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private Surviving in Equestria


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For everyone from the OOC thread, I am taking over because Star asked me to and i will do my best to see this through. Now let's get started.







"It was a while ago. I had a dream about a place that ponies can come to start over in their lives. A place that is peaceful and full of love and happiness. So i left my home in search of a place like that with a few carpenters. After a while I came across a wide open plain that was perfect for a settlement. The carpenters got to work on building me a home and a place for me to work. Once finished the ponies who helped me left to go back to their homes and i was left in this place waiting for more ponies to come."


Amethyst Star just finished her flash back of how she came to this new place. Her dream was yet to be fulfilled but she is a patient one. Sooner or later, more ponies will join her in this settlement. She sent out fliers and asked the ones who joined her to spread the word. Amethyst wants this dream to be real and nothing was going to stop her from getting to the end. This place of love and happiness. The place she called Grand Soran. The name came to her when she knew this place is going to be a grand place for ponies to live and that the name will fly through the hearts of all who live here.

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Spark Vision was walking down the path with his pack of supplies with the flier in an open pocket. he stopped and pulled the flier out to read it.

"hmm i should be getting pretty close to the spot by now." he said to himself.

"Hello!?" he shouted out. "is anyone around here?!"

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Scribe looked back along the road behind him. Traveling light - more through neglecting to pack anything other than what he usually carried with him - his armor clinked slightly as it shifted. Somewhere, he had heard a sound. In the distance he saw a pony.


"Huh, Wonder whats going on back there?" He wondered aloud.


'Oh I don't know, how about... nothing? He hardly looks in trouble, idiot.' His mind responded silently.

Doubling back to see what the figure might need, he waved a hoof as he wandered back at a leisurely pace.



"Hey!" The white unicorn called out. "You okay over there?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Spark Vision turned in the direction of the voice. "Hello! yes I'm fine, I just have this Flier here and I'm looking for the pony who put these up." Spark Vision said walking towards the pony. "I'm Spark Vision, who are you?" Spark Vision held out his hoof to greet this new pony.

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Right as Sparks Vision and Scribe shook hoofs there was a pop and a colt appeared next to them with a flier in his mouth.


'hewo im canglylijt' *the colt spits the flier out of his mouth* 'hello i'm candlelight, do you ponies possibly know where the place referred to on this flier happens to be?'

Edited by child of the night



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Notice: I am back for now. Thank you kibishi.

Amethyst Star looked at the clock. "The new ponies should've been here 20 minutes ago"

Amethyst Star looked into the distance standing outside her house. "I guess I'll wait a little longer"

So she waited and waited...

Edited by Amethyst Star
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In the distance i voice could be heard. If ponies listened closely, it sounded as though someone was in trouble. But soon enough the voice grew louder and was actually a shout of joy. Guardian Angel was the owner of the voice as he sped through the forest he was currently located in. He just recently returned from his four year training. When he got to his house he found out that he no longer lived there and instead a family who was less fortunate than him moved in. Being the kind and gentle stallion that he is, he let the family live there and even gave them some extra bits.


While out house hunting he came across a flier. On the flier was the answer he was looking for. A place to start anew. So he gathered all his stuff that he brought with him and sped off with a smile stuck on his face.

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@@child of the night,


"Scribe Shield: uh, guess you could call me a traveller... of sorts." He shrugged as he grasped the hoof with what would have been a firm shake, had he not stumbled back a step with the appearance of the unicorn.


"Woah..! That's... a unicorn! Uh, hey!" He said loudly in his surprise.


'Figure that out by yourself did you? What it the horn or the teleportation that gave it away?'


He winced as his thought pointed out the painfully stupid comment, shook himself and continued.


"I'm pretty sure I could see the place just over the hill: come on - I was already late ten minutes ago." He explained before setting off at a brisk pace - soon catching sight of his destination and waving a hoof at the pony waiting there: she didn't look impressed.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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(you probably could have entered the story a little smoother Amethyst, either way)


well i guess we will just follow you then, you seem to know where your going." Spark said happily. he wondered what this "leader" would be like. Spark hoped that whoever it was would be nice. "so where did you guys come from? I've never really lived anywhere specifically." Spark said trying to start a conversation.

Edited by Spark_Vision
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Soon enough, Guardian could make out some figures in the distance. At the speed he was going, he did not intend to slow down or stop. So he decided to just jump over them, and so he did. With as much strength as he can muster, he leaped high into the air over the ponies. He didn't want to be rude, and as he flew over them he greeted them. "Helloeveryponyniceweatherwearehaving...isthatafoal?" he landed and kept galloping. He looked back to see if they were going to say anything. BAM! He ran right into a tree comically.

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" i WOOD guess that hurt didn't it? Spark said trying to be funny. "are you okay dude?" acting concerned as he usually does. Spark is a very caring and friendly pony and hates seeing others get hurt. even if its someone he doesn't like he is still a helper to everyone.

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Guardian slid down the tree and his eyes rolled around his head. "Can somepony get the number to that speeding carriage?" he said through his daze. He shook off as much as he could and stood on all fours. "Yeah, that hurt a little." he said with a slight chuckle. Guardian looked back at the tree and saw the indent he made. "LEAF it to a tree to be in my way." he said jokingly.

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'Seriously? These guys are even less funny that you... and that's just sad.' Scribe thought to himself as he watched events unfold with a wince on his face.


"Uhm... You okay? That looked like it hurt more than a little." He asked, ignoring the insulting thoughts in his head in favour of trying to help - Spark seemed to have the situation under control though, so he instead chose to canter on ahead to greet the not-particularly-impressed looking mare.


@@Amethyst Star,


"Hey! Uh, sorry I'm late. Ahem, There are a few more just back that way: little bit of an incident - nothing to worry about." He said quickly, smiling sheepishly. "One of them picked a fight with a tree... the tree won."

Never quite forgotten.

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Candlelight walks up to guardian and helps him up


'if it means anything the last cart that i saw go by had the number 73 on it" I said while i helped up guardian, 'anyway can you feel any injuries, is there anything that i can help you with, i do know some healing spells'

Edited by child of the night



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(Sorry, spark. I was a little rushed at the time I wrote that)

"Welcome scribe to our new settlement" Amethyst Star said while she shook his hoof, "I am glad that you have chosen to move in and join us here, you won't be disappointed." she said friendly.

"As it turns out we have a have a little cottage for you over there" she pointed to the small cottage with her hoof. "I also have a present for you, its something I do for everypony that comes to our settlement" she said excitedly

"I hope you enjoy yourself here and if you have any problems don't be afraid to ask me" she said with a tone of seriousness.


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"haha! oh bad Puns are the best, I'm Spark Vision by the way." he said holding out his hoof and Flapping his wings. "im here for the supposed new settlement that is going to be made here. I got this flier and so did that one guy and this little colt. What is your name?" he asked.

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Guardian chuckled at their antics. "No thanks little one. I'm sure nothing is broken or hurting, and thanks for the offer," he said patting the little colts head.


He turned to the stallion that greeted him, "The name is Guardian Angel." he said shaking his hoof, "I too am looking for this new place. I gave my home away to a family in need and also gave them some bits to get by for a few weeks. Not long ago I came back from a four year training session and now I'm just looking for a place to settle down. Hopefully to start a family of my own." he finished with a loving smile

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'hey for your information i am not a child anymore, i drink milk, anyway now that I know you are ok i will go and retrieve my sister spirit, meet you at the colony, oh yea just to mention the colony is right over the ridge'

with that candlelight teleported away from them with a small pop
a tiny bit later there was a small pop at the colony and candlelight was seen for a second before collapsing

'oh celestia candle are you ok,' said spirit. 'yea only 3 teleportation spells in one day really drains a pony, i will need some time to recuperate, can you go and talk to the ponies over there about getting a room somewhere?' responded candlelight.

with that spirit walked away towards the 2 ponies that were at the settlement.


(just a notice, spirit is a pegasus and she is the sister of candle light, i will be controlling both, i hope you don't mind but if you do mind tell me.)

Edited by child of the night



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@@Amethyst Star,


"Oh! You mean... Huh, thanks!" Scribe said with a thankful, if slightly confused smile. A house? She was just -giving- him a house?


Well he wasn't going to argue with that!


"So... uh... your in charge around here then Amethyst? Can I call you Amethyst, is that okay?" He asked awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof - glad that the mare was so welcoming but a little embarrassed about the first impression he had made by being late... among other things.

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Amethyst Star,


"Oh! You mean... Huh, thanks!" Scribe said with a thankful, if slightly confused smile. A house? She was just -giving- him a house?


Well he wasn't going to argue with that!


"So... uh... your in charge around here then Amethyst? Can I call you Amethyst, is that okay?" He asked awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof - glad that the mare was so welcoming but a little embarrassed about the first impression he had made by being late... among other things.

"Yes, it gets lonely around here, so the first few ponies that come to this settlement will get a house for free of charge" she said kindly. 

"Now, you go and enjoy yourself and come to me if you have any problems" Amethyst Star said with a smile

"We have a bakery near your house too, baked goods there fresh every morning" she said confidently

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Listening to the foals words, Guardian trotted over the ridge and sure enough the little settlement came into view, "Well would you look at that," he said with a warming smile, "A new place to a new life." With that said, he made his way towards the settlement.


When he arrived he looked around for the pony in charge.

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Once scribe had walked away from amethyst star the little filly spirit walked up to amethyst


'hello, we are travelers from the lost colony of the children of the night and we found this flier, my brother, the colt over there, is weary as he as performed three teleportation spells in a single day, could we possibly buy a house or get a house, oh and we would love to work at a library to further our knowledge i you don't mind, i almost forgot, i am spirit and my brother over there is candlelight.'



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Spark Vision spaced out and just snapped back to reality, he trotted up to where all the other ponies were and one again, just in case there where some ponies who didn't meet him yet, introduced himself. "hello to anyone who has yet to meet me, I am Spark Vision." He said trying not to be nervous.

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Slightly annoyed that spark had come in right as she finished her sentence spirit responded, 'i am spirit the sister of the colt over there who is candlelight, he has completed three teleportation spells tpday and is tired out of his mind so i came to see if there was anywhere to stay' turning to amethyst star,'is there anywhere that me and my brother can stay, we would like to work at a library so... anyway is there'



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"Oh, yes little spirit, how are you on this fine day" she said with a sigh of embarrassment

She smiled and lead spirit and candlelight to a new cottage that was just finished a few days ago.

"Here you go, and as I've think I've said before for the first few people coming to the settlement the charge of living here is free" she said warmly.

After she lead spirit and candlelight to there new home. She went back and met with Spark

"Hello, and welcome to the place called Grand Soran. We have a bakery and shop full of antiques. We even have some cloud houses for the Pegasus families. So, Mr.Spark what house would you like" she said with a big smile.

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