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"I'm gonna grape you ponies!" What appears to be the grape version of the Kool-Aid said as he ran toward them.

"OH YEAH!" Yelled the Kool-Aid guy as he charged toward the grape. A large glass clanking battle started to ensue. It was clear that the human turned ponies have only mere moments to get the portal working. The six human turned ponies clambered around the gate to get it working. As if death was about to reach them, the portal sparked to life, engulfing the six human turned ponies and transporting them back the human world.


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There just happened to be a trampoline on the other end, and the six girls were bounced straight back into Equestria and went back into pony form. "WHY CAN'T WE JUST GO HOME?" screamed Human Fluttershy.


"On a brighter note, we took down the evil Kool-Aid guy," noted Human Rainbow, pointing her hoof towards pieces of glass lying on the ground, The six of them had smashed through him... and the other one as well.


"NNOOO! The red one was a good guy!" lamented Human Pinkie.

Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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One of the writers looked at the trolling writer with a, "You serious?" face. Sighing, the writer picked up his pen...

The portal died as the sad humans were retransported back to Equestria. The room they were in was a mess. Sadly for the humans, Twilight and all the others returned to the room, after escaping and devouring the pineapple.

The tension was as thick as steel. The MLP ponies, the humans, and the grapist.

Edited by Demirari


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Human Pinkie was very ticked off. She had a ticket for a movie that started in ten minutes. She screamed at some random passer-by, "IS THERE A CINEMA AROUND HERE??"


Looking confused, the passer-by responded, "Yeah... just a few minute's walking from here..." then ran away.


Human Pinkie gleefully trotted to the cinema, with a devious grin on her face... she wasn't there to watch a movie. She was there to make mischief...

"Hey, you! Where's the nearest romantic horror movie?" yelled Human Pinkie at at the clerk.


"Just down that way," replied the clerk, gesturing a hoof towards a corridor and not bothering to ask Human Pinkie for her ticket, who gleefully trotted in.


In the movie, a young colt was a victim of a monster. Human Pinkie laughed.


In another scene, a young filly was walking through a corridor. Suddenly, she stopped. Silence. Deadly Silence. Human Pinkie sat on a whoopee cushion.


Later, Human Pinkie threw her popcorn bucket high into the air... and about 80% of the screen was blocked. Human Pinkie ran out, giggling and snorting.


Then she tripped. She looked up to see the manager. He was furious. "I just want to show good movies, and you ambush my theater with your juvenile pranks!" he said crossly, then his eyes glowed red. The frightened pony gulped, and galloped away, tripping a few times.


Human Pinkie reached her five friends. "Uh, guys... This manager is pretty ticked off that I pranked his theater..." she said, motioning towards the manager, who then burned a tree down.

Human Fluttershy had an idea. She trotted up to the evil manager and put on a cute face that would not have been possible were she still human. "Okay, I give in! There's no way I could defeat your adorableness!" said the manager, running away.


Suddenly, Pony Scootaloo walked up. "Rainbow Dash? Is that you, my idol?" she asked.


"Uh... yeah, sure. Go fetch me some Twinkies," replied Human Rainbow, taking advantage of the situation.

Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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Not long after Human Rainbow Dash ordered the winged chicken to bring the mythical all tasty twinkles, dust began to kick up. Rainbow Dash had landed, she narrowed her eyes at the human turned pony, "Who are you? Are you a changeling!"


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Human Rainbow sighed, then explained all about the portal. "Whoa, dude. That's deep that is. HEY WANNA RACE??" replied Pony Rainbow.


"Okay, it's not like there was anything else to do," replied Human Rainbow, and, with her pony counterpart, she somehow flew away, despite not knowing how to.


"I am going to see some animals," declared Human Fluttershy, and trotted to the forest.


"Now that Little Miss Adorable is out of the way..." said a voice.


The remaining four once-humans turned round in horror. The evil theater manager was back.


"Chuck!" called Human Pinkie. Suddenly, Chuck Norris appeared (still in human form 'cos he's that awesome) and knocked the theater manager down in one punch. "Thanks Mr. Norris!" said the four colourful horses in unison. Chuck Norris nodded and left to go beat the crap out of some evil dwarves. Suddenly, Human Rainbow flew by so quickly that it opened the portal to the human world. Human Twilight, Human Rainbow, Human Pinkie, Human Rarity, and Human Applejack went through the portal, somehow knowing it led to their world. There was no trampoline this time. The five of them were back in front of Canterlot High, in their original bodies.


Meanwhile, Human Fluttershy stepped out of the Everfree Forest. "What did I miss?" she asked aloud.

Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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Then, Pony Rainbow flew down. Pony Scootaloo arrived with the Twinkies and brought them to Pony Rainbow, who looked confused and said, "I didn't order any Twinkies."


While Pony Rainbow and Pony Scootaloo were getting into whatever scrape resulted, Human Fluttershy...

OCs: RileyAnala

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The following a horrible scene of innocence and shame. We must look away from this strange, deadly, and pitiful scene. From now on, Sweetie Bell will be in a mental asylum for the next five years of her life.


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Oh, did we say five years? We meant five seconds. Anyway, Pony Sweetie decided to get revenge on Fluttershy. She rushed up to Pony Fluttershy. "I have ways of making your life miserable..." said Pony Sweetie angrily.


"What?" asked Pony Fluttershy, confused.


"Don't play dumb with me!" replied Pony Sweetie.

Meanwhile, Human Fluttershy had found a portal to the human world. She entered it. After checking she was a human again, she went on her way. Human Derpy went through the still open portal because shiny.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Ahem. Anyway...


On the other side, Human Derpy examined her new pony body. "Ooh! Grey!" she said.


Soon she met Pony Derpy. "Look at me, I'm a horsey!" said Human Derpy.


"Wow, no way! Me too!" replied Pony Derpy.


Pony Twilight noticed and realized that one of the Derpys must be from the other side of the mirror. She decided to return her before the two mentally deficient ponies caused chaos.


The two Derpys were picking each other's noses when Twilight arrived. She opened a portal and forced one of the Derpys through. She didn't know which one she had forced, but she didn't care.


She went to Sugarcube Corner and saw that one of the Derpys had dropped a plopper on the floor.


"Well, at least she wasn't flying when it happened!" said Pinkie from behind the counter.

Edited by Red Pegasus

OCs: RileyAnala

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