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open The Uncertainty of an Unknown Evil

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@@Josh Riordan, [time to show off what makes Carnation useful xJpg51C.png]


Carnation listened as the stallion talked, but paid little attention to his words. She acted enthralled and interested so she wouldn't have to continue to speak about herself. That was until,


  On 2013-10-31 at 12:36 AM, Josh Riordan said:
"Wanna mess with him? Or do you have any ideas how to. Or would that be a mean idea?"

, suddenly she seemed so much more entertained. She quickly glanced at the guard then back at the pony (I still don't think she knows your name?), and started speaking.


"Well his armor does look like that of a lower class, and they used such tarnished and weak gold plating; but that doesn't excuse the obvious lack of care, especially with that helmet. It's not even fitted to the size of his head. I would consider that soldier a disgrace to royal arms; but as far as Ideas go. I would say anything. This soldier is just so unbelievably flawed. Smack him near the side of his head; and his 'extra large' helmet should spin and blind him. Then do what ever you want to your hearts content." She rolled her eyes almost annoyed at a thought in her head, then she continued speaking, "It would only be fitting for somepony that would take such little care into what they wear, at least somepony in the royal guard."


She looked back and watched as the guard walk away from his position for some reason and sighed, "Well missed opportunities I would say." Then turned back to the pony.    

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Josh listened to Carnation talk about the guard and for some reason found it really funny. Josh fell on the ground and clutched his sides in laughter. After he recovered from a laughing fit he stared around and noticed that the guard had left the area. "Awwww no the guard left I guess we can't mess with him. That's a shame it would have been really funny to mess with him. You seemed entertained by the idea of messing with the guard you like joking. " Josh got over his laughing fit and turned back towards Carnation. "oh um I don't think that you know my name yet I'm sorry my name is Josh Riordan" Its a pleasure to meet ya umm mm I just realised that I dont know your name. I'm very sorry I really should have asked you that before I started being f weird

What is your name may i ask?" Josh looked apologetically and extended his hoof to shake and properly greet the pony


(random filler I'm really really sorry but I've been typing this for ages and I really can't think of how to extend this further and now I'm fillering. I'm really sorry for doing this)

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(Sorry about the late response RP backup)


  On 2013-10-31 at 2:50 AM, Josh Riordan said:
What is your name may i ask?" Josh looked apologetically and extended his hoof to shake and properly greet the pony.


Carnation extended her hoof and gently shook the stallions'. She was impressed that he could take such 'charming' measures to introduce him self. She hadn't expected this from a pony, that seemed to be, of such lower class. "Others address me as Carnation." She took a moment to think, something was off about this pony. Why had he managed to maintain her attention for so long? He seemed to obviously, be exceeding where other had failed; but what she couldn't understand was what he was doing. From her point of view the stallion was simply speaking and... smiling? A sign of changing emotion that she had previously paid no attention to, but the moment had passed.


She released her grip on the stallion's hoof and said, "It was... Nice, meeting you; but I simply must be going." She started to trot away, but couldn't help look over her shoulder. It was almost like she wanted the stallion to follow, but that would be ridiculous. 

(annnnd poetry) 


@@Game Design


Muddle wrapped her arm around the stallion, and slowly started to walk forward. She could feel her shadow following behind her, unwilling, but still following all the same.

In Muddle's mind everything was going alright. At least until her shadow had started asking questions about who this stallion was, and why he was holding her hoof. "Mind telling me what I missed!" It had returned back to normal size, but that never her shadow from being any less menacing when it wanted to be; and with the missed opportunity to pummel that officer. It needed something to direct it's rage at.


"That's a very... uhh good question." She noticed that she had started to speak out loud again, and hoped the guard remained oblivious. She quickly stepped in front of the guard, halting his movements and said, "I'm sorry sir, I haven't even gotten your name."


Shadow stood behind the stallion, eagerly awaiting his answer.

(Why no poetry, Because I have plans. That and Muddle doesn't speak as proper as Carnation.)

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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As the two ponies continued to walk down the street, hoof in hoof. He smiled as he walked the mare around. He couldn't believe this was going so well. Yes he was the natural stud, but he had never hit anything off like this before. He heard her speak again and looked down at her. He then smiled and gave a chuckle.


Mite have to get used to that. He thought, but he still wondered if she was truly alright from that hit on the head she said she had gotten. He was about to ask her if she was sure she was alright when she jumped in front of him. He stopped before he crashed into her.


"I'm sorry sir, I haven't even gotten your name."


The stallion lowered his ears in shame, and grew a look of embarrassment  How could have forgotten to tell her his name?! He pulled his self back up and took a stance. 


"For give me miss." He said, in a confidant tone.


"My name is Heartfill Art'est." He said looking to the small mare with and smile. He then picked up Muddles hoof and lowered his eye lids a little, with a charming smile.


"And what mite the lovely miss's name mite be?" He asked deepening his voice a little.

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Josh felt a Strange sense of disappointment when Carnation told him that she had to leave. He saw her turn to look back and he waved goodbye as she trotted away. "time to get going." Josh said to himself "I've spent enough time in this city.". Josh trotted way from the palace and walked through a few alleys in canterlot before realising he was lost again "Dang it you would think for someone who grew up here I'd be able to find my way around the place better" Josh walked through a few more streets before seeing a familiar potions shop. He trembled and quickly galloped away from it. After a while of Madley running around canterlot before Remembering he had wings. Josh spread his wings and flew for a little before realising he had reached the edge of canterlot. Before flying out he looked back to see if he would remember anything he needed. After realising he had nothing left to stay for he flew slowly away from canterlot and landed somewhere. "back in my own enviroment" Josh walked and took down his hood down finally feeling comfortable again

(I'm gonna say out until a time skip or something that might drag me back in cause I dont know what else to do I'm sorry)

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@@Game Design,


Muddle slowly felt her cheeks turning red as the stallion grabbed hold of her hand. She hadn't expected him to make such a 'strong' introduction. She was only able to weakly reply, "M-Muddle," as he lightly kissed her hoof. She slowly let her hoof fall back towards the ground, and awkwardly smile. She looked away for a moment completely lost as to what the stallion was doing, and making her feel.


Now that her mind was 'focused', she remembered an alternative way of speaking to her shadow through thought. "S-see Shadow he's nice." Her shadow only smiled in reply. It was a wicked grin, malevolent and filled with ill intent. Muddle shadow was still very mad. "But she's not."


~@@Josh Riordan,@@Game Design, (In a situation like this. I might use <~> to split between carnation and Muddle.)


Carnation watched as the pegasus left, and felt a very soft depression. "He, under no circumstances, lives up to social standards; but he still proved quite the interesting pass time... Yes a pass time and nothing more... Get a grip!" (Hehe more plans) She trotted away felling a mixture of sad and angry. With herself, and some other 'ridiculous' thing.


As carnation walked through Canterlot, hopefully, headed towards a train that would lead her mind away from this Fiasco. She saw some, or in this case someone quite interesting. She was already feeling so many emotions at the moment, and seeing her started to make her blood boil. "You!"




Muddle was beginning to hate all of the things she could see behind the guard. First her shadow, and now her. She grabbed the stallions hoof, tightly, and began walking. "Ehh... She deosn't like me," but her running was cut off by her shadow: blocking her path, and turning her around. "Ehh... She deosn't her either." She quickly hid behind the stallion as the peach mare approached. 

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Heart smiled seeing that he had gotten a smile out of the mare. The smile slowly faded as her head had turned and her hoof had fallen. The large stallion then began to panicked in his mind, as a look of worry washed over his face.


Oh no did i go do to much? Gah!  You always do this Heart! He thought angrily to himself. He gave an apologetic smile and was about to apologize when her heard a loud shout.


"You!" He jumped a little, then he felt a hoof on his , with a tight grip causing him to turn red in his face. As he was being pulled along, muddle explained why she was walking away from the other mare.


"Ehh... She deosn't like me," She muttered. He looked back to see that the mare only looked like a normal pony. He was then stopped as muddle stopped and hid behind him. He turned again and smiled confidently.


This is it! This is my chance, i can woo her! He exaggerated. He took up a tough look and stopped the mare. 


"Ma;am, im going to have to ask you to stop harassing this lovely and gorgeous mare that stands behind me." He exclaimed looking back to muddle and giving her a wink. He tunred back to the peach mare and gave the sternest look he could give to anypony.

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@@Game Design

Carnation was completely unfazed by the guards stern look and proceeded to return one of the same, if not worse. "Harassment? I'll say! This mare's a menace to public society." She glared at Muddle as she hid behind the guard. "She ruined half the items in my shop, and you useless royal guards just let her get away with it!"




"Oh, it looks like she still sour from the last time we met." 


Muddle watched as Carnation yelled at the guard over the last time they had met. She remembers that day all to well. She was in Trottingham for a weekend, and she was in need of a dress. When she went into her shop, Carnation was being very mean and rude. Muddle had asked her multiple times to stop, but she just wouldn't listen. Then her shadow just couldn't take the mare arrogance anymore. "I-I told you already. I didn't do anything, and I kept asking you to be nice..."


Muddles shadow had already snuck past Muddle without her noticing. Then started to tinker with objects behind Carnation while she was busy talking to Muddle and heart.

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Heartfull was, puzzled that the mare hadn't at least backed up a little. Being a guard, and his large size, ponies would be intimidated, this mare however wasn't fazed. But he keep his ground. He knew if she did anything he could just take her to Celestia, Luna, Twilight, or Game.


"Harassment? I'll say! This mare's a menace to public society." The peach mare yelled. The large stallion looked at her in confusion, then looked back at Muddle, then back to the other mare.


"Seriously?" He said. He said as thought the mare had just made up a story that she had defeated King Sombra, or Discord herself.

The angered mare began to speak again.


"She ruined half the items in my shop, and you useless royal guards just let her get away with it!" She yelled. Heart was insulted, he had never seen such hatred from the Royal Guard from anyone. 


"Hey!" He said with an insulted tone. He then heard muddle begin to speak.


"I-I told you already. I didn't do anything, and I kept asking you to be nice..." Heart looked back at the fashion mare and gave her an angry look. 


"Alright ma'am I'm going to ha-have to... Uhhh, ma'am..." Heart looked on in fear as he pointed behind Carnation

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@@Game Design, (sorry for the lateness, writers block. Time to get these two separated.)


Muddle watched in horror as her shadow tampered with pipe near carnation, until it broke open and unleashed a torrent of water onto the fashion mare. It was well aware of how she felt about what she wore, and was ready to abuse it in whatever way it could. It grinned malevolently as it tampered with a sunroof over Carnations' head.


Muddle saw that Carnation could really get hurt and dashed to her side in order to save her. "What are you doing!" she yelled, hoping Shadow would come to it's senses. "I was only going to knock her out." Shadow said nonchalantly, "She had it coming." 


"Stop it now! what's gotten into you, Isn't this much?"


Carnation was in a state of shook. She never had been so embarrassed in her life. "Standing in the streets of canterlot," She thought, "Drenched..." She heard Muddle mumbling something. but at the moment she couldn't care. All she knew was that once again, this mare had caused her a great deal of problems. She started to run away to a place where she could change, not before using her magic to send Muddle flying back into the guard. (Carnation, going for enemy of the state lol)



"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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The guard flinched as water poorer over the fashion pony, he ran up to her and was about to ask if she was alright, when he heard muddle talking to herself. He turned to her and looked on in confusion he was about to ask her if she was alright. There was a pipe above  Carnation' s head when muddle was thrown into him. He was knocked onto the ground when with muddle laying in his lap.                                                                                                          

Ow..."  â€‹She muttered. He rubbed his head before he looked down to her. He got up quick and helped her  to her hooves.                            


"Oh my goodness, are you alright muddle?" He said helping her up. He hadn't noticed before but her hooves where very soft. Softer then most mares. He gave a little blush to the fell, then he remembered the other mare and looked into the direction she had ran off towards. He looked back at muddle and smiled.                                                                                                                                  


"Guess I should go find her." He said nodding his head to the  right. He then walked closer the muddle being only steps away from touching his chest to muddles muzzle. He took her hoof in his and smile with a light blush.


"But I would love to meet up again." He justered. 


"Maybe another time when I'm off duty?" 

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@@Game Design


She slightly blushed at the position she found herself in, her muzzle nearly pressed up against the stallions chest. Muddle slowly started to get up with the stallion firmly holding her hoof so she could balance. She kept feeling embarrassed, but she couldn't figure out why though. What was this... thing that she kept feeling when ever this stallion held her hoof, or when she messed up or did something stupid in front of the stallion; for her this 'feeling' wasn't normal.


  On 2013-11-05 at 11:37 PM, Game Design said:
"But I would love to meet up again. Maybe another time when I'm off duty?"
 Muddle smiled again, for the second time today her thoughts seemed completely focused. "Shadow, why does he seem so?" She softly sighed as she thought, "Nice."


Shadow paid Muddle little attention. It was too busy trying to see if Carnation was still in sight. "I just can't figure you out today?" Muddle snapped back to reality when she realized she hadn't answered the stallions question. "Y-Yeah, I'd love to."




Carnation winked the first chance she had gotten to. She didn't want to be seen by any pony, and she hoped she gave that irratable Muddle a concussion. After a moment, she found her self at the door of clothing shop. After the long day she was having she thought of the only thing that could make it worse. "They had better my dress size!"

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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(Jezz! Carnation needs to go to the spa or something! XD)


Heart smiled and bent down and gave muddle and wink. He then turned and was about to take off but stoped himself. 


"Oh!" He exclaimed turning back to muddle. 


"I almost forgot." He took his helmet off. This reviled curly hair, then he removed his body armor which revealed wings. Slowly, after lifting it off his coat began to turn into a dark brown, with his main turnning white, and his flank revealing a cutie Mark that was a paint brush drifting on a blank canvuous. He then smiled again giving muddle a wink.


"There, now you'll know what I look like when I come to see you again." He told her, he put his armor back on, and his coat slowly began to turn back into a light gray. He then spread his wings and took off.




Heartfull flew for a while when he found the fashion mare. He smiled and flew down behind her. He landed and was about to tap on her flank, then thought that may have not been such a good idea. He was trying to find other places to tap so she would look at him, but soon he gave up and just talked to her.


"Excuse me ma'am?" He called

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@@Game Design, (A spa! do you like seeing ponies die? lol, also I think Muddle is about ready for a time skip, so that's one down.)


Muddle trotted slowly towards the inn she would be staying. Her train didn't leave until the morning, and she had so much to think about; or so much to not think about in her case. She still couldn't understand what was going on between the two, but she knew what ever it was felt right. She couldn't wait until she got to see him again. 


She trotted to the second floor of the inn, and tucked herself in for a rest. That crash into heart left a nasty bump on her head, but she was sure it would be better with some sleep.  



Carnation groaned, she turned around her hair and clothes dripping water from what seemed to be everywhere. The snapped at the guard, "What!" Then she calmed down, realizing who it was again. "Oh look, if it isn't the useless guard from before. My day just can't seem to get any better." She held her hoof up to her face as she the thoughts of all the days events flooded into her mind, making her angry. At this point, she just wasn't sure what she would do if anything else were to go wrong. "Sir, I going to ask you, respectfully. to stop pestering me right now."

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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(sounds good after this, I should be  able to make the jump :D)

Heartfull jumped a little at the mares shout. She then began to blabber on about how he was a useless guard and how bad he was at his job. He keeped his smile on and was about to defend himself. Then, he noticed her distress. She seamed to have had a very rough day. He lowered his ears when she spoke again. 


"Sir, I going to ask you, respectfully. to stop pestering me right now."


He took a step back to give the mare her space. He then lowered his head to become face to face with her. He gave her a smile and talked calmly. 


"Ma'am, I sonserly apologize for any discomfort I may have caused you." He then turned and pointed towards the Canterlot castle. 


"If you just follow me we can get you out of those cloths and into new ones, and then I will personally have a train back to what ever city you are from." He then turned back to her giving that same smile, hopping to would make her a little less hostile towards him.


"So what do you say? Can't you give a useless guard a chance to redeem himself?" He asked still giving his smile.

Edited by Game Design
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(I'm sorry... sometimes I just stuck; but know that I don't plan on abandoning the rp anytime soon, or if possible at all.)




  On 2013-11-07 at 4:29 AM, Game Design said:
Can't you give a useless guard a chance to redeem himself?
 "A chance!" She scoffed, narrowing her eyes at the guard. It seemed as if the guards smile and calming tone hadn't phased her positively. Seeing him smile like that only made her remember the pegasus she met earlier. The one that, no matter how angry she got, was still stuck in her mind. 


She still knew so little about him: For once somepony wasn't appalled by the way she acted or spoke, and he wasn't talking to her just because of her skill. "He was laughing and smiling, why should I care!" She just couldn't comprehend why her thoughts were wouldn't let her forget.


She raised a hoof to her head and slightly wobbled for a moment. Afterwards, she managed to pull herself together and start walking towards the guard. She no longer cared about who saw her in what at the moment.


As she walked past the guard, she sneezed. Fed up with her dress: Carnation ripped it off, and flung it to the side of the street. "The useless... thing!" She gave the guard a dirty look and said, "I was leaving anyway, and don't touch me."

(Insult to injury, littering fine; and Carnation has some problems. I'll change if you ask.)

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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(Its fine, i know how it feels to be stuck, trust me. XD And, you could lave, but i wouldn't ether of your OC's to go:] And NO! Don't change a thing about her!! I know how she is i read her personality and that's why i wanted her in this!! XD It will all come in do time ;] Now lets get to the time skip shale we :D)


The stallion lowered his ears to the mare's tone. She began to walk towards him, as she did, he walked from her. She then was silent for a moment, but then talked again, after tossing her dress to the street. She then told him she could get home on her own, and that she didn't need him. Heartfull sighed in disappointment. Well that could have gone better. He grumbled to himself. He spread his wings, but took one last look at Carnation and then took off. 




Little was past Ponyville, the two ponies that have been confirmed as missing darted towards the Everfree Forest. After they where sure that no one could see them, they both conjured a green aura around them, changing their figures to a more insect like form. They where changeling. The two trotted deep into the Everfree before the one that had been a mare spoke up. 


"What are we going to do with those ponies we ponynaped?" 


"I don't know!" The other boasted. "And who cares come on lets hurry." The two began to gallop. The arrived at a burrow this was hidden by a mere bush. They walked in and after going past a few turns and halls they arrived at their queens chamber. The two bowed as they walked in.


"So, is it true?" The insect alicorn asked standing to her hooves. The two smaller changelings nodded as they rose. 


"Yes queen." The female changeling confirmed. "And she was just so adorable a-" She stopped when she noticed the way Chrysalis and her comrade had looked at her. She smiled and blushed and lowered back down. 


"Riiight, well you two will go back to the castle and tell report to me when the filly is of the age we seek. And stay hidden. We can not let anyone know of our plans." The changelings nodded and flew off in the direction of canterlot. Chrysalis casted a mirror spell so that she could watch midnight sleep. 


"Ahhh, i have much in store for you little one." She spoke, with a devilish grin.





Five Years Later


"That's it." Game announced as he sat the last of the boxes into the tree house. He turned back to the door was watched as Twilight walked in holding midnight's bed with her magic. She sat it down to where the bed her and Game had shared when they first came to Ponyville. 


"Its funny isn't it." She said just loud enough for Game to hear her. The dark purple stallion looked over at his wife. 




She looked up to him with sad eyes, but a smile on her face.


"That not so long ago, we just moved in here. That..." She took a step towards him and nuzzled his muzzle. "You finally asked me to be your special somepony." Game blush and was about to kiss her, when a white mare walked into the house. 


"Hello darlings!" She called. Followed behind herself itching and pulling at the dress Rarity had made for her. "Midnight dear, please don't pull on your new dress."


"But aunt Rarity!" Midnight whined. "It's soo itchy! Ohh, why couldn't i just keep the one that Miss Carnation made for me?" Rarity cringed at that name, but then quickly grew a smile.


"Because she is not, the best of ponies sweetie." 

"Well that's not very nice to say." Midnight replied scratching at her neck like a dog would.Twilight and Game design couldn't help but chuckle at the scene. The walked over and helped midnight out of her dress. Rarity let out a sigh and rubbed muzzles with midnight.

"Well you still look adorable even with out cloths, darling." Midnight smiled at her aunt and turned to hug her parents. "Sorry we're late." Rarity began. "But as you can see we had a little trouble  with the dress." Rarity gave a look to midnight. Which midnight replied with an innocent look, and a slight blush in her cheeks. Rarity smile and shared a laugh with her old friends. 


"Its no problem Rarity. Actually your the first to show up." Game confirmed. 


"Oh well then i made great timing. Your still going to take her to see the others are you not?"


"Well of cores." Twilight chimed, looking down at her filly. "She's been excited for this all week." Rarity smiled down to midnight and then looked back to Game Design and Twilight. "Well i'll be on my way but, when you've seen everyone don't fret to stop by." 


"We will Rarity." The older ponies chimed. She smiled, said her good byes and walked out the door. The purple family then exited after. The had been walking down the street to Sweet Apple Acres when Midnight noticed a pony walking alone. 

@Josh Riordan

"Hey!" She said jumping off her fathers back and flying in front of the blue Pegasus. 


"I know you." She said, smiling up at the stallion.



Heartfull smiled as he trotted through the streets of Manehatten. He was ready for this day, and it had been a while seance he had seen Muddle. He they have met numerous times before, but this time was very special to him. 


"Alright, I've got the flowers, her favorite cake, and i have a special necklaces for her." He blushed at the thought of the two being married but then he shock his head. Come on now Heart she hasn't even said yes yet. He was very compelled to have this day be perfect. He had gone back towards the flower shop three times. First because one of the flower pedals where ripped. Seconded because the stem had a dent in it. The third he only did just to make sure it was perfect. The same was for her cake as well, but only because of the icing. He approached her house and let out a sigh.


"Hey, muddle nice to see ya, oh these, oh they're just some sweets. But not as sweet at you." He said giving a wink. "No no, that's stupid. Oh i know!" He took up a pose and began to speak again. "Hey muddle, you me, an night on the town what do you say? GAH! No that's dumb too." He let out another sight in frustration then rose his head. "I'll just have to be myself." He took another breath and rose his hoof as it shock he nervously rung the door bell.   

  • Brohoof 1
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Josh had not been busy since last seeing Midnight when she was born. He had kept to a routine of staying out of towns and camping in wilderness. The few times he had stayed in towns people looked at him funny and made him feel uneasy.

It was just another random day and Josh was moving from the everfree forest aimlessly he was going to just wander until he felt tired enough to stop and then take rest for the night. That was his plan until he got fright from a purple pegasus. Josh had his hood wrapped tightly around him and the same jacket on him that he had for as long as he could remember so if this filly recognised him it wasn't a surprise. But Josh couldn't recognise her. He stayed quiet for a long while just staring until something clicked in his brain and he smiled brightly "if I remember your midnight Arnt you? I think I saw you when you were a lot smaller" Josh looked her up and down again "you have grown a lot but where are your parents?" He recalled midnight parents and was worried about what they would think of their daughter talking to a Strange hooded pony

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@Josh Riordan


Midnight nodded when the stallion asked her name. Then grew a confident look when she had grown a lot the last time he saw her.


"but where are your parents?" He asked she hoped and pointed to their left. 


"Oh they're over there!" Twilight and Game galloped towards the two with looks of worry. 


"Midnight!" Twilight called. walking between her and the stallion. "Don't just walk up and address ponies like that! It's rude!" She scolded. Midnight looked at her in confusion and rose an eye brow. Twilight then turned to look at the stallion with Game Design. They both gave him sympathetic looks.


"We are very sorry, sir." The two said in unison. 


"But you see she's just a filly and she doesn't really know any better. Wont happen again I swear." Game Prostrated, but then he recognized the pony. He squinted his eyes.


"Josh, is that you? It is, how have you been?" He asked with a smile. Twilight looked on in confusion.


"is there something I'm missing?" 


"Honey this is Josh, that pony you let hold midnight all those years ago." Twilight eyed Josh and then smiled.


"Oh yes, I'm sorry i didn't recognize you. How are you sir?"

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Josh found it funny as midnight and Twilight ran over to retrieve Midnight and then started apologising for her behaviour he tried to keep a straight face but only got as far as being told that she was only a filly until he fell over and started laughing he felt rude for laughing at this but he couldn't help it. He recovered and stood up giving an apologetic look. "how have you been?" He heard game asked and then Twilight asked little after."I'm very sorry for laughing like that I dont know why I found that so funny. I have been very good nothing unusual except for this and pleas princess Twilight my name is Josh I am no sir " He chuckled and looked around at midnight and Twilight observing any differences. He couldn't see any except that Twilight looked a lot better then she did those days after midnights birth " how are all of you? Your Midnight has certainly grown these last few years. He looked over to midnight and then questions started to spark on his mind.

" So has Midnight shown much magic talent ? Does she have a cutie mark? Is she showing signs of getting one?" Josh was about to continue when he realised that he was asking to much before letting answers come so he made himself be quiet and waited for Game and Twilight to talk again

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@Josh Riordan


Twilight and Game looked at one another in confusion then back at Josh he rose and told them he was sorry, and the both nodded and smiled at him. 


"It's no trouble at all." The said in unison. Josh then explained to them how he had been and told them that besides this, nothing was out of the ordinary. He then looked over to twilight.


"and pleas princess Twilight my name is Josh I am no sir." Twilight gave a chuckle and smiled towards him and gave a nod. 


"Of cores. And while I'm off duty, you may just Call me Twilight. Not much of a princess with out my crown." She said, gesturing up to her crown. She smiled and gave another chuckle. 


 "how are all of you? Your Midnight has certainly grown these last few years." He asked. Midnight hearing that he has noticed her grown. put her hooves on her hips and gave an over confident smile. Game smile and rolled his eyes at her, then bent down to nuzzle her, she replied with a sweet and cute little laugh causing Game to laugh and Twilight to look at her small family and smile. Midnight sat on her dads head as he leaned back up to look at Josh.


"We've been fine." Twilight began. "We've actually just moved back to Ponyville not a few days ago." Game nodded in agreement as midnight just sat and listened. Josh smiled and nodded then asked if she had her cutie mark, any signs of magic, and sighs of her cutie mark showing. 


"Yes actually " Game proclaimed. "She's been very good at her magic, she's able to lift a lot of things at once seance she was two." Twilight nodded and chimed in.


"She's even be able to cast just about every spell she wanted me to teach her. And she's up to 35 spells she can use." 

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Josh smiled and laughed lightly as Midnight put her hooves on her hips as if to look more grown up

"We've actually just moved back to Ponyville not a

few days ago." Game said..


"how nice I'm sure that it must be a real difference from the palace " Josh listened again and was told about how Midnight could lift things since she was two and could do 35 spells . Twilight also asked him not to address her as princess off duty. Alrighty then Twilight and wow thirty five?! " Josh exclaimed "she must be able to wreck havoc when she is in a troublesome mood then" He laughed again. Josh then thought to himself that he was probably disturbing the family and looked down at the ground thinking of a way to excuse himself so that they could get on although for some odd reason to him he didn't wish to leave "oh I just realised that all of you were probably busy before I interrupted I really am sorry should I let you get on with your day?" Josh looked up and gave an apologetic smile but thought to himself that leaving was a shame when he didn't need to after all he had nothing planned at all for that day




(I'm response to brackets below cause I can't think of much to do and fair enough I'll reply to something again if it brings me back in then :3 hehe this is fun)

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@Josh Riordan


Game and Twilight smiled and laughed at how surprised Josh seemed.


"she must be able to wreck havoc when she is in a troublesome mood then" He laughed again. Twilight and Game Design shared the laugh.


"Not at all. The only time she is cranky is in the morning and even then all she needs is her orange juice." Game explain. Midnight gave a chuckle herself. Josh then explained to them that he didn't want to take up much more of their time and was going to leave. Twilight and Game Design nodded.


"It was nice to meet you again." They said in unison. Midnight flew off of her fathers head and landed in front of josh again She then looked up and blew into his hood to get a better look at his face, but not so hard that anyponyelse could see. She smiled and blushed a little.


"You know mister pony?" She said taking a step towards him. "You're really cute." She uttered while still smiling and blushing. Twilight and Game Held their mouths open, and then both spoke.


"Midnight!" Midnight looked at her parents in confusion.




"You can't say that! He's much older than you!" Midnight looked back at josh and then back to her parents.


"But he really is cute..." Twilight and Game mimicked the same movements as if they where reflections of one another. First sighing then shaking their heads. Then they finished with a smile and nuzzle to their daughter. Twilight lifted her onto her back and they said goodbye to josh. As they left, midnight turned smiled, waved and winked to the blue stallion.


(Alright just an update. I'm not going to continue the main story until dan's part is finished, i don't want to make him read so much, sooo yeah :])

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@@Game Design,

Muddle could hear her door's soft bell ringing, and the sound had started to roused her from a short nap; but she ignored it and drifted back into a heavy sleep. Her shadow had fallen asleep next to Muddle rather than underneath her, and was much more alert to these sounds. It poked Muddle hoping she would wake up. It let out a long yawn and said, "You should probably get that..."

She rolled over to her left and right, apparently not have a very good rest. She heard the bell ring again, and rolled over to her right once more.

Her shadow started to count down from three as it slowly rested it's head back onto the bed. "3... 2..."

There was a loud thud as Muddle found her self gasping for air and holding random parts of her body, "Ow... alright I'll get it... but your coming too."

"She may sleep harder, but no one has anything on you when it comes to waking up."

Muddle trotted downstairs, and her Shadow garbed her hair band and jacket to put on as they hurried. "I wonder who it is?" With the basics out of the way, Muddle cast an instant shower spell on herself and opened the door. At first she was shocked to a pegasus holding flowers and candy, but once she realized it was Heart her attitude perked up. "Heart! How long has it been?"

(edit: Muddle no longer lives with her Mother.)

Edited by danzxc123

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Hearfull waited a moment but nothing happened.


"M-maybe she's not home. I should go." He said to himself turning to walk away, but then he turned right back.


"No! Come on Heartfull. You love this mare. You have to do this!." He let out a sigh and calmed himself. He stopped shaking and rung the bell again. He sat there and smiled as he waited. Soon he could hear the sound of hooves coming towards the door. He let out some more breaths. The door opened, and the mare of his life was standing right there. He couldn't help but lose himself in her looks. He heard her ask how he has been. 


"Oh. A while sorry about that... I was only able to get off today... But ummm. Muddle... I have to ask you something." He handed her the flowers and cakes, and then stepped back. He let out another sigh. The looked to her with a smile. 


"Muddle. We've been seeing each other for five years now. And." He paused as the thought about spending his life with her. Moving in, having children and growing old her. The possibility of her saying no completely skipped his mind. He reached behind him with his wing and picked up a small box and held it between him and Muddle. He sat on his knees.


"Muddle, will you make me the happiest pony in all of Equestira. Muddle..." He lifted the box closer to her he opened it to reveal a horn ring.


"Will you, marry me?"

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