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open Pokemon In Equestria RP


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Tempest glanced at Tricie and simply facehoofed. "Of all the gym leaders, I had to get the arrogant one for my second badge. I might as well get this over with." He thought. The cyan pegesus then turned his attention to Trixie. "That would be me." He said, as he took Nyx's pokeball out of it's clip.

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Trixie smirked. "Alright, If a battles what you want, its a battle you'll get" She said before pulling out a pokeball from behind her cape and tossing it in the air. "Alright, Mr.Mime, lets show this newbie what we've got!" she grinned. The Mr.Mime appeared and Immediately went into a battle stance, ready to attack

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After K.O.ing a whole army of bug Pokemon (most of which were at level 2-4) he checked Ralts's level.

"Level... 8. Huh, I thought it would have been higher by now." He mused to himself. He knew the basics of Pokemon fighting, and so he decided to head where there would be a bit more of a challenge. "Into the Everfree Forest." He said as he walked into the dark forest. Most of the pokemon he expected would be in there would be a higher level than Ralts (around 10) but poison type, so he would be able to handle most of it. He headed down the path to find the gym in there.

(If you want to do random battles just post that I ran into X pokemon, if not than just post for Zecora)

Edited by GameytheGeemer
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"All right Aron, got a good lunch for us. A sandwich for me and a nice fruit bowl for you." Midnight said, setting the food down. He sat down and began eating his sandwich when he heard a loud screeching noise. Shortly later, a pokemon that Midnight recognized as Skarmory dove from the sky and grabbed Aron's fruit bowl. The Problem was that Aron didn't let go and so Skarmory also carried Aron away. "Aron!" Midnight yelled as he jumped up from his seat. 'Great, just great. Now instead of lunch I have to chase down a Skarmory, all because Aron doesn't know when to give in.' Midnight Sky thought as he began running after the Skarmory that had carried Aron off.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Tempest smirked as he threw the pokeball containing his 'starter' into the air. "Nyx, let's win this." He thought.


The dragon was soon released from her pokeball, and glared at the mime pokemon in front of her.


The cyan pegesus then glanced at Trixie. "Ladies first." He said.

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Haruhi was walking along when a Cyan Pegasus approached him and said hello. Haruhi being a tad Socially reserved and awkward, mumbled a hello at him nervously. She then proceeded to walk away, wondering to herself why she didn't just say hello back normally? This bothered her for the rest of the day, as she tends to overthink things a little too much.


Her and Dratini went to go fight random Pokémon in the wild, just for the heck of it. It's not like she has anything better to do.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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 "Come on Sable, It's a Rattata, just beat it already"

"Sable! Sableye!" She complains, dodging another swipe by said attacker.

"Fine, I'm sure you could think for yourself in this situation but whatever, use Faint Attack"


It's super effective, Rattata faints.


"Right, now can we please go by wing this time, I'm sure you don't want another..."



"Sable, was that a..."


A Diglett pops up under one of Dark's claws, he yelps on jumps back.

"A Diglett, wowsers, hey Sable, Wanna try for it?"

"Sa, sable sable"

"Hey, I reckon you could take it out easy, so how about you ask it if it would like to join us first"

Sable nods and move over to where the Diglett is, crouching down to it's level,

"Sable, sable sableye?"


"Sableye, sa sable"

"Dig, diglett dig diglett?"


"What's wrong love? It..."


"Sorry, Did HE say something rude?"

"Sa, Sa sable. Sa sable sa sa sableye"

"He wants to battle you? Why?"

"Sable sable sab"

"Diglett! Diglett dig"

"Oh, I suppose we better see what he knows yeah, alright then, but this is your fight, I'm not gonna tell you what do do, but I suppose you know which move will make this battle useful yes?"


"Good now then my Poke, no dirty tactics, no extra assistance, no knockout blows and if you fell you've had enough just say so and the opponent must stop, are we clear?"



"Then Begin"


Sableye used Detect over and over, as Diglett used all his moves and ended up doing quite a bit a damage to Sable, even with the successful Detects, 15 turns in and Diglett calls it quits.

"Well, I'm impressed, Sable, your verdict?"

"Sable! Sableye"

"So it's agreed, if Diglett still wishes to join us, we will gladly accept him. So, Mister Diglett, shall you be joining us?"

"Diglett!" it cries, looking pleased, happy, as if smiling.

"Excellent! So, do ya travel on foot, so to speak, like Miss Sable here, or would you not mind a pokeball?" Dark asks as he pulls out one of his khaki pokeballs.


"Hmm, oh yeah, I'll need to learn your talk, but for now, Sable, would you mind translating?"


"Oh, The colour, not to worry, it's just, well essentially, dyed. A Normal Pokeball, just with more South Island spirit"



"Alright then pokeball it is, here ya go, hope on in, and welcome to the team" Dark says smiling and putting the pokeball on the ground, to which the Diglett digs up to and enters.



(Sableye and Dark have know each other since almost the start of poke in Equestria [and beyond] that's why he understands her)

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After a few minutes of waiting, Tempest grew impatient and sighed. " Well, since you're taking make your move, I might as well go first. "Nyx, use bite." He said. The cyan pegesus knew that Nyx would have the best chance at winning, seeing as how psychic attacks didn't effect her.


The Deino simply nodded and ran towards the mime pokemon, as she got ready to attack.

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(Sorry, been busy lately)

Trixie smirked. "Alright Mr.Mime, magical leaf!" She ordered with a sly smile. Mr. Mime summoned leaves surrounded in a strange aura and fired them at the attacker, hoping it would stop his path.


Tarot finished up her meal and yawned. "Alright, let's go do some exploring shall we?"

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Nyx dodged most of the leaves, but she was cut by a few. She then lunged at the mime and bit into his shoulder.


Tempest smirked. "It seems she planned for dark type pokemon." He thought. The cyan pegesus then sighed. "I'll have to be careful if I want to win this."

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