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open The Uncertainty of an Unknown Evil

Game Design

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Deep in a hospital, in the city of Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle, and her husband Game Design where having their first child. 


"You doing fine, Twi." Game said holding her hoof.


"Just breath in and out." Twilight nodded and breathed with her husband, she let out another scream and with her scream came the sound of a crying baby.


"Its a filly!" The doctor exclaimed, giving the baby to her mother. Twilight let out a tear of happiness. 


"Look Game, our own little baby filly." She said. Game smiled and let out a tear himself.


"Our little filly."He kissed twilight and then the little foal. At the announcement of this, Princess Celestia  had sent a note to all of ponies of Equestria.


Dear My Loyal Subjects,


I am happy to announce that a new princess has been born into the royal family. Princess Midnight Sparkle. She is the daughter of Prince Game Design, and Princess Twilight Sparkle. We hope that you welcome the new ruler. When the Princess is at the right age she will be given a city to rule over. In the mean time she will be at the castle for those that would like to come and meet her.


Your's Sincerely 

Princess Celestia

  • Brohoof 1
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Josh was resting from rain in a cave deep in the everfree forest when a note hit him on the head "owie. Who in equestria would message me?"

He thought struggled to think of any pony. Josh read the letter. "new princess huh? Well I do dislike canterlot but I think I owe a visit there at this stage. But I should bring a gift. I know! Josh rooted around in his knapsack and pulled out a softly glowing vial. This will hopefully do nicely."

Josh gulped and trembles slightly when his old home of canterlot was in sight but he just told himself that it wouldn't end like last time.

Soon Josh found himself at the front of the castle looking left and right nervously as I'd expecting someone to shout at him for being somewhere he wasn't supposed to. He put up his hood to hide the growths on his head and looks around again. Josh walked slowly into the castle unsure of where he was going "this was stupid. I don't know ow where to go and I don't even know why I came back to canterlot to welcome this princess" He sighed and worked a little further into the castle looking for anyone to help him find his way around the place.

(is this okay? I can change of it isn't sorry)

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(yeah thats just perfect :]) 


Two ponies ran to the castle to meet the new princess that had just been born. The had passed a blue Pegasus. One stopped and walked up to him. By the way he was walking around he was a little lost.


"Hey!" The stallion called. 


"Are you going to see the princess? If your lost we can lead you." 


Near the castle, a line had been in place. Ponies coming to see midnight, and to give their blessings. Some wanted pictures by Twilight and Game wouldn't have that. Midnight didn't mind though she was loving all of the attention. She couldn't quite fly yet, but her magic was strong. She had even turned some paparazzi  into plants that had gotten a laugh form twilight and Game, but the quickly turn them back to their original forms. Twilight sat holding her baby as Game looked over to one of the Guards.


"Is that everypony?"


The guard looked back and saw that three other ponies where on their way. 


"There are a few left sire." Game turned back to twilight and laid next to her.


"Is it alright if they see her."


"Well of corse." Twilight confermed. Looking at Game with a smile.


"But after this i want to take her home." Game nuzzled twilight and kissed his foal.


"Sounds good, let them in."


The guard nodded and stepped aside for the three to inter.

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Josh jumped at hearing the other pony ''oh umm Yea yes I am thanks" He tightened his hood around his head and looked down in embarrassment from being so startled over nothing. Then he followed the ponies into the castle. He smiled when he finally got got past the guard but was now unsure of what he should do again. He thankd the other ponies and then started to torpor through his knapsack. "where is it" Josh was looking for the gift that he had said he was going to give to the newly born princess. After a few minutes of searching he started panicking. "no no no it was in here"

Josh searched around the knapsack again to find the vial on the floor. Breathing a sigh of relief he put it in his jacket pocket so as not to lose it again and walked towards the filly and parents hoping that he hadn't made a fool of himself whole searching for the gift. When he finally got to them Josh smiled but kept the good up. Unsure of what kind of greeting to give he stuck out a hoof awkwardly "umm hi I'm Josh it's a pleasure to meet you" Josh directed this towards game design

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As the three interred the other two let the new comer go first. They watched as he trampled over himself to find something. The two that had lead him to the castle looked at one another in confusion as to what he was looking for. Game and Twilight saw that vial had fallen on the ground. They where going to point it out when he had found it. Midnight all the while laughed at the stallion that had been goofing around. Giggling as she tossed and turned his body. Her parents smiled at the sound of her laugh. The Stallion approached and greeted them. They both nodded and smiled at the stallion that stood in front of them.


"The pleasure is ours." They said in unison.


"Midnight especially liked your performance." Game pointed out looking back to her. She had fallen back to sleep, with in seconds of being awake. Twilight smiled and looked back to Josh. 


"Your actually the only pony she's smiled to all day." She said looking to her subject with a smile.


"So Josh." Game began 


"How far have you traveled to see little midnight?"

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@@Game Design,@@Josh Riordan, (sorry for being late, had a report, and a... day, but all that's over now.)


Carnation strolled angrily through Canterlot. She had an appointment here with a very important fashoin show desinger, and she had been told that the show had been canceled. 


She spoke her mind openly, not caring about the pony's around hearing her or not; and she paid no attention as the ponies moved out of her way in fear,  "The nerve of someponies, canceling when I've come all the way to have these dresses on display." She grumbled as she continued storm off towards the train, "What am I suppose to do with these now? It was hard enough getting these here in one piece. Parasprites will have there way with these by the time I return home.In a flash of green smoke the answer to her problems fell right at foot of her hooves.


She started calming down as she read the letter, and smiled at the thought of royalty wearing her dresses. "Well if there going to waste... and I think that it would be nice to see Miss. Sparkle freed of those rags that Rarity made..." She smiled a malicious grin at the thought of Twilight sparkle casting aside Rarity's dress for her own, "Maybe this trip wasn't a waste after all. Maybe I can even turn the shorter dress into one fitting the new heir to the throne." She said turning around and trotting off towards Canterlot castle.

(So I don't seem like a terrible jerk. I would like to say... Carnation is the jerk, a jerk that hates Rarity. )

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Josh laughed a little at himself when he realised that he had made a fool of himself but smiled at the filly midnight before she went back to sleep. He took back his hoof and continued smiling as he was adressed by Twilight and Game.


"i umm i am not sure how far ive travelled i wander a lot and well i know how to get around i just dont know distance. I think i was near trottingham. Maybe. Im not all to sure sorry"


Josh went quiet realising that he probably sounded like a simpleton.


"I got the letter about how midnight was born and decided that I should probably welcome the filly to the world. Oh i also made a gift if thats okay."


Remembering the vial he went to take it out but dropped it. "oops" Josh chased the vial and eventually found it then went back and gave it to Game before he could.lose it again


"i made this for your filly. Its a glowing herb that is supposed to ward of bad dreams."


He gave it to Game "I umm hope that its okay as a gift. Sorry If it isn't I could always get rid of it." Josh sat there smiling at them

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@Josh Riordan


(Its fine where not too far so you should be set:])

Game giggled at the stallion. He knew he was royalty now, but he didn't want everypony to think too high of him, twilight, or his daughter. He gladly took the vile with his magic.


"It is a nice gift, and you shouldn't be so hard on your self." He stated.


"Bad dreams are something foals are not fond of and it will come to good use."


"Would you like to hold her?" Twilight asked. Game looked back in confusion. There had been many that had asked to hold the little filly but she had rejected each offer.


"Twi are you sure?" Game ask.


"Of course, he's traveled such along way to see her, the least we could do is let him hold her." She got up and gently handed the filly to josh. Game was a little nervous. He figured the pony wouldn't drop her, but he wasn't too good on his hoofs.The other two stood behind Josh and looked as twilight handed her to the stranger.




"ohhhh she is soo cute!" The mare said.


"Yes, and Midnight is such a wonderful name, if i do say so myself!"As the conversation went on, the guard had let in one last pony.


"Your highness's, Fashion Designer Carnation has arrived to see Princess Midnight." 


"Hello." The two said. 


"It's nice to meet you, we have heard a lot about you from our friend Rarity." Twilight explained to her.


"You've come to see midnight right?" Game Design asked.

(Its fine that's why i wanted her in this, i read her personality and its just want i was looking for smile.png Oh and one more thing, let Josh reply first if thats alright, i just want to know if he is holding midnight or not when your character inters.

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"thank you I'm glad that you like it I was worried that you wouldnt"

Josh looked at Twilight as she offered to let him hold midnight and He looked at Twilight with just as confused expression as Game.

"ah umm no that's okay I haven't come that far. Anyway I wouldn't want to dr-"

He was cut off as the filly was put into his hooves

"right okay just dont drop her because dropping her would be bad. Just stay calm and do not drop her Josh" He said to himself as he held the filly gently in his hooves. Joshcouldn't help but notice how cute and peaceful that she looked while she was resting.

To minimise the risk of dropping midnight Josh sat himself down then looked at Game and Twilight as they greeted a new pony to the room. Josh was worried of dropping midnight but didn't want to interrupt the conversation so he just stared awkwardly at midnight and wondered where would be safe for him to put the filly down and leave the room and canterlot as soon as he could a did get rid of the uneasiness of being there

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@@Game Design, (Muddle might be in the next post. is it alright if she storms in late?)


Carnation smiled after being greeted in such a dignified way, "One of the few reasons I like canterlot, and that baby is cute; of only we could find cloth that better matched it's color." She continued to smile and act genuinely happy, for what seemed like the first time in ages. She walked towards the princess and greeted her with a bow 


"It's nice to meet you, we have heard a lot about you from our friend Rarity." Twilight explained to her.

She still continued to smile, only now she could feel her eyes slowly narrowing. She took some solace in knowing that her eyes were facing the floor while she bowed, and twilight and game design could not see her face. "Yes I do love Canterlot, but there goes my reason for hating it again." She pretended to cough in order to give her a moment to regain her composure. "Pardon me your highness', and yes I've come to see the new born princess. I thought she might look nice in this one day." She said a she levitated a dress behind her, she stopped for a moment and then added with a hint of bitterness in her voice, "And about our mutual friend rarity, I assume she's spoken kindly of me." She looked up expectantly awaiting an answer. 

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@Josh Riordan


Twilight waved her hoof.

"Oh its no trouble at all. We're all ways happy to have the Canterlot elite to meet us." She said as Game nodded in agreement.

Carnation told the two of how she did want to meet the Princess. She also spoke of how she had a dress that would be perfect for Midnight. As she pulled out the dress Twilight and Game looked at it in aw.. 


"Oh Game, look how beautiful it is!" Twilight said


"Yes, I know! You do have good taste in fashion." Game smiled at the mare that stood in front of him and his wife. 


"Yes, she has told us that, next to Photo Finish, and Rarity herself." Game and twilight shared a chuckle. 


"But you know how Rarity can be." He continued jokingly.


As the other ponies talked Midnight's eyes began to open. She smiled and laughed as she recognized the pony that had made her laugh earlier. As she laughed and smiled she garbed the stallion holding her by his nose. She continued to hold his muzzle and laugh and smile. She then looked into his eyes, and just stared at him. His eyes didn't look different then the other ponies she had seen. She then reached up trying to get a better look at the pony. Game and Twilight noticed that she had abruptly stopped laughing. Game used his magic and lifted her to his hooves holding her and giving her a nuzzle.


"You just love meeting new ponies don't you?" Game asked her as twilight looked down at her as well. Midnight only replied with a smile and a laugh causing her parents to do the same. Game then looked back to Carnation and smiled at her.


"Oh where are my manners, i'm sorry miss Carnation." He held her out so that the fashion mare could get a good look at her. Midnight smiled and made a baby nose at the new mare that looked down at her.

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"But you know how Rarity can be." He continued jokingly.

 "Well maybe I don't.Carnation thought as she watched the stallion laughed. She held her tongue, as the princess took the baby from a stallion near by, and placed it in her hooves.  


Midnight smiled and made a baby nose at the new mare that looked down at her.



She looked at the foal, and made her opinions on it, completely unfazed by the foal innocent and kind laugh. "Well her color could left as something to desire, but I can't deny the little foals charms." She said almost wanting to play with her hair, but she remembered who child this was. She looked around the room and saw the guards, and made decision to refrain from doing that just in case. She carefully started handing the foal back to twilight and game. "I can see why you would want the kingdom to look upon her."

~(enter Muddle)

Muddle ran down the streets of Canterlot, clearly late for something she was suppose to be at. As she ran and collided with the occasional pony or two, her shadow began to emerge behind her. "I told you not to fall asleep. Why don't you listen?"  She could barley reply, half out of breath from running, and too focused on the path to pay attention. It only when she was halted by two palace guards could she respond. "Well for one I was asleep, and it hard to hear while your doing this action; and two: can you just give me a break... And behave! Scribble said that he would be here. I'm sure I already missed him, and I would hate to tell him i didn't see the baby too."  


She continued leisurely walking, forgetting that the guards were still there. It was only when they stopped her did she realize that she looked almost insane, and talking to air. "Nice going..."

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@Josh Riordan

Game and Twilight smiled as the mare lost her roughness to their daughter. They didn't think that one of the Canterlot elite would be so, loving and adored of midnight, but no matter how high and tight they where they where still just normal ponies that had their weak spots. The mare handed the filly back to twilight. The Prince and Princess winced at Carnation. 


"Well.." Game began. "We didn't exactly want to show her off so early to everypony."


"If anything i'd like to get her back to her crib." Twilight chimed in. "But Celestia thought it would be good to let everyone come see their new princess." Twilight said with a nervous smile, trying her best not to make it seam that it was a bad thing. "Once she gets older, we plan to move back out to Ponyville and raise her out there." Twilight chimed with her normal smile.


"But we do think both of you for coming." Game added turning to josh and nodding to both him and Carnation. He and twilight turned and took little midnight back to their chambers.




Two of the Guards stood outside the castle, looking for anypony that would want to take off with the new born. One of the guards could have sworn he heard something. He turned to ask his partner if he could also hear it. As he did, he noticed the stallion had a look of confusion. He then knew that he heard the talking he looked to see a mare talking to herself. The two gave a confused look at one another. The larger of the two ordered her to halt, while the other walked to her. She was much smaller then him, but he was used to that. He leaned down to meet eye to eye with her.


"Are you alright ma'am?"

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Josh was taken by surprise when midnight grabbed his nuzzle but laughed lightly to himself as she giggled. Then he noticed midnight reaching up at his hood but Josh wouldn't let that come off in fear of being seen as different. "please don't take that down little one" He pleaded with the filly. Then she continued to stare at him and he simply stared at her which was strange as usually Josh avoided eye contact because ponies disliked his snakelike eyes but for a Strange reason he didn't look away from midnight until she suddenly stopped laughing and Twilight had bring midnight back to her hooves "stupid you probably scared the poor little filly." He muttered to himself as he listened to the other ponies who were discussing midnight. "i shoukd probably go I've stayed I canterlot to long for my liking". Josh thought to himself. Then game and Twilight started to leave. Josh thanked them for allowing him to see midnight and headed away from that room in the castle and began to try and find his way out of the castle

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@@Josh Riordan,@@Game Design,


Carnation saw the couple leaving with the child, and she felt slightly mournful. She couldn't shake this feeling about the child, but decided to let it pass. "Well I best be on my way."  She thought as she trotted away.



Muddle eyed the guard nervously. This hadn't been the first time her forgetfulness had brought her into these awkward situations, and she was sure it wouldn't be her last, but what was she suppose to say now? "Um... I'm fine. I was just..." It was at times like this she was glad her shadow would offer help, "You hit your head... At birth," half way help at least.


She turned towards the guards and said, "I just hit my head... At... While I was running here. I guess I just started..." Her shadow sighed, and gave her another response, "Doing something you do once a year." Muddle had to resist the urge to give her shadow an angry glare after what it said. She managed to continue looking at the guard and say, "Thinking. Thinking out loud." She looked up at the guard hoping what she said was believable. As she looked at the guard, just past his head, she could see a few ponys coming down the palace steps.

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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The guard gave a laugh to the mare. 


"Don't worry, Ma'am. I do the same. We'll all be in attention and I'll..." 


"And you'll what, privet?" A voice form behind the mare asked in a neutral, but loud tone. The guard jumped and stood at attention quickly bringing his hoof to his for head.


"Uhhh, nothing sir! Sorry sir!" The Stallion stated. The caption walked up beside the mare, he was even a little smaller then she was, but he had no trouble with carrying the heavy armor on his body. as he looked at his soldier. 


"At ease." He said. The other guard let his hoof drop.


"Now get back to your post!" The small stallion ordered. The larger pony did as told, and with in seconds he was back to his normal spot. The small stallion looked back to the mare.


"Im sorry to say ma'am, but the Prince and Princess have decided to take their child to bed." He pointed past her and looked at the other ponies leaving the castle. 


"As you can see the last of the ponies have been asked to leave." He looked back to her.


"Perhaps if you weren't late you would have made it on time. Now, I can a sine you an escort."


"Sir, I'll do it!" The Stallion from earlier announced. The smaller pony turned, and nodded. 


"Aiming archer." He called. The other stallion turned.


"Yes sir?" 

"We are to petrol the castle." The stallion nodded and trotted inside. The small stallion then looked at the other pony that was so eager to escort the mare.


"When you return, you shale do the same when you return." The stallion nodded.


"Yes sir!" The caption, nodded and walked into the castle. The stallion smiled and walked next to the mare.


"Shale we get going miss?" 

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@@Game Design,


It took Muddle a moment to respond to her escort. She was to busy watching her shadow rage at the captain of the guard ponies. "Perhaps if you weren't late, just who does he think he is? No one talks to her like that but me! " Shadow was growing slightly bigger now, and it once pony like body could be seen taking shape into a menacing and monstrous form; and Muddle was slightly scarred.

She turned towards the stallion, and in a jumble of words said, "Yes! let's go very far away from that pony," She stumbled her words in panic, "I mean palace" She had already begun walking, and was roughly ten steps ahead when she turned around and asked, "Where are we going again?"


@@Josh Riordan,(I think game said were both outside)  Carnation was almost down the stairs when her dress had snagged, causing her to fall from three steps. "Ouch..." She whined while standing up. ​"I absolutely despise long sets of stairs. They is why you need to learn a spell of invest in a pegasus flier." When she was fully stood up, she began dusting off her dress and complaining about the stains. "Great if it's not the parasprites, it's the very earth it's self!"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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(sorry I would have replied sooner but it was 2am where I am and I fell asleep sorry)

Josh would have gotten lost in the castle again. Well he almost did. But fortunately he saw the pony called carnation and followed her from a bit if a distance. When they got outside Josh went to thank Carnation for unknowingly helping him out of the castle but as he got close he saw her trip down a couple steps. He tried to jump and get to her but he shoukd have known he was to far off to help. He obviously enough didn't make if to help her and would have ended up in a heap on the floor if not for his wings. Realising he was probably making a fool of himself again he put himself back of the ground and walked over to Carnation.

"hi umm are you alright? You fell so I thought I should make sure" He stood there and help out a as if to shake and be polite. "your dress looks really nice the stains in it aren't really visible" He said after hearing her rant about parasprites and the earth attacking her dress.

Josh being slightly is patois ensures that his hood was safely fastened around his head

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@@Josh Riordan,


Carnation turned her head at the sound of a voice, and she cringed fearing the worst. "Someone I know, now!"


When she got a good look at the at the pony she calmed down. He looked somewhat familiar to her, and she took a second to rummaged through her mind and put a face to memory. Her thoughts containing the stallion were a little bit blurry since he was standing behind the princess at the time, but she did recall glancing at him moments ago.


"Oh, your that other pony that went to see the baby." She took a closer look a the pony and wondered how she could forget. "That jacket..." She thought as she stared at his hoodie. "Yes dear, I'm quite alright; but this dress is ruined. I'll burn it later on. To clean this fabric would be far too tedious; and I don't wish to endure such long labors."


As she finished speaking her eye's began to wander back to the pony's jacket. They seemed to keep on drawing her attention until her mind could take it no more.


Without any regard to how the pony felt, she began to circle the pony. She became lost in her own thoughts, as she began criticizing his jacket. "Must be a new fashion statement. I wonder why haven't I heard about this before? Well they look seem of centered-no, protruding  Maybe... Bigger... Bolder... Even more off placed with the ears. No... A jacket that takes your ears into consideration when being made." She could almost not help contain her excitement as she said, "Sir where did you that jacket?"

(I don't advise making sense of what she said, just note she doesn't notice the horn.) 

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@Josh Riordan

The guards walked past the two ponies that had walked down the stairs. The Caption got a quick look at under the hood of the blue Pegasus pony. There seemed to be something off about him.


"Archer." He called. The gray pony walked over to his caption and addressed him.


"Yes sir?"


"Is that stallion a resident in canterlot?" The smaller colt said pointing to the stallion as he talked to the fashion pony. Archer put a hoof up to his chin and rubbed it as if that would cause him to remember.


"I don't so sir."He answered. The smaller stallon looked back and winced in anger.


"Lets keep an eye on that one." He said turning back and walking into the castle with his other royal guard.




The stallion looked at the small mare with confusion. He had never had to deal with someone that had amnesia before. He leaned forward and put a hoof on her forehead. She seamed fine, he took his hoof down and looked into her eyes with concern.


"You do know where your house is? Don't you ma'am?" He asked still looking at her.

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(Yaaaay I love random senslessness)

@ danzxc123


Josh smiled and replied "Yea I was there seeing the baby. She was cute wasn't she?"

Josh noticed Carnation staring at him but thought nothing of it. "wait your gonna burn it?! That would be a waste of valuable material wouldn't it? Josh was mystified at the fact that such a beautiful dress would be burned so simply when Josh was used to re using any material he could find. Josh then noticed that Carnation had started circling him. Unsure of what to do he started to follow her around In circles until he gave up and just sat still while she circled him. He heard her talking about his jacket. Then she asked where he had gotten it.

"umm well I don't remember. "

Josh stared at his hooded jacket that he had had for years

" i don't remember I've had this thing for years sorry. Your dress is much nicer anyway I don't think you should burn it.

Surely a little stain wouldn't be that hard to remove." Josh still found It strange that such a beautiful dress or any clothing would be burned so easily. "so I'm guessing you live in canterlot?"

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(Hooray for being cray.)

@@Josh Riordan,


Carnation slightly frowned when the stallion said he couldn't remember, "Oh well, it seemed tattered anyway." She stopped circling the pony to answer his questions, but the first question she had heard almost seemed like an insult. "Me! from Canterlot? No, no. I reside in Trotingham. A life in Canter lot seems to be too closely," She spoke off to the side darkly so the stallion would barley hear, "Tainted with the ever-presence of a bothersome." She had noticed that she had been rambling again, and decided to change the topic before something was said. "But that just me and my... Charmed... life." She added with mock enthusiasm, "Please, tell me about yourself."


@@Game Design,  Muddle looked at the stallion in a confused way as he pressed his hoof to her forehead, "Well yeah I do, but that's in Manehatten. I didn't know we were going all the way back there?" She looked at her shadow nervously over the guard shoulder, and she swore she saw claws. "But you know what, while I'm here and your escorting me, or whatever. How about you show me around the great town of Canterlot." She eyed her shadow once more, and turned towards the guard in a pleading and scarred tone, "Please?" 

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@ danzxc123


The stallion felt a little embarised, and let down. He noticed that she looked behind him many times. He looked back and was about to ask her what she was looking at, until he heard her speak again.


"But you know what, while I'm here and your escorting me, or whatever. How about you show me around the great town of Canterlot."


The stallion smiled and cheered for joy in his mind. He wasn't sure why, but something interested him in this mare. He made his cool and looked back at her with a raised eye brow. Again however, before he could say anything she had taken a step towards him, and asked in a pleading and scared tone.




He couldn't hold him self, his face emedintly turned red. The fact that he was playing the "helpless card" was very attractive to him.


"Uhh, well, I uhhh..." He stuttered and took a breath finding his words.


"Of, of course." He muttered. Then jumped up and let his arm out so that the mare could put her arm around his.




The two ponies that had interned with Josh had gotten out without being noticed. The mare took a stand and began to have a green aura form around her nose. The stallion noticed and slapped her in to snout. The mare let out a yip and fell on her flank, rubbing her muzzle, the green aura vanishing . She gave the stallion a stern look. 


"What the buck was that for?!" She hollered. The stallion gave the same look back.


"You want to give out our positions?!" He scolded.


"Stay in your from until we get back the head quarters." The mare looked at her back and frowned. She turned and looked at the stallion.


"But you have wings, and i don't. It'll take me forever!" The stallion gave her a look that said tough luck, and spread his wings.


"Well then, you should have turned into a Pegasus then." He gave a laugh as he flew into the air. The mare, still on the ground followed him out of the city, and into the Everyfree. 

Edited by Game Design
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Josh gave his jacket a once over and realised he probably shoukd have smartened up a long time before going into canterlot. He stared at Carnation "Yea it's not a very good jacket. Been scratched and torn a lot." He heard the slightly offended tone in Carnations voice and apologised before she continued rant and then ask him about himself. Well uhh I don't really live anywhere in particular. I just came here to see the filly, midnight. I usually just kind of well live wherever I can camp. Or something and live off of whatever is around. "Josh felt awkward talking about himself and wanted to change the subject as fast as he could so he just want back to focusing on what Carnation said." You didn't really seem to happy about your charmed life. Is there anything wrong with it?" Josh noticed a guard eyeing him and had a thought to himself. He smiled widely and started to laugh loudly. Then he turned to Carnation "sorry I just thought it would be funny to mess with that guard over there. I think that he is watching me. Wanna mess with him? Or do you have any ideas how to. Or would that be a mean idea?"

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@Josh Riordan


Archer took a little to exam the Pegasus stallion. He couldn't see what the caption was worried about. He seamed like a normal pony.He even noticed a slit interest the blue colt had for the fashion mare. He chuckled to himself.


kid wont have a chance with a Canterlot Elite. Especial with that kind of hood. He thought. He then began to think how the caption would react to how Archer was so quick to judge on how the Stallion looked. He then found all of his caption's fears when he had heard a deep and loud laugh from the Pegasus. The guard was frozen with fear, but then made no hesitation to call for his caption.


"Caption!!!" He yelled as he stumbled and ran after his caption. 




The Caption walked around the castle as going on his route. He began to think of everypony that had come to see midnight. The ones he couldn't for get about, were the mare and stallion that had come with the blue stallion. He knew he seen them before, but before he could think of it he heard his name being called.


"Caaaptiooon!!!!" He heard as archer stoped and was seeking a million words.


"Caption! Iwasgettinga look at thatponyyouwantedmetowatch, and atfirstI." The caption sighed and turned back to his trooper. Archer stopped talking when The Caption had looked at him. The small stallion took to steps towards Archer, sat on his flank, and rose his hoof. He then slapped archer twice and took ahold of his chest with his hooves. 


"Get a grip of yourself man!" He ordered then head butted archer. They both took a step back. The Caption swayed and shock his head.


"I think that last part was unneeded." Archer did the same and jumped back in front of The Caption.


"Sir! That pony you wanted me to watch gave me an evil laugh!" Archer panicked as he took in deep breaths. The Caption gave an annoyed look and turned back to his walk.


"I'm no longer worried about him." Archer looked confused and trotted up to the smaller white pony.


"But, sir."


"Im worried about the other ponies that had come with him." The Caption looked to Archer. 

"Those two have been missing for weeks."


"B-but they where in the castle, how could they be missing?"


"Who knows, maybe they want to see if their friends acttualy care about them. But non the less. Keep an eye out for them and if you find them bring them in for questioning." Archer nodded and trotted along with his comrade down the rest of the castle.

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