilee's lab and grinned "huh, looks like my training with you has paid off ghastly. I'm getting better and better with my psychic powers, I'm getting even better then most unicorn." He said happily, as he walked up to the front door and knocked.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Tarot had the map spread out on the ground as she and the abra were trying to pinpoint the location. "I'm trying to figure it out right now actually. Nice to meet you, I'm Tarot" She said as she kept scowering the map. 


Professor Cheerliee opened the door and smiled. "You must be Sole! Its lovely to meet you, please come in! You sure got here fast, none of the others have arrived yet. You wouldnt mind waiting until they get here would you?" She asked nicely. The lab was full of different gadgets and machines, as well as a few of Cheerilees personal pokemon. A sunflora walked up beside her and waved at the new arrival

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Tempest glanced at Midnight and nooded. "Yeah. It's actually not to far from here." He said, before whistling. The cyan pegesus then trotted into town, and towards Cheerilie's lab. When he entered the lab, he noticed a Griffion, along with a ghastly.


Deino came bounding out of the forest and stopped next to Tempest. He glanced at the ghost and simply shrugged.

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Tarot looked up from the map to notice that the  lab was only down the street. She grumbled and stuffed the map back in her saddlebag before letting abra onto her back. "alright then, lets get going" She said to the new pony as she began walking towards the lab


Cheerilee waved the new ponies in happily as she made small talk with the trainers already there

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Lady burst through the lab doors huffing and puffing with effort, Cressa skidding to a hault beside her. "Am I late??" She whinnied frantically realizing how many other ponies were in the room beside herself and she had just burst in here like a maniac. "Oh! I, uh.... Sorry...." She mumbled as she sunk low to the ground and hurried to join the group of ponies, face red as a tomato.

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"Well, that was easy. I'm Midnight Sky, but please, you can just call me Midnight." Midnight said as he followed the earth pony and pegasus to the lab, with Aron by his side. When he entered the lab, Midnight was impressed by the amount of research machinery and devices, and barely noticed the griffon and Ghastly that were also there. "Nice lab." Midnight said to himself as he looked around.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Tarot walked in and filled with excitement as she looked around the lab.


"Well, I think most of you are here now, I can get started" Cheerilee said, smiling warmly at all the new trainers. "Now, as you know, you have been chosen to gather resarch for me. It was only a few years ago that these pokemon began appearing, and already we have changed our ways of life because of them! I have called on you to go out and learn as much as you can about pokemon. Those pokedex's will help you greatly in your adventure. Feel free to go about your research in whatever way you wish. If you decide to go through the gyms, you might want to start here. Mayor Mare has been waiting anxiously for a good fight. Of course, there is a contest in town as well, if you wish to participate. And of course, you can simply explore the world if thats what suits your fancy. I see you all have a pokemon already, so you are already on your journey! Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions, and have fun on your adventure!"


Tarot looked excitedly at Abra as Cheerilee finished talking

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Tempest smirked as he received his pokedex. "This is going to be fun. I don't think I'll go for the contest's though." He thought to himself the cyan pegesus then trotted out of the lab. I might as well see if Mayor Mare is up for a challenge."


Deino glanced at the other Pokemon in the room, before following Tempest out the door.


Tempest glanced at Deino and sighed. "I guess since I'm a official trainer now, I might as well give you a nickname. How about, Nyx?"


Nyx smiled and nudged Tempest, before the two found the gym.

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Tarot followed behind the Pegasus. "Your already challenging the gym leader? Man, you must be pretty good. Especially with only one Pokemon!" She said as Abra rode on her back. " I totally wanna watch this!"


(Would you rather control mayor mare yourself, or would you like me to do it?)

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