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open Pokemon In Equestria RP


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Deino hit the wall, and struggled to get up.


Tempest grew more and more frustrated. " Come on Nyx, I know you can stand up." He said.


Nyx finally stood up and jumped out of the way, just as Kanggaskan was about to hit her, making said pokemon hit the wall.


(Nyx is a girl.)

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Mayor Mare smirked. "Alright Kangaskhan, Outrage again!" She ordered. The Kangaskhan shook her head and began charging up once again, running towards Nyx


Tarot watched in amazement. "If that one doesnt hit, The Kangaskhan will lose control and get confused, but if it hits, that might be the end for Nyx" She said as she watched the battle intensely

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((I'm just going to continue on as a villian (loose interpretation). I can switch teams if you want, and instead join Team Plasma/Rocket/whatever but basically... yeah. I'll still have the 'dex and still report to Cheerilee and stuff, but this was an interesting way not to just barge in))

Ceris fainted a Pidgey in the tall grass directly outside of Canterlot. She left an Oran berry from the roadside beside it when it came to.

"Tch, Lanna," Ceris sprayed a potion on her injured Eevee, and suddenly, she was cured. "Careful, okay?" She patted her Eevee's head. "Good job. We might be able to learn a new move soon."

In the shadowy riverbank in front of them, a bunch of Lotad waddled around. Ceris squinted, not sure whether she should catch it or Team Aqua would approve it, but then! A wild Marill hopped out of the water!

"Marill, the Aqua Mouse Pokemon. Its body is covered with water-repellent fur. Because of that, it can swim at high speeds without slowing down."


"Quick Lanna, go!" Ceris pointed and challenged the Marill with "Sand Attack!" The Marill used Water Gun, pushing Lanna back. "Lanna, tackle attack!" Lanna knocked Marill back into the water, and Marill tried to tackle Lanna with the same force. But Marill missed and fell! "Here's your chance! Lanna, tackle!" Lanna jumped onto the Marill, weakening her for capture. "All right, go! Pokeball!" Eevee jumped out of the way and the Pokeball sucked Marill inside. 

Twitch. Twitch. Twitch. Then still. 

"I caught it! Yeah!" Ceris jumped and picked up the Pokeball. "Wow! What should I name it?" She looked at Lanna. "How about... Rory." Lanna frowned. "Oh hush. Tuck? Tucker?" Lanna shook her head. "Fine, you decide then!" "Eevee!" "V-very funny. It's Rory, then."

[ I T ' S  O K E Y ! ]


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avatars (Hetalia © Hidekaz Himaruya; avatar courtesy of The Avatar Library.)


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Tempest grit his teeth. "Nyx, to your left." He yelled. The cyan pegesus knew he needed a new strategy.


The Deino heard her trainer, and jumped out of the way, when Khanghaskan was about a inch away from her. The dragon was getting very tired, and wouldn't be able to last much longer.

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The kangaskhan became confused from the attack and had to steady himself. "Alright Kangaskhan, lets finish this. Use Dizzy punch!" She ordered. The kangaskhan couldnt steady herself and instead just attacked in the direction in which she assumed the deino was

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Tempest smirked, seeing as the attack was off. "Ok Nyx, use dragon breath." He said. "The fight's almost over. I can get my badge here, and move ok." He thought to himself.


The Deino simply nodded, before she fired a stream of white fire at the confused Kanghaskan.

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The attack hit hard, but luckily Kangaskhans defense was working to its advantage. The kangaskhan turned to face the Deino and charged as Mayor mare instructed another set of dizzy punches. This time The kangaskhan was aimed in the right direction

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Deino dodged the attack, and waited for her trainer to give another order.


Tempest smirked. "We just need one more hit, and this is all over." He thought. "Nyx, use one last bite."


Deino nodded and leaped into the air. She then bite into the Khanghaskan's legs

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The Kangaskhan squealed and kicked the Deino off before wavering a bit and falling over, knocked out. Mayor Mare retrieved him with a smirk. "Well would you look at that. That little guy has more strength then at first percieved. You must work very hard with her" Mayor mare smiled

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Tpest smiled slightly and nodded. "Thanks." He said. "To be honest though, I'm glad I have her as a friend. She gives me someone to talk to, and I basically raise her." The cyan pegesus then sighed as he glanced at Nyx. He could still remember finding her black and dark blue egg not to far in the forest.


The Deino landed on the ground and glanced at Tempest.

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"Well, youve earned it, heres your badge" She said with a smile, handing it to him. "Now for your next gym battle I would suggest maybe finding another teammate. This little guy is pretty exhausted, and the gyms will only get harder from here" She said smiling. Tarot ran down into the field. "That was stellar!" She said as her abra clinged onto her as she jumped around

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Tempest nodded and accepted the badge. "I will. Again, thank you." He said. The cyan pegesus then glanced at Tariot. "Thanks. I guess battling comes naturally to me. Anyway, I had better hurry if I want to get to the next gym. "I'll see all of you later." Tempest then trotted out the gym and towards the forest. If he did his research correctly, all the pokemon he needed would be in the area.

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"Impressive, though I don't think they could have held out for another round at that pace." Midnight said. 'And now I have a good amount of observational data to use to come up with a proper strategy. But now that that's over I suppose it's time for me to head back to the Everfree Forest, Aron and I have some training to do before we challenge any gyms.' Midnight though, casting a glance at his partner who was sitting next to him. "Yeah, I should get going too. Aron and I have some training to do in the Everfree Forest, and possibly catch a few more pokemon while I'm at it." Midnight Sky said before walking to the door with Aron close behind.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Tarot huffed. "Alright, I guess ill go off exploring by myself!" she called out after them and sighed. "well, what next Abra? should we get some lunch?" Abra nodded and licked his lips hungrily. "Alright, lets go see where we can pick up some grub then" She said with a smile as she left the gym

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Lanna and Rory in her pocket, Ceris triumphantly strolled into the nearest town. City, to be exact. Capitol city. Interestingly, it was very easy to get to Canterlot on foot, though it didn't look like it, but perhaps she was so close to it because she happened to have just moved there. She came from a distant region, where the new, improved Pokemart Centers were all but unheard of and just stepping into that palace city made her wonder why it wasn't chosen as the base for the Equestrian Pokemon League. 

She walked into the Pokemon Center and healed up her new Pokemon. She glanced at the Town Map.

"Looks like I should go down the mountain to Ponyville. If I can beat the Gym Leader there, maybe Team Aqua will recognise me as a real trainer!" She smiled.

[ I T ' S  O K E Y ! ]


[ We're American ]


avatars (Hetalia © Hidekaz Himaruya; avatar courtesy of The Avatar Library.)


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After a few minutes of walking, Tempest noticed a Riolu in a trap. "Don't worry, I'm here to help." He said. The cyan pegesus then leaned down and undid the rope.


The Riolu then jumped up and hugged him.


Tempest smiled and gently set Riolu on the ground. He then put a Pokeball in front of him, and the pokemon happily became a member of the team. "Welcome to the family, Ike."


(I don't exactly want to have a generic pokemon fight every time Tempest gets a pokemon, so I'll do a scene like this. Is that ok?)

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(go for it, doesnt matter to me)

Tarot walked into sugarcube corner and ordered a salad and a plate of berries for Abra. "Alright Abra, whats the plan? We could always try a contest, just for fun" She said as she ate her salad. "Though I guess we would have to work on a routine for you wouldnt we?"

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"Hmm, now let's see here. Based on my records there are plenty of different pokemon to be found just in the part of the Everfree Forest around my house, and even more have taken residence at the old palace of the alicorn sisters. The hard part will just be finding them without getting lost." Midnight said to himself as he and Aron walked toward the Everfree Forest. Suddenly he heard Aron's stomach growl from beside him, and Midnight realized that neither Aron nor himself had eaten all day. "You know what, how about we teleport home for a quick snack before going off and training. Sound good to you Aron?" Midnight asked, which Aron responded to with a decisive nod of his head. Midnight then teleported them back home and started preparing a quick meal for Aron and himself.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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(Sorry, I didn't know this started. If it's not too late, I guess I'll join in.)


Haruhi snored loudly, as a small Dratini nudged her. Haruhi's weary eyes opened slowly, and they shifted towards the Pokémon. "Yeah. You need something?" Haruhi said tiredly, as her eyes averted themselves to her clock. She realized that she slept in, and it was 1 in the afternoon. She crawled out of bed, and looked at Dratini.


"Well now what..." She said with a confused tone. She sat on her bed, and pondered why she even cared that she slept in? She usually does after all. She shrugged her shoulders, then patted her Dratini on the head gently. "Good girl!" She said with a smile. She didn't know why she was complimenting her Pokémon randomly. It was probably due to the fact that she thought of her Dratini was being extraordinarily adorable.


Haruhi walked towards her door, and opened it, and both her and her Dratini walked outside, into the town of Ponyville. The two of them would aimlessly wander around town in an attempt to find something to do.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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When, Tempest had introduced Ike and Nyx to each other, and the two seemed to get along. The three trotted deeper into the forest. "At this rate, I should be in Canterlot by the end of the day." Tempest thought to himself, before noticing another pony. "Hey, who are you?" He asked, looking at Haruhi.

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"SABLEYE! Where the bloody hell are you! Get out here this instant" Dark yells through his and pokémons house.

A faint voice can be heard coming from the kitchen cuboard.

"Oh no, not the cupboard"

Dark opens the door to reveal, surprise suprise, Sableye, one claw in a box of cereal, the other holding some electronic device, the remains of a package in a heap, luckily the letter was still intact.

"What's this? Welcome to the land, blah blah blah, new creatures, well it's been a few years but yeah new, oh, hold, OH! Good old Cheerilee! She still remembers us Sable, oh, and give me that thing, before you break it"

As it is exchanged, a button is clicked and the device starts up,

"Sableye, a darkness pokèmon, Sableye usually live in dark caves and its diet of gems have transformed its eyes into gemstones. Note this pokemon is 'shiny'"

Both groffon and pokemon just stare, before the device is placed back in Sableyes hands.

"I think we should go pack and go see Miss, I mean, Professor Cheerilee, don't you?"

Sableye nods.


A few hours later, in Manehatten.


"Take the train on platform 3 he said, it'll take you to Ponyville he said. Bloody moron"

"Sable! Sableye!"

"Here here love"

After buying a ticket to the right town, Dark and Sable make their way to Ponyville.




"Yoohoo, Professor, you in?"

"Come in Dark!"

"Hey, She remembers me"


The inside of the lab is exactly as you would expect, only with a bit of Cheerilee flair to it.

"So Professor, you sent me this, but I discovered something unnerving about it"

"And what's that? This is the very latest edition, a culmination of all the ones before"

"But it talks. It's not supposed to talk"

"What, yes it is! That's one of the great things! You don't need to take your eye of a Pokemon your trying to find out is dangerous. Isn't that gre..."

"Turn it off."


"I'm not have a machine talk to me, it's not right!"

"Oh, very well then"

She takes the device and changes a few settings,

"There, now you won't here it talking, even though that was part of what made it so good"

"Thanks love, I'll get back to you with me findings"

"Ok! Have fun Dark! A whole heap of other trainers went over to town hall to watch her get challenged, if you want to go see others"

"Will do love, see ya"



They arrive at Mayor Mare's Office, just as the others leavening, but as Dark didn't exactly recognise their pokèmon, he quickly scanned them, before deciding to follow the mare with thr Abra into Sugar Cube Corner, hearing of its pastries even from his home in the South Land (Australia, Can't really think of a proper name for its Equestrian equivalent)

He orders a few cupcakes and gives Sable a few gemstones from his bag.

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Tarot munched happily on her salad as the Abra turned to eye up the sableye who had just entered the store. "Alright Abra, look. You need to stop being so antisocial. Its not polite to stare" She said, but the Abra just ignored her. Tarot looked at him Frustrated. "Abra, you jerk, START LISTENING TO ME" Again, the abra just continued to stare. Tarot gave out a sigh and just let him do whatever he wanted

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Tempest sighed as he shrugged and passed the trainer.The cyan pegesus fainted a few of the wild pokemon, along with the capture of a litwick. He soon entered Canterlot and found the gym. "This shouldn't be to difficult." He thought. The cyan pegesus then trotted inside. "I believe somepony has a new challenger." He said.

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Chain Mail, who had been up for hours hanging around the everfree forest to train himself, saw a courier start to walk towards him, package in mouth.

"Hello." He said, taking a break from his katas to see what this was.

"Top of the Morning. Are you a mister Chain Mail?" The courier pony said in a thick accent that he couldn't quite recognize.

"Yes, Yes I am."

"Than this is for you.- Just sign here." He said, getting a signature and walking off to make more deliveries.

"Now, let's just see what we have here." He said to himself as he opened the brown paper to uncover a small ball and a box. "Is this what I think it is?" He asked as he pressed the button on the ball, and so it expanded into a full sized pokeball. "It is, now, let's see what this baby is."

"Ralts" It said as a blue bowl-cut haired pokemon came out of the ball.

"Ralts: The feeling Pokemon, 1'04", 14.6lbs, The horns on its head provide a strong power that enables it to sense ponies's emotions." The box in his hoof said in a know it all move.

"Alrighty then, Ralts use confusion on the nearest pokemon." Chain comanded his starter pokemon.

"Ralts" It said in a distorted voice as it's horns glowed. A weedle cried out as it fainted from the attack. So, taking his new champion on his shoulders he walked around, confusing pokemon for a bit outside the forest.

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Trixie was busy perfecting her newest show trick when the trainer entered her gym. She turned around and smirked. "Ah, so I see the Great and Powerful Trixie has someone who thinks they are better than her!" She said as she turned around and did her signature dramatic cape flare. "Well, if you feel you are up to the task, then I suppose I could show you how unlikely your chances of winning are!"

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