Skullbuster 1,906 November 19, 2013 #1 Share November 19, 2013 OOC: It is many years in the future, Equestria is a prosperous nation, although it is in a conflict with a rival country, no all out war has been declared, most battles are fought in little proxy wars or black ops missions, however most citizens dont worry or care, for no known battle has been fought on equestrian soil. Life goes on as usual in the sprawling metropolis of Canterlot, citizens go to and fro work, many ponies enjoy themselves in night clubs and bars, all feel safe and secure in what theyve been told is the most protected city in the world, it seemed like nothing could ever go wrong My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hive King 2,001 November 19, 2013 #2 Share November 19, 2013 Skuldaf grunted in pain as dozens of energy beams shot out of his horn, blasting clouds to nothing. He sighed in relief once his red and black magic died down. The fact that his power constantly replenished also meant he had to release energy every now and then, lest he want his horn to explode. Skuldaf sat back down and laid still waiting for the animals to come back "Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 November 19, 2013 #3 Share November 19, 2013 a siren ecoed in the dark of a tunnel "Celestia damn it! those bucking valves! ehi stupid computer! stay here... i'll go check what's going on down there" Volt was very tired... it has been a lot of time since working at the Cloudsdale weather Corporation... " how many years have i been working in this dam? i can't remember... memories are fading so fast... well better fix this mess up.. so i can finally go home... i just need some Applejack's Daniel and a soft clou sofa with an old record.. maybe tonight i will listen to the Trotting Stones... " Doctor Electron Volt was an electronic engineer, he used to repair and design all of the electronic equipment used in the CWC, from cloud generators to Spectra management.. ma since the 'incident' he was forced to leave.. no memories from what happened back there.. at the start it was a nice news to finally work in a small town outside the big city like ponyville.. but routines can kill you.. and Volt knows that very well... "ah for Celestia sake.. that valve exploded again!" Volt exclaimed looking at a big flowing stream of water under a red flashing light.. he grabbed an old pipe wrench, something that was outside its time, like it was forgotten long time ago and finally recoverd after years... "i am an electronic engineer! why i am supposed to fix valves and pipelines too?!" ... Volt looked at his back.. "Why i have to work alone!!! Why i am even talking to myself!!!" Volt was a pegasus.. and not just a simple one.. he could store the energy of a thunder and then use it, he could design terrifying devices like tesla coils or van der graffs... but times changes.. and he never changed with the tecnology... "vacuum tubes still works! why have i to replace them with transistors?? they will burn out during an electric storm! think about it! all this dam works under the control of those fancy computers.. what would happen if they fail?" "That's why you are here" replayed his boss long time ago.. "yeah thanks! But if they ALL fail in a single moment? like in a nuclear explosion? The entire town will be submerged!" "very probable.. go out from here Volt.. before i'll fire you.. you are being ridiculous" if only he could know what would happen... Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameytheGeemer 147 November 20, 2013 #4 Share November 20, 2013 Chain Mail was tired. Who wouldn't be after the day he had. He was on his way back to Canterlot from a Black ops invasion of one of the Changeling cities. Ironic, going on a secret covert mission into the den of the ultimate spies. It would be funny in a normal circumstances. Granted, seeing most of his entire troop turn on him, only to turn out to be changelings that killed the original, and having to kill all of them tends to kill the humor you have for a moment. "This can't stay like this for long. It just can't. The princesses will officially declare war on the Changelings soon." He said to him self as the coach moves over the border. "Then we can mobilize more troops than the few we have. Then it will all be over soon." He said, laying back so he could get some peace of mind again. "When did war become so tedious that it was mundane?" He asked himself. "It's not like it's changed, it's still the same going in and killing people. Is it that I've changed?" He started asking. He knew that a simple house on the foot hills of Mt. Canterlot. It was the simple pleasures that he enjoyed, nothing that he couldn't afford in his 50,000 bit a year salary (150,000 USD). In fact, he could afford much MUCH more than that. But he lived a simple life, and only occasionally did he go to the capital for some fun and clothes. They were usually good days. "Maybe I'll go into town when I get back. After all, I need something to take my mind off of the Changeling Kingdom." He said, thinking of his favorite club. "Why not, I've got a good nest egg saved up." 1 (Chain Mail) (Silent Blade) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 20, 2013 Author #5 Share November 20, 2013 As the day went on, Celestia appeared on the screen of a massive screen in the middle of the city, broadcasting from Canterlot Fortress, a large heavily fortified fortress that replaced the castle some years ago, they never tore down the castle, its just inside the fortress, Celestias words rang out all across the city with the help of megaphones and intercomes places all through out the city "Hello loyal subjects! This is your princess reminding you to have a wonderful day today, and the annual festival is next week! so remember to prepare for it! i shall talk to you all soon." the screen turned off as her broadcast ended My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hive King 2,001 November 20, 2013 #6 Share November 20, 2013 Skuldaf heard Celestia's broadcast and frowned as the birds flew off in fear. Skuldaf picked up some more bird seed and then scattered it over himself before entering meditation. Sure enough, birds eventually landed on him and began picking at the seeds "Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 November 20, 2013 #7 Share November 20, 2013 Volt was returning home, he hated the big city, but now he needed to go there to buy some new tools.. "Damn it... those wrench is still new! after only 3 years is now broken! Bah things were made better at my times..." while he were thinking about what shops he could go, a massive screen turned on, broadcasting the usual Celestia speech.. "damn creeps me out every time.. she is no more lovely such as when REAL harmony ruled over equestria.. she is like a big sister watching us all.. monitoring... and planning... bah i'm just crazy.. better keep going..." Volt entered in a small, old, dustry electronic shop: " 'Morning James!" Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameytheGeemer 147 November 20, 2013 #8 Share November 20, 2013 When Chain Mails carriage got within signal range, he got the message. "Have a nice day." He repeated to him self. That alone almost made him burst out laughing, for reasons that I made very clear in my last post, so I'm not going to bother reiterating. But then, he realized what that meant. Regardless of how heavy the losses were to the military, the princesses weren't going to cut their losses and engage full on war. "I AM going to the capital today, if only to plead the case of the soldiers to the princess." He said with conviction as the pegasi pulling the carriage landed on the ground. Chain had always preferred the traditional pulled wagon instead of the newer cars. Ran smoother at the least. And so, he walked off in the direction of the fortress. Still dressed head to tow in his soldiers battle uniform. He was sure to get a LOT of attention this way, and he doubted that a direct request for an audience from one of the few living veterans from the LAST secret war could be so easily ignored as one of the few citizens that try to get extra rations. (Chain Mail) (Silent Blade) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 20, 2013 Author #9 Share November 20, 2013 @@Doc. Volt, James the shop owner looked up from his counter "Hey volt! what i can i help you with today?" he asked in a kind friendly manner @@GameytheGeemer, As he walked by many civilians in the crowded street, looked with shock and worry, there was a lot of low muttering, eventually a city guard covered head to tail in advanced armor, it was golden, much like the rest of the city, shined to a mirror finish "Solider, I am getting reports that you are disturbing the peace" his voice slighty distorted, almost robotic in a way, due to the enclosed helmet "You were briefed that wearing that gear within city limits frightens civilians" My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameytheGeemer 147 November 20, 2013 #10 Share November 20, 2013 (edited) @@Skullbuster, "Yes, I understand that the people are scared by my uniform. But, do to the urgency of my visit, and that I just returned from the front lines, I haven't had time to change." He said, his voice, unlike the guard's, was worn down and tired, but still in a humorous way. "Besides, if I had it my way I would have just teleported into the fortress, but then that would just be making a mockery of your job by proving that security is in shambles." He added, his mind already racing for what he would do if it came down to a fight. He had no doub that he would win. He had helped win the last war Equestria was in. "That said, you would probably do well to tighten security. I've heard rumors down on the front lines before the changelings realized I was there that there are hidden soldiers already in Canterlot. A lot like how the first ever strike was. And so you know, you're the first person I've told. That's why I'm going to the fortress." He added, whispering that last part into the guards helmet. He didn't know how much the guards knew, or even the princesses for that matter. And it was only rumors, but it would make a lot of sense. And then, he walked on, keeping a peripheral eye on the guard as he kept on to the fortress. He had a war to stop. If not, than he would relish in a REAL war being fought for once. Edited November 20, 2013 by GameytheGeemer (Chain Mail) (Silent Blade) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 21, 2013 Author #11 Share November 21, 2013 @@GameytheGeemer, The Guard replied "any such act of teleportation would be useless against the magic barriers that are in the fortress, if you seek an audience with the princess i shall escort you there, the civilians would feel a lot safer if they saw me traveling with you" My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameytheGeemer 147 November 21, 2013 #12 Share November 21, 2013 @@Skullbuster, "I swear, it's like talking to a wall." He muttered under his breath. "Fine, though remember what I said about tightening security." He responded, not slowing down his gate. He used to respect the guards. That was before he started fighting the secret war on the hippocampi. Now, he had no respect for them. They had one job and so often failed. In his last few dealings with the guards he had heard they had taken on an almost secret police roll. Same as the SS from Germaney in the past. "After all, If someone like me can find so much as a single flaw in the castle's security you can be assured that enemies of the crown have found them as well." He added, not caring who heard. All this talk of civilians feeling secure in their homes at night in the middle of a war was really dumb. He was also trying to passive aggressively convince the guard into triple checking the security. He didn't actually know if there was a hole in security or not. (Chain Mail) (Silent Blade) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 21, 2013 Author #13 Share November 21, 2013 @@GameytheGeemer, "I assure you security is very secure" they came up to the fortress or at least the outer wall, a very imposing and mighty building, once inside the outer wall they walked outside a courtyard, there were guards every where, all wearing their mirror shined golden armor, some had large magic based rapid fire cannons bolted to the side of their armor, on the other side was a box of ammo, the ammo belt ran over their back to attach to the canon, they walked over to a second wall, and was cleared for entry, in the second court yard there were more guards, they finally came to the 3rd and final inner wall, they were cleared, and a unicorn guard stood there, he used magic to scan Chain Mail "Hes good, 100% pony, no changeling here, proceed to the fortress" they continued on their way through a thrid court yard, all the walls had towers on them with pegasus guards stationed in them, there were also pegasus guards flying around the fortress, the fortress gate opened and they were greeted with a unicorn guard who scanned both of them, they were let in, the guard with Chain Mail spoke "Wait here while a guard escorts you to the princess" My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameytheGeemer 147 November 21, 2013 #14 Share November 21, 2013 "I'm sure it is." He said. "I also hope, for your sake, that when the Changeling army arrives at the castle doors that it will go better than last time." He was of course talking about the long ago invasion attempt during Princess Cadence's wedding. "After all, what good are walls if there is an agent put there before they were up." He mumbled. He had been mumbling a lot around the guards. He still was scanning the security. (Chain Mail) (Silent Blade) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 21, 2013 Author #15 Share November 21, 2013 @@GameytheGeemer, After a little bit, another guard came, a Unicorn, with one of the Rapid fire canons bolted to him "I will escort you to the princess, she has approved of an audience, he escorted Chain Mail down a long hallway, there were lots of guards wondering about and standing post, cameras were on the celling monitoring everything, at the end of the hall way was a large wooden and stone door, it was the entrance to the old castle, its stone and wood look seemed to clash with the gold and platinum look of the fortress, the door opened and he was let inside, the old castle looked as it did several years ago before the fortress was built around it, the thrown room was at the top of a flight of stairs behind a large wooden door, there were few guards, they roamed the halls of the old castle, their state of the art armor seemed out of place in the stone halls My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hive King 2,001 November 21, 2013 #16 Share November 21, 2013 Skuldaf groaned as he entered the mind-scape, a land where all was malleable. It was a place only entered through meditation and a place Skuldaf went to often. He needed to go there often to filter out his programming and other negative thoughts. Once he was done with his daily cleaning, he opened his eyes and saw rats eating from his hooves "Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GameytheGeemer 147 November 21, 2013 #17 Share November 21, 2013 @@Skullbuster, "Ah, I've always loved the castle. Especially back when I was a colt. Learning how to kill. It always filled me with a sense of security." He said, walking the hallways he had long since memorized with the unicorn guard. "I don't see how you can stand to use that caliber of gun. Hard to maintain a good accuracy." He said, trying to strike up small talk as he walked along the halls. 'They must already know of the changelings in the city. But, do they know that they might have gotten a man in before security got this tight. Just like last time.' (Chain Mail) (Silent Blade) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 21, 2013 Author #18 Share November 21, 2013 @@GameytheGeemer, The Unicorn replied "Our guns have been magically linked to our helmets, so it aims where we look, besides, only the best of the best even get this job, all the city guards you see patrolling the city and the walls, even here in the fortress are all veterans of some black ops mission, or one of the proxy or secret wars, thought i think the council is abandoning the proxy war idea, we tell the citizens that we are sending soldiers to the zebra countries to defend them from the changling hoard, which is true in a sense, but city guards have mentioned that the citizens are catching on that there may be more to it" he made it to the throne room "here we are, enter when you are ready" My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 November 21, 2013 #19 Share November 21, 2013 "Hi james you know what i want.." Volt replied in a grumpy way "it's almost a pain for me to see you one time at month so don't waste my time... the usual pack of pegasi's transistors, a nice bootle of Vodka and please tell me why those guys are dressing like this way! it's not carnivall am i right?" stated Volt pointing his hooves out of the shoip doors to a group for military ponies " in that bucking hole of a dam should have burnt all of my brains' cells..." Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 21, 2013 Author #20 Share November 21, 2013 @@Doc. Volt, James went right away getting his stuff "Its some fancy new armor the guards have, you see grumpier than usual, what are they making you do down there?" he puts the items in a bag "see if you can get like a vacation or something" James walks over to him and hands him the bag "oh, by the way, ive heard a new transistor is coming out soon, supposed to be more durable" My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 November 21, 2013 #21 Share November 21, 2013 "are you the real James?" Volt turned his head to the counter " you know i hate new stuffs... i hate also to use those fancy transistor! i'm just forced to use them since i can't find ol' hearth ponies vacuum tubes! You asked just to piss me off eh?.." Volt started to stare at his own hooves".. sorry James... you are the closest thing to a friend for me.. it is just.. everything changed so quickly... everything.. it's like i've been in lethargy for the last decades... i was used to work happy, thinking about all the ponies that were using electricty produced from the dam.. now it is just a barrier to the water.. failling to pieces.. and i'm just tired.. really tired... i know i shouldn't say that.." Volt started to look around the shop to search for a clue of the presence of a television.. they were like small screen used to broadcast messages.. but Volt known that the broadcast isn't just only in one way... "...the thought police..."... Coast is clear.. " well i really hate this new city, this society... it's like the princess has put us in an eternal dream, we think we are all safe and happy here.. nothing to do.. just or normal schedules and you will be happy... but this.. this can't go on much long... you see James..." Volt looked in to the eyes of James, they were brighter than usual "maybe he drunk something.."Volt thought... "i have seen them... the changeling think... from the top of my dam... and i am not stupid.. why shoul royal guard have this kind of equipment? they are just worthless.. only a presence to make us feel safe.. nothing more.. than why? why spending so much bits only for a trick like that?" Volt then trowned some bits on the counter and started to walk away Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 21, 2013 Author #22 Share November 21, 2013 @@Doc. Volt, James sighed "I know, getting used to all this is a little hard, i just thought if i told you the new transistors are supposed to be more durable, youd at least have some hope that they are trying to improve,and i feel ya about dressing up the guards like that, i have the feeling that something is up, but when i think about it, i have to wonder, do i really want to know? but what ever it is, i think it has something to do with the conflict in the Zebra lands, i dont know what, but ive got a feeling" My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 November 21, 2013 #23 Share November 21, 2013 (edited) "i know James, sorry for being so rude... living all alone doesn't help.. i still remember the death of Pipe Wrench... killed by a computer who decided to level the pressure up opening a valve in front of his face... i don't like souless electronic.. yeah i'm an electronic engineer for celestia's sake but there are something that should be controlled only by those "dead pony's switch".. it freaks me out.. by the way Zebra lands? Is the skirmish still going down there? Pretty tits stuff... i should have joined the army.. a simple brain wash and memory whipe than you got everything forever... bah... i shall go James.. see you next months... oh ehi.. My bootle of Vodka..." Volt turned to the counter grabbing with his teeth a transparent bootle "fee.. you.. foon.." mumbled Volt while exiting the small shop.. Volt was standing in the big square looking at the massive amount of cars and ponies walking like automatons... "well time to go, Volt opened his wing and toke off..."I should be at home in abouuuuuu..." Volt was failing down to the ground, a big armored stallian was dropping him under his hooves "what the hell are you doing?? Are you crazy?" Volt hitted the ground very hard, a "crack" sound coming from his bag... a transparent bootle destroyed near him was spitting his content "you are violating law code numer 1984/45 comma b" "what in the hell are you saying stupid tin pony! You broke my stuff! Piece of sh..." The guard's hooves was now crushing in his mouth "You have the right and the imperative to remain silent, Ponies living outside the city are no allowed to fly without a signed licence, you are under arrest for: flying without autorisation, flying while drinking proihibited substances, offence to a public officer, talking while in arrest " The guard swipped some blinking cuffs under Volt's wing "AH NO you are not going to catch me so easy!" Volt with a shudder pushed away the guard an was getting prepare for the run when suddenly another guard was on him, coming down from the sky like a thunder... a big Taser was blinking in his mouth" "ahahah no no please stop ahah! you are tickling me ahah! stupid ahah idiot!!!" "i am electric proof ahah!!!" "we would see if you are also traumatic brain injury -proof" then a long metal bar was swinged on Volt's head... his laughter faded away... (OOC Edited November 21, 2013 by Doc. Volt Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullbuster 1,906 November 21, 2013 Author #24 Share November 21, 2013 @@Doc. Volt, Volt woke up in a small cell, it wasnt a jail, more of a holding cell, outside the cell, was Guard pony, his helmet was off and most of his armor, he just had the basic armor on, he looked tired stressed and exhausted, he probably hadn't slept in a few days "Alright civilian...whats your story?" My Let's Play channel: Need a guest Rapper on a song? talk to me!: NEW SONG: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 November 21, 2013 #25 Share November 21, 2013 "my... my head... where am i? Oh hell... i am not in the Miniver, the Ministry of Truth am i? No i don't think.. i will be dead if so..." "Your story" sayd again the guard "You want my story? here it is: once upon a time you died and i lived happily overafter! THE END! Happy now?!? Let me out of here, i did nothing wrong!" in the wall apposite the cell an old poster was standing behind the guard Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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