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ooc The Uncertainty of an Unknown Evil

Game Design

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First off, spoilers to anyone that likes Fan Fiction! This RP Is based off of a fanfic I'm writing and i don't want to spoil it for you if you would like to read it!!!


Alright so, looking for others to join! I hate to say it but it will be closed and i will be looking for at least ten people, and thirty at the max. You can be any to all of your OC's or anypony from the show that is not Twilight, Shinning Armor, Luna, or Celestia. 


Rules are basic for RP. 


Now your pony can die but they can not be murdered unless i okay it and the pony you want to kill of is fine with it too.


No god modding and keep romance to, at least PG-13 if you have to go over just give a surtitle "we banged" or something like that.


Next, have fun! That's it lets get started people!


If you would like me to explain the plot just PM me and who knows maybe everypony will be put into the Fan Fic img-1937380-1-wink.png

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this sounds interesting i love walking into unknown stories haha

id love to join with my oc Josh

my oc link if ya need it


hehe and if ya could pm me the plot if ya cant i like surprises anyway :3

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